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The Great Coalition (GC)

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    * Lt Gates looks at Rik*

    Lt Gates: I have an idea that might just work
    Rik: What might that be?
    Lt Gates: Well I have been developing a new weapon in my lab, it has high pentration and is very powerful, if I could run up and collect it because my lab is about 2 minutes away from the gate then I could easily set it up to nuke any wraith in site. It will sence the wraith and will kill them all you's guys have to do is keep an eye on the wraith to make sure that they don't go to close to it
    Rik: Sounds like a plan
    Lt Gates: Cover my back

    *Lt Gates runs towards the corridor to her lab while back there Rik and his platoon are keepin the wraith at a distance*


      Riks platoon fired and kept the wraith off Lt Gates back. The Sniper had picked of 4 of the wraith. but he had to reload and was used as an over watch. Rik watched out of the corner of his eye Lt Gates getting to her lab. Rik primed a grenade and tossed it into the onrushing crowd of wraith. the wraith bodies flew in all directions.

      Rik: lt gates you better hurry up with this great plan of yours.
      Lt Gates *over radio*: im hurrying as fast as i can this damn weapon weighs a bit and it needs time to warm up.
      USS Valiant - Fleet Advanced Escort - The bane of the Borg, Undine(8472), and any other species dumb enough to attack it


        *Lt Gates keeps running till she gets near to her lab*

        Rik radio's Lt Gates in

        Rik: Lt Hurry up theres too many
        Lt Gates: I am going as quick as I can
        Last edited by emo_brat; 19 May 2008, 04:45 PM.


          Amann used a communication device and summoned a full legion of 5,000 Alesian soldiers to beam down from the Alesian Fleet in orbit of Coalition Prime. With their personal shields, wrist blasters, energy armor, force lance, antimatter grenades, and plasma blades, they were feared and battle hardened shock troops. They beamed down at critical points of the bunker to lock it down so the Wraith could not leave. Amann went with his personal guard to the Gate room as the bunker was locked down. He saw Lieutenant Gates going for her lab and he followed, curious to know what she was getting.

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            * Lt Gates enters her lab*
            Amann: Lt what may I ask have you come here for
            Lt Gates: Well sir I have designed a weapon that sences wraith and then rips them to shreads
            Amann: Nice
            Lt Gates: Yes I just need to warm it up
            Amann: Okay

            * Lt Gates turns on the weapon and tries to pick it up*

            Lt Gates: Amann I could do with your help it is rather heavy
            Amann: Okay

            * Amann and Lt Gates carry the weapon back to the gate room*

            Rik: What took you so long??
            Lt Gates: Sorry but I had to turn it on for it to warm up ready and it was rather heavy so I had to get Amann to help

            * Amann and Lt Gates set the weapon ready and then runs back to hiding and lets the weapon rip*


              Amann ordered his guards to set up cover fire for the invading Wraith army now pouring through the stargate. The Alesian legionnaires were protected mainly by their personal shields, though the Wraith proved difficult to kill. Amann turned to Lt. Gates and asked quickly, "When will that weapon be ready?"


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                Lt Gates: The weapon is ready, its sencing the wraith now.....Take cover everyone


                  Originally posted by emo_brat View Post
                  Lt Gates: The weapon is ready, its sencing the wraith now.....Take cover everyone
                  The Alesians all increased power to their personal shields. Amann mentally shielded himself and Lt. Gates as the weapon activated.


                  ^ My new fanfic ^ Enjoy and please subscribe!

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                    I watch Amman and Lt Gates talking. Amman never spoke to me and thats just how it should be. the Ruler never spoke to a grunt like me.

                    Cpl Mills: Sarge the wraith are trying to break through to the gate and take it. so they can get more of them in.
                    Rik: Ok Coporal. Take as many but as you can the rest of us will deal with the ones you miss.
                    Cpl Mills: yes sir.

                    Rik turned to face the wraith chargung them.

                    *Here goes nothing* was the thought that came to riks mind as he opened fire
                    USS Valiant - Fleet Advanced Escort - The bane of the Borg, Undine(8472), and any other species dumb enough to attack it


                      Lt Gates: Amann we need more weapons to keep the ones that a really close away cos the gun is for long distance
                      Amann: Okay
                      Rik: Here use these

                      * Rik throws the wraith stunners to Amann and Lt Gates*

                      Lt Gates: Thanks, Amann take down the sheild and quick, as soon as the sheild is down fire
                      Amann: Okay

                      * Amann takes down the sheild and open fires*

                      * Lt Gates runs towards Rik and his platoon taking down any wraith that came in site*

                      Lt Gates: Theres only a few left, are you thinking what I am thinking
                      Rik: yes lets get them

                      * Lt Gates and Rik run shooting every soab wraith there is*

                      Lt Gates: Nice going
                      Rik: yeah you too

                      * Lt Gates runs back over to Amann*

                      Lt Gates: are you okay??


                        Amann stared at the Wraith he killed with his bare hands. He glared at the dead form in his hands and he threw it violently into the wall. He smiled coldly. "I am fine."


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                          Lt Gates: good good....Rik, can you see any more wraith??
                          Rik: No not at the moment


                            Rik looks at the P90 in his hand.

                            Rik: I need a new bloody weaponl. this one is really useless.

                            Rik walks off to the armoury and picks up a BR55HB Battlerifle.

                            Rik: Much better. All units report.

                            Cpl Mills: all clear sir nothing moving. all that is moving is the empty round casings.
                            Rik: good lets keep it that way
                            USS Valiant - Fleet Advanced Escort - The bane of the Borg, Undine(8472), and any other species dumb enough to attack it


                              Lt Gates: Right I need to get back to my lab
                              Rik: okay
                              Lt Gates: you can keep this gun down here just incase theres another disturbing of wraith
                              Rik: okay thanks

                              * Lt Gates walks off towards her lab*


                                The weapon that Lt Gates had left with Rik. was placed on a Gunners back. it would be more useful to a gunner that a normal rifleman.

                                Rik: Platoon. move back to gate and keep watch. If it ain one of ours then kill it
                                USS Valiant - Fleet Advanced Escort - The bane of the Borg, Undine(8472), and any other species dumb enough to attack it

