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Wraith Worshippers Anonymous - Introduction, Joining And Inactivity, Rules, OOC Chat

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    General Information Concerning Introduction Of Newbies

    I have been contacted recently by several potential new players thus having to think of a way of pointing them in the right direction for gathering information about WWA and since my explanatory VMs all had more or less the the same wording I thought I could standardise it. This is what I came up with, if you think it's to fuzzy or think anything important is missing please let me know:


    If you like to join WWA I have to warn you first, we're more than a bit crazy and our game world can be quite complex and it may take some time to get to know all characters. I don't say this to scare you off – we're glad for every new player – but we've had unpleasant issues with former players who joined and didn't really know what they were in for in the first place.

    If you like to join WWA it's best if you read the introduction first: WWA Out of character chat thread (OOC) When you have made up your mind and want to join this is also the place where you can say hello to everyone and say "yes, count me in"

    This site is helpful as it contains information about the gameworld and the characters:
    External WWA website where we keep background information and artwork/fiction created by players

    This is one of our role playing threads. (We have 5 threads, of course including the famous Chill Out Hive we use for letting our hair down and having wraithy parties ) You don't have to read all of it of course, that would be too much:
    The planet thread

    That's just for getting a first impression how we write role playing posts. No one expects you to know every location and every character in the beginning. If you're sure you want to join I will gladly help you setting up a character.

    You can always send me a VM (Visitor Message) or a PM (Private Message) if you have any questions concerning GW or WWA.


    I'm not sure if the first paragraph sounds too harsh but I think it's important to make sure a potential new player knows what they're in for. We all know what it's like if a player doesn't bother with reading the guides or isn't paying attention properly thus causing misunderstandings. I'm not telling names but you all know what it can be like.


      Seems fine to me DS
      Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


        TP's Hive, Season 3, Episode 2, From Strength To Strength
        Going back to work after her bout of flu, TP and Todd understand the true extent to which her weakness has made them much stronger and they now stand together on the brink of leading the wraith to a better future...

        From Strength To Strength

        Still a little sniffly, but recovered enough to return to active hive duties and her work on Earth, TP is getting dressed and ready to start the day.
        “Does my nose still look red?” she asks Steve and Seth. She senses they’re both thinking exactly the same thing – yes, it does – but there’s no way they’re going to tell her that!
        “No, Princess,” Steve says and kisses the end of her nose.
        “You look as gorgeous as always,” Seth adds, helping her to wriggle her feet into her boots.
        From the corner of her eye she sees Todd standing in the doorway, arms folded across his chest and leaning against the wall, watching the scene.
        TP knows it’s like a well co-ordinated dance the way the three of them get dressed: Steve hands Seth his boots, Seth passes Steve his belt, TP flicks Steve’s hair out from the back of his t-shirt then tucks the label in the back of Seth’s... most impressively, TP brushes her hair, Steve twists it in his hand and holds it against the back of her head then Seth pops a hair clip in it as he passes – and all done in one apparently smooth, well-practiced movement!
        As in everything they do these days they do it so much quicker and more efficiently when they do it together, as if the three of them think as one.

        TP also knows that Todd has been starting to feel excluded from this happy little threesome. Unlike Greg and Eddie, who are content to wander in and out of her life as and when they feel like it, she senses that Todd feels the need to play a more central role and is beginning to think of himself as sidelined.
        TP understood his feelings because she also felt excluded. All he had seemed to want to do with her was training and studying and no matter how hard she worked she always felt she disappointed him.
        That is, until she came down with flu.
        Steve and Seth had immediately and instinctively swung into full protective mode and holed up with her in her quarters for the first few days. Although they were already close, her illness had brought them even closer. As wraith she was surprised how well they treated her during a time when she could not prevent herself from so openly displayed sickness and weakness.
        “Ready?” Seth asks TP.
        “Yes, but you two go on ahead and I’ll meet you at the gate,” she replies. Seth and Steve look at each other, puzzled, then see Todd in the doorway and instantly understand that she wants to speak with him, so they leave them alone.

        and the next part follows - damned char limit again!
        Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


          the conclusion...

