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Wraith Worshippers Anonymous - The Chill-Out Hive (Role Playing Thread)

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    Steve: *nudges TP* Told you


    Steve: Now... what we need is a story like that but with ME in it

    TP: And...?

    Steve: Well, not Eddie... and certainly not Shawn... Kenny? Meh, too serious...


    Steve: Let me think about this a while...
    Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


      Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
      Steve: *nudges TP* Told you


      Steve: Now... what we need is a story like that but with ME in it

      TP: And...?

      Steve: Well, not Eddie... and certainly not Shawn... Kenny? Meh, too serious...


      Steve: Let me think about this a while...

      Tony: *mentally to Steve* I can think of one pairing that would make Addict very happy.


        Originally posted by addicted_to_steve View Post
        Tony: *mentally to Steve* I can think of one pairing that would make Addict very happy.
        TP: oooOOOOoooo, now that would be like seeing double!

        Steve: That would be quite acceptable...

        TP: And even better if it was a pic rather than a fic... *looks around at worshippers who are cleevr with Gimp and PhotShop and stuff*
        Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


          Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
          TP: oooOOOOoooo, now that would be like seeing double!

          Steve: That would be quite acceptable...

          TP: And even better if it was a pic rather than a fic... *looks around at worshippers who are cleevr with Gimp and PhotShop and stuff*
          *steers clear as I am not talented with any of these programs*

          Addict: However, we mustn't forget Tony's distinguishing tattoo.

          Tony: *reveals distinguishing tattoo*

          Addict: *chokes* I meant the one one your face! Sometimes I wonder if there's more Eddie than Steve in you.

          Tony: *raises eyebrows*

          Addict: I did NOT mean it that way, you dirty dirty dirty...

          Tony: *saunters toward potted plants while Addict follows, still stuttering*

          OOC: To whomever so chooses this task, I give you full creative jurisdiction over Tony - as long as I get to see/read the finished result before it's posted


            Betty: Spank me worshiper, I've been bad
            HR: Yes my Queen! *is in Eddies place in the picture*
            My videos
            My art


              *PA stops by for a bit of relaxing time on the hive with Aurora and Craig*
              Craig: Hmm, quiet tonight.
              Aurora: Oh well *snuggles up with PA on the sofa*
              *Craig leaves a big tin of cakes and cookies for anyone who comes in later*


                *PA looks at her watch and realises she has to get back to Earth to watch her TV program*
                PA: Sorry boys

                *PA, Aurora and Craig leave for home*


                  *Shaun leaves a basket of fresh grapes and cherries with whipped cream on the table for everyone as he sits next to his worshipper*

                  WS: *hugs Shaun*


                    TP: Damn - we missed Craig!

                    STeve: And this concerns me because...?

                    TP: Oh come on, you know you like - *spots grapes and cherries* Oooh, yummy!

                    Steve: *spots whipped cream* Ooh, look Princess - my favourite food garnish!

                    TP: Only if you feed me cherries first

                    Steve: *grabs whipped cream, big handful of cherries and TP and races behind potted plants*
                    Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                      Bajka and boys drop to the COH in good time.

                      Bajka: Ohh, so many yummy foods.

                      Bajka takes some fruits and cakes. Marek and Rocky take too something.

                      Gregus: Next time we must bring here something. Now I will go and made some tee.


                        *DS sneaks in with Tommy and Rhys to spend some relaxing time behind the potted plants, taking Eddie's manual No 12 with them*


                          *DS stumbles out from behind the potted plants, looking ruffled and confused*

                          DS: Geez! Look at that! *points at calendar* We've been behind there for six days!

                          Rhys: *saunters out* And you enjoyed every single minute, admit it.


                            at Rhys!

                            Steve: *trudges past carrying an enormous packing box* We're helping TP move house

                            Greg: *saunters past carrying FOUR packing boxes at once* Isn't it exciting?

                            Seth: *strolls past with 10 packing boxes on a wheeled trolley* She's moving into a lovely cottage - we'll all be so cosy...

                            Eddie: I'm packing my own special toy box

                            Aurel: And I'm making sure TP has her crystals and candles

                            Todd: *strides past followed by 20 drones all carrying packing boxes* I haven't seen her this excited in ages - it's rather cute!

                            TP: The only thing is, I'll be out of communications range for a week or two

                            Todd & Co: Hmmm... that might not be a bad thing... *whistle on human removal men to take over the packing while they all snuggle TP*
                            Last edited by Todd's Pet; 20 September 2011, 02:29 PM.
                            Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                              Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post

                              Eddie: I'm packing my own special toy box

                              Only one toy box Eddie? I honestly thought that your toys would constitute 80% of what TP was taking

                              *Tony, Edgar, Flotsam and Jetsam bundle through the mini SG and start helping with the house moving*

                              Addict: They can stay with you for as long as you need them... as long as they come back at night

                              Tony: *jumps back through the SG and snogs Addict* As if we'd leave you at night. Who else will fill up that big empty bed?

                              Addict: Congrats on getting the little cottage TP. It's really exciting and I look forward to seeing some pics


                                *holds up a picture of her cat*

                                Look at my little prince nuada

                                Shaun: Why didn't you name him after mee...

                                WS: because hes not mean

