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Wraith Worshippers Anonymous - The Chill-Out Hive (Role Playing Thread)

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    DS: Oh, thank you, WS and Shaun! *takes a piece of cake* Yummy!

    Tommy: *helps himself to a piece of cake of his own, snuggles up to DS and starts to purr*

    DS: Any particular reason for that purring, dear?

    Tommy: Did I purr?

    Rhys: Yes, you did.

    DS: Yes, you did. Do go on, please. It feels so nice. *kisses Tommy's cheek and traces his viper pits with her fingers*

    Tommy: *purrrrrrrrr*
    Last edited by Draco-Stellaris; 10 June 2011, 10:09 AM.


      Originally posted by WraithSlave View Post
      Happy Birthday DS & KM *hugs from WS & Shaun*

      KM: Thanks, WS.

      Originally posted by addicted_to_steve View Post
      *Addict and her boys wander in, Addict helps herself to a peice of the delicious birthday cake, settles on a nearby sofa and starts to read*
      KM: What are you reading?


        Originally posted by KyshaMalini View Post
        KM: What are you reading?
        Addict: The Wraith's Reluctant Worshipper, a classic smutty romance novel


          HR: So ladies, what am I having tonight?
          Ruby: CHOCOLATE SAUCE!
          Mina: Whipped cream
          Laura: Strawberries!
          HR: wow that's a lot of sugar! It'll keep me up all night!
          Betty: That's the point
          Sally: *smiles*
          *Ruby opens a tube of chocolate sauce and covers herself with it*
          *now HR smiles*
          Tania: *looks at the other Queens and then at HR* I'm first. Come on! *she says and grabs HR's arm and pulls him away*
          HR: Yes my Queen! Looks like I don't have much choice anyway
          Tania: you're not complaining are you? *she says but doesn't look at HR and just continues to drag him forward*
          HR: Not one bit my dear
          My videos
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            *Shaun brings out the cherries with WS and sits at the table eating them with his fork with whipped cream*

            *Karl shakes up the whipped cream and almost sprays Shaun in the face but sprays WS and licks it off of her face while Shaun sticks the cherry in her mouth*



              Steve: Cans of squirty whipped cream? That's my signature food adornment, bros! Who's up for squirty cream cans at high noon? LOL *holds two cream cans aloft like six shooters*

              Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                Originally posted by addicted_to_steve View Post
                Addict: The Wraith's Reluctant Worshipper, a classic smutty romance novel
                Leeta: You must let me borrow that book after you're done! *goes back to reading 'Spell of the Blade'*

                Astor: Why read those books when you have me?

                Leeta: Well this is technically my 30th time reading this wonderful book but you're right. Lets go! *throws the book behind her and heads back to the private quarters with Astor*
                The worship of Talos is strictly forbidden!


                  Originally posted by Leeta View Post
                  Leeta: You must let me borrow that book after you're done! *goes back to reading 'Spell of the Blade'*

                  Astor: Why read those books when you have me?

                  Leeta: Well this is technically my 30th time reading this wonderful book but you're right. Lets go! *throws the book behind her and heads back to the private quarters with Astor*
                  Addict: Sure thing! It's right up there with Love Slave to the Wraith, In the Cleverman's Bed and a classy classic Steamy Wraith love in a Dart.

                  Tony: *picks up the latter* This title isn't even subtle!

                  Addict: Since when have you known that author to ever be subtle?

                  Tony: I know the author?

                  Addict: *points to the book*

                  Tony: ... Steamy Wraith love in a Dart by... ADDICTED_TO_STEVE!!!???

                  Addict: Well, I have to occupy my time somehow, when I'm not having steamy Wraith love in a dart. Look at the main character.

                  Tony: YOU CALLED THE WRAITH ANTOINE?

                  Addict: The best authors write from experience


                    *Gregus, Bajka, Marek and Rocky came to The COH.*

                    Gregus: Hi everybody. Listen, Rocky decided to join me and my family. From today he lives on our board and will accompany us everywhere.

                    Marek: I always wanted to have a brother. Now I have a great friend. Unless we can brawl we like.

                    Bajka: Ehmmmm...

                    Marek*to Bajka*: Oh, I have you too my friend.

                    Gregus: And about brawl...

                    Marek: Just a little...

                    Rocky: Don`t worry, Gregus.


                      *Tania just gives Rocky a little nod as a "hello"*
                      HR: Hi Rocky
                      My videos
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                        Rocky: Hi!


                          TP: *bats eyelashes and blows kisses at Rocky*

                          Steve: Hey! Over here, Princess!

                          TP: *snuggles Steve*
                          Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                            Astor: *waves* Hello brother.

                            Leeta: Hi. *to Astor* You and your brothers look so much alike!
                            The worship of Talos is strictly forbidden!


                              Tania: Now now HR, you can play with Rocky tomorrow. Now it's bed time for you....and me
                              HR: Aww come on can't we play a little bit?
                              Tania: What would you rather do, play with Rocky or *whispers into HR's ear*
                              HR:I'd much rather do that!
                              Tania: I figured you might
                              Mina: Hey I'm coming too! I haven't had a full good days of worship! And I feel like punishing someone because of it
                              HR: I guess this is what you get for being naughty
                              Good night all! *heads off with Tania and Mina*
                              My videos
                              My art


                                Rocky*with gorgeous smilie*: Hi girls.
                                Rocky*to Astor*: Hi brother.

                                Sorry, I must go sleep. See you tomorrow.

