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Stargate New Seasons SG1 ~ Resurgence ~ USS General Hammond ~ Missions Thread RPG

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    <USS Hammond> <Bridge>

    {Colonel Samantha Carter}

    "Sam, Sam. Have you seen Jackson or Vala, they were right behind me!"

    "What?" Sam looked at Marks first, he simply shrugged his shoulders. "Oh crap,I hope they haven't decided they wouldn't. Just a minute Admiral." She grabbed the shipwide mic and cranked up the volume. "Daniel Jackson and Vala Mal Doran, you are required in the Captain's cabin....NOW"

    This day, couldn't get any worse. "Admiral I'll be there myself shortly."


      Originally posted by puddlejumperOZ View Post
      < USS General Hammond>- < Crew Quarters> <Carter's Cabin>

      {Admiral William MacGregor}

      Will waved his hand over the recognicion pad and the door to Sam's open slid smoothly back just as the ships' PA blared out the stand down. "Christ what now." He said heatedly, then apollogised to Cam. "Not you, another damned delay. Ah well, we can discuss the mission at our ease for a while." Waiting for all the other's to catch up, Will stood just at the threshold. "Well son, I still have the Camaro, I think we should set a date for when we get back. The strip at area 51 should do nicely." Some things never change with men his wife always told him. "I think Reynold's and his team should be here, have you seem him Cam?"
      < USS General Hammond>-<Carter's Quarters.
      Cameron Mitchell.

      Cam arched an eyebrow at the Admiral next to him slightly wondering at the Admiral's stream of consciousness. Not used to a flag officer throwing that much information at him at one time. "Yes sir, we can talk about the mission...and no I do not know what that was about. And nor do I know where Reynolds is, his new team member should be around, we worked together before."

      They had arrived at Sam's quarters and he looked around. "Does not look like she is around yet."


        Originally posted by RogueRanger View Post
        <USS Hammond> <Bridge>

        {Colonel Samantha Carter}

        "Sam, Sam. Have you seen Jackson or Vala, they were right behind me!"

        "What?" Sam looked at Marks first, he simply shrugged his shoulders. "Oh crap,I hope they haven't decided they wouldn't. Just a minute Admiral." She grabbed the shipwide mic and cranked up the volume. "Daniel Jackson and Vala Mal Doran, you are required in the Captain's cabin....NOW"

        This day, couldn't get any worse. "Admiral I'll be there myself shortly."
        <USS Hammond> <Bridge>

        {Vala Mal Doran} {Daniel Jackson} {Colonel Samantha Carter}

        After hearing Samantha Carter over the ship's com and in light of her tone.....Vala snapped her head toward Daniel and with her eyes now wide she bit her lip, "Uh Oh.... Sam did not sound very happy.....whoops!" Vala exclaimed anxiously as she stood and began rounding up her snack items..... "I guess the people who had this room booked aren't going to be too thrilled either when they see we've helped ourselves to the food." Vala shot a look toward Daniel and noticed him gobbling the last of his sandwich down in one bite. "well let's go take our beating, least we got a snack out of the deal!" With Daniel's mouth full....Vala decided to respond to Sam....she tapped her com link, "Uh....affirmative Colonel we're on our way!" she let loose of her com and continued, "when we've filled our pockets with a snack for later that is!" Vala grabbed another apple and a protein bar....stashing them in the various pockets she had in her BDU's ..... "Hmmmm that should do it" She giggled and winked at the attendant who was stocking the room with food..... "thanks!" She then turned to Daniel...."Come on Daniel.....let's go tease Cam that we have food and he doesn't" She snorted as she grabbed on to Daniel pulling him as he was scrambling around trying to collect the remainder of his food.
        Originally posted by jelgate
        This brings much pain but SQ is right


          <USS Hammond> <Bridge>

          {Daniel Jackson}, { NPC Chef William Franklin}

          "D**n it, I really need to get some sleep. I swear someone said the briefing was in here." Daniel blurted out loudly before he took a huge couple of bites. Daniel looked from Vala to chef "pretend you never saw us, thanks again." He finished his sandwich and took a large gulp of the sports drink. He noticed the chef's cart there was a large cooler on it.

          The chef took the large cooler and placed it on the table. He looked over to Daniel and asked "Would you like some chocolate ice cream as well?"

