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    ((The Lounge thread, it's not on the lists, the song however is still in my computer.))

    As Devin intently watched the movie, he wondered just how long it'd take for the rumours to die down, and just what people were saying. Probably stuff about marriage and... yeah. He watched the heroes wander Middle Earth heading to some volcano to destroy the "One Ring". He found it enjoyable, but then... Devin left off his thought with that, smiling.


      ((Yeah, try the drop down box, it should pop up...))

      Kylie didn't even realize it when the hobbits had arrived in Rivendale because she had been letting her mind wonder. She tried and failed to remember a time when she had felt this cared about. She didn't think anyone had ever treated her quite the way that Devin had. She was absently playing with a lose string on the hem of Devin's pants as she thought. When she became aware of what she was doing, she abruptly stopped. It probably wouldn't be a good idea to pick at the string. It might rip the seam, and she couldn't sew good enough to repair it. She wondered if there was any word in any of the many languages that she knew that could describe how she felt about Devin.
      Dear Journal
      My contribution to the Stargate Rewatch experience. Will be updated nearly everyday, and will cover all episodes, and characters.


        ((Devin's wearing Tok'ra pants, they don't have seams. I think.))

        Humming a tune he'd heard a few years ago, Devin smiled and ruffled Kylie's hair after he saw her playing around with a piece of string on his pants. "Oi." He said in jest, "No playin' with the pants." Though he didn't really mind.


          ((Hmm...didn't think about that))

          Kylie blushed a deep shade of red and was thankful for the darkness. "Sorry, it's a fetish I have." Kylie said and then realizing how that may have come across blushed even deeper, and quickly added, "Playing with strings, not pants." She folded her hands in her lap and tried to return her attention to the movie, but at that moment, the first disc ended and the computer flashed for her to place the second half of the movie in the disc drive. Because it was the extended version DVD, each movie was stored on two seperate discs. She was frozen from her embarrasment and couldn't move to replace the disc for several seconds. When she was able to move again, she took slow, careful actions as she removed the part one disc and inserted the part two disc. The movie resumed and Kylie settled back into her spot on the floor her hands still tightly clasped in her lap.
          Dear Journal
          My contribution to the Stargate Rewatch experience. Will be updated nearly everyday, and will cover all episodes, and characters.


            Devin chuckled, "Yeah. I'd be suprised if the latter were the case." Getting up to stretch his legs, which had fallen asleep, he continued, "But in honesty I don't care. I'm more than happy to sit here and watch the movie- regardless of what happens to my pants."

            ((Edit: sorry for the misspelling, was typing with one hand.))
            Last edited by Vampyr; 01 April 2007, 07:28 PM.


              (("qhat"?? Per your edit: One handed can only mean one thing, there's food in the other.))

              Kylie decided not to dwell any longer on the topic of Devin's pants. That would take her places that she was not ready to go. "So that's really all it takes to make you happy. A good movie?"
              Dear Journal
              My contribution to the Stargate Rewatch experience. Will be updated nearly everyday, and will cover all episodes, and characters.


                ((Yeah, I'm pretty skilled with a keyboard [or a kybard as I jokingly call it]. But I do occasionally make mistakes. That I don't catch that is.))

                "Well," Devin mumbled, "there's always a good game a' Halo to lift my spirits. Or Cee En Cee, always did enjoy that series. It's interesting, when I wasn't working, or doing something with Kat, you could always find me behind the controls of a Banshee, or commanding the Warhammer complex. That vehicle and the base were as much a home to me as Earth was. Though the second was lost in the inferno, the other survived and to this day remains in my quarters."


                  "Video games, huh? I never did get into those too much. Mario Party was about the only thing I ever played. But I was pretty decent, at least I could beat all my foster brothers on it." Kylie was curious to know only one thing about Devin. The conversation suddenly became serious once again as she asked the question. "Do you ever wish you were on Earth when it happened? That you hadn't survived?"

                  ((I don't even know enough about video games in RL to know what Cee En Cee is...))
                  Dear Journal
                  My contribution to the Stargate Rewatch experience. Will be updated nearly everyday, and will cover all episodes, and characters.


                    ((CnC, Command and Conquer, it pretty much invented the Real-Time Strategy genere, which involves you commanding an army. It roxxors.))

                    Grinning wolfishly, "Mario Party, eh?" He asked, "I probably could've won without breaking a sweat. But don't worry, that happens to most people who challenge me to a game." The pausing to consider, "At points, yes.", Devin admitted, "But then we wouldn't have ever found one another would we?" Wondering what to do next, he stopped and thought. Deciding to speak, he said, "I kinda like it." Evidently referring to a thought, "The lost twin and the scarred child."
                    Last edited by Vampyr; 09 April 2007, 08:36 PM.


                      "I think I like it too." Kylie whispered, then said in a stronger tone, "But we don't have to be lost or scarred any longer." She turned her head slightly to meet Devin's eyes.

                      ((Like the siggy edit, BTW))
                      Dear Journal
                      My contribution to the Stargate Rewatch experience. Will be updated nearly everyday, and will cover all episodes, and characters.


                        ((Thanks. I take no small ammount of pride in doing my own sig work. ))

                        "Yeah." Devin responded, returning the gaze. "Neither shall suffer from a lack of company." He concluded it with a smile, and kissed her forehead.

                        ((And thus, I find myself drawn to sleep.))


                          Kylie smiled at the touch of Devin's lips to her forehead. "You know, I don't think anyone's ever kissed my forehead before. I always use to see it in the movies, but never experienced it. I like it." She continued to hold Devin's gaze.
                          Dear Journal
                          My contribution to the Stargate Rewatch experience. Will be updated nearly everyday, and will cover all episodes, and characters.


                            "That's the first time I've done that myself." Devin confessed, "You never know just how fun something is until you try it I s'ppose." He continued to stare into her eyes, "Once a person told me that if you could see deeply enough into a person's eyes, you'd be able to see into their soul. I never took much stock in it. Until now."

                            ((I'm going to be offline for a bit, testing out a new game. ^.^
                            Edit: Grrr... Bloody thing won't work. I'll try again tomorrow. -.-))
                            Last edited by Vampyr; 02 April 2007, 03:10 PM.


                              Kylie had learned early on in life that eye contact was usually the lesser of two evils. Some people would get mad, or rather uncomfortable, if you looked them in the eye for too long. But it was always worse not to make eye contact because then they thought that you weren't being sincere, that you had something to hide. With Devin, however, Kylie found herself unable to look away. "Eyes are a tool that can reveal and conceal, open wide one's soul and close off one's soul from the world. The soul that can speak with its eyes can also kiss with a gaze. While one eye sees, the other feels. For the eyes have one language everywhere." Kylie quoted as she was held captivated by Devin's gorgeous eyes.
                              Dear Journal
                              My contribution to the Stargate Rewatch experience. Will be updated nearly everyday, and will cover all episodes, and characters.


                                "Never heard that one. But then again, I wasn't into philosophy all that much." Devin said with a slight curl at the corner of his mouth. "It does make sense though if you think about it. As it does in this particular situation."

