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Stargate New Seasons SG1 ~ Resurgence ~ USS General Hammond ~ Missions Thread RPG

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    {Major Kevin Marks}

    "Yes, ma'am." Kevin switched his frequency back, "Permission granted, Father Goose, good luck and godspeed."
    Build a man a fire and he'll be warm for a night. Set a man on fire and he'll be warm the rest of his life.


      {Colonel Samantha Carter} {Colonel Al Reynolds}

      'Stupid bureacracies. A guy can hardly fall asleep and they mess everything up! Reminds me of a few cashiers I've run into....Irritated, he walked down the corridor, looking for Sam and hoping he hadn't been permanently scrubbed from the mission. As he turned a corner, he miraculously ran into just the person he'd been looking for.

      Hey, Carter! called Reynolds. I've been looking for you. I fell asleep, and when I woke up, I found out that I'd been scrubbed for the mission. Turns out the people in the Med Bay mixed me up with an Alan Reynolds. I'm fine though, and if Vala's Tel'tak isn't already gone, I'd love to rejoin my team and SG-1 if I could.


        Originally posted by AtlantisRules!!! View Post
        {Major Kevin Marks}

        "Yes, ma'am." Kevin switched his frequency back, "Permission granted, Father Goose, good luck and godspeed."

        "Thank you Kevin, we're in this deep now I suppose..." Al drew closer and she had to excuse herself again from John Mason.

        She looked him over, he seemed to be ok and was in his gear. "How in the hell did that happen Al? You know as well as I do if you were anyone else you'd be on report. Never mind, it's not too late." She had to tap her coms again. "Major Marks, Colonel Reynolds is at my side, beam him over to the Tel'tak now if you would."

        ((OOC, you can answer Sam after Maj Marks, and then beam yourself out to the Tel'tak thread...SG1 and 3 LA missions))


          Originally posted by RogueRanger View Post


          Bonnie turned around and thanked Alyssa, it was good for her to have a least one friend amongst the officers. "Oh don't worry ma'am I'll have my cabin full of candles. You guys are my bread and butter you know, without your flight I'd be unemployed." She felt her braid, so lovely and tight, it'll never come undone now. "Yeah I can fix your guns ma'am, but as for myself I'm a bit of a lost case." Danny was next to her and she looked into his eyes. "I was serious sir, anytime you need a backseat driver...." She remembered she had to speak to Starbreaker about something. "I'll be back before you leave."

          Bonnie ducked away and skidded to a halt next to Major Thracen. "Ma'am sorry I got delyed earlier today. I just wnated to let you know, I fixed the oil leaks and the auto sights are adjusted ma'am."

          {Colonel Samantha Carter}[IMG][/IG]

          Sam waited for John to reply, he seemed to be thinking of something as she spoke. Her coms alerted her. "A moment John." She tapped her link. "Permission granted Kevin and wish them well for me please. I'll be in the bridge in a few minutes."

          As Sam waited for Kevin Marks to reply, something made her head turn to see Colonel Reynolds making his way toward her. "I thought he was injured." She thought to herself.

          {1st Airman Bonnie Heckman} {Karina "Starbreaker" Thracen}

          Karina noticed the young airman approach her using her peripheral vision and reached out.......pulled on Jeremy's shirt causing him to stop with the laundry pack. She paused as Heckman reported and without turning to face the young girl Karina retorted, " what do you want airman.... a Brownie button? We are all expected to do our jobs.... " She stopped herself realizing she may have been just a bit abrupt with the crewman... she finally managed to flash her a smile while shifting her eyes towards the laundry bag....."Uh ....that's Great Heckman" She feigned excitement..."now how are you with laundry?" She drew in a smirk as she pointed towards the large bag of clothes Runner had flung over his back.
          Originally posted by jelgate
          This brings much pain but SQ is right


            <Radio from Vala's Tel'tak>

            {Vala Mal Doran}

            With a flick of her com Vala acknowledged... "Tel'tak to the Hammond....we are away and secured..... preparing flight coordinates and steering clear of the Hammond now....over"
            Originally posted by jelgate
            This brings much pain but SQ is right


              Originally posted by squirrely1 View Post

              {1st Airman Bonnie Heckman} {Karina "Starbreaker" Thracen}

              Karina noticed the young airman approach her using her peripheral vision and reached out.......pulled on Jeremy's shirt causing him to stop with the laundry pack. She paused as Heckman reported and without turning to face the young girl Karina retorted, " what do you want airman.... a Brownie button? We are all expected to do our jobs.... " She stopped herself realizing she may have been just a bit abrupt with the crewman... she finally managed to flash her a smile while shifting her eyes towards the laundry bag....."Uh ....that's Great Heckman" She feigned excitement..."now how are you with laundry?" She drew in a smirk as she pointed towards the large bag of clothes Runner had flung over his back.