          "Not right now, but I am quite sure of some who would kill for some ice cream." Daniel replied grabbing a ice cream out of the cooler. Daniel then looked over to Vala and replied to her comment about Cam. "I will grab him a water and a protein bar. " Daniel grabbed a protein bar and water. Daniel followed Vala out the door and headed toward Sam's cabin.
          Last edited by Apollodragon; 15 September 2010, 01:55 PM.
          "I'll be in my bunk," Jayne Cobb

          Aftermath RP

          SG1, Resurgence RP Daniel Jackson


            Originally posted by squirrely1 View Post
            <USS Hammond> <Bridge>

            {Vala Mal Doran}

            "Uh....affirmative Colonel we're on our way!"
            {Colonel Samantha Carter}

            "I'm on my way Vala, oh and I hope you haven't taken anything from the Admiral's reception table, I kind of figured where you and Daniel were." This of course was a forgone conclusion after one of the Bridge crew showed her a live feed from the Briefing room. She had to stop herself from laughing as she saw the bandits swiping food and stuffing it into their pockets.


              <USS Hammond> <Briefing room>

              {Daniel Jackson},

              "Sorry Sam, I am rather tired for some reason I heard that the briefing was being held int he Briefing room." Daniel replied sheepishly. He started to speed up a little since he figured he and Vala where late. "We will be there monetarily."
              "I'll be in my bunk," Jayne Cobb

              Aftermath RP

              SG1, Resurgence RP Daniel Jackson


                < USS General Hammond> <Corridor>- <Bridge>

                Major Beck
                Kevin was down in random corner of the Hammond taking the grand tour and watching the sights. The drab warshippey feel of it. But he was impressed on the technology and the thought that went into it.

                He was only paying attention half wise to the messages happening over the intercom, and smiling amused to himself.

                But he decided to head for where the action was and head for the bridge, figuring that is where everyone was and where the action was, hoping to run into Colonel Reynolds or someone.

                With that he turned around and headed for the elevator, punching in the location and going up to the bridge.


                  <USS Hammond> <Ready Room>
                  {SGT Markus Redd- SG-3 Medic}

                  Markus looks at his CO and shakes his head. "Sir, I may be a medic, but I am still a US Marine. I can defend myself pretty well, if I must say so myself."

                  Markus ran through all of the call signs and chat codes through his head as he waited for his CO to reply.
                  Aftermath RP
                  Markus Redd - SG-7 Computer Scientist
                  Captain Joseph Laport - OSI Agent Stationed at Alpha Site

                  New Seasons RP
                  SGT Markus Redd - SG-3 Medic
                  Eli Wallace- SGU


                    Originally posted by Isolde View Post
                    <USS Hammond> - <MedLab2>

                    {Dr. Beth Hayden}
                    "Twenty five minutes, Colonel."
                    <USS Hammond> <Bridge>

                    {Colonel Samantha Carter}

                    "Copy that Doctor. Let me know as soon as Cate is ready to go thank


                      < USS General Hammond> <Corridor>- <Bridge>

                      Dr. Daniel Jackson

                      Daniel and Vala finally fond the Captain's room which was currently Sam's. There where to SFs standing outside the door as if protecting the room from any stray ears and/or eyes. "Dr. Daniel Jackson and Vala Mal Doran reporting to briefing in the Captain's quarters," Daniel said to the closets SF. Both of the SFs looked at Daneil's and Vala's ID badges pinned to their chests. After looking at the ID badges the closets SF to the door panel push the button for Daniel. The SF waved his hand toward lever which opens the door, Daniel grabbed the lever pushed the door open and stepped inside.
                      "I'll be in my bunk," Jayne Cobb

                      Aftermath RP

                      SG1, Resurgence RP Daniel Jackson


                        Originally posted by RogueRanger View Post
                        {Colonel Samantha Carter}

                        "I'm on my way Vala, oh and I hope you haven't taken anything from the Admiral's reception table, I kind of figured where you and Daniel were." This of course was a forgone conclusion after one of the Bridge crew showed her a live feed from the Briefing room. She had to stop herself from laughing as she saw the bandits swiping food and stuffing it into their pockets.
                        Originally posted by Apollodragon View Post
                        < USS General Hammond> <Corridor>- <Bridge>

                        Dr. Daniel Jackson

                        Daniel and Vala finally fond the Captain's room which was currently Sam's. There where to SFs standing outside the door as if protecting the room from any stray ears and/or eyes. "Dr. Daniel Jackson and Vala Mal Doran reporting to briefing in the Captain's quarters," Daniel said to the closets SF. Both of the SFs looked at Daneil's and Vala's ID badges pinned to their chests. After looking at the ID badges the closets SF to the door panel push the button for Daniel. The SF waved his hand toward lever which opens the door, Daniel grabbed the lever pushed the door open and stepped inside.
                        < USS General Hammond> <Corridor> <Bridge>

                        {Vala Mal Doran} {Colonel Samantha Carter} {Dr. Daniel Jackson}

                        Vala felt almost a sick feeling in her stomach as that apple and juice drink certainly wasn't worth the harassment she felt she would be getting from this...she took in a deep breath and answered Sam with a sigh, "Oooh.......well actually..... *giggles* ....since we were confused about the meeting location....we were obviously confused about the food thing too...." Vala grimaced slightly as she sort of snickered toward Daniel...with her famous....'It's all your fault' look. "But on the upside'll be happy to know that Daniel and I are refueled and ready to go!" With that spunky delivery she leaned over and elbowed Daniel in the side as they were hurriedly making their way to Sam's quarters.

                        Once Vala and Daniel arrived.....Vala jeered at the stiffs guarding the door. She winked at the cute one and delivered a wickedly devious smile.... "Hey " Daniel quickly grabbed her by the back of her collar and pulled her into the room.... "Ok .... OK....geeze.... you can't fault a girl for trying... I am I supposed to know they only needed to see our ID badges?" She giggled when she saw the look of disgust on his face as they both entered the room.
                        Originally posted by jelgate
                        This brings much pain but SQ is right


                          Originally posted by Col.Foley View Post
                          < USS General Hammond>-<Carter's Quarters.
                          Cameron Mitchell.

                          Cam arched an eyebrow at the Admiral next to him slightly wondering at the Admiral's stream of consciousness. Not used to a flag officer throwing that much information at him at one time. "Yes sir, we can talk about the mission...and no I do not know what that was about. And nor do I know where Reynolds is, his new team member should be around, we worked together before."

                          They had arrived at Sam's quarters and he looked around. "Does not look like she is around yet."
                          {Admiral William MacGregor}

                          Carefully noting each and everyone as they made their way into Sam's rather large room, a table was hastily set up with laptops for each of them. "Be seated everyone, Cam I believe Colonel Carter will be with us shortly. Before Sam arrives, I want you all to be aware of ho wvital this mission is. The Lucian Alliance is on the cusp of creating a force like we've not seen. Not the Goa'uld, nor the Ori that threatened our existance come close. I need an assurance from each of you that you will stay the course. I will repeat this again when the others arrive, but I want your feelings before they are here." His face was sombre, nothing could be read in his eyes, he gave nothing away.
                          My FF.netStories -Stargate Atlantis Allies-Colonel Ted Hasluck Bio
                          sigpic "Weedle" 27/09/1987-16/09/2010 RIP Soldier


                            Originally posted by Re1ndeer View Post
                            <USS Hammond> <Ready Room>
                            {SGT Markus Redd- SG-3 Medic}

                            Markus looks at his CO and shakes his head. "Sir, I may be a medic, but I am still a US Marine. I can defend myself pretty well, if I must say so myself."

                            Markus ran through all of the call signs and chat codes through his head as he waited for his CO to reply.
                            <USS Hammond> <Ready Room>

                            {Colonel Al Reynolds} NPC

                            Looking the medic up and down, Al took self appraisal from a marine as a good sign. He patted him on the shoulder and reminded himself of how he was at that age. "You'll do ok Redd. Come on, we'll go see what this Admiral is all about, maybe with him here, the Marines can make something of ourselves to show these boys in blue what fighting is all about." He ducked into the passageway and headed for Colonel Carters private cabin, not too far away.
                            My FF.netStories -Stargate Atlantis Allies-Colonel Ted Hasluck Bio
                            sigpic "Weedle" 27/09/1987-16/09/2010 RIP Soldier


                              <USS Hammond> <Hallway outside Medbay>

                              Batou started as he was rudely awakened from his nap by the Flight Lt. "Huh, Wha...?," he said. "Oh you're ready to go Flight?," He asked as he picked his gear up that he had set down while he napped. "So yes or no?," Batou asked as they made thier way down the hall to the bridge knowing she would get the gist of the question.
                              sigpicRequiescat in pace Weedle


                                <USS Hammond> <Hallway outside Medbay>
                                {Flt. Lt. Catherine Hayden}+ {Colonel Samantha Carter}

                                "Yes we are and it's a no." She said with a smile. "Raiden, we'll have to drop into the flat, we'll figure out where Elena is from there. We need to change and pick up all our gear, can't let the poms keep it." She nudged him. "Colonel Carter we're ready for beam out, can you still lock onto the flat in Soho?"

                                "I'm right here Cate." Sam said behind her, she was on her way to the meeting with the Admiral when she saw the young woman. "Yes we can and how is everything now, you were in medbay?"

                                A flush of red blosommed on Cate's cheeks. "Ah...stunner shock." She winked at Batou. "We better go Colonel, all the best with dad."

                                "Hmm, do you think I'll need it"

                                "Yes I do."

                                "Very well I'll take that under advisement." Sam tapped her coms link. "Major, please beam Flight Lieutenant Hayden and Lieutenant Kusangi to our previous coordinates in Soho."

                                "Yes ma'am"

                                Sam watched as the two disappeared in a white haze. "Good luck youself Cate." She then returned on her way to the meeting with SG1 and the Admiral, hoping something good would happen. "Inform Daedalus we'll jump in two minutes."

