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Control Room/Gate Room

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    BASE INTERCOM: 'All teams to gateroom.' Blue announced. 'Team COs to control room for mission briefing.'

    General Blue walked into the control room from the briefing room and grabbed the report that one of his assistants had prepared for the missions. SG1 of course would continue to explore and SG4 would be assisting SG1 if needed. SG2 once returned from Earth's remains will be standing by to provide backup but will be helping out building on the new Beta site. SG3 is to make contact with the Asgard in their galaxy to see if they can help with defenses for both Alpha and Beta sites. SG7 is to investigate the Goa'uld they encountered.

    (I assume that all teams have reported back their findings so the above is vaild.)

    Blue waited for the team COs and teams to be seen in the gateroom.


      *thud, thud, thud, thud* Heavy footsteps announced Tyler's arrival in the Gate room. She walked to the bottom of the ramp and sat on the stairs, stretching out her legs, resting her pack on the ramp and leaning back onto it. *BIG, heavy sigh*
      You're never too old to do something goofy.
      Growing older is mandatory. Growing up is optional.


        Jim ran full pelt into the control room with all his gear jingling, he accidentally tripped over a seargeants shoe and whent face first into the cement "OW" Jim managed to splutter, remarkably Jim wasn't bleeding very much, his M16A2 had received most of the impact and Jim only had a semi-cut lower blood lip.

        "Sorry, sorry sorry!" The Seargeant said hurrying to see if Jim was ok "Hey, i'm fine, good old M16..." Jim then realised everyone in the control rom was starring at him, he stood up and saluted to the general. "Reporting for duty sir." Jim said with his entire chin covered in blood the cut had opend itself up alot more and was now bleeding quite heavily.
        Last edited by Ascended Times.2; 15 September 2005, 11:19 PM.

        Stargate Gateworld RPG. All are welcome!|Jim Andersons Bio.


          The control room was rather a bustle of activity. Nothing chaotic, just people knowing what they were supposed to do. Sophia paused for a moment in the door and the entered. She panted a little. In the gateroom she could see the teams assembling. "General", she greeted with a nod.

          ((I'm away for the weekend, back at Sunday night. You can assume that if there's anything scientific involved Sophia will be interested and wants to be a part of it.))
          Gateworld rpg
          dr. Sophia MacKenzie
          Base Chief Scientist

          Sophia's bio

          "It's always suicide mission this, save-the-world that, no one ever stops just to say hi anymore." - Jack O'Neill


            Jim finished saluting and pulled out a hankey from his pocket, he wiped his bottom lip and chin then he put his hankey back in his pocket, he then unslung his backpack pulled out his first aid kit, got a bandaid from it, put it on and put everyhting back in his backpack and reslung it on his back., he looked quite comical but the band-aid had done it's job, it had stopped the bleeding and Jims chin was a slightly light shade of red.

            ((I made the lip quite bloody to avoid contracting "super hero syndrome" Also, I won't post in anything for quite a while...))

            Stargate Gateworld RPG. All are welcome!|Jim Andersons Bio.


              "Major Anderson, I need SG7 to track the goa'uld, stealthly, so we can keep an eye on them. Can you prep your team and gate to the last place you encountered them?" Blue ordered. "Sophia, would you like to go and test any new weapons or defense technologies you've been working on?"

              ((Reply when you can Telawen.))


                Edit: never mind
                Last edited by Simonthefurling; 16 September 2005, 06:59 AM.


                  It was starting to get busy in the control room. Tyler had arrived a few moments before Harvey and had already made her self comfy. Harvey made her way over to her and stood next to her. "I suppose we should stick together if we want to get out of here some time in the near future"


                    Jim stood at the ready, he saluted General Blue again with a "Yes sir!" and left to find the rest of his team.

                    <<Leaves briefing room>>

                    Stargate Gateworld RPG. All are welcome!|Jim Andersons Bio.


                      Jim walked back into the control room after having just left.
                      "Sir, I must inform you that one of my team members, Captain Winters is ill and in the infirmary, he won't be up for quite a while."
                      Jim then looked a little worried about what the Generals reactions would be to the next thing he said.

                      "And sir, with all due respect, the planet we last encountered the Goa'uld on is now a heavilly guarded fortress with several Ha'taks in orbit around it, and our Al'khesh' hyperdrive is burned out. We cannot go back to that planet it would be suicide." Jim stood at ease waiting for the Generals reply unawares that he had interrupted several people talking to the General.
                      Last edited by Ascended Times.2; 16 September 2005, 08:17 PM.

                      Stargate Gateworld RPG. All are welcome!|Jim Andersons Bio.


                        Originally posted by Somnium
                        It was starting to get busy in the control room. Tyler had arrived a few moments before Harvey and had already made her self comfy. Harvey made her way over to her and stood next to her. "I suppose we should stick together if we want to get out of here some time in the near future"
                        "Hey, Major. Have a seat." Tyler banged her fist on the metal stair. "Ya never know when you'll get another chance."
                        You're never too old to do something goofy.
                        Growing older is mandatory. Growing up is optional.


                          "Major Anderson I am aware of your concerns, that is why I think you can obtain another ship, if not from the Tok'ra and travel to the planet under cloak to only observe the Goauld and report back," Blue said, "but if your team and you are reluctant to proceed then offer me another alternative." Blue said.


                            Harvey decided to take the offered step. "Thanks Lieutenant". She sat down taking care not to snag her bow on the ramp and lent back on her pack. 'might as well be comfy all we seem to do is wait around' .


                              Jim saluted and span around he began walking out of the control room and headed for the armoury to suit up into more battle ready gear. ((OOC:i'm already wearing the super heavy armour that gives maximum protection from Staff blasts))

                              <<Leaves Control room>>
                              Last edited by Ascended Times.2; 17 September 2005, 04:00 AM.

                              Stargate Gateworld RPG. All are welcome!|Jim Andersons Bio.


                                Jim had slowed to a walk before he entered the control room, making sure not to trip over, Jim had so much stuff on, all the seargeants in the control room kept glancing up at Jim in wonder at why he was so heavily armed, he truly did look like he planned to take on an entire army of foes.

                                Jim sat down in a corner within plain view of entrances of the gate room and waited for his team.

                                Stargate Gateworld RPG. All are welcome!|Jim Andersons Bio.

