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SG-3 Talk

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    I hope it was okay that Jaime realized what our columns were; I didn't hear if someone else wanted to do it, so I just decided what the heck and went for it.


      No probs here


        GOD I'm bored.


          hey shelbel do you want to start a personal thing, with allurai, after all it was you and i that found it, and at the time you could hear something when i could

          PS: I want to include everyones help when we have a tough time and i have to use the rod.

          Maybe it would make u less bored. Ps. the whole language thing was Matthews interpritaion. He did languages at school, but i found it to be incosiquential to the Rp. Becasue he is a soldier, he can only guess as to what he knows.

          Name: Issac Matthews
          Team: SG-3(Marines)
          Rank: Captain (YAY)
          click for biography


            Geez AEM, chill. The bored comment had nothing to do with the RPG, other than the fact that no one other than myself was on and I had nothing to do.


              Hey all- have a great weekend, I'll be offline Friday and Saturday, hopefully home on Sunday. I'll see ya later, and be good to Jaime!


                Sorry shelbel. By the way with the big nasty, i was going to use the rod somehow, but im going to need all the teams help.

                happy weekend.

                Name: Issac Matthews
                Team: SG-3(Marines)
                Rank: Captain (YAY)
                click for biography


                  Have a great weekend Shelbel , see ya when you get back.


                    Hi everyone, I'm back! Had a great weekend. I'm off to post... la ti dah...


                      Okay, a few thoughts...

                      I'm going with the theory that the rod/Allurai is somehow interacting with the mirrors on a level that no one other than Matthews can really sense. He's the only one seeing the "hallucination" in the mirror. The mirrors have not been turned on or activated, so that's really the only explanation that makes sense.

                      I think this is a perfect opportunity to vacate the mirror cave and regroup; allow Matthews to rest and recover, Jaime to go over some of the photos and data and start translating, and for the rest of the team to maybe work on getting camp set up and dinner started.


                        Well seeing as no one has replied and to keep things moving Ive gone along with your idea Shelbel, Harvey has ordered a break

                        On a side note I just wanted to let you know Im away this weekend with my cadets, and wont be around much of the following weekend either cos I gotta help my Mom move.


                          Ditto for this weekend for me; hubby and I are leaving town Thursday night and won't be back until late Sunday.


                            yeah shelbel that fine. I finsihed having a scary movie marathon, and i has some disturbing images in my mind, that i found i must post.

                            Name: Issac Matthews
                            Team: SG-3(Marines)
                            Rank: Captain (YAY)
                            click for biography


                              No problem AEM. I figured that would be the best way to handle it.

                              I am SO looking forward to the next twenty four hours in RPG time! *bounce bounce bounce* LOL


                                If i go into the forest to collect wood, maybe i could be attacked by the evil creature and u guys hear the gun fire and come looking and find a blood covered body (which would be McCoy).

                                Like the idea?

                                Proud Supporter of:
                                - 'Stargate SG-1 and Atlantis' -

                                'If you don't tell me what I want to know, then it'll just be a question of how much you want it to hurt!'
                                - Jack Bauer (24)

