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Stargate New Seasons ~ Atlantis ~ Reclamation ~ Season 6 RPG

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    Originally posted by RogueRanger View Post
    <Atlantis> - <Control room>

    {Chucknicain} NPC

    Looking up from his seat and lifting his body a little so he could see the Jumper and others were clear of it, Chuck smiled at his friend. "It'd be better if I could go off-world Laura, just once. Well with you anyway. I hear you're going out again soon, maybe lunch before you do, I'm off in a little while."
    <Atlantis> - <Control room>

    Lt. Laura Cadman

    Laura smiled at the man that was in front of her.
    "Sure thing, I'll meet you when you're ready." She smiled again and walked down the control room staircase, hoping to relax a bit before getting ready for another mission with the two arogent scientists.
    Just because something is unknown, does not necessarily mean that it needs to be feared. Trust yourself, and the rest will unfold. ~Teyla Emmagen~


      Originally posted by puddlejumperOZ View Post
      <Atlantis> - <Control room/ Puddlejumper>

      {Lt Colonel John Sheppard}

      Kawoosh, the gate opened in front of the Jumper and it's sound was inaudible to those inside, but most of them had heard it so often, it was if it was replayed in their heads anyway.

      "Hang on folks, here we go." John gave his thought to the Ancient controls and the Jumper began to move, as it did so he answered Mckay. "I think Rodney, because you're on my team....unless of course you'd rather..." He gave him a pathetic grin. "By the way, just how much did you modify number four?"
      "Radek and I did an extensive rebuild instead of there being 2 drive pods there are now 4, if you would like to see the specs we have them stored in a safe place," Rodney replied.

      ((OOC> Everyone can see the model of the X Jumper here:
      sigpicRequiescat in pace Weedle


        <Atlantis> - <Control room>

        {Richard Woolsey} NPC

        Watching the jumper leave Richard wondered what else might be thrown at him today. He was about to head to his office when he received a coms call from the Apollo. "Atlantis, Davidson here, do you have a SG available?"

        "Yes Colonel, SGA3 was about to have a break then head out again, why?"

        "Sir we have possible hostiles, maybe Koyla's Geni near a village we just resupplied. I need an SG team to scout for my Marines."

        "Very well Colonel I'll arrange it and let you know."

        "Thank you sir."

        Laura was almost at the botton of the stairs when Richard called out to her. "Lieutenant Cadman, could you come to my office please."
        My FF.netStories -Stargate Atlantis Allies-Colonel Ted Hasluck Bio
        sigpic "Weedle" 27/09/1987-16/09/2010 RIP Soldier


          Originally posted by puddlejumperOZ View Post
          <Atlantis> - <Control room>

          {Richard Woolsey} NPC

          Watching the jumper leave Richard wondered what else might be thrown at him today. He was about to head to his office when he received a coms call from the Apollo. "Atlantis, Davidson here, do you have a SG available?"

          "Yes Colonel, SGA3 was about to have a break then head out again, why?"

          "Sir we have possible hostiles, maybe Koyla's Geni near a village we just resupplied. I need an SG team to scout for my Marines."

          "Very well Colonel I'll arrange it and let you know."

          "Thank you sir."

          Laura was almost at the botton of the stairs when Richard called out to her. "Lieutenant Cadman, could you come to my office please."
          <Atlantis> - <Control room>

          Lt. Laura Cadman

          "Yes, Sir." Laura said to him, wodering what he could want.
          She walked into his office and he gestured for her to sit down. She stared at him across the desk, waiting for his question, small talk, or order.
          Just because something is unknown, does not necessarily mean that it needs to be feared. Trust yourself, and the rest will unfold. ~Teyla Emmagen~


            <Atlantis> - <Woolsey's Office>

            {Richard Woolsey} NPC

            RIchard leaned across the desk on his elbows. "Lieutenant." He began and gave a quick scan of his terminal. "I know you're one down with second Lieutenant Wilson ill, but Apollo has some information concerning possible Geni on one of our friend's worlds. I believe it maybe..." He looked at more data. "MX8-Y48, the Safren people, we've been helping them overcome a draught with food and aid. Colonel Davidson would like a scout team in place for his marines." He clasped his hands together. "Do you think yourself and Sergeants O'Rielly and Kazuki could handle it alone?"

