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    *Hugs for DS, DS Junior and Addict.*

    Take care of yourself.


      Game Discussion Point: Should smoking be allowed in our game world?

      *In the COH, TP has responded to the issue by installing special exhaust fan units.

      *In the main game threads, I don’t think it has a place at all: there are children present and it isn’t SGA canon because no smoking was ever seen by the peoples of the Pegasus galaxy.

      This is an emotionally-charged issue for me. I won’t go into details here, but I dislike having to go to funerals for people who should have lived at least another 20-30 years if not for poor lifestyle choices and seeing children without parents, especially very young ones.

      I will not condone this behavior in person or online. I will respect the consensus of the other players and adjust my participation level accordingly.


        DS - I hope you and your little man get well very soon *hugs*

        Addict - I know what you're going through, so let me know if I can help or just listen *hugs*

        Orb - I understand what you mean. I;m an ex-smoker myself and it was the best thing I ever did and I'm now almost evangelical in my anti-smoking zeal.

        However, the fancy cigarette holder seemed to me to be part of Shaun's outrageously eccentric character, so I felt that ensuring the COH technology could extract any harmful substances would be a reasonable compromise.
        I agree with you, though, about other threads. The COH is adults only and things go on there that wouldn't be appropriate in other threads, especially those with younglings.
        Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


          Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
          However, the fancy cigarette holder seemed to me to be part of Shaun's outrageously eccentric character, so I felt that ensuring the COH technology could extract any harmful substances would be a reasonable compromise.
          I agree with you, though, about other threads. The COH is adults only and things go on there that wouldn't be appropriate in other threads, especially those with younglings.
          Up until recently, I thought he just carried it around to be eccentric too but didn't actually smoke, or I would have brought this up sooner. I can be naive at times.

          I respect your decision though, TP.


            Originally posted by orbofnight View Post
            *In the main game threads, I don’t think it has a place at all: there are children present
            Do you mean there are child characters in the game world or are you saying that some GW members who follow the role playing threads are children?

            Originally posted by orbofnight View Post
            and it isn’t SGA canon because no smoking was ever seen by the peoples of the Pegasus galaxy.
            The Pegasus humans were never seen smoking but there was one episode where Woolsey gave Sheppard a cigar and they both lit their cigars up. In SGU, crew members who were smokers were forced to give it up when they ran out of cigarettes. Smoking, therefore, exists in the fictional Stargate universe.

            This is an emotionally-charged issue for me. I won’t go into details here, but I dislike having to go to funerals for people who should have lived at least another 20-30 years if not for poor lifestyle choices and seeing children without parents, especially very young ones.

            I can understand it must be difficult for you. We do, however, have a couple of other things in the game world, either of which which could be emotionally charged issues for a future player. Shawn is a heavy drinker - this could be upsetting for someone who has a friend or close relative who is an alcoholic. Crockett smokes 'happy weed' (a euphemism for a popular plant which is illegal) and he also eats those mushrooms which have funny effects. This could be upsetting for someone who has a friend or close relative who is a drug addict. It would be even more upsetting for them if the friend/relative had died from alcohol or drug abuse.

            My opinion about any character who wishes to smoke. He/she shouldn't do it (a) where game world children are present and (b) where other characters who object to smoking are present. A hive ship is city sized so there are plenty of places where a smoker could go. The island is also a big place.


              *Sends hugs to DS & DS junior* I hope you both feel better soon.

              *Hugs Addict* I hope your plan works and you're feeling better soon.


                I don't have an issue with smoking in any of the RP threads, especially if one of the wraith are doing it. I understand why it can be a sensitive issue because my father died from emphysema and my great uncle died from lung cancer. They both were smokers almost their whole lives and my father continued to smoke when he was carrying around oxygen tanks.

                However it wouldn't really bother me if we chose to 'ban' smoking in the RP threads, because none of my character's smoke. But, I think if we don't allow smoking, then alcohol needs to go. I see alcohol being just as deadly as cigarette smoking and I don't think it would be fair to allow that if the smoking is banned on the RP threads. My husband's father died from liver failure and my uncle, mom's brother, is a heavy alcoholic.

                I think one of the reasons why you don't see much smoking in SGA is because of laws. Maybe I am getting my laws mixed up, but I think it's technically not allowed to show smoking on tv or movies. They also can't advertise cigarettes. I am also willing to bet that atleast a few of the humans in Pegasus probably do smoke, even if it wasn't showed on the show.
                The worship of Talos is strictly forbidden!


