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Wraith Worshippers Anonymous - Introduction, Joining And Inactivity, Rules, OOC Chat

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    Originally posted by ciannwn View Post
    I've just rafted out our definitions of what counts as being active in the game. Is this OK? Do I need to change or add anything?

    Can't face trying to do anything with rules at the moment. I need to lie down for a while now.
    I think that's very well expressed and makes it clear that we have a more relaxed view and treat each individual according to their needs. Can't say fairer than that.

    I can see from all these links that you - and DS - have been very busy recently. Please don't put up with pain just to type another paragraph. We can still post and RP while the WWA is being streamlined, so there's no hurry and no need to risk doing too much at once *hugs*.
    Don't forget that if there's anything else I can do, let me know - and I'm aiming to make a few posts in the WWANON every weekend, that way I won't forget.
    Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


      Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
      I think that's very well expressed and makes it clear that we have a more relaxed view and treat each individual according to their needs. Can't say fairer than that.

      Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
      Don't forget that if there's anything else I can do, let me know
      Reading through what I've typed out and making suggestions etc. is a very useful contribution to the overhaul. I know what I mean to say but it needs somebody else to check things through to ensure that it's clear to everyone else.



        I've modified the guide entries for Happy Weed and Mushrooms with interesting properties. I've bolded the additions.

        Happy Weed - This annual, flowering herb makes humans and Wraith feel very happy in a spaced out kind of way, The leaves can be smoked, put in cakes or brewed into a tea. The plant is found on all Earthlike planets throughout Pegasus but, unlike its Earth counterpart, its use carries no risk of side/after effects or being habit forming. Archimedes thinks that the Ancients genetically modified the Earth original so that the new strain could be used as an aid to ascension. The experiment was then abandoned because a tendency to giggle at nothing wasn't a suitable form of relaxation.

        Mushrooms with interesting properties - These mushrooms are very popular throughout Pegasus because Wraith and humans have wonderful psychedelic experiences from eating them. The area of the Mainland near the stargate and village provide ideal growing conditions so the villagers use them as trade goods as well as an interesting way of passing spare time. Anyone in the galaxy saying "Wow, the colours, man." with a glazed look in his or her eyes will have been sampling this delicacy from Copelandia (the name which the crew members of Boris's hive gave to their adopted planet). Using these mushrooms carries no risk of rare side/after effects or inclinations to do something dangerous like flapping ones arms and trying to fly off a cliff. Archimedes thinks that the Ancients genetically modified an Earth original for another experiment concerning the easiest way to achieve ascension.
        This makes them harmless, unlike caffeine which can cause physical dependance and withdrawal symptoms.
        Last edited by ciannwn; 25 November 2011, 04:01 AM.


          Originally posted by ciannwn View Post
          @ DS - would you mind updating the WWANON guides while I try to draft out some simplified rules?
          Right on it!

          Originally posted by ciannwn View Post
          I've just rafted out our definitions of what counts as being active in the game. Is this OK? Do I need to change or add anything?

          Looks good to me.

          RE the introduction: I'd shorten the paragraph about the happy weed and mushrooms because the phrasing about earth laws seem a bit confusing to me.

          Also, instead of linking to the game guides, I'd enter a short explanatory text so any newbie won't feel obliged to read the guides. Links interrupt the flow of reading IMO.

          Like this: (delete the parts in red)
          Happy Weed and Mushrooms with interesting properties - Used by Copleandia's population and some of the Wraith for mind-expanding purposes, or simply to have a good time. (see game guides for more information about the properties of these substances) The Stargate Earth is supposed to be our Earth but the game characters aren’t using happy weed or mushrooms in any Earth country where such things are banned. Earth laws don’t apply to the Pegasus galaxy and these items aren’t illegal on Wraith hive ships or on Copelandia. Players aren’t obliged to make their characters join in Copelandian cultural activities so if you don’t want your Wraith sampling a mushroom we aren’t going to call you a spoilsport.


