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    Goodnight everyone! Have to go, I've got two Wraith to worship.


      Goodnight DS and have fun worshipping.


        Night DS
        If found, is probably lost on the way to Azaroth or the Pegasus Galaxy


          TP's Hive, Season 3, Episode 20

          Dissension spreads in the ranks and TP feels alone...

          Episode 20 (with thanks to the Buffy writers!)

          The days are long as several more weeks pass. There have been numerous battles in that time, but TP is aware that they are only minor skirmishes, as if the Primary were simply toying with them.
          She watches from the mezzanine as Steve supervises dozens of training groups. They make an impressive sight as they practice martial arts and war crafts in the huge central gallery; hundreds of wraith ranked in rows, stripped to the waist, their pale green skin glowing with the sheen of their sweat as they work under the dim pools of light overhead.
          Seth keeps her updated on a daily basis and assures her they are now well prepared, but she wonders if they can ever be fully prepared for the road that lies ahead of them.
          She can sense the atmosphere building in every hive in the alliance, so strong she can feel it even when she’s not touring all the hives. It’s a heady mixture of fear and excitement as wraith and human work together to prepare to fight for their future.
          But there’s an undercurrent that makes her stomach twist in apprehension: running through every single hive is a thread of dissension. It’s barely discernible but it thrums in the background everywhere she goes, thin but strong, like spider silk. She watches and waits and tries to shake the sensation that creeps through her more and more each day: the feeling of being like a fly caught up in a spider’s web.


          “You know that they can’t even agree among themselves,” the wraith sneers, “These humans are weak and will pull us all down with them.”
          “That’s a slightly ungrateful attitude,” the other wraith says uncertainly.
          “What have I to be grateful for?” the first wraith snaps. “I was the Primary’s Commander!” He tilts his head proudly. “Look at me now! Little more than a lab rat to be studied poked and prodded.”
          “It’s better than being dead.”
          “Is it? Is it really?” he demands. “If she was such a great leader she would have slain me where I stood. Mercy? Pah! It is a weakness and, believe me, it will be her downfall.”
          The Primary’s Commander watches as the young wraith leaves the lab deep in thought. This human “queen” has left wraith so unsure of what they really are it makes it easy to sow the seeds of doubt. Already he can sense his poison seeping through her hives, like tendrils slowly and silently creeping around her neck until they squeeze the breath out of her.
          It is a slow process, but wraith are a patient race.


          As if like a prophecy the Primary’s Commander’s words begin to take on a life of their own, driving wedges of doubt and fear among those who had previously been strong and united. Day after day, battle after battle, TP starts to feel it slipping through her fingers, but she can’t work out why.
          Until the day she walks in on Todd and SW arguing.
          “Is this a private argument or can anyone join in?” she asks in her usual flippant manner.
          But instead of her comment making Todd roll his eyes and SW laugh, they both round on her, their eyes glaring at her.
          She looks from them to the others in the room, all eyes on her and all full of doubt and uncertainty and her guts twist into a tight knot at what she senses from every corner of the room. “What is it? What’s wrong?” she asks.
          “There is growing dissension in the ranks,” Todd says flatly, “Some are questioning our tactics, even our motives.”
          “Even those who are with us are pointing out that you’re not the only human hive queen anymore,” SW adds.
          “You're surely not jealous, Sis,” TP says, her heavy heart clear in the disbelief of her tone.
          “Well they have a point,” SW retorts, her fear fueling her anger, “What makes you so special, TP?”
          The silence that results from her comment envelops them all in a cloying, heavy blanket. TP looks from SW to Todd and back, then around the others in the room and finally back to Todd. “You agree with this?”
          “With what?” Todd stalls for time, knowing that TP has fully sensed the mood.
          “With pushing me aside and installing a new figurehead for your cause.”
          Todd shrugs his arms out from his sides and gives her a look that pleads for her understanding. “I have fought so long for this, TP,” he tells her, “I cannot see it all fall apart just because…”
          “Then I will leave,” TP answers flatly.
          “That isn’t necessary,” Todd begins.
          “It wasn’t my idea!” SW tries to defend herself.
          “It doesn’t matter whose idea it was, I can’t stay here any more,” TP says, “Not like this.” She turns and walks toward the door. “I’m sorry,” she says, “for everything.”
          Seth leaps up from his seat and makes to go after her, but Todd stops him. “We must be united in this,” he tells Seth.
          “United?” Seth snarls at Todd. “I thought we already were – behind her!”
          “Things have changed somewhat…”
          Seth pushes against Todd’s outstretched arm to follow TP, but Todd quietly growls at him, “You will stay. That is an order.”
          TP stands in the doorway and squeezes her hands into fists, the way she always does when she’s trying not to cry. This time it doesn’t work and, as she turns to look at SW, a big, glistening teardrop rolls down her cheek. “Whether you want it or not, Sis, their lives are yours now… all of them… please… protect them.”
          She turns her back on everything that ever meant anything to her and, with her head bowed, walks through the door.
          “It’s for the best,” Todd tells SW, squeezing her hand reassuringly.
          “Really?” she asks him. “Then why do I feel so bad?”


