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    'Well that helped' Richard thought sarcastically. "Sir, I think you and me need to have a talk outside." Richard spat, as he got up from the chair.


      "No Lieutenant, whatever you have to say; Cadet Clayton can hear it too," Jason snapped.
      Support Gateworld Roleplay

      Captain Jacen Richards SG7


        "Oh, get off your f-ing high horse.... Sir," she snapped. Seeing Richard's delighted face, she swung on him. "That goes for both of you."
        Yepp, it's blank down here.


          "You heard the lady. Now I'd prefer we settle this outside the infirmary, your disturbing the patients and ruining SG7's reputation." Richard clenched his fist and fought the urge to hit this man with everything he had.


            "As you wish Lieutenant," Jason replied smugly.
            Support Gateworld Roleplay

            Captain Jacen Richards SG7


              Richard turned on his heel and made an "after you" gesture toward the door. 'I wouldn't of pegged him as the sucker-punch type but you never know' He thought angrily.


                Jason trotted out of the infirmary, knowing full well what Richard intended to do. But he had a few tricks up his sleeve that would catch Richard unprepared. He tapped his foot and said, "I'm waiting."
                Support Gateworld Roleplay

                Captain Jacen Richards SG7


                  "Sir, I would appreiciate it if you would stop treating Rowena like a peice of meat! She's a person for g*d's sake start treating her like one!"


                    "Well how else am I supposed to get to her? She won't respond to me otherwise. Well I haven't tried hugging and kissing her yet. She needs support from her team, not just her lover. She needs to know that we all care for who she is, and not just you," answered Jason as he crossed his arms.
                    Support Gateworld Roleplay

                    Captain Jacen Richards SG7


                      "And yelling at her to "suck it up" is your version of support? You were kicked alot as a child weren't you? She's not the kind of person who takes to the support thing from just anyone, in case you haven't noticed." He sneered.


                        "Well at least I got a response out of her when I told her to suck it up. You haven't really helped except make her cry. But I want to try one more thing, and I need your help," requested Jason.
                        Support Gateworld Roleplay

                        Captain Jacen Richards SG7


                          "I'm not saying I'll help, but what is it?" Richard asked, somewhat skeptical.


                            "I need you to pretend to deck me on to the railing of her bed. Then after I get up, rush to her side and tell her you love her," requested Jason.
                            Support Gateworld Roleplay

                            Captain Jacen Richards SG7


                              "Won't that seem a little... staged sir?" He asked, liking the idea but worried about the high probability of failure.


                                He grinned, "Maybe, but I'll let you hit me. I know you want to, it'll probably be your only chance. Plus, you get what you want."
                                Support Gateworld Roleplay

                                Captain Jacen Richards SG7

