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Wraith Worshippers Anonymous - The Chill-Out Hive (Role Playing Thread)

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    Yes I noticed. But I prefer the hairstyle with the little braids.

    Kenny: Thanks Steve but I already have many brushes courtesy of geeky.

    geeky: He does purrr sweetly when I brush his silky soft hair.
    Crowley: ‘Give Me Coffee or Give Me Death.’ It’s a funny name for a coffee shop.
    Nina: Everything else was taken.


      TP: Me too! I love braids... I sneak one or two into Steve's hair now and then! Hair brushing is one of the simple pleasures of wraith worshipping

      Steve: For wraith as well as humans *hands TP a brush and smiles sweetly*

      TP: Okay! *settles Steve between knees and starts to brush his hair*

      Steve: puuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrr
      Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


        geeky: awww how sweet.

        Kenny *hands a brush to geeky* Wanna brush my hair? *purrr*

        geeky: Sure sit right next to me.
        Crowley: ‘Give Me Coffee or Give Me Death.’ It’s a funny name for a coffee shop.
        Nina: Everything else was taken.


          *multiple wraithy purring ensues*

          Greg: *sides with Bob* What about us? You can't brush dreads!!!

          TP: aaww, why don;t you come and brush our hair?

          Greg: Sounds like a good idea, huh, Bob? *picks up brush and purrs while brushing TP's hair
          Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


            Bob *gently brushes geeky's hair*

            geeky: Bob your hair is lovely don't worry about not brushing it.
            Crowley: ‘Give Me Coffee or Give Me Death.’ It’s a funny name for a coffee shop.
            Nina: Everything else was taken.


              Indeed - Bob and Greg have wonderfully soft and fluffy dreads, perfect for cuddling in to
              Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                Yes they definitely do.

                Bob *happily purrs*
                Crowley: ‘Give Me Coffee or Give Me Death.’ It’s a funny name for a coffee shop.
                Nina: Everything else was taken.


                  Here is a site to help worshippers to maintain the dreadlocked wraiths' hair:


                  One routine that works really well is to alternate your maintenance weekly.
                  Week A you wash, use the accelerator, then palmroll and clockwise rub for a few hours before adding wax.
                  Week B you wash, use the accelerator, then palmroll and clockwise rub as often as possible, but don't add wax. During the B week your dreads will be a bit frizzy, but frizzy is good for starting new knots. During week B the new knots form, and during week A they work on turning from knots to dreads."


                    I remember finding that site ages ago when I threatened my son that I'd grow dreads!!!! LOL

                    I don't know how he does it but Greg manages to keep his dreads soft and fluffy, not frizzy He says they just grow that way naturally and prefers to spend more time snuggling than tending to his hair!

                    *snuggles Greg some more*
                    Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                      Neither of my Wraithy boys have dreads, so I don't need to worry about dread care... well, that's unless Eddie comes to visit, but when that happens there's usually very little hair care going on

                      Well, here is my appalling sketch of Tony. It's done in grey graphic pencils and artist colour pencils (just a more pronounced way of my saying "Ooooooh! I coloured him in with colour pencils!"). Hehehe. I've discovered that I'm a bit better with charcoal, paint and pastels... but unfortunately when I drew Tones I had to contend with pencil. Still.. practice makes perfect...



                        Originally posted by addicted_to_steve View Post
                        Neither of my Wraithy boys have dreads, so I don't need to worry about dread care... well, that's unless Eddie comes to visit, but when that happens there's usually very little hair care going on
                        I'll bet!!!

                        Originally posted by addicted_to_steve View Post
                        Well, here is my appalling sketch of Tony. It's done in grey graphic pencils and artist colour pencils (just a more pronounced way of my saying "Ooooooh! I coloured him in with colour pencils!"). Hehehe. I've discovered that I'm a bit better with charcoal, paint and pastels... but unfortunately when I drew Tones I had to contend with pencil. Still.. practice makes perfect...
                        Oooh-eeeeee! What a yummy wraith! ANd he's coming to see me this weekend

                        Steve: No need to get quite so excited about it...

                        Seriously, Addict, that's really nice - you got his personality across in his expression; fun but with a serious side And there's nothing wrong with coloured pencils - I use them often myself (not that that's a recommendation ), but many serious and talented artists do, too.
                        Wraith are really hard to draw, I find and you did a really great job. Besides, practice makes perfect and you know what practice means, don't you...? Lots of posing from our gorgeous green guys!

                        Edit: Oooh! Your Steve=Perfection siggie came up and it looks just like Tony! Great work, Addict!
                        Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                          Originally posted by addicted_to_steve View Post
                          Neither of my Wraithy boys have dreads, so I don't need to worry about dread care... well, that's unless Eddie comes to visit, but when that happens there's usually very little hair care going on

                          Well, here is my appalling sketch of Tony. It's done in grey graphic pencils and artist colour pencils (just a more pronounced way of my saying "Ooooooh! I coloured him in with colour pencils!"). Hehehe. I've discovered that I'm a bit better with charcoal, paint and pastels... but unfortunately when I drew Tones I had to contend with pencil. Still.. practice makes perfect...

                          That is a wonderful drawing!!! Now, we know exactly what is tattoo looks like. If you let Ciannwn know the post, she can add it to the slideshow.


                            Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
                            Oooh-eeeeee! What a yummy wraith! ANd he's coming to see me this weekend

                            Steve: No need to get quite so excited about it...

                            Seriously, Addict, that's really nice - you got his personality across in his expression; fun but with a serious side And there's nothing wrong with coloured pencils - I use them often myself (not that that's a recommendation ), but many serious and talented artists do, too.
                            Wraith are really hard to draw, I find and you did a really great job. Besides, practice makes perfect and you know what practice means, don't you...? Lots of posing from our gorgeous green guys!

                            Edit: Oooh! Your Steve=Perfection siggie came up and it looks just like Tony! Great work, Addict!
                            Thanks TP! It was seriously nerve-wracking posting that! I'm not very confident about my work (writing included).

                            Wraith ARE hard to draw, especially their teeth! The amount of times I had to re-do the teeth... But they do make extremely sexy models, and I intend to keep drawing, even if half of what I do never sees the light of day!


                              Originally posted by addicted_to_steve View Post
                              Thanks TP! It was seriously nerve-wracking posting that! I'm not very confident about my work (writing included).

                              Wraith ARE hard to draw, especially their teeth! The amount of times I had to re-do the teeth... But they do make extremely sexy models, and I intend to keep drawing, even if half of what I do never sees the light of day!
                              Your writings are awesome too. I can't wait to read more on FF, especially the non-PG scenes. I hope that you keep sharing more of your writings and drawings!


                                Originally posted by orbofnight View Post
                                Your writings are awesome too. I can't wait to read more on FF, especially the non-PG scenes. I hope that you keep sharing more of your writings and drawings!
                                Thanks Orb! [and thanks for you're previous post too!]. I just updated Undisclosed... and it has some very non-PG scenes. It's getting a bit plotless these days, but that's because I'm working on my next project. It's called "Going Native"... and it's pretty epic, lol! The plot bunny for this one almost literally jumped out in front of me (I was driving when I thought up the plan, and a bunny darted in front of my car. I missed it, of course, but the irony amused me ). Anyway... I know where UD is going .