          “What the hell is going on?” Steve demands. “I just passed TP in the hallway and she ran past me in tears!”
          “It’s the stress,” Todd bluffs before anyone can say anything else, “She decided she needs to get away from it all for a few days, so she’s going back to Earth for a short break.”
          SW looks up at Todd and frowns. How could he be so callous? As Seth catches her eye with a similar expression, it hits them both at the same time that Todd must be up to something, but neither of them can fathom what it could possibly be.
          “Oh, that’s just great!” Steve flings at Todd. “We’re in the middle of a war and she just ups and leaves on a little vacation? You expect me to believe that? I don’t flaming think so! What did you say to her? What did you do to drive her away?”
          Todd takes a breath to explain but before he utters so much as a word, Steve rounds on him. “You were the big guy with the dreams, the mentor, the teacher, but now she’s surpassed you and you just can’t hack it!”
          “That’s not true!”
          “Isn’t it?” Steve turns on his heel, hair flying, and marches toward the door.
          “Where are you going?” Todd growls after him.
          “To find her.”
          “She’s disabled her sub-space beacon.”
          “Unlike you I don’t need beacons… I’ll always be able to find her.”


          “Why me, TP?”
          “Because you know what it’s like to be abandoned and alone, Siric, betrayed by the people you thought you belonged with,” TP replies sadly. “And you know how to hide. I don’t want anyone to find me.”
          “No one? Not even Steve?”
          “Especially not Steve.”
          “Because I set this runaway train going and only I can stop it. At first I thought they were right, that I’d let myself get carried away with it all, that I was just being egotistical. But now I know, Siric – this is my destiny and I have to face it. Alone.”
          Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


            TP's Hive, Season 3, Episode 21
            Ulterior Motives

            TP realises that even Steve can't be with her as she has to face her destiny alone

            Episode 21
            Ulterior Motives

            “Are you crazy? You mustn’t!”
            “I have to, Siric,” TP pleads. “All this is my entire fault! I created this ‘new order’ with wraith and human falling in love all over the place. I can’t leave them all high and dry. Besides, I promised you.”
            “I don’t understand.”
            “I promised you that you’d have a long and happy life with Demi… you do still want that, don’t you?”
            “We are growing to care deeply for each other,” Siric answers shyly.
            “Well, if I let the Primary win that will never happen – she’ll take wraith back to treating humans like cattle, possibly even worse to begin with to keep them down.”
            “But how can you stop her now? She’ll shift her focus onto SW anyway.”
            “No,” TP says firmly. “It doesn’t matter which one of us it is, that’s not what she’s after. She doesn’t give two hoots about me, or SW – we’re just insignificant humans in her eyes, just food.”
            “So why…?”
            “She’s after Todd’s alliance,” she tells him, “She wants to destroy HIM.”
            “She thinks if she kills me – or SW – that he’ll try to avenge it. If he does that – and he almost certainly would, he's a wraith of passion – in the eyes of those who follow the Primary that would render Todd’s dreams and his principles meaningless; it would tear his alliance apart.” She looks Siric straight in the eyes. “And that’s precisely why I have to do this alone,” she tells him, “and why you must swear to me that you’ll stop him – any of them – from trying to avenge my death.”
            “Your death?” Siric’s eyes widen with fear.
            “I saw it in a dream, Siric. I have to do this, I have to do it alone, and she will kill me. But you must make sure no one retaliates. No one. Do you understand, Siric?” TP's expression is full of urgency and he knows that she means what she says.
            “Promise me, Siric. This is really important.” His expression pleads with her not to make him do this, but she persists. “Swear it!”
            He hangs his head and his voice is barely audible, but he says, “I swear it.”


