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Wraith Worshippers Anonymous - The Chill-Out Hive (Role Playing Thread)

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    Have fun SW

    @Pleiades: Yep, a male wraith as I don't have a dress that'd look suitable enough for a hive queen or anything. Just need to stock up on facepaint, maybe a prosthetic or two, a wig and some teeth xD I don't go anywhere, but it's my annual chance to try and scare as many people as possible.


      Originally posted by Starry Waters View Post
      WEll I've got to take off for my group that meets on Sunday evenings! You all have a good time!! TTY tomorrow!! Big hugs all!!
      I forgot about our clocks going back and thought you still had an hour!
      Talk to you tomorrow - big hugs, sis!
      Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


        Originally posted by PleiadesAltariel View Post
        Craig: Good to hear

        Can't you raid a friend's cupboards and find some?
        Well, the only friend who might have some is 3 hours away in Vienna.

        Originally posted by Starry Waters View Post
        Retail doesn't close down very often here even for holidays!! Christmas day and Thanksgiving and some are still olpen then.
        They are very strict here and insist to close at Sundays and all regular holidays.

        Bye SW.


          Originally posted by Starry Waters View Post
          WEll I've got to take off for my group that meets on Sunday evenings! You all have a good time!! TTY tomorrow!! Big hugs all!!
          Bye bye SW
          If found, is probably lost on the way to Azaroth or the Pegasus Galaxy


            Originally posted by Starry Waters View Post
            A biscuit here is a floury, non sweet bread that heavy and often served at breakfast like in a egg and biscuit sandwich.
            Originally posted by Senet View Post
            Have fun SW

            @Pleiades: Yep, a male wraith as I don't have a dress that'd look suitable enough for a hive queen or anything. Just need to stock up on facepaint, maybe a prosthetic or two, a wig and some teeth xD I don't go anywhere, but it's my annual chance to try and scare as many people as possible.
            Sounds like you'll have fun
            Originally posted by WraithCat View Post
            Well, the only friend who might have some is 3 hours away in Vienna.

            They are very strict here and insist to close at Sundays and all regular holidays.
            Oh I guess cyber jelly beans will have to do


              Originally posted by Starry Waters View Post
              A biscuit here is a floury, non sweet bread that heavy and often served at breakfast like in a egg and biscuit sandwich.
              Sounds like Scottish butter biscuits... like a cross between a brioche roll and a muffin/crumpet.
              Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                *PA, Aurora and Craig wave goodbye to SW*


                  Todd: TP's been awfully quiet, Steve... *looks down at TP*
                  Steve: aawww, look, she's fallen asleep *gently picks TP up*
                  Todd: Please excuse us, ladies... TP has to go back to work tomorrow so we need to make sure she gets a good night's sleep
                  Steve: Nigth everyone! *carries TP off to bed*
                  TP: *waves sleepily* Nigth everyone
                  Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                    Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
                    Todd: TP's been awfully quiet, Steve... *looks down at TP*
                    Steve: aawww, look, she's fallen asleep *gently picks TP up*
                    Todd: Please excuse us, ladies... TP has to go back to work tomorrow so we need to make sure she gets a good night's sleep
                    Steve: Nigth everyone! *carries TP off to bed*
                    TP: *waves sleepily* Nigth everyone
                    Night night TP
                    If found, is probably lost on the way to Azaroth or the Pegasus Galaxy


                      *PA, Aurora and Craig wave goodbye to TP and her boys*


                        Craig: So who's up for guessing the flavour of the jelly bean?


                          Originally posted by PleiadesAltariel View Post

                          Sounds like you'll have fun

                          Oh I guess cyber jelly beans will have to do
                          But I still have eone big jellybean. *snuggles up to Jareth*

                          Goodnight TP.


                            Craig: Okay, things have died down a bit so... I have a yellow jelly bean, what flavour do we think it is?


                              Originally posted by PleiadesAltariel View Post
                              Craig: Okay, things have died down a bit so... I have a yellow jelly bean, what flavour do we think it is?
                              Depends on the jelly beans yiour using
                              If found, is probably lost on the way to Azaroth or the Pegasus Galaxy


                                I´m still here ... pineapple?

                                Edit: Just saw your new Kenny+Todd siggie.