              Bonnie was so used to Starbreaker and wasn't fazed at all. After all she'd been an aid to many a rough and crude officer before she went into the mechanical branch. "Um laundry ma' not really, unless you want white sox that come out purple or something."

              She nodded and made a half salute, though she didn't have to and buzzed back to the other crews, skidding to a halt back at Faerie's side. "So...candles...." She cast another stern look at Colonel Carter, 'God' and now Colonel Reynolds. It was getting to be like a convention now in the hangar deck.



                "Hammond, SG1 again, you may beam Colonel Reynolds over now, we are in a holding pattern two thousand metres to your starboard."


                  Originally posted by RogueRanger View Post


                  Bonnie was so used to Starbreaker and wasn't fazed at all. After all she'd been an aid to many a rough and crude officer before she went into the mechanical branch. "Um laundry ma' not really, unless you want white sox that come out purple or something."

                  She nodded and made a half salute, though she didn't have to and buzzed back to the other crews, skidding to a halt back at Faerie's side. "So...candles...." She cast another stern look at Colonel Carter, 'God' and now Colonel Reynolds. It was getting to be like a convention now in the hangar deck.
                  {Airman 1st Class Bonnie Heckman} {Karina "Starbreaker" Thracen} {Jeremy "Runner" Cordova}

                  Karina rolled her eyes at the her little in the way of attention.. "Um well technically I don't care about the tint of the clothing.....but yeah you should run along.... Rook.... as you probably have your little flight checklists to look over....or do whatever it is you do." She smirked at the girl as she waved her on with a flick of her head....she only talked tough to the crewman...not wanting to show them that down deep she respected how thorough they were in always keeping the birds in flight ready status.

                  She turned her attention towards Jeremy who was rather annoyed at her for once again trying to slough off her duties... "What?" She sighed with a hint of guilt... "I'm just trying to get this over with so we can be ready to jump in our birds when the brass finally get their thumbs outta their arse." She pushed on his back leading him in the general direction of the laundry.

                  Jeremy now with a bit of caution in his voice, as he was so good for issuing to her of all people, suggested, "Well Breaker .....I just have this feeling that one of these're really gonna go too far and one of these grunts are gonna sabotage your bird just to see you flail and flap in the breeze...and the last laugh will be on you." He drew in a hesitant breath full well knowing she'd have some punkass retort.

                  "OH MY GOD JER!! You can be such a girl sometimes... will you shut off your worrying.....geeze.... they know that at the end of the day I respect what they do....and besides I really don't think anyone would knowingly put any pilot in harms way or risk scrapping a mission.... they care too much about doing their jobs.....the right way!" She grinned at him with a him that .... please don't be such a pussy look.
                  Originally posted by jelgate
                  This brings much pain but SQ is right


                    Originally posted by RogueRanger View Post

                    "Thank you Kevin, we're in this deep now I suppose..." Al drew closer and she had to excuse herself again from John Mason.

                    She looked him over, he seemed to be ok and was in his gear. "How in the hell did that happen Al? You know as well as I do if you were anyone else you'd be on report. Never mind, it's not too late." She had to tap her coms again. "Major Marks, Colonel Reynolds is at my side, beam him over to the Tel'tak now if you would."

                    Al chuckled to himself quietly and nodded to both Sam and Mason. "See you on the other side Sam, take care ok?" He pressed his coms quickly, he was anxious to be with his team now. "Bridge, Reynolds I'm ready as .............." Then he was gone in that so familar flash of the beam.

                    When he left Sam spoke again to John. "Time's running out John, come on we'll grab that coffee on the way to the bridge."

                    "Any place is good as any Colonel. I'm so totally wasted at the moment, double shifts lately."

                    They spoke as they went and in a passage Sam thought of something. "They could probably use you, you know."


                    "SG1 and SG3."

                    "If things go south Colonel I'll be ready for you."

                    "Good come on we'll have to hurry now."
                    Last edited by RogueRanger; 06 January 2011, 08:46 PM.


                      *encryted message from Vala's ship*

                      “Five minutes to LZ, in good shape, no activity so far.”


                        Sam and Chief Mason wasted no time in getting to the bridge and just in time it was to as she heard quickly looked over at a monitor and saw Hailey's encrypted message, ut had been scrambled into readable text in an instant and Sam bid John to take a seat nearby.

                        "Gotcha Colonel, I'll just sit here be all quiet like, you won't even know I'm here."

