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Your Emotional TV-Show/Movie ( Scifi/other genre ) Game

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    1st - When Kate Todd gets shot and killed - NCIS (50)
    2nd - When The Doctor regenerates (all Doctors) - Doctor Who (50)
    3rd - When Sam has to shoot Martouf - Stargate SG-1 (Divide and Conquer) (50)
    4th - Rory, as the Last Centurion, watching over Amy for nearly two thousand years, Doctor Who (50)
    5th - Radar informing the rest of the 4077th about Lt. Col. Blake's death - M*A*S*H (50)
    6th - Idris/TARDIS says "I love you" to the Doctor - The Doctor's Wife, Doctor Who (50)
    7th - Tony hearing Gibbs saying "Jenny" multiple times over the phone before he finds out she's dead - NCIS (50)
    8th - When Janet Frasier dies, SG1 (50)
    9th - When Beckett arrives at Castle's apartment and kisses him - Castle (50)
    10th - "You are always here to me. And I always listen to "Goodbye Sweetie", The Name of the Doctor, Doctor Who (50)
    11th - Lt Tasha Yar's Memorial speech, ST:TNG 'Skin of Evil' (50)
    12th - The last few minutes of Blake's 7 (50)
    13th - The Doctor shows Vincent Van Gogh how much he is loved, Vincent & the Doctor, Doctor Who (50)
    14th - When Jacob and Selmak die, SG-1 (50)
    15th - Delenn's final goodbye to Sheridan - Babylon 5 (50)
    16th - When Loki finds out his true heritage - Thor (50)
    17th - "I'm a leaf on the wind" When Wash was impaled - Serenity (50)
    18th - When Ned Stark gets beheaded - Game of Thrones (50)
    19th - Alex goes into The Railway Arms & leaves Gene alone - Ashes to Ashes (50)
    20th - Data's Farewell to Lal- ST:TNG The Offspring (50)
    21st - Ducky clutching his chest and collapsing on the beach - NCIS (50)
    22nd - Fred's death - Angel (50)
    23rd - Aeryn Sun's funeral - Farscape, Die Me Dichotomy (50)
    24th - Everyone's reaction (esp.Wilson's) while Amber is dying- House MD (50)
    25th - Discovering the identity of Superhoodie, Misfits (50)
    26th - Kirk´s reaction when Spock died - Star Trek II: Wrath of Khan (50)
    27th - Amy Pond's farewell, "Raggedy man, Goodbye", The Angels Take Manhattan - Doctor Who (50)
    28th - Tara's death - BtVS (50)
    29th - Jackson Gibbs' funeral - NCIS (50)
    30th- Tesla becoming a vampire again - Sanctuary (50)
    31st - Clara Oswald & Danny Pink, Death in Heaven, Doctor Who (50)
    32nd - When Neal dies - Once Upon a Time (50)
    33rd - Tesla gaining magnetism after losing being a vampire - Sanctuary (50)
    34th - The Last 5 minutes of 'The Message' - Firefly (50)
    35th - Loki's "death" on Svartalfheim, then we see he's cheated death again - Thor: The Dark World (50)
    36th - The Tribute Parade - The Hunger Games (50)
    37th - The Tenth Doctor removes Donna's memories, -Doctor Who (50)
    38th - James Watson's death - Sanctuary (50)
    39th - Loki lets go of Gungnir and falls into the abyss. - Thor (50)
    40th - George Kirk's death - Star Trek 2009 (50)
    41st - Frigga's funeral - Thor: The Dark World (50)
    42nd - Phil Coulson's 'death' - The Avengers (50)
    43rd - The Doctor and Rose say goodbye on Badwolf Bay. - Doctor Who (50)
    44th - When Carson Beckett dies - Stargate Atlantis (50)
    45th - Dr. Weir gets left behind on Asuras to save her team - Stargate Atlantis (50)

    - Sophia comes out of the barn as a walker after weeks of searching- Walking Dead (48)
    - Wolverine touches Rogue to transfer his regenerative abilities to heal her but she's unresponsive . - X-Men (49)
    - Stargate (movie) - When they finally get the Gate working (25)
    - The Red Wedding - Game of Thrones (20)
    - Scully's reaction to Mulder's "death." "This is NOT happening!" - X-Files (10)
    - The lawyer Alan Birch dies, Dr. Jeremey Geiger has an emotional breakdown - Chicago Hope (8)
    - Magneto moving the satellite dish - X-Men: First Class (3)
    - An old Timothy Latimer sees The Doctor and Martha at a Rememberance Day Ceremony. - Doctor Who (1)
    -When the planes take off to deliver Easy Company to their D-Day drop zones--Band of Brothers (end of 'Currahee') (3)
    -Odo cures the Link - ST-DS9 (1)
    - Peter Grodin dies - Stargate Atlantis (1)
    - Thomas J. gets stung by bees and dies - My Girl (2)
    Sig by (x)


