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Foreston - Factory Town

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    Jensen felt a ball of lead growing in his stomach as he looked up at Carrie. "He had what I thought was a migraine earlier," he said softly. "Sensitive to light and sound, blurred vision... I'm starting to rethink my diagnosis. My gut is telling me its an aneurysm."


      [Jacks’ bar]

      Carrie nodded at Jensen’s remark
      “From the looks of it now, yeah. We’ll just have to wait and see.” then turning her attention at David.

      Originally posted by Ryn_SST View Post
      "Yeah... Hammer in .... my head..."
      Obviously he was in a lot of pain, but she still wanted to do some checks before they got on the move.
      “David, I’m Carrie Svensson, one of the doctors on the base. I just want to do some quick checks on you before giving you something for the pain and get you on the stretcher. OK?” Not really waiting for David to answer she begun to work. Moving around him, trying to disturb him as little as possible, she finally looked up at the medic. “Got that IV in yet?”
      Carrie started to poke around in her bag, found the vail she was looking for and prepared a syringe while talking to David.
      The medic nodded. “Yes, done.”
      “David, we’ll give you something for the pain now. It wont knock you out completely, just take the edge of the pain, I still want to be able to talk to you. Once we get you back to the base and know more about what’s wrong with you we can give you some more…” She handed over the syring to the medic who gave David the injection in the IVport.
      Last edited by Northern Girl; 20 July 2007, 08:59 PM.

      "Absence of Evidence is not Evidence of Absence"


        David just nodded, letting them do their jobs. All he really had to do was lie still, he thought. He could do that, oh yes, that was easy. The pain was less harsh now, as the painkiller kicked in. He gave a weak smile, and then just.... lied still. He was content to do so. He knew he was in good hands, Winchester was a capable doc, and Williams knew the other doc was probably a good one too.
        David wished he knew what she actually looked like besides a blurry brownish whirl (he'd only seen her hair he assumed), her voice sounded nice, comforting. 'Great bedside manner...' The thought made him snort at himself. Still, it took his mind off the pain, somewhat. He just wished he knew more of what was going on, though was content to just lie there and give in to whatever they wanted to do with him.

        Last edited by Ryn; 20 July 2007, 12:54 PM. Reason: Added stuff.. and trying this 'no-sig' thingy out.


          Originally posted by SilverRider View Post
          Jack O'Harris - His Bar

          "Is there anything I can do to help?" he asked, not knowing what was wrong and he was a bit worried too.
          OK’ let’s get home
          The medic started to arange the strecher so that they could get David onto it.

          Carrie got up on her feet again, turned towards Jack and gave him a little smile “Sorry for not saying “Hello” when I got in. I would really appreciate some help getting David here onto the stretcher and out to the transport…?”

          "Absence of Evidence is not Evidence of Absence"


            Jack O'Harris - His Bar

            Jack nodded and smiled at Carrie, "Don't worry," he gave a light pat on her shoulder, "Your paitent needed you more,"

            Then helped Jensen place David into the stretcher.


              [ Jack's Place ]

              "All right, lets get him in the humvee," Jensen said quietly, taking in Jack for a moment. The older man seemed to be in pretty good shape and didn't argue at the suggestion. They counted to three and picked David up, then carried him outside; as an afterthought Jensen draped the still-damp towel over the man's eyes to help shield him from the bright sunlight.

              When the stretcher was safely loaded and strapped in, Jensen turned to Carrie. "Give me a call if you need anything; I'll double check and make sure his medical records are in the system and updated with what's gone on here today. If Gus asks, just tell him..." He sucked in a breath and blew it out. "Just tell him I'm not quite ready to come back yet. I'll be in touch."


                (Outside Jacks’ bar and on the road towards the base)

                “Yeah, sure, I’ll tell him that” Carrie replied quietly.
                “This is not the Jensen I used to know…” she thought as she climbed into the passenger seat and grabbed the radio. “This is Dr Svensson calling the Infirmary, over”The airman turned on the engine and started to move out of the town.

                [radio] “Steele here. How are you doing?”[/radio]

                “We’ve just begun our trip back and…” Carrie paused and turned towards the airman doing the driving giving him a stern look as she used the radio again “...we’re taking it a bit easy on our way back, guess it’ll take us 20 minutes.” She glanced over her shoulder towards David and Tim, the medic, who gave her a nod and an “OK” sign. “We suspect he has a cerebral aneurysm, so I want a free passage to the MRI once we get back. Could you get an SF to hold the elevator for us? Over”

                [radio] “Sure thing” [/radio]

                “Thanks Julianna. Svensson out” Carrie hung up the radio and climbed into the back of the vehicle.
                “How’s he doing?”
                Tim gave her the chart. “Just fine. His heart rate and BP jumped up a bit as we got him in here, but its back to normal now…” She looked at it as he spoke and then put her hand on David’s’ arm.

                “David, I guess you want to know what’s going on, and like Jensen said before, we’re taking you back to the base to do a MRI scan on your head and do some blood work” Carrie paused for a moment as the Humvee hit a bump in the road and she had to get a better grip to avoid falling right across David. “Now, I don’t want to speculate about what’s wrong with you, but I promise I’ll let you know as soon as I’ve got results. OK?”

                <<to Outdoors>>

                ((OOC Just felt I had to give that poor nameless medic a name ))
                Last edited by Northern Girl; 18 September 2007, 05:17 AM.

                "Absence of Evidence is not Evidence of Absence"


                  [In the Humvee]

                  David mumbled incoherently as they put him on the stretcher and then loaded him into the vehicle. He wasn't used to all these sensations. First there was the blinding sun, which had thankfully been covered by a wet cloth. As the car rode forward, he reached up for the cloth to remove it since he didn't like being blind. Then, when he opened his eyes again, there was the blurry vision.

