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Stargate New Seasons ~ Atlantis ~ Reclamation ~ Season 6 RPG ~SGA1~Off World Missions

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    As the sound of Colonel Sheppard's voice cut through the cool night air, Todd was quite pleased that this human in particular had made it through this messy little conflict alive. Colonel Hasluck was undoubtly a good warrior but Todd found himself missing the easy banter he shared with Sheppard.

    Even though he had an idea of the location of this cavern where they would meet, he was quite happy to allow Hasluck to lead the way, satisfying himself with keeping an eye on the Genii just in case that one decided to make a break for freedom.
    Last edited by Trillian52; 22 January 2011, 02:47 PM. Reason: To fix some appallingly bad grammar


      <<Modified Jumper>> {Janus}

      Janus smiled gratefully at Teyla before responding to Sheppard. "We will be there momentarily."

      He was beginning to feel a bit more at ease with these New Lanteans. At least they weren't outright hostile, but he could understand their caution. He took a deep breath to calm himself and headed for what Sheppard pointed out as the cave entrance.

      Slowing down, he gently settled the Jumper in the middle of a clearing that was close to the cave entrance.


        <message to Apollo from Atlantis>

        "Apollo, this is Atlantis, what is you sitrep, is Colonel Sheppard available?"
        "Apollo, can you hear me?"
        Sig by RogueRanger


          <<Modified jumper, cavern entrance>>

          {Teyla} {Ronon} {Lorne}

          Lorne and the last marine were the first ones out the jumper when it landed. Ronon was about to follow them, but took a look at Sheppard, who was dealing with the radio calls. No way was he doing the whole carrying deal again. His muscles were still protesting as it was. "I'll get something for you." He then did follow the others outside. The clearing was safe, he knew that just by looking around, and *listening*. There was nothing hostile out there.
          So he headed toward the tree line, quickly found a tree that had loose branches. His expert eye found one that could easily support Sheppard. Ronon looked for a second one, knowing that one wasn't enough. He tested the two branches found, grunted in satisfaction, and headed back inside the Jumper. "Here." Ronon gave the branches to Sheppard. "To walk."

          Meanwhile Teyla focused her attention on Janus. "So what will happen now? With you, I mean?" She wasn't about to invite him back with them. That was up to Woolsey or Sheppard to decide, not her.


            <<Modified Jumper, Cave Entrance>> {Janus}

            Janus tapped on the Jumper's console absentmindedly as he turned to look at Teyla, blinking. He didn't know if they would welcome him...but it was worth a try. They didn't trust him, but at least they didn't mistrust him.

            "Well," he began after a moment. "I was hoping I could return to Atlantis with you...aide you as much as I can."


              {Lt. Colonel John Sheppard}

              Sheppard gave a grateful smile when Ronon gave him a pair of makeshift crutches. He hobbled around for a moment so he could get used to his footing before following the rest of the group to the rounde-vouis (OOC: I can't spell) point. As they walked further Janus asked if he could stay on Atlantis.

              "We will have to ask Woolsey because in the end it's his call," He said with a grin, "I don't see why not, it will save McKay the trouble of kidnapping you so he could peak his curiousity."
              The Breeding Ground of Ships.


                <<Modified Jumper, Cave Entrance>> {Janus}

                Janus smiled gratefully at the Colonel's response. He had no idea who this "Woolsey" was, but he must be someone in charge. He frowned. Wasn't Elizabeth supposed to be in charge? Well, that was a question for when they where out of here.

                "Thank you, Colonel." It made him feel a bit better to see that the Colonel was willing to accept him into the expedition at least.

                He watched the others file into the Jumper. "Is everyone ready?"


                  Originally posted by Trillian52 View Post

                  As the sound of Colonel Sheppard's voice cut through the cool night air, Todd was quite pleased that this human in particular had made it through this messy little conflict alive. Colonel Hasluck was undoubtly a good warrior but Todd found himself missing the easy banter he shared with Sheppard.

                  Even though he had an idea of the location of this cavern where they would meet, he was quite happy to allow Hasluck to lead the way, satisfying himself with keeping an eye on the Genii just in case that one decided to make a break for freedom.

                  Ted pushed the genii hard up hill and through the thicket, the man was sweating profusely. Looking back and Todd, his face a steely mask, Ted nodded briefly but said nothing until at last they made the clearing near the cave. Lieutenant Cadman was most likely inside seeing to the evacuation and Ted simply with one last effort, pushed the rotund man to the ground. "Stay there." He said with a hardened tone. "Todd, we'll see where our boy is eh?" He tapped his communicator and called. "Sheppard, Hasluck here. We've reached the cave exit what is your eta?"

