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Wraith Worshippers Anonymous - The Chill-Out Hive (Role Playing Thread)

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    Addict: *to Greg* That was truly amazing! I didn't understand a word, but now I want to learn Scots' English

    Tony: It sounded a lot better than Tasmanian English.

    Addict: You make a fair point, dear sir. *grabs some kettle/toffee popcorn* Yum, I love this stuff. We call in caramel popcorn in Tasmania *reclines on the loveseat, hugging Tony*


      TP: *winks at Tony* Come visit me sometime, babe, and I can teach you...

      Steve: *facepalm* What is she like...?

      Greg: A Wraith gets the kind of worshipper he deserves!!! LOL


      Seth: Well, TP's always willing to share, bro - so maybe you could learn a thing or two form her!

      Steve: Okay, I can do that! *races across room and snuggles Addict*

      TP: *beckons to Tony seductively*
      Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


        Watching the runway models on tv , I think there should be a wraith modeling show


          Originally posted by WraithSlave View Post
          Watching the runway models on tv , I think there should be a wraith modeling show
          Steve: I'm up for that! *preens and pouts*

          TP: Actually that's a rather good idea! But... wouldn't Steve and Shaun (and Tony!) get a bit over-competitive?!?

          Steve: *grabs TP and heads for his room* Come on, babe - you need to start brushing my hair and stuff if I;m to look my best.

          TP: Oh, believe me, hon - once I start on the "stuff" your hair is going to be very far from smooth!!!
          Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


            Tony: *hears the words "Wraith" and "model" in the same sentence and automatically starts pouting, swishing his hair and posing*

            Addict: *facepalm* Oh dear.

            Tony: *winks* Don't lie, you love it. *smirks at Shaun and Steve's retreating back* Both of them know that I would win any competition.

            Edgar: *snorts* Evidently not a modesty competition.

            Tony: Modesty is overrated. *removes his jacket and shirt and poses again.*

            Addict: O_O'

            Edgar: It's a modelling competition, not a porno. Put your clothes back on, idiot.

            Addict: I would tell you to stop arguing, but it's far too sexy

            Edgar and Tony: *both kiss Addict on the cheek*


              @ Addict:

              Looks like we're going to have a beauty contest instead of a fashion show!!! LOL
              Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                *Ciannwn and Boris arrive in time to hear TP's remark*

                Ciannwn: So who else is entering the contest?


                  TP: How about Boris? He has his own kind of beauty!

                  Steve: The contest will be open to anyone... anyone who thinks they can compete with me, that is...

                  Greg: I think you have some serious competition from SHaun and Tony there! LOL


                  TP: *facepalm*
                  Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                    Ciannwn: Boris could go for the athletic and muscular category.

                    Boris: Oh, why not.


                      Originally posted by ciannwn View Post
                      Ciannwn: Boris could go for the athletic and muscular category.

                      Boris: Oh, why not.
                      Greg: I could do that too! *flexes biceps*

                      TP: Oooh, different categories! What a good idea! So we can have the Mr Muscle category... the Pretty Boy category...

                      Steve: You're living dangerously now, Princess - unless you want to be an entree...


                      Eddie: And we could have a Stunning Stunner category, which of course, I will win...

                      TP: Oh, I don;t know... Bob's stunner is quite amazing...


                      Seth: Oooh look - Steve and Eddie are in agreement! Amazing!

                      Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                        Ciannwn: I'm looking forward to seeing this.

                        This is what Boris will look like in the contest.



                          He sure does have lots of tattoos.


                            TP: That sure is Wraith beefcake!

                            Steve, Seth, Eddie & Greg: *all stand with arms folded and toes tapping*

                            TP: Why d'you think I hug Boris every chance I get, hmmm? Ciannwn has the priviledge of counting all those tattoos, though

                            Greg: Does he have a "special" tatoo like I have?

                            TP: Only Ciannwn knows! Hey - that could be another category - the most tattoos! I suspect Spike might win that one
                            Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                              Edgar: *to Tony* Boris makes you look like a queen.

                              Tony: And what would you know about that? You're not even competing.

                              Addict: Settle down you too. *admires Boris' tattoos* I'm keen about this competition! Sexy Wraith parading about. Who is going to judge?... Edgar?

                              Edgar: *cocks eyeridge* If you think I am going to sit about watching them you are sorely mistaken. I am competing

                              Addict: *little fangirl squeak* Yessss! In what catagory?

                              Edgar: The same as Boris. Now that I know this is more than a beauty pageant.


                                TP: Ooohhhh! Edgar, Wraith beefcake! Does that mean he's gonna get his kit off, like wot Boris did? This is becoming fun! *looks pointedly at boys*

                                Steve: Only if you call it something other then the "Pretty Boy" category!

                                Greg: I'm going for the beefcake category!

                                Eddie: Stunning Stunner contender here! Bring it on, Bob!

                                Seth & Aurel: What category do we get?

                                TP: How about Cleverman of the Year? *looks around for Todd*

                                Todd: Do not even think about it, my Pet... I am in a category all of my own!
                                Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar

