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Wraith Worshippers Anonymous - The Chill-Out Hive (Role Playing Thread)

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    Orb: I can see Edgar sneering together with Tony (sort of like in your Steve is perfection siggie) and you can have stereo sneering and purring.


      Addict: They can have sneering contests... Only, I reckon Edgar would always win... he has the sneer down-pat.

      Tony: *sneer*

      Edgar: *sneer*

      Tony: *sneer*

      Edgar: *sneer*


        Originally posted by addicted_to_steve View Post
        *Addict walks in, grinning at Edgar*

        Addict: It's official... I'm adopting him. I just need to sort out the paper work. *pulls out two bottles of wine* I just won these at quiz and was thinking I could crack them open in celebration... not only because E=MC Hammer^2 actually won a quiz night, but because I am going to adopt sexy sneering Edgar!

        Tony: I am not sure if I want to share...

        Addict: Trust me, Tones, once you get to know him better you'll love him
        Oh, how typical is that of that particular batch of pod brothers??? *gives Steve a look!

        Originally posted by addicted_to_steve View Post
        Addict: Ciao DS! I sympathise! Still, grocery shopping is always made fun with Wraith boys as company. As for Edgar... he is particularly striking, is he not? He has just lovely hair, and eyes, and have I mentioned the sneer???

        Edgar: *sneers*

        Addict: Ooooooh!

        Edgar: *to Tony* she is a pervert, isn't she?

        Tony: You just wait till she brings out the shackles
        Sounds like he's looking forward to it!!!

        Between pouting and sneering, you'll be in wraithy heaven, Addict! CONGRATULATIONS!
        Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


          Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post

          Sounds like he's looking forward to it!!!

          Between pouting and sneering, you'll be in wraithy heaven, Addict! CONGRATULATIONS!
          Hehehehehe... he does not know what he's in for. Still, I think behind that devilishly handsome sneering face of his, he has a deeply sensual and fun side, which I intend to reveal.

          Edgar: Will it include shackles?

          Addict: When doesn't it include shackles?

          Tony: *pouts* just as he doesn't get my rare 1815 circa convict ones.

          Addict: He'll get his own pair


            Well, on that shackle-y note, I really must be heading off to bed. I have a busy day of study ahead of me and my Wraith boys have informed me that they want to get to Uni bright and early so that they can vandalise my Honours rival, Ben's, locker. I think Tony is already a bad influence on Edgar

            Edgar: Says the worshipper with the shackles.

            Addict: point taken. Night all!

            *Addict, Tony and Edgar wave their farewells*


              Sounds like fun - nothing like letting them vent their wraithy aggression with a spot of vandalism!

              Sleep well and sweet wraithy dreams *hugs*
              Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                *waves to Addict, Tony, and Edgar* Have fun! I know you will!!!


                  Congrats Addict and Edgar. Have a nice time together.

                  Me and my boys must go now. See you all tomorrow.


                    *Betua comes back after a few hours with fresh sweets for all.*


                      Originally posted by Replicator Fifth View Post
                      *Betua comes back after a few hours with fresh sweets for all.*
                      Orb: *waves bye to Bajka and her boys and grabs a cherry cordial candy* Thanks, Betua!

                      Bullseye: *holds up a piece of candy shaped like a maple leaf* Is this maple? It smells like it is.

                      Orb: Oh, those are awesome: all natural maple and nothing else. It will dissolve in your mouth like maple syrup. *grabs a piece*

                      Bullseye: That is just what I wanted to hear! *grabs more maple candy*


                        *DS comes back in followed by Tommy and Rhys who are in mid-argument*

                        Tommy: You nearly killed us all.

                        Rhys: Ah, come on! You're exaggerating! DS is used to me taking a snack every now and then.

                        DS: Yeah, but not when I'm driving the car, I have told you so often. *puts down heavy shopping bags* Hey guys! I brought icecream for everyone!
                        *waves to Betua* Nice to meet you!


                          Orb: Wow, that is dangerous! What happened?

                          Bullseye: I have heard that human vehicles do not automatic piloting features. Maybe Tommy should drive.


                            Betua: you can drive? O_O

                            Me: he just found out about the earth vehicles.


                              Orb: I love trains. I can't drive one, but they are fun to watch and listen to. *roots through the ice cream selection and grabs some chocolate* Bullseye, look, today is your lucky day. Here are fruit sorbets just made of juice, no seeds or added sugar, and will also turn to liquid.

                              Bullseye: It looks cold. Well, it is pretty much ice. *tries a spoonful of each* I like it.


                                Originally posted by orbofnight View Post
                                Orb: Wow, that is dangerous! What happened?

                                Bullseye: I have heard that human vehicles do not automatic piloting features. Maybe Tommy should drive.
                                DS: Oh just the usual. Rhys feeling peckish on the highway.

                                Rhys: What? I withdrew my hand when I noticed the lorry beside us.

                                Tommy: I don't think it'd be a good idea if I drive the car, DS tells me I drive too slowly.

                                Originally posted by Replicator Fifth View Post
                                Betua: you can drive? O_O

                                Me: he just found out about the earth vehicles.
                                DS: Yep, I can drive. Cars are fun, Betua. Have you been to earth yet?

                                Originally posted by orbofnight View Post
                                Orb: I love trains. I can't drive one, but they are fun to watch and listen to. *roots through the ice cream selection and grabs some chocolate* Bullseye, look, today is your lucky day. Here are fruit sorbets just made of juice, no seeds or added sugar, and will also turn to liquid.

                                Bullseye: It looks cold. Well, it is pretty much ice. *tries a spoonful of each* I like it.
                                Tommy: We brought the sorbet especially for Wraith like Bullseye who need to be careful about what they eat.

