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    (( OOC - I thought I left Kym in her quarters. I think I got bit by the 'submit message' button that doesn't work under the preview pane. I'm not going to try to recreate what I did. ))

    << from Mess Hall >>

    Kym stripped off her clothes, put on her nightshirt, took a pain pill and dove into bed.
    You're never too old to do something goofy.
    Growing older is mandatory. Growing up is optional.


      <<from science labs>>

      Richard walked to his room and after disposing of his shoes, fell asleep in a few seconds. ((ooc night for me all))


        Richard opened one eye, and slowly turned his head till the clock was in sight. He had to get up five, no six minutes ago. Groggily he rolled over and made his way to the showers. <<to the locker rooms>>


          << from Mess Hall >>

          Jaime unlocked her door and slipped inside, closing it securely behind her. With a sigh, she sat down in front of her monitor and keyboard and quickly skimmed thru several server logs, making sure that all backups had been completed without errors, and so far, everything looked good. One of her staff had signed off on the off-site data transmissions (every day the gate was opened to the Beta site and a brief burst of computer data- actually gigs and gigs of backups compressed into incrediblly compact files- was exchanged in case of catastrophic failure or, god forbid, complete destruction of either site; it was the only thing that had saved them here, they'd had a daily backup from the SGC to go from).

          Yawning again, she locked down her workstation and got up. Determined to sleep more comfortably this time, she managed to get out of her BDUs and into fluffy socks, a pair of loose-fitting yoga pants, and a tank top.

          With a happy sigh she sank back under the covers and slept once again.

          (( OOC: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz... ))


            H arrived at her quarters, she was tired but decided that after such a large meal going to bed straight away wasnt the best idea. She glanced at her pack in the corner of the room 'I suppose I could always repack, it couldnt hurt'. She took everything out of the pack laying it out carefully on her bed. She put her PDA on charge and started sorting through her equipment, replacing anything she'd used with new and changing spare clothing over for a fresh set. With there next mission in mind she added a few extra's to her kit and then started to place it all back in her pack. An hour had passed by the time she finnished.
            Next she headed to her laptop and emailed General Blue asking for a meeting at a conveinent time, so they could get their mission back on track. She changed in to an old pair of jog pants and a sweat shirt and climbed in to bed. Before long she was fast asleep.


              Ka'te woke and was pleased to find her side no longer felt like someone had taken a blowtorch and a piece of sandpaper to it.

              Gathering a set of clean BDU's from a drawer, she headed for the locker room. She still wasn't used to living on-base. She had had an apartment on Earth. It was simple, except for the sagging bookcases with volumes of her favorite reading material. She had been put on standby a few times, but then she had been in small, spare guest quarters for no more than two nights.

              She sighed as she looked at the three books that she had kept in her pack. They made it heavier than necessary, but she always carried her Airman's Bible in its metal case, a dog-eared pocket guide to complex translation, and the book of the week, The Phantom of the Opera. Brushing her hand over the worn cover of the translation guide, she left the room.

              <<to locker rooms>>

              Lt. Colonel Jason Richardson/Major Jen Stevens Shipper
              Lt. Colonel Jim Anderson/Major Kate Howard Shipper

              "Tir gan teanga, tir gan anam." -Gaelic Proverb
              (A country without a language, a country without a soul.)

              ~RockinHobbit (MySpace)


                >>> from Infirmary

                Kate ran into her Quarters, sobbing and disgusted with herself. Not only had she broken strict military regulations, she had betrayed Tom, Jo and the girls. She couldn't go through everything again. What if she lost Jim too?

                She tugged her hair out of the pigtails and stripped off her fatigues, down to her shorts and vest. She curled on the bed, crying in earnest.
                Yepp, it's blank down here.


                  ((ooc it's like a soap opera, As the chevrons turn! *gets popcorn*))


                    (((yupp. Tune in tonight to see the latest episode of Alpha were Chevron Seven breaks off it's engagement)))
                    Yepp, it's blank down here.


                      "Ugh" Sharp said streaching after a nice rest, he felt much better.
                      Sharp rubbed his eyes and swung his feet over the side of his bed, streaching his arms and getting up. What to do now? He had been so hectic over the past few days.
                      I think I'll get something to eat...

                      (to mess Hall)
                      Sig from Kat Logan VIA SilverRider


                      Join the Aftermath RP


                        Kate curled up tightly, cradling her legs with her arms, her long hair falling wildly over her shoulders, waves created by the former plaits. Tears ran freely down her face as she saw the picture. Her family.

                        She was confused. Her emotions conflicted. She had never expected that to happen, not in the infirmary, not anywhere. He was her commanding officer, yes, a friend, but that's all. They had flirted a little, sure, and she had cared for him, comforted him, but no more than any other officer.

                        Then how did that just happen?

                        Easy. Because they wanted it to. They were under so much pressure, so much stress, she wasn't used to being isolated, she craved the physical contact, the comfort, even if it was a forbidden pleasure.

                        Why hadn't he come after her? Did he regret what happened as much as she did? Did she regret it? She wasn't quite sure that she did.