            TP spins round to face Siric. “You promised me!” she hurls at him.
            “It wasn’t me! I didn’t tell him!” Siric defends himself.
            “Relax, bro” Steve says to Siric before turning to TP. “He tried to throw me off the scent,” he tells her, “But, come on, Babe, you don’t honestly think I couldn’t find you no matter where you go?”
            “You won’t stop me!” TP tilts her chin defiantly.
            “When could anyone?” Steve grins. “Not even I’ve ever been able to do that.”
            “You don’t know what she’s planning to do yet,” Siric mutters and slinks out of the room before the fireworks start.


            Steve has seen her stubbornness in full swing but he’s never seen her quite like this before. As he listens to her plans his heart grows cold and heavy as he starts to understand that there really is nothing he can do to stop her.
            “Please try to understand,” she pleads, “I’ve always said I would die for you, and in a way, this is for you… you and every other wraith in the galaxy. I’m not saying I’m The One, or that I’m some kind of hero, but suddenly I know what I have to do. It’s my destiny, Steve. I have to do it – and it’s something I have to do alone.”
            “You’ll never be alone,” Steve tells her. She takes a breath to protest and Steve silences her with a finger on her lips. “You listen to me. I’ve been alive a lot longer than you, done things you couldn’t imagine,” he says, “But there’s only one thing I’ve ever been certain of: you.”
            He kisses her softly. “I love you. Not because I want you or I need you, or want to possess you, but just because of who you are. I’ve seen the best and the worst of you and you are one helluva woman, TP. You ARE The One.”
            “What if I don’t want to be The One?”
            “Hey, I don’t want to be this good looking and athletic, but we all have our cross to bear.”
            TP laughs softly and Steve smiles at her, though inside his heart is breaking.


            They spend the night together just holding each other, not wanting to sleep; how could they close their eyes when this could be the last chance they ever have to look at each other?
            Although TP knows that she, Steve and Siric are the only living souls who know what she is about to do, nevertheless there is something in the air. It’s tangible; all around her, crackling like electricity and giving her the strength she so desperately needs to meet her fate head on.
            That same energy sweeps across the entire galaxy, crackling from hive ship to hive ship. Everywhere there is a sense of something about to happen and wraith and human couples in their thousands hold each other through the night, loving each other as if there might be no tomorrow – just in case there isn’t.
            Their energy resonates around the very stars themselves.
            The Primary stands alone in her chamber looking out at those same stars. She can sense them, all of them, and the echoes of the energy they create vibrates up and down her spine.
            One of her officers enters and stands waiting for her to speak. He can sense her irritation and she can sense his fear of her.
            “I envy them,” she says at length, “Isn’t that strange?”


            Steve wakes as he turns and as soon as he realizes he had fallen asleep, he knows she’ll be gone. She would have known he would never let her go and face the Primary alone, so she would have waited until he could stay awake no longer and quietly slipped into the night.
            He leaps from the bed, thinking that perhaps she hasn’t been gone long and if he’s fast enough he’ll be able to catch her, stop her.
            The note falls to the floor as he does and he picks it up, reading it but not wanting to see what he knows it will say.
            “Everything I do, I do for you”, she’d written.
            He screws the paper up and hurls it to the floor.
            “I found her before, I can find her again,” he growls as he runs from the room.
            Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


              Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
              TP's Hive, Season 3, Episode 20

              Dissension spreads in the ranks and TP feels alone...

