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Wraith Queen Ingas Hive!

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    The Hive drops out of hyper-space around a lush and desolate planet, one of the Hive's many "rest sites". Todd leaves the second-in-command in charge of the bridge, as he leaves to inform Kal'shath. When he arrives at her quaters, she is just putting their son back in his crib.

    "We have arrived at the rest site," he told her. "Since the repairs that are needed may well take some time, I wondered if the majority of the hive wished to remain on the planet's surface until they were compleated."

    "We could all use some rest," Kal'shath answered, "and that includes you. No doubt the Cheif Scientist will wish to remain onboard the hive to see to the repairs, but I'm sure that Kenny will be able to cope while you take some needed rest." Kal'shath echoed Todd's smile at the use of the second-in-command's "human" name.

    "I suppose you are not giving me much of an option?" sighed Todd. Kal'shath merely grinned her shark-toothed grin. "Then I will join you when we board the cruiser to leave for the planet."

    He bowed and left the room. Kal'shath began to gather together what she would need for their well deserved rest.
    If found, is probably lost on the way to Azaroth or the Pegasus Galaxy


      On the planet, Amina ventures off by herself for a while after the Queen and the others get settled nearby. She was fairly new to the hive, and have never been to this planet, so she wants to explore it.

      After a couple of minutes, she looks off into the horizon and sees a clear patch of forest with many small buildings inside. They look old, so they could be the remains of an Ancient civilization. Shrugging her shoulders, she goes back to the others to learn about the history of this planet.


        "I'm looking forward to see this planet. I've never been in this solar system before", Deimos tells Astra as they walk towards the flight deck.

        Astra answers him "Me neither. In the database there's nothing specific or sensational. It's just a quiet place for getting some rest, it seems." She smiles "Exactly what I need."

        "I found a map of the main continent, in the northern region is an expansive forest with some large lakes. The temperature and weather is pleasant there. How about finding out if the database is right?" Deimos grins at Astra.

        Astra's smile gets even wider "It has been years since I've taken a bath in a lake. It would be nice to go swimming there."

        Putting an arm around her shoulder Deimos aks her "Did I ever tell you that I love to go swimming?"

        They board a small cruiser and Astra starts the pre-flight check. "Sounds like we have a plan then", she smiles at him again.


          Todd seemed to be struggling to relax, Kal'shath observed. She sat in the shade of a tree cradling the sleeping Tral'shath.

          "There is no danger here," she reminded Todd. He turned to look at her, attempting to mask his agitation.

          "Forgive me for being parinoid," he relpied, "but we have had more misfortune in these recent months than I have experianced in over a thousand years. I am starting to beleive that we are jinxed, as the humans say."

          Kal'shath laughed at his suggestion. "Prehaps," she said, "but for now, everything seems well and I would rather bask in that than dwell on possibilities."

          Todd chuckles and looks up as Amina approches.
          If found, is probably lost on the way to Azaroth or the Pegasus Galaxy


            "All is well, I assume." Amina says while drinking the juice of a round fruit she found.

            Todd and Kal'shath nod and smile at her. Turning towards the beach, Amina giggles at seeing the sight of drones walking on the sand. It seems as though they are having trouble walking through it.

            Suddenly, a bright light glares in the sky, making Amina cover her eyes.

            "What is that?" She says.


              Suddenly, a bright light glares in the sky, making Amina cover her eyes.

              "What is that?" She says.
              *At that moment the voice of the Chief Scientist is heard from their communication devices. He says that the system's star is going supernova and that those on the planet have about seven minutes to make it back to the hive. He is sending down darts to get the crewmembers who were dropped off without ships.*
              God is the original transporter.

              Acts 8:39b-40a: The Spirit of the Lord suddenly took Phillip away and the official did not see him again, but went on his way rejoicing. Philip, however, appeared at Azotus (an old city in ancient Israel) and traveled about.

              He is also the author of love and justice:

              Romans 5:8: But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

              John 14:6: Jesus (Christ) answered: I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.


                "Oh no!" Amina screams. It seems as if they are always standing in harm's way.

                She jumps into her dart and flys around scooping up the Queen, Todd, the baby, and other wraith. Another dart pilot is assigned to pick up Astra and Deimos. The star is getting brighter and she is worried that they may not have time to return!


                  Astra and Deimos have jumped into one of the numerous lakes and are swimming a race just for fun when they notice the bright light.

                  Startled they stop in mid-swim and watch the light growing even brighter. "What's that?" Astra asks. Deimos frowns "I have no idea but knowing our luck it can't be anything good".

                  They hear the high-pitched noise of a dart coming their way and receive a telepathic warning from the pilot, explaing in short about the supernova. Astra and Deimos have no time to make it back to the shore and are picked up by the beam still in the water.