      1st - When Kate Todd gets shot and killed - NCIS (50)
      2nd - When The Doctor regenerates (all Doctors) - Doctor Who (50)
      3rd - When Sam has to shoot Martouf - Stargate SG-1 (Divide and Conquer) (50)
      4th - Rory, as the Last Centurion, watching over Amy for nearly two thousand years, Doctor Who (50)
      5th - Radar informing the rest of the 4077th about Lt. Col. Blake's death - M*A*S*H (50)
      6th - Idris/TARDIS says "I love you" to the Doctor - The Doctor's Wife, Doctor Who (50)
      7th - Tony hearing Gibbs saying "Jenny" multiple times over the phone before he finds out she's dead - NCIS (50)
      8th - When Janet Frasier dies, SG1 (50)
      9th - When Beckett arrives at Castle's apartment and kisses him - Castle (50)
      10th - "You are always here to me. And I always listen to "Goodbye Sweetie", The Name of the Doctor, Doctor Who (50)
      11th - Lt Tasha Yar's Memorial speech, ST:TNG 'Skin of Evil' (50)
      12th - The last few minutes of Blake's 7 (50)
      13th - The Doctor shows Vincent Van Gogh how much he is loved, Vincent & the Doctor, Doctor Who (50)
      14th - When Jacob and Selmak die, SG-1 (50)
      15th - Delenn's final goodbye to Sheridan - Babylon 5 (50)
      16th - When Loki finds out his true heritage - Thor (50)
      17th - "I'm a leaf on the wind" When Wash was impaled - Serenity (50)
      18th - When Ned Stark gets beheaded - Game of Thrones (50)
      19th - Alex goes into The Railway Arms & leaves Gene alone - Ashes to Ashes (50)
      20th - Data's Farewell to Lal- ST:TNG The Offspring (50)
      21st - Ducky clutching his chest and collapsing on the beach - NCIS (50)
      22nd - Fred's death - Angel (50)
      23rd - Aeryn Sun's funeral - Farscape, Die Me Dichotomy (50)
      24th - Everyone's reaction (esp.Wilson's) while Amber is dying- House MD (50)
      25th - Discovering the identity of Superhoodie, Misfits (50)
      26th - Kirk´s reaction when Spock died - Star Trek II: Wrath of Khan (50)
      27th - Amy Pond's farewell, "Raggedy man, Goodbye", The Angels Take Manhattan - Doctor Who (50)
      28th - Tara's death - BtVS (50)
      29th - Jackson Gibbs' funeral - NCIS (50)
      30th- Tesla becoming a vampire again - Sanctuary (50)
      31st - Clara Oswald & Danny Pink, Death in Heaven, Doctor Who (50)
      32nd - When Neal dies - Once Upon a Time (50)
      33rd - Tesla gaining magnetism after losing being a vampire - Sanctuary (50)
      34th - The Last 5 minutes of 'The Message' - Firefly (50)
      35th - Loki's "death" on Svartalfheim, then we see he's cheated death again - Thor: The Dark World (50)
      36th - The Tribute Parade - The Hunger Games (50)
      37th - The Tenth Doctor removes Donna's memories, -Doctor Who (50)
      38th - James Watson's death - Sanctuary (50)
      39th - Loki lets go of Gungnir and falls into the abyss. - Thor (50)
      40th - George Kirk's death - Star Trek 2009 (50)
      41st - Frigga's funeral - Thor: The Dark World (50)
      42nd - Phil Coulson's 'death' - The Avengers (50)
      43rd - The Doctor and Rose say goodbye on Badwolf Bay. - Doctor Who (50)
      44th - When Carson Beckett dies - Stargate Atlantis (50)
      45th - Dr. Weir gets left behind on Asuras to save her team - Stargate Atlantis (50)

      - Sophia comes out of the barn as a walker after weeks of searching- Walking Dead (48)
      - Wolverine touches Rogue to transfer his regenerative abilities to heal her but she's unresponsive . - X-Men (49)
      - Stargate (movie) - When they finally get the Gate working (25)
      - The Red Wedding - Game of Thrones (20)
      - Scully's reaction to Mulder's "death." "This is NOT happening!" - X-Files (10)
      - The lawyer Alan Birch dies, Dr. Jeremey Geiger has an emotional breakdown - Chicago Hope (8)
      - Magneto moving the satellite dish - X-Men: First Class (3)
      - An old Timothy Latimer sees The Doctor and Martha at a Rememberance Day Ceremony. - Doctor Who (1)
      -When the planes take off to deliver Easy Company to their D-Day drop zones--Band of Brothers (end of 'Currahee') (3)
      -Odo cures the Link - ST-DS9 (1)
      - Peter Grodin dies - Stargate Atlantis (2)
      - Thomas J. gets stung by bees and dies - My Girl (2)
      I tell you Teal'c, hockey is the coolest game on Earth!

