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    HOLT FRICK ITS COLD! -5F with 30mph winds.... windchills of -40F.... I can literally feel the cold radiating in through the window- which, might I add, is winterproofed and sealed.

    I hate winter weather like this.


      Originally posted by ShelBel View Post
      HOLT FRICK ITS COLD! -5F with 30mph winds.... windchills of -40F.... I can literally feel the cold radiating in through the window- which, might I add, is winterproofed and sealed.

      I hate winter weather like this.
      That is what you get for living in Minnesota.

      On that note, it snowed two weeks ago here in North Carolina. I am pretty sure I left Michigan to ESCAPE the snow!


        Math has always been my icky subject. It's nice in small doses, as a relief from all the English/History/Language stuff, but you don't usually get it in little doses.

        I only got as far as Pre-Cal in highschool. Now I'm putting off any more math classes until my last year here at the junior college. Of course, I'll be so rusty by then that I'll be taking pre-cal all over again.

        Oh, except for stats. I want to take stats next semester... I've gotten a lot of conflicting opinions on it. Super easy, super hard, and occasionally somewhere in the middle...

        Sig. courtesy of the phenomenal Shelbel!


          Thanks for the heads up, I think.
          We're supposed to get the winds as the cold front comes through tonight. 60 MPH +. I can already see the orange barrels at the end of my driveway being up the street. Of course, they'll be replaced by the orange barrels that are a few houses down from me.
          *sigh* We've been having water supply problems and the city has been digging up lawns all along the street.
          You're never too old to do something goofy.
          Growing older is mandatory. Growing up is optional.


            Discrete/Decision maths isn't too tricky, mainly about remembering algorithms and using the correct one. And knowing a few terms and suchlike.

            Hul: SOA CAH TOA is my way of remembering it, never fails so long as you get the Opposite and Adjacent the right way around. Remember Pythagoras, and keep your head and it's all good. It's when you get "'Prove (sin(2x))/cos x = 2 tan x" (Not a real equation, it's most likely horribly wrong) that it really hurts your head.

            Apart from the if you use them the sine rule is easy to remember (sin a)/A = (sin b)/B = (sin c)/C or A/(sin a) etc.) and the cosine rule you should be given as a formula, however just for geekiness here goes: C^2 = A^2 + B^2 - 2ABcos c

            *dances* got it right ^^ and it proves Pythagoras (cos 90=0) I'll shut up now
            "I once thought it better to be right
            But now I have finally seen the light
            Sometimes you've got to be wrong and learn from mistakes
            I live with serenity now, not self righteous hate.

            - Dream Theater, Shattered Frotress

            Gateworld RP: Aftermath
            Update Thread


            Main Characters

            Ray's sig made by Shelly, Vince's, House's and Li's modelled on her good work.

            Looking after

            For Xym, and so I have a place I can take the siggy code from!

            Non-bio'd NPC Characters


              *manages PM-box* I had about half my quota used up again, so I downloaded some and put them in a Pages-file (=word processor). I now have all relevant RP charrie info stored safely in one file. *feels all accomplished and organised now*

              Um, yeah.

              I'm pants at Math


                Originally posted by Vincent View Post
                Discrete/Decision maths isn't too tricky, mainly about remembering algorithms and using the correct one. And knowing a few terms and suchlike.

                Hul: SOA CAH TOA is my way of remembering it, never fails so long as you get the Opposite and Adjacent the right way around. Remember Pythagoras, and keep your head and it's all good. It's when you get "'Prove (sin(2x))/cos x = 2 tan x" (Not a real equation, it's most likely horribly wrong) that it really hurts your head.

                You mean SOH CAH TOA?


                  OH god....NOT the sin cos and tan...that drove me bonkers in High school.


                    That stuff is anyone want to tell me how i can get it?

                    GWRPG CHARACTERS


                      Oh my gosh. You want cold? They've already canceled school tomorrow because of the temps! O.o And my boss told me to stay home.

                      *puts heater under desk to warm toes*


                        Originally posted by ShelBel View Post
                        Oh my gosh. You want cold? They've already canceled school tomorrow because of the temps! O.o And my boss told me to stay home.

                        *puts heater under desk to warm toes*

                        I always thought I liked the cold. I think I was wrong. I complain when I wake up and it's 56 degrees Fahrenheit in the house...

                        Ratbaby <--- wimp

                        Somehow I don't think I've experienced real cold. My sympathies to all of you cold-weather people.

                        Though having work and school cancelled doesn't sound so bad...

                        Sig. courtesy of the phenomenal Shelbel!


                          ugh, weather, I know what you mean!

                          This morning it was so nice I probably could have made it with a Longsleeved shirt and pants, and now it's 2 degrees!!


                          Sig from Kat Logan VIA SilverRider

                          SIX YEARS OF ROLEPLAYING ON GATEWORLD!

                          Join the Aftermath RP


                            Heh. I like my weather; it's about 70 degrees or so here.



                              I'm goin go bed.

                              night night
                              Sig from Kat Logan VIA SilverRider

                              SIX YEARS OF ROLEPLAYING ON GATEWORLD!

                              Join the Aftermath RP


                                *chants mantra* i love my job, i love my job, i love my job....

                                It's 6am and I'm STILL writing these reports. I've got 45 minutes before I absolutely have to leave for work. If I hurry, I might manage it.
                                Yepp, it's blank down here.