            Originally posted by Draco-Stellaris View Post
            RE the introduction: I'd shorten the paragraph about the happy weed and mushrooms because the phrasing about earth laws seem a bit confusing to me.
            I put in the bit about Earth laws not applying in Pegasus because it states the approach we are taking in the game - our characters aren't doing anything illegal because they're not on Earth. Any prospective player who feels uncomfortable with this because of real life Earth laws will know that WWA isn't for them.

            Originally posted by Draco-Stellaris View Post
            Also, instead of linking to the game guides, I'd enter a short explanatory text so any newbie won't feel obliged to read the guides. Links interrupt the flow of reading IMO.
            I think we need to insist that certain game guide entries are required reading before anyone signs up to play. An instruction such as (see game guides for more information about the properties of these substances) doesn't guarantee that a newbie will read them if we don't provide links. Even saying that these entries are required reading won't guarantee that a newbie will read them, of course, but it does mean that it will be their own fault if they don't know the full details.
            Last edited by ciannwn; 25 November 2011, 06:36 AM.


              Originally posted by ciannwn View Post
              I think we need to insist that certain game guide entries are required reading before anyone signs up to play. An instruction such as (see game guides for more information about the properties of these substances) doesn't guarantee that a newbie will read them if we don't provide links. Even saying that these entries are required reading won't guarantee that a newbie will read them, of course, but it does mean that it will be their own fault if they don't know the full details.
              Perhaps adding something in the game guides that a newbie posts to prove they've read them? Its a system I've seen on another forum and it seems to work.
              If found, is probably lost on the way to Azaroth or the Pegasus Galaxy


                Originally posted by Draygon View Post
                Perhaps adding something in the game guides that a newbie posts to prove they've read them? Its a system I've seen on another forum and it seems to work.
                Good idea. They still need to know which guides contain the information they're required to read, though. The system I've used is a common format on the internet - anyone who uses online encyclopedias will be familiar with it. Here's Todd's entry from GW's 'Stargate Omnipedia' as an example - the article contains links to other articles.

                Last edited by ciannwn; 25 November 2011, 07:37 AM.


                  Ah, okay. Yes to both points.

                  Though it's tricky to say something happening in an online role playing game is "illegal" as all things are happening in an hypothetical environment where self-made rules apply, I see that some people might find it upsetting and need to be warned.

                  Also, okay to the links (though I still think it will intimidate newbies when they see all the stuff we've come up with over the years.)
                  Last edited by Draco-Stellaris; 25 November 2011, 08:08 AM.


                    Game Guide update

                    Character Guides are now updated on the WWANON forum and I'm in process of turning the names into links to pictures (those we have pictures of anyway).


                      Originally posted by Draco-Stellaris View Post
                      Game Guide update

                      Character Guides are now updated on the WWANON forum and I'm in process of turning the names into links to pictures (those we have pictures of anyway).
                      Thanks. I know I said I'd draft out some rules but I ended up genetically modifying mushrooms and happy weed instead.

                      Have you found a way to turn names into links without having to type in any code?


                        Originally posted by ciannwn View Post
                        Thanks. I know I said I'd draft out some rules but I ended up genetically modifying mushrooms and happy weed instead.

                        Have you found a way to turn names into links without having to type in any code?
                        That sounds like it's more fun!

                        No, I haven't. I ended up copy-pasting all the picture links and adding the url-tags manually which seemed to be the fastest way. It's finished now. I also copied the complete code into the google backup document, including the tags, so if we have to alter something it should be easy to do.


                          Originally posted by Draco-Stellaris View Post
                          No, I haven't. I ended up copy-pasting all the picture links and adding the url-tags manually which seemed to be the fastest way. It's finished now. I also copied the complete code into the google backup document, including the tags, so if we have to alter something it should be easy to do.
                          Not a fun job.

                          We've always had a guide for game threads along with complicated instructions about what to post in OOC. (This was necessary when we needed to avoid plots being planned in the actual role playing threads.) I've now included a very short and simple guide to OOC in the thread guides.