      Did you not say it is played on ice, O'Neill?


        1st - When Kate Todd gets shot and killed - NCIS (50)
        2nd - When The Doctor regenerates (all Doctors) - Doctor Who (50)
        3rd - When Sam has to shoot Martouf - Stargate SG-1 (Divide and Conquer) (50)
        4th - Rory, as the Last Centurion, watching over Amy for nearly two thousand years, Doctor Who (50)
        5th - Radar informing the rest of the 4077th about Lt. Col. Blake's death - M*A*S*H (50)
        6th - Idris/TARDIS says "I love you" to the Doctor - The Doctor's Wife, Doctor Who (50)
        7th - Tony hearing Gibbs saying "Jenny" multiple times over the phone before he finds out she's dead - NCIS (50)
        8th - When Janet Frasier dies, SG1 (50)
        9th - When Beckett arrives at Castle's apartment and kisses him - Castle (50)
        10th - "You are always here to me. And I always listen to "Goodbye Sweetie", The Name of the Doctor, Doctor Who (50)
        11th - Lt Tasha Yar's Memorial speech, ST:TNG 'Skin of Evil' (50)
        12th - The last few minutes of Blake's 7 (50)
        13th - The Doctor shows Vincent Van Gogh how much he is loved, Vincent & the Doctor, Doctor Who (50)
        14th - When Jacob and Selmak die, SG-1 (50)
        15th - Delenn's final goodbye to Sheridan - Babylon 5 (50)
        16th - When Loki finds out his true heritage - Thor (50)
        17th - "I'm a leaf on the wind" When Wash was impaled - Serenity (50)
        18th - When Ned Stark gets beheaded - Game of Thrones (50)
        19th - Alex goes into The Railway Arms & leaves Gene alone - Ashes to Ashes (50)
        20th - Data's Farewell to Lal- ST:TNG The Offspring (50)
        21st - Ducky clutching his chest and collapsing on the beach - NCIS (50)
        22nd - Fred's death - Angel (50)
        23rd - Aeryn Sun's funeral - Farscape, Die Me Dichotomy (50)
        24th - Everyone's reaction (esp.Wilson's) while Amber is dying- House MD (50)
        25th - Discovering the identity of Superhoodie, Misfits (50)
        26th - Kirk´s reaction when Spock died - Star Trek II: Wrath of Khan (50)
        27th - Amy Pond's farewell, "Raggedy man, Goodbye", The Angels Take Manhattan - Doctor Who (50)
        28th - Tara's death - BtVS (50)
        29th - Jackson Gibbs' funeral - NCIS (50)
        30th- Tesla becoming a vampire again - Sanctuary (50)
        31st - Clara Oswald & Danny Pink, Death in Heaven, Doctor Who (50)
        32nd - When Neal dies - Once Upon a Time (50)
        33rd - Tesla gaining magnetism after losing being a vampire - Sanctuary (50)
        34th - The Last 5 minutes of 'The Message' - Firefly (50)
        35th - Loki's "death" on Svartalfheim, then we see he's cheated death again - Thor: The Dark World (50)
        36th - The Tribute Parade - The Hunger Games (50)
        37th - The Tenth Doctor removes Donna's memories, -Doctor Who (50)
        38th - James Watson's death - Sanctuary (50)
        39th - Loki lets go of Gungnir and falls into the abyss. - Thor (50)
        40th - George Kirk's death - Star Trek 2009 (50)
        41st - Frigga's funeral - Thor: The Dark World (50)
        42nd - Phil Coulson's 'death' - The Avengers (50)
        43rd - The Doctor and Rose say goodbye on Badwolf Bay. - Doctor Who (50)
        44th - When Carson Beckett dies - Stargate Atlantis (50)
        45th - Dr. Weir gets left behind on Asuras to save her team - Stargate Atlantis (50)

        - Sophia comes out of the barn as a walker after weeks of searching- Walking Dead (48)
        - Wolverine touches Rogue to transfer his regenerative abilities to heal her but she's unresponsive . - X-Men (49)
        - Stargate (movie) - When they finally get the Gate working (26)
        - The Red Wedding - Game of Thrones (20)
        - Scully's reaction to Mulder's "death." "This is NOT happening!" - X-Files (10)
        - The lawyer Alan Birch dies, Dr. Jeremey Geiger has an emotional breakdown - Chicago Hope (8)
        - Magneto moving the satellite dish - X-Men: First Class (3)
        - An old Timothy Latimer sees The Doctor and Martha at a Rememberance Day Ceremony. - Doctor Who (1)
        -When the planes take off to deliver Easy Company to their D-Day drop zones--Band of Brothers (end of 'Currahee') (3)
        -Odo cures the Link - ST-DS9 (1)
        - Peter Grodin dies - Stargate Atlantis (2)
        - Thomas J. gets stung by bees and dies - My Girl (2)