                  As the white glow fades away again they are standing in the dart bay, soaking wet and surrounded by Kal'shath and the baby, Todd and Amina. All of them stare in disbelief at Astra and Deimos.

                  "I'm relieved to see you have all made it safe from the planet. If you excuse us now, please?" Astra says and takes Deimos's arm, dragging him away gently. "I think it would be better if we just find some clothes now."


                    Kal'shath chuckled to herself at the two wraith's lack of attire, but her attention immidatly shifted to Todd, who walked out of the dart bay, his mind closed and every line of his body showing his pent up anger.

                    "Take my son back to my chambers," she instructed Amina, gently giving her teh sleeping Tral'shath. "I must deal with my mate momentarily."

                    Once sure that she would be left in private to speak with Todd, she followed the irate commander.
                    If found, is probably lost on the way to Azaroth or the Pegasus Galaxy


                      *Once everyone has been recovered the Chief Scientist orders the hive to jump into hyperspace. A few moments after it leaves the planet below is engulfed and brilliantly explodes.*
                      God is the original transporter.

                      Acts 8:39b-40a: The Spirit of the Lord suddenly took Phillip away and the official did not see him again, but went on his way rejoicing. Philip, however, appeared at Azotus (an old city in ancient Israel) and traveled about.

                      He is also the author of love and justice:

                      Romans 5:8: But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

                      John 14:6: Jesus (Christ) answered: I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.


                        Amina takes Tral'shath back to the Queen's chambers and sets him in his crib. She instructs a group of drones to stay and guard the entrance to Kal'shaths chamber to keep the kid safe. Then, she leaves to go to the labs and finish her work there.


                          *As the hive travels through hyperspace the Chief Scientist notices that something is wrong. He orders the hive to drop out so he can run a diagnostic on the hyperdrive. When he starts running the diagnostic he realizes that the stars are not where they are supposed to be. The diagnostic computer reports that the hyperdrive received a burst of energy just prior to entering hyperspace. That burst has sent us 3 million light years off course. We are now in the middle of what the humans call the "Milky Way" galaxy. The Chief Scientist hurriedly contacts Todd and Kal'shath to inform them of the situation.*
                          God is the original transporter.

                          Acts 8:39b-40a: The Spirit of the Lord suddenly took Phillip away and the official did not see him again, but went on his way rejoicing. Philip, however, appeared at Azotus (an old city in ancient Israel) and traveled about.

                          He is also the author of love and justice:

                          Romans 5:8: But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

                          John 14:6: Jesus (Christ) answered: I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.


                            Kal'shath follows Todd as he made his way to his own lab, ignoring her verbal and telepathic calls. As he enters his lab, she can see that he is now shaking with self-contained fury. He leans heavily on one of the benches, his back to her.

                            "Todd?" says Kal'shath, gently placing a hand on his shoulder. Without warning, Todd spun round and struck Kal'sahth across the face. She matched his snarl as a knife dropped into her hand from its sheath on her forearm. He doesn't appear to recognise her.

                            Mate or not, commander of this hive or not, she was a wraith Queen and she would not stand for this level of didrespect. She slashed her knife at Todd, and there was a clash as it struck the steel of Todd's own knife.

                            The close brush with injury seemed to bring them both to their senses. Todd was the first to re-sheath his blade. He hung his head in shame at his actions towards his Queen. He reached out to stroke her cheek, to reafirm their bond but the Cheif Scientist's telepathic voice broke the moment. Todd glanced at Kal'shath, who still had murder in her eyes. He would have to tred carefully for the moment until he could rekindle her favour.

                            "We will be with you shortly," replied Todd, allowing Kal'shath to leave the room before him.
                            If found, is probably lost on the way to Azaroth or the Pegasus Galaxy


                              Amina looks out one of the windows and into space. Not being an astronavigator, she doesn't see anything wrong initially. But, she senses a feeling of shock and worry throughout the hive. Something has happened. She rushes to find a hive brother (fellow crew member) to ask him what was wrong. He didn't know either. Amina would have to ask someone else later, or wait until an announcement from the Queen or the high officers.


                                Astra senses a shift in the mood of the hive and stops in her tracks. She has just left her quarters after getting dressed properly again. Something unexpected has happened, she thinks. The whole hive seems to hold its breath. But that's not all, there is something else. A stab of aggression filters through the emotional chaos, some murderous feelings were unleashed somewhere. Astra recognises the thought patterns. Kal'shath and Todd. I need to see if they are both well.

                                Astra locates Kal'shath and hurries toward her presence. She enters the Chief Scientist's lab, there are gathered the Chief Scientist, Kal'shath and Todd, all wearing solemn expressions.

                                Kal'shath notices Astra and turns to face her. Astra glances nervously at the other Wraith and asks "My Queen, I sensed a danger, are you well?"