              Episode 20 (with thanks to the Buffy writers!)

              The days are long as several more weeks pass. There have been numerous battles in that time, but TP is aware that they are only minor skirmishes, as if the Primary were simply toying with them.
              She watches from the mezzanine as Steve supervises dozens of training groups. They make an impressive sight as they practice martial arts and war crafts in the huge central gallery; hundreds of wraith ranked in rows, stripped to the waist, their pale green skin glowing with the sheen of their sweat as they work under the dim pools of light overhead.
              Seth keeps her updated on a daily basis and assures her they are now well prepared, but she wonders if they can ever be fully prepared for the road that lies ahead of them.
              She can sense the atmosphere building in every hive in the alliance, so strong she can feel it even when she’s not touring all the hives. It’s a heady mixture of fear and excitement as wraith and human work together to prepare to fight for their future.
              But there’s an undercurrent that makes her stomach twist in apprehension: running through every single hive is a thread of dissension. It’s barely discernible but it thrums in the background everywhere she goes, thin but strong, like spider silk. She watches and waits and tries to shake the sensation that creeps through her more and more each day: the feeling of being like a fly caught up in a spider’s web.


              “You know that they can’t even agree among themselves,” the wraith sneers, “These humans are weak and will pull us all down with them.”
              “That’s a slightly ungrateful attitude,” the other wraith says uncertainly.
              “What have I to be grateful for?” the first wraith snaps. “I was the Primary’s Commander!” He tilts his head proudly. “Look at me now! Little more than a lab rat to be studied poked and prodded.”
              “It’s better than being dead.”
              “Is it? Is it really?” he demands. “If she was such a great leader she would have slain me where I stood. Mercy? Pah! It is a weakness and, believe me, it will be her downfall.”
              The Primary’s Commander watches as the young wraith leaves the lab deep in thought. This human “queen” has left wraith so unsure of what they really are it makes it easy to sow the seeds of doubt. Already he can sense his poison seeping through her hives, like tendrils slowly and silently creeping around her neck until they squeeze the breath out of her.
              It is a slow process, but wraith are a patient race.


              As if like a prophecy the Primary’s Commander’s words begin to take on a life of their own, driving wedges of doubt and fear among those who had previously been strong and united. Day after day, battle after battle, TP starts to feel it slipping through her fingers, but she can’t work out why.
              Until the day she walks in on Todd and SW arguing.
              “Is this a private argument or can anyone join in?” she asks in her usual flippant manner.
              But instead of her comment making Todd roll his eyes and SW laugh, they both round on her, their eyes glaring at her.
              She looks from them to the others in the room, all eyes on her and all full of doubt and uncertainty and her guts twist into a tight knot at what she senses from every corner of the room. “What is it? What’s wrong?” she asks.
              “There is growing dissension in the ranks,” Todd says flatly, “Some are questioning our tactics, even our motives.”
              “Even those who are with us are pointing out that you’re not the only human hive queen anymore,” SW adds.
              “You're surely not jealous, Sis,” TP says, her heavy heart clear in the disbelief of her tone.
              “Well they have a point,” SW retorts, her fear fueling her anger, “What makes you so special, TP?”
              The silence that results from her comment envelops them all in a cloying, heavy blanket. TP looks from SW to Todd and back, then around the others in the room and finally back to Todd. “You agree with this?”
              “With what?” Todd stalls for time, knowing that TP has fully sensed the mood.
              “With pushing me aside and installing a new figurehead for your cause.”
              Todd shrugs his arms out from his sides and gives her a look that pleads for her understanding. “I have fought so long for this, TP,” he tells her, “I cannot see it all fall apart just because…”
              “Then I will leave,” TP answers flatly.
              “That isn’t necessary,” Todd begins.
              “It wasn’t my idea!” SW tries to defend herself.
              “It doesn’t matter whose idea it was, I can’t stay here any more,” TP says, “Not like this.” She turns and walks toward the door. “I’m sorry,” she says, “for everything.”
              Seth leaps up from his seat and makes to go after her, but Todd stops him. “We must be united in this,” he tells Seth.
              “United?” Seth snarls at Todd. “I thought we already were – behind her!”
              “Things have changed somewhat…”
              Seth pushes against Todd’s outstretched arm to follow TP, but Todd quietly growls at him, “You will stay. That is an order.”
              TP stands in the doorway and squeezes her hands into fists, the way she always does when she’s trying not to cry. This time it doesn’t work and, as she turns to look at SW, a big, glistening teardrop rolls down her cheek. “Whether you want it or not, Sis, their lives are yours now… all of them… please… protect them.”
              She turns her back on everything that ever meant anything to her and, with her head bowed, walks through the door.
              “It’s for the best,” Todd tells SW, squeezing her hand reassuringly.
              “Really?” she asks him. “Then why do I feel so bad?”