            ((OOC Star, Mel and I will NPC Sandra O'Reilly and Joe Kazuki for you, they'll both be Marines.))
            My FF.netStories -Stargate Atlantis Allies-Colonel Ted Hasluck Bio
            sigpic "Weedle" 27/09/1987-16/09/2010 RIP Soldier


              Originally posted by puddlejumperOZ View Post
              <Atlantis> - <Woolsey's Office>

              {Richard Woolsey} NPC

              RIchard leaned across the desk on his elbows. "Lieutenant." He began and gave a quick scan of his terminal. "I know you're one down with second Lieutenant Wilson ill, but Apollo has some information concerning possible Geni on one of our friend's worlds. I believe it maybe..." He looked at more data. "MX8-Y48, the Safren people, we've been helping them overcome a draught with food and aid. Colonel Davidson would like a scout team in place for his marines." He clasped his hands together. "Do you think yourself and Sergeants O'Rielly and Kazuki could handle it alone?"

              ((OOC Star, Mel and I will NPC Sandra O'Reilly and Joe Kazuki for you, they'll both be Marines.))
              (Okay, thanks )

              <Atlantis> - <Control room>

              Lt. Laura Cadman
              "I think we'd be able to handle it, Sir." Laura was thrilled to go on a mission that didn't envolve only helping scientists.
              "Sandy, Joe, get to the armory, we're going on a mission." She said, walking down the control room staircase and smiling.
              Last edited by Stargate Atlantis Girl; 03 September 2010, 02:39 PM.
              Just because something is unknown, does not necessarily mean that it needs to be feared. Trust yourself, and the rest will unfold. ~Teyla Emmagen~


                <Atlantis> <Marines Barracks>

                {Sgt. Sandra O'Reilly} {Sgt. Joe Kazuki} NPC's

                Joe and Sandy had been team members since they first arrived on Atlantis as grunts with the original expedition. Aside from Sheppard, Mckay and a few others, they were amongst the Atlantis veterans, only rotating back home once or twice each. Lt. Cadman was there latest CO and one they had determined between them to keep alive. It became their mission focus.

                "Sandy, Joe, get to the armory, we're going on a mission."

                The coms sounded loud in her ear, Sandy smiled at her firend and then answered. "We're on our way eltee (Lt), we'll be there in five." She grabbed her gear and hit Joe on the arm. "Up and at em' buster."

                "Hey I was ready already San." He said as he raced her for the armory not far down the hall.
                My FF.netStories -Stargate Atlantis Allies-Colonel Ted Hasluck Bio
                sigpic "Weedle" 27/09/1987-16/09/2010 RIP Soldier


                  <Atlantis> <Armory>

                  Laura Cadman
                  NPC: Duty Sergeant

                  Laura walks into the armory and swipes her card, then sees the duty Sergeant.
                  "I'm going to need standard tactical gear for a possible covert mission." He nodded and handed her some weapons.
                  "These should do."
                  "Thank you." He nodded again
                  Laura pressed her coms link, "Sandra, Joe, I'm at the armory. You guys almost here?"
                  Just because something is unknown, does not necessarily mean that it needs to be feared. Trust yourself, and the rest will unfold. ~Teyla Emmagen~


                    <Atlantis> <Armory>

                    {Sgt. Sandra O'Reilly} {Sgt. Joe Kazuki} NPC's

                    Sandra and Joe were quick, but they knew the CO was quicker. They saw her red hair slip into the armory as they rounded the corner. "Hey boss, here behind you." Sandra said, hoping not to startle the lieutenant.

                    Joe went over to the counter and drew weapons for both Sandra and himself. He thanked the sergeant and joined the other two. "Right lets' do this Lt. The Apollo should be able to take us from here right? Like we don't have to go all the way back to the gate room do we?" Joe was always the first to whinge, so this was no surprise.