                        She remembered with a grimace how unstable he was on his feet. He wouldn't have been able to leave the infirmary if he tried. She was glad he wasn't trying. It would only get him hurt and she didn't want that.

                        Kate resolved to take full blame for the incident. After all, she kissed him first. And after Blue had finished with her for her idiocy in the Hangar bay the other day.... her career was as good as finished anyway.

                        Howard wiped the tears from her face, took a final look at the photo of the family she had betrayed and moved to the computer to compose her letter of resignation.
                        Yepp, it's blank down here.


                          ((Sorry, Double Post Time))

                          Kate finished typing her letter and clicked on the print button. She turned to the metal locker behind the door, where her clothes hang. She was going to do this properly, go the military way.

                          She took off the underwear she wore under her combat uniform and fatigues, the practical, supportive underwear, designed for missions, and put on simple, but more feminine underwear, more suitable for the outfit she was about to don. She rolled on her stockings, with their elasticated tops, saving the need for a suspender belt. Kate wasn't one for fuss.

                          She lifted her dress uniform out of the wardrobe, first putting on and buttoning her shirt, followed by the figure hugging blue skirt, which she zipped up, fixing her shirt tightly in place. Kate affixed the small bow onto the front of the shirt, then moved to the mirror above the hand basin.

                          She brushed her long hair and tied it tightly back into a neat, regulation bun with a side parting, the part swept over her forehead accenting the curves of her face. Picking a few stray strands of her deep mahogony hair off her shirt, she was grateful she had done this before donning her Jacket.

                          She put on the jacket and buttoned it, so that it fit snugly around her. She slipped on her shoes and looked briefly at her reflection in the mirror. The perfect military officer. Looks could be deceiving.

                          She picked up the letter and read it through. The way it detailed her mistakes, her inadequacy and her inappropriate actions towards her superior officer. She grimaced and marched out of her quarters, leaving the door wide open.

                          (((watch out Blue, she's coming!!!)))
                          Yepp, it's blank down here.


                            (( OOC - As the Gate Spins - the lives and (non-regulation) loves of the men and woman on Gaia. *giggle* ))

                            An insistent pressure bordering on pain dragged Kym out of sleep. Getting out of bed only made the need more urgent. She only hesitated a second before making a desperate dash for the restroom. After what seemed like 5 minutes, she stepped over to wash her hands. The sight in the mirror was eye-opening. The winged kitten nightshirt and hair sticking every which way made a interesting contrast to the red scratches on her face and arms and the greenish-purple bruise along her jaw. "Oh! Aren't you just the model of a proper seaman?"
                            She could hear Captain Bartok, her last Ship Captain's, parting admonishment. "Remember, you're taking the honor of the Navy with you. Never give those flyboys a chance to doubt for a moment that WE are the BEST."
                            "Yeah, Cap. I'm making a h**l of an impression." Kym washed her face, splashing water on her head to at least try to get her hair under control, then padded back to her room.
                            A different set of pains made themselves known. Her arm and leg ached but, her stomach growled and cramped. How long did I sleep? A glance at the clock puzzled her. It told her the time was 1 hour -before- she went to bed. "Well, sh*t! No wonder I'm hungry. I slept the whole darn day."
                            She dressed in the BDU’s she wore the day before. Still wearing moccasins, she headed toward the Locker Room to claim her boots.

                            << Locker Rooms >>
                            You're never too old to do something goofy.
                            Growing older is mandatory. Growing up is optional.


                              Harvey awoke feeling refreshed and ready to take the day on. She checked her emails to see if the General had replied. 'Nope, suppose Ill drop by his office later see if he's free?'. She made herself a coffee from her private stash of beans, it was slowly dwindling and she hoped they'd find a replacement soon. Sipping at the hot black coffee she padded around her room gathering stuff for the shower, and laying out uniform ready to change into. With her coffee still to finish, she went back to her computer to see if there were any developments on the base she should now about.


                                Swinging the door shut behind her, Donna walked over to her bed and collapsed on it, she lay there for about five minuets before sitting up and unlacing her boots, taking them off she placed them at the end of her bed. Donna then let her hair down and ran her hand through her hair. She got up and went over to her laptop and switched it on and then opened up her music files, not quite sure what she wanted to listen to so she selected random play and switched it on and turned the volume up a little. She started to undress and folded her clothes and placed them over the chair at the desk then went over and grabbed a pair of shorts from the drawer and a wolves vest top from the other drawer and put them on. She switched off the lights leaving only the light from the laptop and then got into bed she lay on her back with one of her hands placed behind her head and started to relax listening to the music. She felt herself start to doze off barely managing to keep her eyes open, turning on to her side she looked at the photo of her family on the side table and held the ring on the chain around her neck in her hand. Her eyes opened and closed a couple of times, until they they closed one more time and did not open again, she was fast asleep.
                                Lt.Col Donna Henderson
                                SG-2: CO
                                Base Senior Biologist,
                                Stargate RP, Gateworld

                                Cassidy Evans, SG-10:CO