              “What the hell is going on?” Steve demands. “I just passed TP in the hallway and she ran past me in tears!”
              “It’s the stress,” Todd bluffs before anyone can say anything else, “She decided she needs to get away from it all for a few days, so she’s going back to Earth for a short break.”
              SW looks up at Todd and frowns. How could he be so callous? As Seth catches her eye with a similar expression, it hits them both at the same time that Todd must be up to something, but neither of them can fathom what it could possibly be.
              “Oh, that’s just great!” Steve flings at Todd. “We’re in the middle of a war and she just ups and leaves on a little vacation? You expect me to believe that? I don’t flaming think so! What did you say to her? What did you do to drive her away?”
              Todd takes a breath to explain but before he utters so much as a word, Steve rounds on him. “You were the big guy with the dreams, the mentor, the teacher, but now she’s surpassed you and you just can’t hack it!”
              “That’s not true!”
              “Isn’t it?” Steve turns on his heel, hair flying, and marches toward the door.
              “Where are you going?” Todd growls after him.
              “To find her.”
              “She’s disabled her sub-space beacon.”
              “Unlike you I don’t need beacons… I’ll always be able to find her.”


              “Why me, TP?”
              “Because you know what it’s like to be abandoned and alone, Siric, betrayed by the people you thought you belonged with,” TP replies sadly. “And you know how to hide. I don’t want anyone to find me.”
              “No one? Not even Steve?”
              “Especially not Steve.”
              “Because I set this runaway train going and only I can stop it. At first I thought they were right, that I’d let myself get carried away with it all, that I was just being egotistical. But now I know, Siric – this is my destiny and I have to face it. Alone.”
              O-M-G!! Cliff hanger or what!! Poor TP
              If found, is probably lost on the way to Azaroth or the Pegasus Galaxy


                Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
                TP's Hive, Season 3, Episode 20

                Dissension spreads in the ranks and TP feels alone...
                I wasn't expecting that turn of events. Hope the next episode won't be too long because I want to know what happens next.

                I haven't saved it from GW because you'll be sending me a copy by email.


                  Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
                  TP's Hive, Season 3, Episode 21
                  Ulterior Motives

                  TP realises that even Steve can't be with her as she has to face her destiny alone
                  That's even more of a cliff hanger. I think I know what she'll be trying to do but I could be wrong.


                    Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
                    TP's Hive, Season 3, Episode 20

                    Dissension spreads in the ranks and TP feels alone...

                    Episode 20 (with thanks to the Buffy writers!)