                    ((OOC, Star if you have trouble with your next post, just PM me or ask one of the others))
                    My FF.netStories -Stargate Atlantis Allies-Colonel Ted Hasluck Bio
                    sigpic "Weedle" 27/09/1987-16/09/2010 RIP Soldier


                      <Atlantis> <Armory>
                      Lt. Laura Cadman

                      Laura grined at her team.
                      "No worrys, Joe, we won't make you walk. You guys all set? Apollo, this is Lt. Cadman, we're ready to get beamed."
                      Just because something is unknown, does not necessarily mean that it needs to be feared. Trust yourself, and the rest will unfold. ~Teyla Emmagen~


                        <Atlantis> <Armory>

                        {Sgt. Sandra O'Reilly} {Sgt. Joe Kazuki} NPC's

                        The odd matched Sergeants looked at each other, Sandra tall and slim, much the poster girl with her auburn hair and full lips, but she had a potty mouth that belied her looks of innocence. Her Bronx upbringing saw to that. Joe on the other hand, missed his partners height by an inch. Thick set and muscled, the Japanese Canadian had spent his youth surfing around the world before settling in California and eventually joining the marines to avoid deporation, was the opposite. Not quite good looking, but his appearence told anyone he was a brawler, but in fact he was usually quiet and shy, but knew how to protect his team mates when needed. They smiled at each other and touched hands and as one nodded to Laura.
                        "We're ready Boss."


                        <USS Apollo> <Bridge>

                        {Colonel Ian Davidson} NPC

                        "..Apollo, this is Lt. Cadman, we're ready to get beamed."

                        Ian heard the coms and acknowledged Laura. "Stand ready Lieutenant." He tapped his XO on the shoulder and told him. "Beam them aboad now Major."

                        "Yes sir."

                        It would only take a few milliseconds, Ian swivelled his chair around and waited.
                        My FF.netStories -Stargate Atlantis Allies-Colonel Ted Hasluck Bio
                        sigpic "Weedle" 27/09/1987-16/09/2010 RIP Soldier


                          <USS Apollo> <Bridge>
                          Laura Cadman
                          Laura barley felt being beamed up, the next thing she knewm she was on a ship.
                          "Co. Davidson." She said to the captain of the ship.
                          Just because something is unknown, does not necessarily mean that it needs to be feared. Trust yourself, and the rest will unfold. ~Teyla Emmagen~


                            <Atlantis> <Control Room>

                            <Richard Woolsey> <Chucknician> NPC'S

                            With a worried look on Woolsey's face, he tapped his desk coms. "Chuck, has Colonel Sheppard and his team made their scheduled dial in?"

                            "No Sir and I've been trying to raise them."

                            "Patch me through to Colonel Davidson please."

                            "It's already done sir, I kind of thought you might need to." Chuck leaned back to see if Woolsey was looking at him, then quickly sat forward again.

                            Richard approved of efficiancy, but sometimes his staff. He simply shook his head. "Colonel Davidson, is Baku on your route at all?"

                            <USS Apollo> <Atlantis orbit>

                            {Colonel Ian Davidson} NPC

                            His eyes adjusting after the Asgard beming flare, Ian was about to have SGA4 settled in when his coms burst into life. "Colonel Davidson, is Baku on your route at all?"

                            Not sure of the meaning, but his asnwer was . "Yes it is I believe."

                            "I'm worried about Colonel Sheppard and his team, they are on a routine recon, could you drop by and see if there is a problem please."

                            "Yes, it won't deviate my mission, we'll be there in twenty minutes. Davidson out."

                            "Thank you."


                            "Set a course for Baku Scott, before we route to MX8-Y48. Lieutenant Cadman come with me please." He gave his commands and walked over to SGA4. It was imperitive they understood the mission to assist his Marines. But a stop at Baku may change things a little. He hoped not.
                            My FF.netStories -Stargate Atlantis Allies-Colonel Ted Hasluck Bio
                            sigpic "Weedle" 27/09/1987-16/09/2010 RIP Soldier


                              <USS Apollo> <Atlantis orbit>

                              Lt Laura Cadman

                              "Yes, Sir." Laura was curious to see planet Baku, she had never been there, and wondered what it would have in store...
                              Just because something is unknown, does not necessarily mean that it needs to be feared. Trust yourself, and the rest will unfold. ~Teyla Emmagen~


                                <USS Apollo> <Atlantis orbit>

                                {Colonel Ian Davidson} NPC

                                Ian stood nearby SGA4 and their CO, he had an inkling Colonel Sheppard's team might be in trouble and his hunches usually were right. "Lieutenant, get down to the ready room, I'll be there shortly. Inform Colonel Hasluck and his Marines we might have a hostile situation on Baku, ask them to be ready to deploy the moment we're in low orbit over the planet."

                                wonderful sig by my little sister Mel, kind of reminds me of the missus and me