                  Originally posted by ciannwn View Post
                  Do you mean there are child characters in the game world or are you saying that some GW members who follow the role playing threads are children?
                  We have child characters in the game like Kit and Vera in the main game threads.

                  Originally posted by ciannwn View Post
                  Crockett smokes 'happy weed' (a euphemism for a popular plant which is illegal)
                  I did not know this. I thought it was something like the mushrooms and eaten.

                  Originally posted by ciannwn View Post
                  and he also eats those mushrooms which have funny effects.
                  The mushrooms were always a joke to me because they are being made fun of, not condoned. Or, at least that is what I thought.


                    I´m a smoker myself, so I don´t have a problem with people smoking, be it Wraith or humans. If someone wants to do it they shall do. But I take it for granted not to smoke when children are around or if someone is eating. I´m not doing this in RL either.
                    And as Ciannwn already stated we have the "happy weed" and the mushrooms....which is all the same stuff as in RL, that was never a secret. And don´t forget the (wraith strengh) alcohol......


                      Originally posted by orbofnight View Post
                      We have child characters in the game like Kit and Vera in the main game threads.

                      I didn't realise Vera was a child. Oops. Astor and I are going to have to watch what we do in the snow craters in the planet thread.
                      The worship of Talos is strictly forbidden!


                        So, is it possible to have a thread where I go to RP and get away from all this stuff that reminds me of things I have to suffer from offline, such as immediate family members who are suffering from cancer?


                          Originally posted by orbofnight View Post
                          We have child characters in the game like Kit and Vera in the main game threads.
                          I agree that characters who smoke shouldn't do it in front of them.

                          Originally posted by orbofnight View Post
                          I did not know this. I thought it was something like the mushrooms and eaten.
                          The plant in question can be eaten or smoked. Either way it has the same effect on the person who uses it.

                          Originally posted by orbofnight View Post
                          The mushrooms were always a joke to me because they are being made fun of, not condoned. Or, at least that is what I thought.
                          The mushrooms/happy weed are very much a part of Crockett's character and, when he was with game Isolde, they often made happy weed cakes for everyone. He doesn't use mushrooms for recreational purposes now in my minifics but he still takes them as part of his spiritual path which is closely related to shamanism.

                          SGA didn't have plant drug addictions but the Wraith enzyme addiction is still drug addiction.

                          Other things that people do in the role playing threads/the WDC have the potential to be emotionally charged for someone or other. I find some of the adult stuff alluded to a bit disturbing because of bad experiences with my first husband. Eddie creeps me out sometimes but I know he's role played like that for fun so I try not to let it bother me.


                            Originally posted by orbofnight View Post
                            So, is it possible to have a thread where I go to RP and get away from all this stuff that reminds me of things I have to suffer from offline, such as immediate family members who are suffering from cancer?
                            This is something which will have to be sorted out by the currently active role players. Problems can sometimes crop up in a group activity like this because one person's fun fantasy can be another person's bad dream.


                              Originally posted by ciannwn View Post
                              Other things that people do in the role playing threads/the WDC have the potential to be emotionally charged for someone or other. I find some of the adult stuff alluded to a bit disturbing because of bad experiences with my first husband. Eddie creeps me out sometimes but I know he's role played like that for fun so I try not to let it bother me.
                              And because you told me about it, C I was able to tone Eddie down when you're around

                              We're all sensitive to others' feelings in the WWA and I;m sure if we know a particular thing is a sore spot for someone, we'd avoid it or tone it down.

                              For example, I;m sure if WS knew the strength of your feelings on the matter, Orb, she'd be happy to have Shaun's cigarette holder be just a dummy for show without actually smoking.
                              Perhaps you could drop her a PM? Or I;d be happy to do it for you, if you like?
                              Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                                Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
                                We're all sensitive to others' feelings in the WWA and I;m sure if we know a particular thing is a sore spot for someone, we'd avoid it or tone it down.

                                For example, I;m sure if WS knew the strength of your feelings on the matter, Orb, she'd be happy to have Shaun's cigarette holder be just a dummy for show without actually smoking.
                                A fake cigarette such as used in theatrical productions could be a good compromise. It could even be built into the holder.


                                These fake ciggies appear to be smoking.

                                They can be used in areas where smoking is forbidden like theatre stages as well as being a great practical joke for adults.

                                Blow, don't suck!