                  Originally posted by clauz89 View Post

                  <message to Apollo from Atlantis>

                  "Apollo, this is Atlantis, what is you sitrep, is Colonel Sheppard available?"
                  "Apollo, can you hear me?"
                  <Apollo Orbit>

                  {Coms Operator} NPC

                  "Atlantis, Apollo. Reading you clear over. Colonel Sheppard is still on the surface over."
                  My FF.netStories -Stargate Atlantis Allies-Colonel Ted Hasluck Bio
                  sigpic "Weedle" 27/09/1987-16/09/2010 RIP Soldier


                    Modified Jumper

                    Mckay Zelenka

                    Mckay heard Shepperd's reply to Janus and rolled his eyes

                    "Very funny, and im sure Woolsey will let you thro, he'd be a fool not to, your an ancient, your knowledge is invaluable to us, plus i have to get a good look at this jumper, maybe we could adapt the others, work together, you know i nearly ascended myself " And he gave Janus one of those smug little smiles.

                    Zelenka sat and listened to Mckay and finally mumbled

                    "yesss he was unbearable for that short time"
                    Mckay glared at him

                    "If i recall correctly, i, saved your life"
                    Zelenka sighed

                    "Yes you did Rodney, but wasnt it your fault my life was in danger in the first place, messing around with power"
                    Rodney wagged his finger at Zelenka

                    "You know theres nothing i hate more than jealousy and ungratefulness"
                    Zelenka's voice raised in pitch to Rodneys claim

                    "Me, jealous!!...."
                    Mckay cut in

                    "See he admits it" he pointed at Zelenka and looked at Janus smiling

                    "I admitted nothing,you egotistical little man...." They were both cut short by Shepperds voice
                    Last edited by pookey; 24 January 2011, 11:15 PM.


                      {Lt Colonel John Sheppard}

                      A slight smile grazed the Colonel's lips at the sight of Zelenka and Rodney fighting once again. The two of them were seriously like a damn old married couple. Always bickering but in the end care for each other.

                      "Children behave," Sheppard said trying to keep a straight face. As he hobbled over he heard Hasluck's voice on the line. He paused to adjust himself and speak to the man on the other line, "Hasluck this is Sheppard, we are approacing the cave entrance."
                      The Breeding Ground of Ships.


                        {Dr. Jennifer Keller}

                        As she finished shepherding the wounded closer to the cave entrance, Jennifer breathed a sigh of relief when she heard Sheppard's comment. "Ok, people," she announced, "let's make ready, and get in line."

                        The noise of the jumper's engines could just be heard, and she pushed forwards, out into the light, to look skywards. Yeah, there she was...


                          Originally posted by TheLadyMore View Post
                          {Lt Colonel John Sheppard}

                          A slight smile grazed the Colonel's lips at the sight of Zelenka and Rodney fighting once again. The two of them were seriously like a damn old married couple. Always bickering but in the end care for each other.

                          "Children behave," Sheppard said trying to keep a straight face. As he hobbled over he heard Hasluck's voice on the line. He paused to adjust himself and speak to the man on the other line, "Hasluck this is Sheppard, we are approacing the cave entrance."

                          "Reading you clear Colonel. The moment you touch ground load up all you can and dial Atlantis, get as many out as you can." Ted thought for a minute. "Todd and I will go via the Apollo so we'll only be twenty minutes behind you, there is something I have to do." He said with a sly smile as he cast a look at his friend. "A bottle is at hand." He mused.
                          My FF.netStories -Stargate Atlantis Allies-Colonel Ted Hasluck Bio
                          sigpic "Weedle" 27/09/1987-16/09/2010 RIP Soldier


                            <Apollo Orbit>

                            {Major Karina Fothering}

                            "Atlantis, this is Major Fothering of the Apollo. We observe Sheppard and his team appear to have aquired another jumper and seem to be getting ready to leave." She changed to the coms with Sheppard and his team. "Sheppard this is Apollo. Anyone else to come up? We're sitting ducks up here if visitors come callign and I'm not wantignto take that chance again."
                            If found, is probably lost on the way to Azaroth or the Pegasus Galaxy



                              "A bottle is at hand."

                              Todd was not exactly sure what Colonel Hasluck meant although he did vaguely recollect a promise of a drink if and when they finally reached safety. He huffed quietly, keeping his eyes fixed on the Genii prisoner as he considered what this promise might entail. His experience with exactly what humans drank was extremely limited, still he was fairly certain the Colonel's sly smile meant they would be having something a little more appetising that the brown liquid called coffee that Dr McKay seemed to favour. So he just smiled back and nodded.


                                {Lt Colonel John Sheppard}

                                "We have a few coming up to you guys and a few that are traveling back to Atlantis by Puddle Jumper" Sheppard replied.
                                The Breeding Ground of Ships.