                          The thread's title reflects the days when we had a lot of players involved in complicated, long running plots. If we think of another title which is more in keeping with our new approach we'll ask the Role Playing Forum mod to change it.

                          OOC Chat stands for out of character chat and covers the following -

                          1: Character adoption announcements, character descriptions, Borrowing permissions, admin updates, questions about the game and discussion points such as planning Chill Out Hive parties.

                          2: Posting game related fiction and artwork.

                          3: Social chat and links to holiday photos etc.

                          Even in the days of the original game, characters often turned up to leave gifts, make comments about various things, show us pics of what costumes they intended wearing to fancy dress parties and post favorite videos they'd found on YouTube. This officially counts as role playing in our new approach.


                            I drafted out some possible rules concerning smoking the other day. Not banned as such but severely restricted in the game world. Archimedes has invented an alternative.

                            Suggested rules -

                            Smoking - there isn't an outright ban as such but characters aren't permitted to smoke cigarettes, cigars, pipes or happy weed in enclosed public spaces or anywhere there are children and/or non smokers present. If they wish to smoke tobacco they can find an empty, open space on Copelandia. If they'd rather smoke happy weed they can go to the Happy House in the village unless they prefer to be in an empty, open space. The Happy House, although an enclosed public space, was built by the villagers so that adults can get happy without affecting people who would rather be happy later or not at all. Non-smoking Wraith and humans don't appreciate their hair, clothes and public areas smelling of someone else's stale tobacco smoke. They don't appreciate the effects of passive happy weed smoking either because this takes away individual choice where getting happy is concerned.
                            Archimedes' alternative.

                            Artificial Cigarettes, Cigars and Pipes: These devices have ends/bowls which glow when air is drawn through them but there is no smoke and no smell. The tobacco range provides all the taste of the real thing with controlled doses of nicotine - the doses can be gradually reduced by the user until only the taste remains so they could be useful for anyone wishing to give up the habit. Happy Weed cigarettes provide controlled doses of happiness. There is also a range of caffeine related flavors for all devices which are nicotine/happy weed free - chocolate, cola and coffee. These work on the same principle as the tobacco range so caffeine addicts can gradually reduce their intake without suffering withdrawal symptoms. The cigarettes can be fitted into holders and the cases are available in any color. The devices are effective for about a month of average use.
                            I don't know why anyone would want to get their caffeine fix with the aid of an artificial cigar.

                            Archimedes: It's safer when using a computer. There's no danger of liquids being spilled over the keyboard.
                            Last edited by ciannwn; 25 November 2011, 11:10 AM.



                              1: The game guide title of The Planet has been changed to The Planet (Copelandia). We could ask the mods to change the name of The Planet thread to that.

                              2: Have changed part of the introduction so the bit about Earth laws is (hopefully) less confusing. See the bolded bits.

                              Happy Weed and Mushrooms with interesting properties - see the relevant entries in the Plants game guide, the introduction and Mainland entries in The Planet (Copelandia) guide and the ashtray entry in the account of The Dig At Draygon Castle. Happy Weed and Copelandian mushrooms don't exist in the real world so aren't on any country's banned list. The question of whether they'd be banned on Stargate Earth is irrelevant - our characters are in the Pegasus galaxy where Earth laws don't apply. Players aren’t obliged to make their characters join in Copelandian cultural activities so if you don’t want your Wraith sampling a mushroom we aren’t going to call you a spoilsport.
                              The mushroom and happy weed entries explain why they don't exist in the real world.

                              PS: I've been doing a bit of research into real life marijuana. Using Earth laws to define the legality of our fictional Happy Weed in the Pegasus galaxy is impossible because laws vary between individual countries and, in some places where it's technically illegal, the authorities turn a blind eye. Here's some examples from the CNBC website.

                              Seattle, Washington




                              Oakland, California



                              Last edited by ciannwn; 26 November 2011, 02:59 AM.


                                Last edited by rora'sPA; 06 May 2017, 05:42 AM.

