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SG2 Talk

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    *Throws cobweb away*

    Yeah!!!! We're rallying again. SG-2 lives!!!! Watch out!!!!

    Now I gotta find a way to wake up sleeping beauty.....
    Awesome sig made by *E*K*R*. Thanks!!!!!


      We need a fourth team member since i can get ahold of Hamner



        AF-I still like what we had talked about a LONG time ago for waking up Nat. But that's up to you.

        As for the fourth member, I kind of, might have someone in mind. I'll PM the two of you of about it and see what you think. Or the other possibility is to dig up an NPC from somewhere.
        Dear Journal
        My contribution to the Stargate Rewatch experience. Will be updated nearly everyday, and will cover all episodes, and characters.


          Yeah, what was it again? I forgot so I'm coming up with a new plan, but if you remember PM me and I'll intertwine both. It may be interesting that way....

          Thanks, JM.

          About the fourth member, PM sent.
          Awesome sig made by *E*K*R*. Thanks!!!!!


            I think that we have already done this at some point, but with all the messages floating in and out of our PM boxes right now, I think it would be a good idea for us to identify the times when each of us are on-line most frequently, and attempt to do some of the planning via IM.

            We're all pretty close to the same time zone, so that's good. I think that PA is an hour ahead of me and AF, but still pretty close. And I have noticed that there is already some overlap of our time online, so that's good too.

            I'm usually on sometime after 1930 during the week, unless I get a break between classes and work.

            And on the weekends, it can vary depending on when I get off work.
            Dear Journal
            My contribution to the Stargate Rewatch experience. Will be updated nearly everyday, and will cover all episodes, and characters.


              The same as JM for me, but I usually come online at 10 PM my time, which is GW - 3 hours, during the week. In the weekend I'm erratic popping in and out like an Australian kangaroo.
              Awesome sig made by *E*K*R*. Thanks!!!!!


                Australian kangaroo

                Anyway, I'm going to bed, all this mission planning has me a bit too hyper for my own good.
                Dear Journal
                My contribution to the Stargate Rewatch experience. Will be updated nearly everyday, and will cover all episodes, and characters.


                  Damn you two slow down for a minute will ya your going to leave your CO behind lol

                  GWRPG CHARACTERS


                    *Looks at PM box, looks back at CO*

                    You're being left behind.

                    Anyway, sorry about that. As they say, when the muses strike, there's no stopping them. *Points to the infirmary as an example.*
                    Dear Journal
                    My contribution to the Stargate Rewatch experience. Will be updated nearly everyday, and will cover all episodes, and characters.


                      Hey guys!

                      Pumping the thread up a bit.

                      Where's PA again and D4D?

                      People who'd want to apply to join SG-2 can post here until PA comes back and replies, I guess. So we can start to know each other.

                      All right with you, JM? And Kylie? Getting better of that leg of hers? LOL! CJ disappeared too, poor girl......

                      Awesome sig made by *E*K*R*. Thanks!!!!!


                        JM: That's alright with me. Last I heard from PA, she was staying busy with a mission trip, or something. I've been waiting on her to post so I can return Mary to work for awhile now.

                        Kylie: Did someone mention my name? I'm currently in a Hawaiian themed snack shack in Foreston with my main guy, and Jeanie. Leg's doing ok, but I can't wait to get this silly cast off.

                        CJ: I think that I heard my name too. I'm stuck somewhere between my quarters, the mess hall, and the science lab. JM just can't seem to find the time to let me make a decent post.

                        JM: Ok, you two, points taken.
                        Dear Journal
                        My contribution to the Stargate Rewatch experience. Will be updated nearly everyday, and will cover all episodes, and characters.


                          Hi hope its ok to post here,ive played d+d.stargate,cuberpunk role play games before so i know how to speak in charcter ect but never played one online,i have sent in my charcter and i would like to know if i would be able to join sg-2,dont know how it works gettin assigned places but this is what i come up with

                          Character Name:Zack Hart
                          Character Age: 21
                          Character Rank: Marine (or1)
                          Character Position: tactical,upclose,protection
                          Personality:Zack hart (from norfolk) was a young boy when his parents past away,they were researhes in the fields of scinece,
                          he moved to Essex in the u.k and was raised by his aunt,she played a big role in his life,she herself had 3 kids and Zack wasnt
                          exactually a quite child,often in trouble with the police and local gang members he become to much for his aunty to handel.
                          she sent him a way on a program to sort his attiude to life out,he cam back to her 1 year later a totaly different person
                          .he know understood the errors in his ways,
                          he soon inrolled as a marine


                          Born 3/12/1987

                          7/01/1991 started a private school at the age of 3.

