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Wraith Worshippers Anonymous - The Chill-Out Hive (Role Playing Thread)

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    Jasper: *yawns, then places a blanket round him and Senet* Sleep well my Queen
    Nghghgfhj *buries face in a pillow*

    Goodnight all


      - to those wondering why me and Mordrid were fighting, it was because he was given a magizine but a mysterious 'someone' who said it would help our relationship. in one section it said, argueing randomly helps couples cummincate better
      Mordrid - upon a closer look, the magizine was NOT one on how to get couples closer, it was how to get them apart
      - yes, so's time to hunt down that special 'someone' () and....well....have a nice 'chat'
      Mordrid - can i join in upon that hunt ?
      - of course maybe that magizine did and mordrid have never been closer....

      now.... let the hunt begin !!! ronon you better hide !!!!!!


        xD Run, Ronon, run, ronon, run, run, run! *hums along to the tune of run rabbit run*

        Jasper: Mghghj *sleepily waves up, still with Senet on the couch* Sleepy

        *hands over some coffee*

        Urgh, got a work-based thing at 10am my time x.x Someone stun me


          Originally posted by Senet View Post
          xD Run, Ronon, run, ronon, run, run, run! *hums along to the tune of run rabbit run*

          Jasper: Mghghj *sleepily waves up, still with Senet on the couch* Sleepy

          *hands over some coffee*

          Urgh, got a work-based thing at 10am my time x.x Someone stun me
          - i'm on holiday
          Mordrid - and after that last incident at the shopping centre Selene won't let me keep my wraith stunner gun
          - it's for your own good...those people were just walking passed us !
          Mordrid too closely in my opinion....
          - ... only my wraith...he could only be my wraith
          Mordrid - and i wouldn't change anything about it *kisses her cheek*



            Lucky I'm looking for a job, thanks to not getting into Uni'

            Jasper: You don't need Uni *snorts*

            <.< I do if I want to deal with historical weaponry

            Jasper: ...Nice. And yay for stunning random people ;D


              Originally posted by Senet View Post
              Lucky I'm looking for a job, thanks to not getting into Uni'

              Jasper: You don't need Uni *snorts*

              <.< I do if I want to deal with historical weaponry

              Jasper: ...Nice. And yay for stunning random people ;D
              - oh, well good luck. i'm stillat school..failing my exams oh and good choice -the historical weapons- weapons make everything better


                Hi whoever reads this. Guess what ?

                i talked to SW and she said we could do like a Halloween theme on Halloween. like a haunted hive or fancy dress party. we can even do like ghost stories ect. does that sound like fun ? hope you do

                Mordrid - i'll start building the haunted hive section
                - no !!! no no no no no !!!.....*finds he's gone already*....oh, lord help us


                  - *Dragging Mordrid out from pre-made haunted hive section* there is no way you're going to use a ZPM as a power source of a rollercoaster !!!
                  Mordrid - but why ? it'll go ten times faster than other coasters. which is bound to scare the tattoos off any hive queen
                  - you're willing to build or this stuff but you won't help me with my science project ?!
                  Mordrid - it would be like doing your work for you. you wouldn't learn the lesson needed
                  - mean -.-.... no cookies for you !
                  Mordrid - fine by me. i had something else in mind *steals a kiss and runs to get back to work*

                  sneaky wraith !!


                    Jasper: *pops a headband on with two fuzzy bats hanging off it*

                    Don't make me dye your hair pink, it'd look better...

                    Jasper: *eyes shiftily* You wouldn't dare

                    Oh really? >3 *prepares to tackle with a bottle of dye in hand*


                      Originally posted by Senet View Post
                      Jasper: *pops a headband on with two fuzzy bats hanging off it*

                      Don't make me dye your hair pink, it'd look better...

                      Jasper: *eyes shiftily* You wouldn't dare

                      Oh really? >3 *prepares to tackle with a bottle of dye in hand*
                      - that'll be a sight to see at the fancy dress party. a wraith in nothing but pink !!! hehe....*side looks at Mordrid* hmm
                      Mordrid - don't even think about it


                        Originally posted by Senet View Post
                        Jasper: *pops a headband on with two fuzzy bats hanging off it*

                        Don't make me dye your hair pink, it'd look better...

                        Jasper: *eyes shiftily* You wouldn't dare

                        Oh really? >3 *prepares to tackle with a bottle of dye in hand*
                        We dyed Karl's hair pink once...
                        If found, is probably lost on the way to Azaroth or the Pegasus Galaxy


                          Pink hair does look kind of interesting on a Wraith. We had dyed Karl's hair pink not long ago. When I remember correctly geekywraith put the pink colour into his shampoo and he was really annoyed for months because it didn't wash off.

                          Now his hair is pure wraithy white again though and he has much better manners too so no one would even think of taunting him again.


                            *chuckles* Nice xD

                            Jasper: *currently tries holding Senet's wrists, leaning away from the bottle dye of impending doom*


                              Originally posted by Senet View Post
                              *chuckles* Nice xD

                              Jasper: *currently tries holding Senet's wrists, leaning away from the bottle dye of impending doom*
                              - i bet 5 bucks his hair ends up pink
                              Mordrid - i'll take that bet, when something importnat pops up, wraith can do unimaginable things.... and protecting their hair is one of them


                                - hello ? guess no one's around
                                Mordrid - fine by me *shares a recliner with her with coat fully open -a sign he's happy and relaxed, and that he's forgiven her*

