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Wraith Worshippers Anonymous - The Chill-Out Hive (Role Playing Thread)

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    Originally posted by WraithSlave View Post
    Shaun: *Sets his fork and goblet down then walks up holding his worshipper's hand wiping her tears and taking her into the room to lay down and have a break*
    Addict: *angrily to Tony* Now look what you've done, you've upset WS!

    Tony: I have not.

    Addict: You all have. You're so mean to Shaun! *looks at Leeta's tasty picture of Shaun and Steve fighting... while brooding*

    Tony: You're very cute when you brood.

    Addict: Did you just say I was cute? *starts to giggle*


    Edgar: Wow, that lasted a record three seconds.

    Addict: I'm still unimpressed with everyone who picked on Shaun, even though I don't appreciate the second hand smoke.


      Originally posted by addicted_to_steve View Post
      Addict: *angrily to Tony* Now look what you've done, you've upset WS!
      KM: I really don't think that was Tony's fault. *Looks pointedly at Azrael*

      Azrael: You threatened him, you weren't exactly a saint in this yourself!

      KM: He threatened you, I got defensive. However, I'm not the one giving lectures on caring about the other people on the ship, now move your but over there and apologise.

      Azrael: *Mumble mumble*

      KM: *Taps foot*

      Azrael: Alright, I'm going. Jees.


        Steve: *from TP's room* Can't blame me this time! And at least I don't have to kiss and make up!

        TP: Steeeeeve

        Steve: What? O_O

        TP: Stop stirring it!
        Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


          Addict: *to KM* I know it it wasn't Tony's fault, but he looks so adorable when I blame him for things.

          Tony: I am not adorable!

          Addict: Awwww... but you're such a little cutey-pie!

          Tony: *slams hand over Addict's mouth as she starts to giggle* If I called you that you'd hit me in a certain place so hard that I wouldn't be able to worship you for a week!

          Addict: *mumbles against his hand*

          Tony: I'm not going to let you go until you promise to call me a strong, terrifying and delicious example of Wraith maleness.

          Addict: *raise eyebrows but nods... Tony moves his hand away* Am I allowed to call you a self-absorbed deluded imbecile?

          Tony: Better than adorable

          Addict: But back to Shaun. I want you to go with Azrael to apologise. Go! Go!


            Leeta: Was WS crying??

            Astor: I'll go cheer her up. *goes to WS to see if she wants cheering up, the only way Astor can*
            The worship of Talos is strictly forbidden!


              *A dart bearing an old friend approaches the Chill Out Hive and beams a message to the bridge asking for permission to come aboard*


                Steve & Seth: *follow behind TP who never looks up from Kindle* So you like it then, do you? Do you? You really like it, huh?

                TP: *still nose in Kindle* Will you two quit with the eager puppy act!

                Greg: No permission needed, come on aboard!

                What;s with the permission to come aboard? Do you guys do that in the other threads?
                Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                  With the dart parked in the bay, its passenger disembarks and tries to remember her way around. She looks around and noticed that a few Drones have emerged and are staring at her.

                  Afa: Ummm... hi.... Errr... Can one of you point me the way to TP please? *Smiles shyly*

                  One drone guestures in a direction, still staring.

                  Afa: Thanks! *Makes her way towards where she hopes TP is, not noticing that the drones are following her*


                    Grouch: *telepathically*Do these new guys not just use the star gate like everyone else around here? This one's a bit weird - I better call for back-up *links to the hive network* Grouch to Grumble... need a little help here...

                    Steve: *looks up as if listening* What are you two mumbling about now? Oh... someone new on the hive?

                    Grouch & Grumble are TP's drone bodyguards, btw
                    Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                      Afa wanders around looking a bit lost and starting to get nervous as she gets the feeling that someone is watching her.

                      Afa: Hello? TP?


                        Grouch: Do you think this one will like chocolate coated Wraith too?

                        Grumble: Probably, they all do - but none of them like drones

                        Grouch: That's not true - TP lets us hug her now and then

                        Grumble: But that's all...

                        Steve: Will you two quit with the complaining before I put you on kitchen clean up duties

                        Grouch & Grumble: *grouch and grumble*
                        Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                          Steve: *listens* Yep, I think so, bro...

                          *green streak of lightening races down the hallway and tackle glomps Afa* Affaaaaaaaa!

                          TP: *looks up* Who was that, babe?

                          STeve: Spike He just asked me if the new human on board was Afa

                          TP: Afa? Where?
                          Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                            Afa is pushed backwards by the force of the green blur that shot down the corridor towards her. By the time she has come to her senses she realises who it is.

                            Afa: SPIKE! *She grins and holds the wraith close* I missed you!

                            The drones that had been following her slink back into the shadows looking disapointed. Maybe next time there won't be a wraith there to distract her.


                              Grouch: If only we could pout like the boss!

                              Steve: I heard that! Go polish your stunners or something

                              TP: Babe, what are you doing? And where's Afa?

                              Steve: On her way, Princess, on her way
                              Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                                Afa is lead away by Spike to somewhere quiet and secluded.

                                Afa: I'm sure finding TP can wait for just a few minutes *Grins*