                          10/08/1991 his parents past away in a fire at his home(rumours it was a science divesion wich opesed hsi parents work)

                          21/08/1991 moved in to live with his aunty

                          21/1/1992 started a public school(he wasnt left any money from parents and aunty was broke)

                          06/06/2002 was kicked out of his school and started home tutoring

                          15/05/2003 started his behaiour rehab

                          15/05/2004 returned home a new man

                          24/09/2005 enlisted as a marine

                          present day applying for a postion on Sg-2

                          please let me now what you think?
                          sigpicIts Scary To Think Of A Mix Between These To Isnt It


                            If you don't mind I did like to nitpick the bio.

                            Okay first, your a marine...but what rank?? And what the heck is OR1??


                            Please have that clarified, second expand on his background, and how he ended up being in the SGC program and how he came to Alpha Site. There had to be something that caught the eyes of folks at SGC. If he lives in UK, he won't be a in USMC unless he's a US citizen. OK so your talking about Royal Marines again clarify this. That important cos when few think Marines, it's usually USMC.

                            but also have a read of other players bios to see how they have it done.

                            Plus the bio must be send to Colonel Sharp or Gen Blue and posted in the Bio section after it's approved. Then read the players list and see which teams are free with spots and PM the CO of the said team.

                            If you need more help drop me a PM.


                              well i looked at the chat and the lowest rank was marine so i thought i would just write marine,as i said i haveplayed rpgs before just not on the net,i have given a basic profile there some help would be much apperciated im on this site to make a network of friends so please help me
                              sigpicIts Scary To Think Of A Mix Between These To Isnt It


                                Welcome RD!

                                Check this out before posting RD and you'll keep the rest of us very happy:

                                Originally posted by Gen Blue
                                *drags in her soap box and steps up*

                                Okay folks. It's once again time for my "writing" lecture. You, in the back, don't . It's for everyone.

                                Using proper spelling, punctuation and grammar make the RP experience better for everyone.

                                Sentences start with capital letters. That means the B-I-G ones.
                                Spelling counts!! No one will know what you mean if the word is mispelled. is your friend.
                                Try, please try, to use proper punctuation. At least use some punctuation.
                                Start a new sentence when a new action takes place. Don't run everything together.
                                Possessions are important. "Blue's" means it belongs to General Blue. "Blues" is a type of music.
                                Speech is enclosed in quote marks. "What you say."
                                Thoughts are in italics. What you think.
                                All capitals is shouting. Don't SHOUT unless you mean it.
                                Bold is emphasis on a specific word. "I asked you not to shout."
                                If you use color to highlight your speach or thoughts, look at it posted. Pale colors do not work well on the white background.
                                Out of character (OOC) comments in a playing thread are surrounded by double parenthesis. (( I really like what you did there. ))
                                Location moves are usually indicated by either one or doubled arrows. << to Mess Hall >> << from Quarters >>

                                Not all of our members are native English speakers. I heartily applaud their command of English. However, if you use a bit of American slang or an obscure term, define it with an OOC comment on the post. (( The straw that broke the camel's back = the one last action that was just too much to take calmly. ))
                                I know I've been guilty of this last one. Sorry.

                                *steps off the soapbox*

                                (( Getting up on a soapbox = An old US custom from when soap came in wooden boxes and a speaker wanted to gain people's attention in the town square. Stepping up on the box raised a person above the crowd and made them easier to hear. ))
                                Read a few posts to get into the flow of things here before you starts to post away, once your bio has been approved of course...

                                Marine is a branch in the military, not a rank. You'll find the enlisted ranks here, we go by Air force ranks in this RP so you'll find your "own" rank in that row.

                                ...and by this I think we should get out of SG-2's thread since none of us actually belong in here and handle things by PM instead

                                "Absence of Evidence is not Evidence of Absence"