                    The days are long as several more weeks pass. There have been numerous battles in that time, but TP is aware that they are only minor skirmishes, as if the Primary were simply toying with them.
                    She watches from the mezzanine as Steve supervises dozens of training groups. They make an impressive sight as they practice martial arts and war crafts in the huge central gallery; hundreds of wraith ranked in rows, stripped to the waist, their pale green skin glowing with the sheen of their sweat as they work under the dim pools of light overhead.
                    Seth keeps her updated on a daily basis and assures her they are now well prepared, but she wonders if they can ever be fully prepared for the road that lies ahead of them.
                    She can sense the atmosphere building in every hive in the alliance, so strong she can feel it even when she’s not touring all the hives. It’s a heady mixture of fear and excitement as wraith and human work together to prepare to fight for their future.
                    But there’s an undercurrent that makes her stomach twist in apprehension: running through every single hive is a thread of dissension. It’s barely discernible but it thrums in the background everywhere she goes, thin but strong, like spider silk. She watches and waits and tries to shake the sensation that creeps through her more and more each day: the feeling of being like a fly caught up in a spider’s web.


                    “You know that they can’t even agree among themselves,” the wraith sneers, “These humans are weak and will pull us all down with them.”
                    “That’s a slightly ungrateful attitude,” the other wraith says uncertainly.
                    “What have I to be grateful for?” the first wraith snaps. “I was the Primary’s Commander!” He tilts his head proudly. “Look at me now! Little more than a lab rat to be studied poked and prodded.”
                    “It’s better than being dead.”
                    “Is it? Is it really?” he demands. “If she was such a great leader she would have slain me where I stood. Mercy? Pah! It is a weakness and, believe me, it will be her downfall.”
                    The Primary’s Commander watches as the young wraith leaves the lab deep in thought. This human “queen” has left wraith so unsure of what they really are it makes it easy to sow the seeds of doubt. Already he can sense his poison seeping through her hives, like tendrils slowly and silently creeping around her neck until they squeeze the breath out of her.
                    It is a slow process, but wraith are a patient race.


                    As if like a prophecy the Primary’s Commander’s words begin to take on a life of their own, driving wedges of doubt and fear among those who had previously been strong and united. Day after day, battle after battle, TP starts to feel it slipping through her fingers, but she can’t work out why.
                    Until the day she walks in on Todd and SW arguing.
                    “Is this a private argument or can anyone join in?” she asks in her usual flippant manner.
                    But instead of her comment making Todd roll his eyes and SW laugh, they both round on her, their eyes glaring at her.
                    She looks from them to the others in the room, all eyes on her and all full of doubt and uncertainty and her guts twist into a tight knot at what she senses from every corner of the room. “What is it? What’s wrong?” she asks.
                    “There is growing dissension in the ranks,” Todd says flatly, “Some are questioning our tactics, even our motives.”
                    “Even those who are with us are pointing out that you’re not the only human hive queen anymore,” SW adds.
                    “You're surely not jealous, Sis,” TP says, her heavy heart clear in the disbelief of her tone.
                    “Well they have a point,” SW retorts, her fear fueling her anger, “What makes you so special, TP?”
                    The silence that results from her comment envelops them all in a cloying, heavy blanket. TP looks from SW to Todd and back, then around the others in the room and finally back to Todd. “You agree with this?”
                    “With what?” Todd stalls for time, knowing that TP has fully sensed the mood.
                    “With pushing me aside and installing a new figurehead for your cause.”
                    Todd shrugs his arms out from his sides and gives her a look that pleads for her understanding. “I have fought so long for this, TP,” he tells her, “I cannot see it all fall apart just because…”
                    “Then I will leave,” TP answers flatly.
                    “That isn’t necessary,” Todd begins.
                    “It wasn’t my idea!” SW tries to defend herself.
                    “It doesn’t matter whose idea it was, I can’t stay here any more,” TP says, “Not like this.” She turns and walks toward the door. “I’m sorry,” she says, “for everything.”
                    Seth leaps up from his seat and makes to go after her, but Todd stops him. “We must be united in this,” he tells Seth.
                    “United?” Seth snarls at Todd. “I thought we already were – behind her!”
                    “Things have changed somewhat…”
                    Seth pushes against Todd’s outstretched arm to follow TP, but Todd quietly growls at him, “You will stay. That is an order.”
                    TP stands in the doorway and squeezes her hands into fists, the way she always does when she’s trying not to cry. This time it doesn’t work and, as she turns to look at SW, a big, glistening teardrop rolls down her cheek. “Whether you want it or not, Sis, their lives are yours now… all of them… please… protect them.”
                    She turns her back on everything that ever meant anything to her and, with her head bowed, walks through the door.
                    “It’s for the best,” Todd tells SW, squeezing her hand reassuringly.
                    “Really?” she asks him. “Then why do I feel so bad?”