                        Sam looked at her friend and cocked her head. In the couple of years he had been the Ships bosun she had never known him to be quiet about anything. "Yeah right." She quipped. Gaining her command chair Sam looked squarely at Kevin and told him bluntly. "Make the call Kevin, inform the SGC we are committed, then make a ship wide broadcast to ready all stations and all pilots to their aircraft please...oh and please take your finger off the weapons button, there'll be plenty of time for that." She remembered fondly the joke he played on Cam one time and she from that day always refered to her XO in her mind as the 'trigger man'


                          {Major KEvin Marks}

                          "Yes, ma'am." He pulled his right hand away from the console, and the weapons trigger, first, then he opens a channel to the SGC. "Hammond to SGC, we are committed," short and sweet. He left the channel open for a reply, but turned over to Ship-wide communication, "Attention, ready all stations and pilots to your ships. Repeat, ready all stations."
                          Build a man a fire and he'll be warm for a night. Set a man on fire and he'll be warm the rest of his life.


                            {Karina "Starbreaker" Thracen"} {Jeremy "Runner" Cordova}

                            (Shipwide communication)
                            "Attention, ready all stations and pilots to your ships. Repeat, ready all stations."

                            "Ha!! 'Bout damn time!!" Karina punched out at Jeremy who responded by letting the overstuffed laundry bag drop to the ground with a dull thud. "Just in time too!"

                            "Yeah ......right on ....let's suit up...I"ll meet you at the hangar in 5" Jeremy acknowledged.

                            Both pilots scrambled as if something in them snapped....they immediately focused and suddenly in a flash nothing else mattered. They were so used to the adrenaline rush and maybe it was that rush they all loved so much. Karina felt her heart begin to throb wildly in her chest....and tiny beads of sweat appear just at her hairline. She whisked to her locker collecting her flight gear amidst the scrambling and hustle of all the other pilots doing the same thing. But it was like a delicate dance...everyone knew what was expected of them and this was no practice...this was the real thing and you could feel it in the air. Her peripheral vision hazed out slightly as she noticed the pilots tapping shoulders and hand slapping one another with "good hunting" spilling from their lips eagerly. After all it was already accepted among them that some of these pilots would most likely never come home and that was the sad reality.

                            She groaned at the thought as she mulled it over....was it the luck of the draw? Was it fate? Was it a god or supreme power who decides who comes back and who doesn't? She shook her head clearing her thoughts in order to ease her worry....because for her it was all about skill and determination. Damned if she would ever be caught in anyone's sights....she would never let that happen....because to her.... the alternative.....death..... was never an option.

                            She made her way to the hangar as she finished with a click of her helmet and began to draw on her gloves. Across the expanse of the room she could see her wing in the vast open space and felt her heart sing as they, like clockwork, made their way to their respective birds. As she approached she flashed a thumbs up to all of them...there was no time for hand shakes or words at this point...they were past all that....this was it....skid's up.
                            Originally posted by jelgate
                            This brings much pain but SQ is right


                              Originally posted by AtlantisRules!!! View Post
                              {Major KEvin Marks}

                              "Yes, ma'am." He pulled his right hand away from the console, and the weapons trigger, first, then he opens a channel to the SGC. "Hammond to SGC, we are committed," short and sweet. He left the channel open for a reply, but turned over to Ship-wide communication, "Attention, ready all stations and pilots to your ships. Repeat, ready all stations."

                              Sam raised an eyebrow at her XO, he was the best she had and there were some things he did often that always relaxed her, his laconic sense of humour one of them. She needed to make sure though non of her pilots got jittery or over eager as she had seen from some of them on many times. Sam herself made another broadcast. this time though only to the hangar deck. "This is the captain. All pilots. I know you are eager and this has been a long haul, but just so you know, the hangar shields are locked and will stay that way until Colonel Mason's escort has returned and re-fueled." She didn't like sweaty fingers and she knew how some of them would feel about that. "You may be sitting in your cockpits for a while so just relax and go through your flight checks, twice if you have to." She looked over at Kevin and spoke once she had clikced off the broadcast. "I'll take a wager on how long Starbreaker lasts in that position before she complains." She looked at her watch. "I'd say five minutes at least."


                                {1st Lt Frank "Gobbler" Garner}
                                (Connor's wingman)

                                Frank looked up at the PA, where Carter's voice was clearly heard. "What the frak?" He muttered, surprised.

                                God... more waiting. He knew a couple of peeps... oh hey, make that *everyone*! ... that wouldn't like this news one little bit, himself included. Taking his helmet off again, he sighed. He'd been just about to climb into his bird, awaiting the 'go!', and now this. Well, yes, of course he knew Connor had to return first, but still.

                                Leaning against the ladder, Frank looked around, looking for the fleet's biggest troublemakers. He heard Starbreaker's voice come closer as she hurried back to the hangar, and grinned a little to himself, at least the wait was going to be entertaining.
                                He'd already been hugely amused by her run-in with the ships' bosun and made up a mental report to tell Connor later. 'Come on Connor. Get back here asap, will you.' Worry gnawed in his gut, hoping his best friend wasn't taking on any hits or worse. 'Don't want to have to drag your sorry butt back here, bud... Want you back in one piece, you hear me?'

