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Stargate New Seasons : OOC

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    I read the posts, so I'll give time till my evening for the rest to post in SG-4, then I'll do it myself, after long typing at work. Damn, how I wanna sleep and how I don't wanna work...
    Homo sum et nihil humani a me alienum puto, sic quod feci quod potui et sic potui, faciant meliora potentes. (c)



      i know how you feel Vad, I'm so tired I can barely keep awake and it's only 2:45pm

      I hope you liked brat'ac's posts, I treid really hard to get the feel of him


        Originally posted by RogueRanger View Post
        They look really awesome Aunty Q and it surely does give me goose bumps to see all that great Stargate action again, thanx and it also gives me a feel for what we're going to do

        I poked Pookey this morning LM and Ryn posted for the SG1 mission, give her time as I guess she's still not 100% yet. Who else, um Lorne aka Primus said he'll be back soon, he's skiing all over Europe atm. And I'm trying still to get someone permanent for Ronon as well, no luck so far, which is surprising given how popular he is
        Ryn I understand!
        The Breeding Ground of Ships.


          yeah she's got an excuse atm. Now AA (Janus) and Pookey don't though

          oh there is a post for Laura Cadman though:


            Tried to work Atlantis out - but will try again today. Sorry for the wait and the holdup. Sometimes I can get in gear - like yesterday! - but there's days that it just won't work. Dunno what day it'll be today... Slept better though, so that's a plus.

            *goes to, yes, you got it....*


              Originally posted by squirrely1 View Post
              Ok and so the pilots in the F302's don't feel left is an awesome vid to help you get in the groove for the mission...and around 2:47 you'll notice a Tel'tak hovering.....and doing some beaming thing anyone remember what that beaming thing was all about? Also I noticed the F-302's can land and take off from "earth".


              ok last's a cool 3D animation of the Deady (inside the hangar) as well as inside the command center....then shows the F302

              the beam thing was something Jack created when he got taken over by the facehugger ancienty thing it was used to drill thro the ice, i think it was in the Lost City

              Originally posted by RogueRanger View Post
              yeah she's got an excuse atm. Now AA (Janus) and Pookey don't though

              oh there is a post for Laura Cadman though:
              i does work tha knows and im useless at thinking of things for mckay and zelenka to do but ive posted my crappy peice now
              Last edited by pookey; 11 January 2011, 12:12 AM.


                still have to watch all those awesome vids - but I posted for Ronon - and pooks *big hugs* you never make crappy pieces.


                  your waaaayyyy to kind dear *hugs* So are we waiting for Janus to take the lead?


                    I've got no idea at this point hun I'm a crappy GM guess it's best if we wait till Mel comes back, but if you have big ideas feel free to post them .


                      I believe Janus was going to take us to a hyperspace capable jumper so im not sure i can do anything till he takes us there, ill just wait until he shows, and post from there


                        Sorry I haven't really been on much, everyone...RL troubles with my family over the weekend and midterm exams are approaching, plus I have ten days to finish a whole online class so I'm freaking out


                          AA, you take care dear and dont worry bout here *hugs*


                            Originally posted by pookey View Post
                            AA, you take care dear and dont worry bout here *hugs*
                            Thanks It's been a bad weekend for me I posted a quick reply in the Atlantis thread just for now to keep things moving.


                              I'm flat after a hard day... Permission to post early in the morn tomorrow (somewhat 10 hours later or so) after I had some sleep as I've day off work and uni tomorrow?
                              Homo sum et nihil humani a me alienum puto, sic quod feci quod potui et sic potui, faciant meliora potentes. (c)



                                Permission granted.... I know and understand the sleep deprivation thing all too well....