                    “What the hell is going on?” Steve demands. “I just passed TP in the hallway and she ran past me in tears!”
                    “It’s the stress,” Todd bluffs before anyone can say anything else, “She decided she needs to get away from it all for a few days, so she’s going back to Earth for a short break.”
                    SW looks up at Todd and frowns. How could he be so callous? As Seth catches her eye with a similar expression, it hits them both at the same time that Todd must be up to something, but neither of them can fathom what it could possibly be.
                    “Oh, that’s just great!” Steve flings at Todd. “We’re in the middle of a war and she just ups and leaves on a little vacation? You expect me to believe that? I don’t flaming think so! What did you say to her? What did you do to drive her away?”
                    Todd takes a breath to explain but before he utters so much as a word, Steve rounds on him. “You were the big guy with the dreams, the mentor, the teacher, but now she’s surpassed you and you just can’t hack it!”
                    “That’s not true!”
                    “Isn’t it?” Steve turns on his heel, hair flying, and marches toward the door.
                    “Where are you going?” Todd growls after him.
                    “To find her.”
                    “She’s disabled her sub-space beacon.”
                    “Unlike you I don’t need beacons… I’ll always be able to find her.”


                    “Why me, TP?”
                    “Because you know what it’s like to be abandoned and alone, Siric, betrayed by the people you thought you belonged with,” TP replies sadly. “And you know how to hide. I don’t want anyone to find me.”
                    “No one? Not even Steve?”
                    “Especially not Steve.”
                    “Because I set this runaway train going and only I can stop it. At first I thought they were right, that I’d let myself get carried away with it all, that I was just being egotistical. But now I know, Siric – this is my destiny and I have to face it. Alone.”

                    You made me the VILLIAN!! LOL

                    I was having this wonderful vision of all these beautiful wraith boys with their shirts off in blissful row after row...when it dawned on me that most of them were probably drones!!
                    Siggie created by TP//Avatar by Draco-Stellaris


                      Originally posted by ciannwn View Post
                      I wasn't expecting that turn of events. Hope the next episode won't be too long because I want to know what happens next.

                      I haven't saved it from GW because you'll be sending me a copy by email.
                      I wouldn't leave you all on TOO much of a clif hangerso ep 21 is postedabove. Will email them both to you in a mo, C!
                      Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                        Originally posted by Starry Waters View Post
                        I was having this wonderful vision of all these beautiful wraith boys with their shirts off in blissful row after row...when it dawned on me that most of them were probably drones!!
                        Let's hope they kept their masks on, then.


                          Originally posted by Starry Waters View Post
                          You made me the VILLIAN!! LOL

                          I was having this wonderful vision of all these beautiful wraith boys with their shirts off in blissful row after row...when it dawned on me that most of them were probably drones!!
                          Nah, Sis - Todd is up to his usual tricks... it'll all come out in the wash, you'll see

                          Em... drones are too big and clumsy for marttial arts... fantasise away girls - it's row upon row of lovely Steve-look-a-likes!
                          Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                            Originally posted by ciannwn View Post
                            That's even more of a cliff hanger. I think I know what she'll be trying to do but I could be wrong.
                            You know TP - passionate but not very logical!
                            Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                              *sobs* That was so sad... but also beautiful. *sobs*

                              Unfortunatly I can´t green you today, already gave out all my green.


                                Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
                                Nah, Sis - Todd is up to his usual tricks... it'll all come out in the wash, you'll see

                                Em... drones are too big and clumsy for marttial arts... fantasise away girls - it's row upon row of lovely Steve-look-a-likes!
                                Doing so! ...
                                If found, is probably lost on the way to Azaroth or the Pegasus Galaxy

