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Wraith Worshippers Anonymous - The Chill-Out Hive (Role Playing Thread)

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    Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post

    Steve: I am pretty special

    TP: And especially pretty
    KM: True and true


      Just because I'm scared of snails does not mean I will kill them. I always walk around them. I absolutely love spiders. Every time there's one on the wall I take it out with little fear. The think with spiders that we have to remember is that they are more scared of us than we are of them. They will only bite us when provoked. It's like sharks. Statistically we are more likely to be killed by a vending machine than by a shark.


        Seth: That's certainly true of the vending machines in TP's office... you should see the electrics down the back of those things
        Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


          Vending machines are evil creatures! I still haven't forgiven the one at Uni that ate my ten dollar note, spat out seven dollars change in ten cent pieces then forgot to give me my Vanilla coke. Considering this was the day before my thesis was due, I literally cried.

          Tony: My personal vending machine is a vicious creature


            Steve: *snuggles TP* Fortunately MY perosnal vending machine is always reliable and delivers as promised However... she does need regular maintenance, so I;m afraid she'll have to say good night now *sweeps TP up into his arms*

            TP: Just 5 more minutes? Pleeeeeeese?

            Seth & Steve: No, princess, it;s already waaaaay past your bed time. *blow kisses to worshippers and head off with TP*

            TP: Night, folks *waves and yawns*
            Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


              Night TP and Steve!

              Tony: *to Steve* Addict always delivers, wonderfully, but she likes to put up a fight.

              Addict: Even if it is short lived. *snuggles Tony* Well, unfortunately I have to disappear to. I have a weeks worth of grocery shopping to do. I'll be on GW tonight, but after that probably not till Saturday. I'm really hoping that the hostel has free wifi!


                Steve: *telepathically to Tony* No insult was intended, bro - I of all wraith know what a sweet little thing your worshipper is *blows kisses to Addict*
                Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                  Addict: *blushes manically and grins at Steve*

                  Tony: *grins at Steve* She is rather sweet, isn't she? *snuggles Addict tenderly*


                    Originally posted by Leeta View Post
                    Leeta: I remember once staying with Bobb in a small cave there was this REALLY big spider on the ground. We had this stone slab for a 'couch' and this monster spider kept stopping and going towards me. I shrieked and curled up into a ball on the stone slab. Bobb came rushing in only to see me cowering from this spider. I made him take it out after he laughed at me.

                    Bobb: It wasn't THAT big.

                    Leeta: hell it wasn't!

                    ooc: based on a true story! LOL
                    Orb: OK, so are Wraith afraid of anything?

                    Bullseye: I dislike being too far out of range of telepathic contact of a friendly hive.


                      Steve: We're a lucky lot here in the COH

                      Seth: *whistles*

                      Steve: Must go, bro - TP needs some purring Night, bro!
                      Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                        Betua: *brings in an assortment of scones with a large thermos of warm pumpkin spice hot chocolate*

                        Joanna: sorry, there would be more of that hot chocolate but, I kept drinking it. so good!


                          Orb: Thanks, Betua! *grabs a blueberry scone and pumpkin spice hot chocolate* Running out of food also scares me.

                          Bullseye: *wraps his arm around Orb so that his feeding hand is resting near her feeding spot* Me too.

                          Orb: *gives Bullseye a quick kiss on his cheek*
                          Last edited by WraithTech; 17 November 2010, 06:58 AM. Reason: typo


                            Awwwww... I always go over all goey when I see Orb and Bullseye together.

                            *Tony grabs a cup of hot chocolate and some raspberry and white chocolate scones for Addict*

                            Addict: Thanks Betua *kisses Tony on the tip of his nose* Thanks Tony-kins.


                              @Orb and TP: I don't like big cities either, and I usually hate talking to people on the telephone, except for my closest family members and friends. Cities make me nervous, in fact, I'm afraid of crowds and one of my worst nightmares would be to walk alone in the middle of the night through a city. I'm a nature-orientated person, and I'd rather be alone in a forest without a torch in the middle of the night than in a city. At least in the forest I wouldn't be afraid.

                              As a child I used to be afraid of spiders, but later I realised it was only a copied reaction because my mom is afraid of spiders. Now I can pick them up with my bare hands and put them outside. The only thing that happens from time to time is that I get startled by a spider if it suddenly appears unexpectedly next to me.

                              I always had a liking for creatures other people usually consider to be ugly. *huggles Rhys*

                              Rhys: And what's that now supposed to mean?

                              DS: If the shoe fits...


                                Its amazing how much all of the worshippers here share a lot of things in common, especially being obsessed with our handsome and addicting wraith guys!

                                Vanilla usually attracts spiders.. I guess i will have to change perfumes

                                Shaun: *grabs WS and sniffs her* NOOO!Noooo!!!!!

                                WS: *Hugs Shaun* I'm more afraid of Roaches ... more than any bug in the world!
                                I wonder what all of our green guys would be as bugs apart from the Iratus, like Steve is a butterfly being so beautiful. Karl would probably be a type of spider since hes sneaky and deadly.

                                Shaun: I'm a sexy bug

