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Wraith Worshippers Anonymous - Introduction, Joining And Inactivity, Rules, OOC Chat

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    Last edited by rora'sPA; 06 May 2017, 05:42 AM.


      I hate having a cold

      Just reading the rules, i am happy not many things are banned completely in case any new people come to the RP with a character that uses a cigar or something.


        Originally posted by WraithSlave View Post
        I hate having a cold

        Originally posted by WraithSlave View Post
        Just reading the rules, i am happy not many things are banned completely in case any new people come to the RP with a character that uses a cigar or something.
        If everyone likes the artificial cigarettes, cigars and pipes we can add them. Nobody would know what was in one of these devices unless the user started getting very happy.


          Last edited by rora'sPA; 06 May 2017, 05:41 AM.


            Originally posted by rora'sPA View Post
            Just to let people know, I think I'm having a migraine episode come on again, so I might not be able to stop by for a few days if it manifests

            I hope it doesn't manifest.


              *Hugs to WS and PA*
              Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                Are we going to use the smoking rule and Archimedes' alternatives? If so, I'll get them added. I'll have to start things like writing out Xmas cards and doing Xmas shopping soon - this will take a lot of my stamina.


                  @ DS and TP

                  The suggested smoking rules and Archimedes' alternatives are in this post to save you hunting back for it. Are they OK?



                    *sends hugs to WS and PA* Get well soon!

                    @ciannwn: the rules look are fine for me.

                    Sorry for making myself sparse, at the moment I'm still in preparations for the wraithy advent calendar and need to tweak some more things before it can go online on Thursday. I don't want people to stumble over broken links or having a page design incompatible for their respective browser. And I still need to do a few background graphics.


                      Originally posted by Draco-Stellaris View Post
                      @ciannwn: the rules look are fine for me.
                      I'll add them, then. I can always modify them if TP has further suggestions.

                      Originally posted by Draco-Stellaris View Post
                      Sorry for making myself sparse, at the moment I'm still in preparations for the wraithy advent calendar and need to tweak some more things before it can go online on Thursday. I don't want people to stumble over broken links or having a page design incompatible for their respective browser. And I still need to do a few background graphics.
                      I guessed you were busy with the calendar. I'm really looking forward to seeing all that Wraithy goodness.



                        Smoking has been added to the introduction with links to the rules page and Archimedes alternative.

                        All that's left now is Borrowing. We've got the one for role playing sorted out. Maybe we should tell people to ask a character's owner if they can Borrow a character for a story/artwork as well. I think it's best to ask first in case the owner doesn't want someone else writing about/drawing their character.


                          Originally posted by ciannwn View Post

                          Smoking has been added to the introduction with links to the rules page and Archimedes alternative.

                          All that's left now is Borrowing. We've got the one for role playing sorted out. Maybe we should tell people to ask a character's owner if they can Borrow a character for a story/artwork as well. I think it's best to ask first in case the owner doesn't want someone else writing about/drawing their character.
                          I think that's probably simpler than having complicated borrowing instructions for every character - it's only courteous to ask first anyway.

                          The rules all look fine to me, C.

                          I'm fine with the smoking etc, so long as it's made clear that this is a special kind in a fantasy world that does no harm to anyone - which of course, you have done.

                          After all, it's not a huge step away from our COH world where we can eat chocolate and pizza and cookies and treats all day long and not only still look gorgeous and stay slender and healthy, but burn up all the calories by feeding our Wraith!

                          It is a fantasy world, after all, so we can all safely indulge ourselves in ways we can't or wouldn't want to in the RL
                          Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                            Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
                            I'm fine with the smoking etc, so long as it's made clear that this is a special kind in a fantasy world that does no harm to anyone - which of course, you have done.

                            After all, it's not a huge step away from our COH world where we can eat chocolate and pizza and cookies and treats all day long and not only still look gorgeous and stay slender and healthy, but burn up all the calories by feeding our Wraith!
                            The tobacco cigarettes, cigars and pipes are just a fancy version of nicotine inhalers which are aids to quitting. The real difference is that the users get the taste of smoking along with it. They can even have the taste without the nicotine. The other range supplies caffeine (but no nicotine).

                            Archimedes: I'm thinking of adding strawberry, banana and vanilla flavours.


                              Shaun loves vanilla


                                Originally posted by WraithSlave View Post
                                Shaun loves vanilla
                                Archimedes: I'll add the vanilla flavour now.