                  He blinked a few times, and listened to the doctor, about whom he now had worked out that it was a she. Okay... new doc...or I just... OW. Never saw her before. The OW - and he let out a small pained noise there - related to the bump in the road, he'd hit his arm slightly on the side bar of the stretcher. He let it hang limply on his lap instead, it was most probably forming a bruise. His other arm felt weird, somehow, too - oh that's right, medics love their IV's... David turned his head towards it but saw nothing, just a blurry round shaped thing.

                  "Glasses." David said, quite clearly, and questioningly. It'd been the only word he'd spoken clearly, before. His head swam, and he moaned.


                    Jensen watched the humvee vanish down the path between the trees, then turned to Jack. "Never a dull moment around here, huh?" he joked, feeling a little bit shaky- the adrenaline of the crisis was wearing off. "Come on- I need to finish eating, then I think I'm going off on my walkabout before anything else happens."

                    He headed back inside and sat down, feeling vaguely guilty about not being more concerned about Williams, but he knew the doctor was in Carrie's (and the base staff's) more than capable hands. Finishing his stew, he looked up to find Jack watching him carefully; in light of their previous conversation, Jensen couldn't blame him. He sighed and stood up, extending a hand.

                    "Thanks for everything, Jack," he said softly, meaning it. "I'll see you in a couple of days. A week, maybe. And I promsie I'll be careful." He grinned. "Take care until I get back."

                    With that, he turned and headed for home to change clothes, pick up his gear and supplies, and head out. About an hour later he locked his door and disappeared into the woods, headed toward Riverton.


                      <<From Outdoors>>

                      [City streets]

                      CJ took a deep breath and couldn't keep the smile from spreading widely across her face as she gazed over at Robert. "I can't believe we actually made it! So, um, I guess now would be a good time to mention that I have a terrible sense of direction without my GPS. Which way to the bar?" She was only half-joking about her inability to remember which way to get to Jack's. She was glad that she was there with Robert. Any other guy would have been dumbfounded by her announcement. Just one of the many suprises that Robert would discover hidden beneath her tough military captian exterior.
                      Dear Journal
                      My contribution to the Stargate Rewatch experience. Will be updated nearly everyday, and will cover all episodes, and characters.


                        Robert raised an eyebrow, taken aback by her announcement. He shook his head, a small smile creeping over his face. "That way," he replied pointing. He couldn't help but wonder what strengths and weaknesses that CJ had after her little revelation. He managed to resist a smirk. Not that she knew many of his. And so, he lead the way to Jack's Bar.

                        ((Cutting this short. I have to try restarting my computer. It's really starting to tick me off. *Grumbles about not being able to solve current set of technical problems* ))


                          [Jack's Bar]

                          CJ followed Robert into the realitivly uncrowded bar. She noted the appearence of everyone in the room out of habit, and made a special note of the other occupants that seemed to be judging the two of them as if they were being held on trial. Obviously the base personnel that showed up in Foreston were for the most part, not widely accepted. CJ knew that it was something that she would have to deal with. She hoped there would be many more trips like this one in her future. She also couldn't stop her natural instinct of pinpointing each person in the room that could cause trouble, and deciding within just a few seconds if she would be able to take them if a fight broke out. She didn't think that she would have much trouble with anyone else in the bar. Taking a seat next to Robert, she whispered something in his ear. "You get the feeling that the jury have already reached a guilty verdict where we're concerned? Since when have the base personnel been scrutinized like some kind of alien enemy in Foreston?" She secretly indicated one praticular man in the corner of the bar that looked as if he wanted to pound someone.
                          Dear Journal
                          My contribution to the Stargate Rewatch experience. Will be updated nearly everyday, and will cover all episodes, and characters.


                            ((Heh. I've been forgetting location tags. I guess I've been caught up in the heat of the moment with my computer.))

                            {Jack's Bar}

                            "Yeah. I do." He glanced over at the man CJ had indicated. "What's the matter? Don't think you can take him?" he teased, tossing her a grin. Robert tended to be overly suspicious and this environment didn't do wonders to ease that particular quality. He kept glancing around the room, ensuring that everyone would indeed stay in line. "So, ah, are we going back to twenty questions?" He refrained from rolling his eyes, knowing that he likely couldn't come up with any further questions with the promise of later tonight.


                              [Jack's Bar]

                              CJ didn't smile at Robert's teasing. "Oh, I assure you, I would have no problem taking him. In fact, if it came down to it, I would have no problem taking everyone in here, including you." She grinned to let Robert know that she was only attempting to return his teasing. Twenty questions. It was an apt name for the converstion they had been having earlier. "No, I've got a better idea. It's story time. And you get to go first. Just pick any random story that you care to share, or just some interesting fact about yourself. Doesn't have to be special or anything. Just something that I wouldn't know otherwise." She waited for him to respond as she thought about what story of her own she would tell. After all, there was no way that he would let her go without revealing even more about herself.
                              Dear Journal
                              My contribution to the Stargate Rewatch experience. Will be updated nearly everyday, and will cover all episodes, and characters.


                                {Jack's Bar}

                                Robert smirked. "I might just let you take me down." Now he couldn't help but sigh. He needed either a story or some sort of random fact. "I suppose I'll go with option two. I'll do random facts over a story any day of the week. I used to be interested in mythology when I was younger. My personal laptop has always either been an HP or a Sony Vaio. My favorite animal is a cheetah. I prefer cats over dogs and my favorite cartoon when I was younger was "Scooby Doo". Good enough?"

                                ((Debating whether or not to go to bed. Maybe I can spare another half hour. ))

