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Wraith Worshippers Anonymous - The Chill-Out Hive (Role Playing Thread)

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    Phineas: Now there's an idea... a paintballing match

    IV: Paintballs hurt more than water

    Phineas: *coughs* That's the point of not getting hit


      Originally posted by wraith_whore View Post
      That's okay TP. I just think eventually the both will understand their different ways and it will take time. As for Danny, he's a bit like Ciannwn's Fred and Neo, he's young and he likes his playstation and is begging for a water pistol match with Fred and Neo.
      LOL! Sounds like fun! Why not let him? hey! He can be a playmate for Junior!
      Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


        Originally posted by IV View Post
        Phineas: Now there's an idea... a paintballing match

        IV: Paintballs hurt more than water

        Phineas: *coughs* That's the point of not getting hit
        That sounds like a great idea Phineas! How about a paintball game for Friday night?

        I gotta go back to work now, folks Thanks for making lunchbreak more fun! TTYsoon *hugs*
        Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


          Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
          LOL! Sounds like fun! Why not let him? hey! He can be a playmate for Junior!
          That's true but after this one with Charles, I was planning on having one with Danny when Christhart is a bit older but I'm not I can see him as father material. However wraith can surprise us.


            Have fun TP


              Glad to have cheered you up TP! Have a good day. Maybe see you tonight.


                *is still snuggling her boys in a recliner*

                DS: Oh no. I missed TP and her boys.

                Rhys: Don't worry, you were very distracted.

                Tommy: Where were we? *tickles DS*

                DS: *giggle* Wait, I want to ask Joanne something. Can you already feel the baby? My little one used to have hiccups in my belly all the time, it felt funny.


                  Originally posted by Draco-Stellaris View Post
                  *is still snuggling her boys in a recliner*

                  DS: Oh no. I missed TP and her boys.

                  Rhys: Don't worry, you were very distracted.

                  Tommy: Where were we? *tickles DS*

                  DS: *giggle* Wait, I want to ask Joanne something. Can you already feel the baby? My little one used to have hiccups in my belly all the time, it felt funny.
                  Joanne: I have felt a bit of kicking and told Charles of it, but not any hiccuping yet.


                    IV: So I'll see about temporarily converting the pool to a swampy environment...

                    Phineas: While I'll get some sort of climbing rig, maybe a simulation, sorted so it's on more than one level.

                    IV: This is going to be one awesome paintball match Friday

                    Phineas: What do I get if I win?

                    IV: Your first feeding off me

                    Phineas: And if you win?

                    IV: Hm, that's more difficult. Black leather clothing like yours?

                    Phineas: Deal!


                      Originally posted by wraith_whore View Post
                      Joanne: I have felt a bit of kicking and told Charles of it, but not any hiccuping yet.
                      DS: Aww, that's so wonderful when you can feel the little feet. Wait until he has grown a bit, then you can even see it when he kicks.

                      Rhys: Can we change the topic?

                      Tommy: Spoilsport.

                      DS: Did I hear someone mention we'll be having a paintball match?


                        *Craig, Aurora and PA arrive*
                        Craig: Did I hear mention of paintball?


                          IV: TP agreed that we can have a paintball game here Friday


                            Craig: Wahoo! Paintball!
                            Aurora: Of course for those of us who don't want to get covered in paint we can still chill out and watch
                            Craig: Wimp


                              Phineas: *grins* They'll be popcorn available for those who don't compete so they can enjoy the action It can probably be in worshipper-wraith teams of two.

                              IV: And I'll get colour armbands sorted out so we know who is on what team


                                Originally posted by IV View Post
                                Phineas: *grins* They'll be popcorn available for those who don't compete so they can enjoy the action It can probably be in worshipper-wraith teams of two.

                                IV: And I'll get colour armbands sorted out so we know who is on what team
                                Joanne: Well I won't join because I can't waddle fast but I'm sure Charles and Danny would love to take part.

                                Charles & Danny:

