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Stargate New Seasons ~ Atlantis ~ Reclamation ~ Season 6 RPG

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    Originally posted by Ryn View Post
    The mere mention of Lavin was enough to put Ronon of his food, at least temporarily. He pushed his plate away, nothing on it but inedible scraps anyway.

    "Okay." He grunted, thinking. Which was when the various pains and aches made themselves known again. He grimaced a little but forced himself to focus on the conversation.

    "So, was he a good guy? Or did he fight a lot?" Ronon thought Henry didn't sound like he had been a dictator or anything, but in his experience, kings that had many wives often were. It came with the territory, they had to fight for their place at the top of the food chain.

    It seemed that the mere mention of Lucius Lavin was the only thing that could make Ronon Dex lose his apetite. And John couldn't help but agree with him.

    "Eh," He said continuing on with his little history lesson to Ronon, "he really didn't need to fight, anyone who pissed him off never lived to tell the tale."

    He then notice the grimace on his friend's face.

    "You alright buddy?" He asked in concern, "I know you were injured today too, maybe you should go get checked out."
    The Breeding Ground of Ships.


      Originally posted by RogueRanger View Post

      Ted heaved his over large shoulders and grinned mischeviously. "We'll still have that Bourbon Todd, today, tomorrow. Major Fothering, drop us in on the control room platform platfrom."

      "Aye Sir!"

      The familar old blue white Asgard beam did it's job and the two T's lobbed right in front of Woolsey. "Woolsey." Ted said blankly. "I've brought a friend.." He noticed another wraith and nodded in a casual way. "Now if you don't mind, I need a bath, I'll debrief you in half an hour..sir." With that he turned and started away, he spoke quietly to Todd before he left. "Don't leave without me."

      On his way down the stairs, Ruben Thurston caught up with his old boss. "Sir team two is back, Lorne is in the com sir."

      "Thanks Ruben, I'll see him first."

      Ted went to the commisary on swift legs, well for him it was a waltz. He found Lorne eating alone. "Major.." he sat down. " how did the flyboy go, find anything useful back on Bakun. Oh and sorry I had to disappear back there, the Wraith and I had some 'business' to do."

      ((OOC "flyboy" is Sheppard ))

      Evan was sitting on a table near the balcony. He forgone a shower for a bite to eat, all that running through tunnels had his stomach protesting rather loudly the moment he'd gotten off the Jumper.

      Swallowing some chicken, he washed it down with juice, made from that strange fruit the botanists were growing on the mainland.
      He'd have preferred soda, but with only this and coffee to choose from, the choice was made easy.
      Evan tried to keep his caffeine intakes to meetings and late night paperwork shifts. He didn't need himself going through withdrawal on a week long off-world mission.

      Inhaling the rest of his meal, the Major was down to licking his fingers clean when someone sat opposite him.
      "Colonel." He nodded stiffly, not really looking all that forward to speaking with Hasluck "Save for a minor injury, Sheppard was fine."
      Pushing his plate to the side, he leaned slightly back into the chair, wondering why Hasluck didn't just wait till the debriefing "We discovered an Ancient facility, probably an early attempt at Atlantis, but I guess we can ask Janus more on that." Not really sure whether the Colonel knew who Janus was, he then added "Janus is an Ancient we brought back with us. He was hiding there, or something like that. You'd have to ask someone else. But we also got his modified Jumper."

      This time he did wait purposefully for the dramatic effect "A Jumper with hyper capabilities. Minor, but still." And so what if he couldn't keep the grin off his face? Evan didn't join the Air Force because he liked things that went slow.

      He choose to ignore the 'business' part, not really wanting to know what the man had been up to with the Wraith and pretty damn sure he wouldn't tell even if he asked.
      If anyone asked him, Evan was a little concerned at how well his superior officer had taken a liking to the Wraith.
      Sure, Todd wasn't an idiot and you could probably hold a decent conversation with him. But he was still a Wraith! His diet consisted of humans!
      Growing old is mandatory. Growing up is optional.

      Wonderful signatures by wonderful people.(Not me thus =] )
      My secret: .. .- -- -- .- .-. .-. .. . -.. - --- -- .- .--- --- .-. .-.. --- .-. -. .


        Originally posted by TheLadyMore View Post

        It seemed that the mere mention of Lucius Lavin was the only thing that could make Ronon Dex lose his apetite. And John couldn't help but agree with him.

        "Eh," He said continuing on with his little history lesson to Ronon, "he really didn't need to fight, anyone who pissed him off never lived to tell the tale."

        He then notice the grimace on his friend's face.

        "You alright buddy?" He asked in concern, "I know you were injured today too, maybe you should go get checked out."

        He listened to the 'history lesson' and just shrugged. "Okay." Too tired to really care about the conversation, though he did like to spend time with Shep since they were close friends, and he felt he at least needed to contribute *something* to the chat.

        Upon John's expression of his concern, Ronon replied, "Yeah. Was going to anyway. Figured Keller was too busy so went to get food first." His headache hit him full on then, and he winced just a little. Had the ear injury left him with a concussion after all? It seemed like battle adrenaline had finally worn off, although he knew he would be ready in a second if it was needed. He allowed himself the rest for now though.

        "Let's go then." He pointedly looked down at John's ankle and then back to his face, one eyebrow raised. It was clear he intended for John to join him.


          Ted heaved his over large shoulders and grinned mischeviously. "We'll still have that Bourbon Todd, today, tomorrow. Major Fothering, drop us in on the control room platform platfrom."

          "Aye Sir!"

          The familar old blue white Asgard beam did it's job and the two T's lobbed right in front of Woolsey. "Woolsey." Ted said blankly. "I've brought a friend.." He noticed another wraith and nodded in a casual way. "Now if you don't mind, I need a bath, I'll debrief you in half an hour..sir." With that he turned and started away, he spoke quietly to Todd before he left. "Don't leave without me."


          After taking his customary few seconds to recover from the beaming process, Todd was just a little surprised to find himself standing face-to-race with his Second and the human commander of Atlantis. His immediate response was a curt nod to his underling before being distracted by his fellow traveller's words, particularly those directed at him.

          "Don't leave without me."

          Todd growled softly, watching Hasluck's retreating back as he left without waiting for a response of any kind. The growl morphed into a hiss. Enjoyable as it had been working with this rather unusual human, Todd now had more pressing priorities than waiting around for this one to have a bath.

          "Mr Woolsey..." his deep multi-toned voice carried an exaggerated tone of mock respect as he tilted back his head and surveyed the human's serious face, "...a pleasure to see you as always." Then keeping his dark eyes on Woolsey he reached out to his Second. ~Now, an explanation.~
          Last edited by Trillian52; 26 February 2011, 01:03 PM.



            Originally posted by RogueRanger View Post

            Richard was out of his chair in a sprightly flash he looked at his 'guest' as he left his chair. "This should be interesting, would you come with me please." As he reached the control room he tapped his coms. "This is Richard Woolsey, commander of Atlantis. If you are on a planet with your craft, you should land and come through the gate, we will lower our shield. We have others of your people with us." He turned his head to Kenny. "I hope you can vouch for this fellow."

            "I will vouch for your safety, Mr. Woolsey," Bonewhite said, irritated. "It is a single dart, so scarcely a huge threat to this city."

            Originally posted by Trillian52 View Post


            After taking his customary few seconds to recover from the beaming process, Todd was just a little surprised to find himself standing face-to-race with his Second and the human commander of Atlantis. His immediate response was a curt nod to his underling before being distracted by his fellow traveller's words, particularly those directed at him.

            "Don't leave without me."

            Todd growled softly, watching Hasluck's retreating back as he left without waiting for a response of any kind. The growl morphed into a hiss. Enjoyable as it had been working with this rather unusual human, Todd now had more pressing priorities than waiting around for this one to have a bath.

            "Mr Woolsey..." his deep multi-toned voice carried an exaggerated tone of mock respect as he tilted back his head and surveyed the human's serious face, "...a pleasure to see you as always." Then keeping his dark eyes on Woolsey he reached out to his Second. ~Now, an explanation.~

            ~Our Alliance is in tatters, Commander, brought about by the destrction of the uber-hive, and without a Queen we cannot bring others to support our faction ~ Bonewhite watched Woolsey, but inclined his head towards Todd respectfully, speaking aloud for the benefit of the humans. "I am pleased to see you alive, Commander, and regret that I have not had time to inform you of my presence here." Straightening his shoulders, Bonewhite huffed as he continued to mindspeak, ~I came to offer assistance to the Lanteans in the form of information, and as a last resort... a ZPM ~


              Control Room

              Mckay Zelenka

              Mckay and Zelenka stopped in their tracks as Woolsey came past them and the familiar white light of the Asgard beam left two people standing in front of them, Mckay spoke with the sarcastic tone he was known for

              "Oh, great,he's back"

              Zelenka just mouthed almost inaudibly.

              "Yes" While Janus just looked on placidly.

              Mckay looked towards Woolsey

              "So whats the problem,?"


                ((OOC: I just want to move on with things... sorry ))

                And so it was that Sheppard and Ronon made their way to the Infirmary. Sheppard on his stretcher and Ronon walking beside him. They found the place to be crowded and Ronon looked around, trying to spot Keller or Beckett.

                "Doctor? You got a minute?" Ronon called.



                  "I will vouch for your safety, Mr. Woolsey," Bonewhite said, irritated. "It is a single dart, so scarcely a huge threat to this city."

                  ~Our Alliance is in tatters, Commander, brought about by the destrction of the uber-hive, and without a Queen we cannot bring others to support our faction ~ Bonewhite watched Woolsey, but inclined his head towards Todd respectfully, speaking aloud for the benefit of the humans. "I am pleased to see you alive, Commander, and regret that I have not had time to inform you of my presence here." Straightening his shoulders, Bonewhite huffed as he continued to mindspeak, ~I came to offer assistance to the Lanteans in the form of information, and as a last resort... a ZPM ~


                  A succinct explanation. Not what he wanted to hear but then Todd was getting used to being the recipient of bad news. Contacting the Lanteans would have been his own course of action so finally turning his eyes to Bonewhite, he responded with a subtle nod. ~I am surprised to see you here but we can discuss this later.~

                  Anxious as he was to know more of the Alliance’s problems, the priority now was to calm the agitation being generated by this single dart. Turning back to the Lantean commander a condescending smile flashed briefly across Todd’s face. “I agree with my Second that a single dart is no threat to you Mr Woolsey and I think we should go together to find out what brings it here.”



                    As he walked behind Zelenka and - Doctor McKay, was it? - Janus regarded the room with a thoughtful gaze. Human technology was was home, but so unlike home.

                    He shifted uncomfortably, noticing the guards' wary gazes. They had had trouble with his kind in the past. He could sense their distrust, their wariness. It was very unsettling. He heard voices and realized that they must have reached their destination.

                    He looked to the origin of the voices, and immediately his eyes widened in shock. Wraith. Wraith in Atlantis. Anger boiled up within him, and before he knew it he had snatched a weapon from one of the nearby security officers and was pointing it at the offending Wraith. He took a step back, shouting in Ancient, and aimed the weapon at them. It flew through his mind that he didn't know how to use it, but he'd figure it out.

                    "What in the hell are they doing here?!" the former ascended Alteran snarled with anger.



                      The Wraith looked up, shocked to hear Ancient spoken so fluently again after so many decades, and he took an involuntary step back. "Lantean...!" he hissed.

                      The figure of the Ancient pointed a weapon towards where he and the Commander stood, fury coming at him in waves. Unarmed, Bonewhite could do little more than rely on the goodwill of the humans around him.



                        Mckay looked on shocked and held up a hand

                        "What..what are you doing,you cant just shoot him, he's a friend...of sorts...put the gun down before someone gets hurt, mainly me, lets discuss this like intellegent human beings...and wraith..beings" He gestured towards Todd, with a half grin. as he said the last line.



                          Surprise flickered across Janus' face. "A-allies?"

                          He lowered the weapon, feeling foolish. The sight of the Wraith had surprised and angered him so much that he had acted in haste. He stared at his feet for a moment before looking up at McKay, his dark blue eyes flickering to the Wraith for a moment, anger welling up in him, before looking away, sighing.

                          Janus handed the gun back to the nearby security officer, who looked rather annoyed, and took a calming breath. "I apologize, I acted in haste. It is just that the sight of Wraith in Atlantis...after what they did to my people..." his voice trailed off, and he shook his head.


                            <Teyla's room>

                            Sighing, Teyla rose to her feet. This session would not be fruitful. She'd been meditating for a while now, or at least tried to. But she did not find the calmness she sought, she simply could not. There was too much on her mind it seemed. And the fact that she picked up the Wraith minds constantly didn't help matters much either. There were two of them now. Todd had returned. She'd recognised his mind-feel instantly and had sent a greeting thought, almost absent-mindedly so. Even if he'd laughed at her before, she would remain courteous.

                            Sighing once more, Teyla left her room, in search of.... anyone but the Wraith, even though she knew she was going to run into them sooner or later. It was simply unavoidable.

                            <Gate room>

                            She arrived at the gate room just at the end of a possible fight, it seemed. Teyla stood at the balcony overlooking the gate room and watched the scene impassively.
                            Two Wraith, an overexcited Ancient and of course Woolsey and others. Was she going down there? Best not. She did not have the wish to interact with them, not when her mind was this fragile, this easily upset. It had been this way since the first day they'd discovered people missing from their planets, and Baku was just one in a long row.



                              ~We must watch this one carefully.~ Todd kept his eyes fixed firmly on the Lantean as he uttered this warning to Bonewhite. Despite the apology he knew their old enemy was even less trustworthy than the new inhabitants of Atlantis.

                              “Thank you Doctor McKay.” He nodded briefly at the scientist before returning to the Lantean. He knew he should be civil to this one but memories of the war and flashed across his mind and he could not resist an opportunity to gloat about the victory in which both he and Bonewhite participated. “Many things have changed since you lost the war but I see you are still prone to assume the worst before fully understanding the truth of a situation. You would do well to remember why you were defeated.”


                                Originally posted by Alteran of Atlantis View Post
                                Surprise flickered across Janus' face. "A-allies?"
                                He lowered the weapon, feeling foolish. The sight of the Wraith had surprised and angered him so much that he had acted in haste. He stared at his feet for a moment before looking up at McKay, his dark blue eyes flickering to the Wraith for a moment, anger welling up in him, before looking away, sighing.
                                Janus handed the gun back to the nearby security officer, who looked rather annoyed, and took a calming breath. "I apologize, I acted in haste. It is just that the sight of Wraith in Atlantis...after what they did to my people..." his voice trailed off, and he shook his head.


                                Mckay beathed a sigh of relief when Janus handed back the gun,he half smiled at the ancient and acknowledged Todds thanks with a nod

                                "Well, glad thats over, and FYI, we wernt so keen on having them here either, i can understand how you feel, them nearly wiping you out and all, despite all your technology and might i say your arrogance, but thats all water under the bridge now so,lets try to get along shall we" He looked over to Woolsey completly oblivious to his own foot in the mouth disease.
                                "So, what is it you want to see us about?"

                                {{{OOC sorry took me that long to post Trill, didnt see your post]]]
                                Last edited by pookey; 01 March 2011, 01:09 PM.