          “How are you feeling?” Todd asks TP as he walks into her bedroom, “Fully recovered?”
          “Not quite, but I’m well enough to function normally again.”
          “This is an aspect of humans I had not considered before,” Todd muses, “It’s really quite admirable.”
          “What is?” TP asks.
          “That you are not fully recovered and yet you push that aside and go to work as normal.”
          “Humans are self-healing too, you know,” she points out, “We just take a lot longer to do it than wraith do! But after a while we can go on as normal while continuing to finish healing.”
          “I think perhaps you are a little more determined than most humans.” Todd smiles when he sees TP blush. In spite of her ability to turn on the queenly arrogance at will now, she is still easily embarrassed by others’ compliments. “And I think I’m not the only one who’s been forced to examine his inner conscience as a result of your illness,” he adds cryptically.
          “What on earth do you mean? It was only a bout of flu – I was never dying!” She laughs, but something in her expression shows Todd that she at least partially understands what he’s getting at.
          “I heard a nasty rumour that Steve spent three whole days slumming it in this room with you!”
          “Ah, the torn jeans and the unwashed ponytail...” TP smiles as she picks Seth’s clothes up from the floor where he had abandoned them last night, folds them roughly and lays them beside Steve’s – already neatly folded over the back of her chair. “I was too ill at the time to even notice it, but I can fully appreciate the gesture now,” she continues, “For Steve to just yank his hair back into a ponytail and wear my son’s old jeans and t-shirt... it spoke volumes about how he feels about me.”
          “He was more concerned with spending his time looking after you than his own grooming.”
          “That’s what I mean!” She puts on the bleeding heart necklace that Steve and Seth had jointly given her and admires the way the ruby drops hang over her feeding spot. “For Steve that was the ultimate show of love!”
          “Perhaps he has learned that there are things more important than appearance,” Todd suggests.
          TP stands in front of her mirror and tweaks a few spikes of hair from her clasp so they stand up at the back of her head. She smiles at Todd’s reflection in the mirror. “There’s something I never thought I’d ever hear a wraith say: that taking care of a sick human is more important than looking stylish!”
          Todd shrugs. “Then it seems that I have learned something important too,” he tells her.
          “And what would that be?”
          “That wraith can learn as much from humans as humans can from us, and that humans can be as strong as wraith and wraith as soft as humans and neither loses anything in being so.” He walks over to TP and stands behind her, taking hold of her by the shoulders. “That I can be your teacher and Commander, push you to your limits; yet still be your lover and protector and give you strength when you need it from me.”
          He dips his head and gently kisses the nape of TP’s neck, stirring the small hairs there and sending a shiver down her spine.
          TP twists around in his arms and looks up at him. “So I’m not a disappointment to you, then?”
          Todd gives her a look so full of love that it makes her knees tremble. “You are both my Queen and my Snuggle Bunny – and in neither have you ever been a disappointment to me, my love.”
          Todd kisses her with the kind of passion she remembers he used to show with her... and there is another edge to it, something good that wasn’t there before, not even in their heady early days together.
          Suddenly, TP understands that, in being weak she has made them stronger – much, much stronger. She also knows that Todd understands this too and – while she can sense that he is keen to push on with the next phase of his alliance – unlike before her bout of flu, she feels closer to him now than in all the time she’s known him.
          She’s ready now to forge on ahead by his side.

          Ciannwn, this is the one for which yu can use the illustration you already have of TP with Steve wearing torn jeans and a pacman t-shirt!
          Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


            Originally posted by Draco-Stellaris View Post
            General Information Concerning Introduction Of Newbies

            This is what I came up with, if you think it's to fuzzy or think anything important is missing please let me know:
            Just a couple of suggestions.

            but we've had unpleasant issues with former players who joined and didn't really know what they were in for in the first place.
            How about "who joined without paying much attention to the Introduction, Rules and Game guides"?

            If you like to join WWA it's best if you read the introduction first:
            If you'd like to join WWA please read the Introduction first and take special note of the rules concerning Borrowing and Worshipping.

            This site is helpful as it contains information about the gameworld and the characters:
            External WWA website where we keep background information and artwork/fiction created by players

            Add - The up to date version of the Character Guide plus the Character Owners guide can be found in the Game Guides thread.

            Game Guides
            Last edited by ciannwn; 10 October 2009, 10:58 AM.


              Really love the new fic TP. Your boys really do love you lots.
              If found, is probably lost on the way to Azaroth or the Pegasus Galaxy


                Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
                TP's Hive, Season 3, Episode 2, From Strength To Strength
                I really enjoyed this story. I like the way it reflects real life in that major learning experiences can come from something mundane like flu. I've made a note to add the illustration with it.

                General Note. I'm back now because my son and his partner returned to their hotel around 7pm so she can have an early night - she gets tired easily because she's expecting twins. Yes, I'm going to be a double granny.

                I'm feeling tired myself this evening but should be fine to do website updates and role playing from tomorrow.


                  Originally posted by Draygon View Post
                  Really love the new fic TP. Your boys really do love you lots.
                  Thank you It would have taken me a lot longer to get better without them
                  Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                    TP Nice story, the team iof TP, Todd Steve and Seth is really coming togeather now. Watch out world the Chill Out Gang are here.
                    Thanks to DS for my siggy


                      I'm happy with the suggestions from both DS and Ciannwn for our site. We are generally a happy bunch of Wraith Worshipper.

                      Gotta go friend on her way. See you all tomorrow.
                      Thanks to DS for my siggy


                        Originally posted by ciannwn View Post
                        I really enjoyed this story. I like the way it reflects real life in that major learning experiences can come from something mundane like flu. I've made a note to add the illustration with it.

                        General Note. I'm back now because my son and his partner returned to their hotel around 7pm so she can have an early night - she gets tired easily because she's expecting twins. Yes, I'm going to be a double granny. I'm feeling tired myself this evening but should be fine to do website updates and role playing from tomorrow.
                        Woohoo!!!! Congratulations, C!!!!!

                        *huge, enormous hugs*
                        Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                          Originally posted by MCH View Post
                          TP Nice story, the team iof TP, Todd Steve and Seth is really coming togeather now. Watch out world the Chill Out Gang are here.
                          Yep, they're gonna be unstoppable soon - Siric will be joining them in his own inimitable way and those entrenched wraith queens had better watch out! There will be a new dawn of wraith and human living together in harmony... watch this space!
                          Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                            Originally posted by MCH View Post
                            I'm happy with the suggestions from both DS and Ciannwn for our site. We are generally a happy bunch of Wraith Worshipper.
                            I put the addition about the Game Guides thread because the Character Owners Guide is no long on the website since PA took over the job. Also, the Character Guide on there is just a record of player creativity now so won't be updated until I get round to it.

                            Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
                            Woohoo!!!! Congratulations, C!!!!!

                            *huge, enormous hugs*
                            It was quite a surprise because there's never been twins on my side of the family.


                              Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
                              Woohoo!!!! Congratulations, C!!!!!

                              *huge, enormous hugs*
                              UI secodn that. Congrats Ciannwn!
                              If found, is probably lost on the way to Azaroth or the Pegasus Galaxy


                                Originally posted by Draygon View Post
                                UI secodn that. Congrats Ciannwn!
                                The good thing about being a granny is that I'll be hand them back when they need changing.