          1st - When Kate Todd gets shot and killed - NCIS (50)
          2nd - When The Doctor regenerates (all Doctors) - Doctor Who (50)
          3rd - When Sam has to shoot Martouf - Stargate SG-1 (Divide and Conquer) (50)
          4th - Rory, as the Last Centurion, watching over Amy for nearly two thousand years, Doctor Who (50)
          5th - Radar informing the rest of the 4077th about Lt. Col. Blake's death - M*A*S*H (50)
          6th - Idris/TARDIS says "I love you" to the Doctor - The Doctor's Wife, Doctor Who (50)
          7th - Tony hearing Gibbs saying "Jenny" multiple times over the phone before he finds out she's dead - NCIS (50)
          8th - When Janet Frasier dies, SG1 (50)
          9th - When Beckett arrives at Castle's apartment and kisses him - Castle (50)
          10th - "You are always here to me. And I always listen to "Goodbye Sweetie", The Name of the Doctor, Doctor Who (50)
          11th - Lt Tasha Yar's Memorial speech, ST:TNG 'Skin of Evil' (50)
          12th - The last few minutes of Blake's 7 (50)
          13th - The Doctor shows Vincent Van Gogh how much he is loved, Vincent & the Doctor, Doctor Who (50)
          14th - When Jacob and Selmak die, SG-1 (50)
          15th - Delenn's final goodbye to Sheridan - Babylon 5 (50)
          16th - When Loki finds out his true heritage - Thor (50)
          17th - "I'm a leaf on the wind" When Wash was impaled - Serenity (50)
          18th - When Ned Stark gets beheaded - Game of Thrones (50)
          19th - Alex goes into The Railway Arms & leaves Gene alone - Ashes to Ashes (50)
          20th - Data's Farewell to Lal- ST:TNG The Offspring (50)
          21st - Ducky clutching his chest and collapsing on the beach - NCIS (50)
          22nd - Fred's death - Angel (50)
          23rd - Aeryn Sun's funeral - Farscape, Die Me Dichotomy (50)
          24th - Everyone's reaction (esp.Wilson's) while Amber is dying- House MD (50)
          25th - Discovering the identity of Superhoodie, Misfits (50)
          26th - Kirk´s reaction when Spock died - Star Trek II: Wrath of Khan (50)
          27th - Amy Pond's farewell, "Raggedy man, Goodbye", The Angels Take Manhattan - Doctor Who (50)
          28th - Tara's death - BtVS (50)
          29th - Jackson Gibbs' funeral - NCIS (50)
          30th- Tesla becoming a vampire again - Sanctuary (50)
          31st - Clara Oswald & Danny Pink, Death in Heaven, Doctor Who (50)
          32nd - When Neal dies - Once Upon a Time (50)
          33rd - Tesla gaining magnetism after losing being a vampire - Sanctuary (50)
          34th - The Last 5 minutes of 'The Message' - Firefly (50)
          35th - Loki's "death" on Svartalfheim, then we see he's cheated death again - Thor: The Dark World (50)
          36th - The Tribute Parade - The Hunger Games (50)
          37th - The Tenth Doctor removes Donna's memories, -Doctor Who (50)
          38th - James Watson's death - Sanctuary (50)
          39th - Loki lets go of Gungnir and falls into the abyss. - Thor (50)
          40th - George Kirk's death - Star Trek 2009 (50)
          41st - Frigga's funeral - Thor: The Dark World (50)
          42nd - Phil Coulson's 'death' - The Avengers (50)
          43rd - The Doctor and Rose say goodbye on Badwolf Bay. - Doctor Who (50)
          44th - When Carson Beckett dies - Stargate Atlantis (50)
          45th - Dr. Weir gets left behind on Asuras to save her team - Stargate Atlantis (50)

          - Sophia comes out of the barn as a walker after weeks of searching- Walking Dead (48)
          - Wolverine touches Rogue to transfer his regenerative abilities to heal her but she's unresponsive . - X-Men (49)
          - Stargate (movie) - When they finally get the Gate working (26)
          - The Red Wedding - Game of Thrones (20)
          - Scully's reaction to Mulder's "death." "This is NOT happening!" - X-Files (10)
          - The lawyer Alan Birch dies, Dr. Jeremey Geiger has an emotional breakdown - Chicago Hope (8)
          - Magneto moving the satellite dish - X-Men: First Class (3)
          - An old Timothy Latimer sees The Doctor and Martha at a Rememberance Day Ceremony. - Doctor Who (1)
          -When the planes take off to deliver Easy Company to their D-Day drop zones--Band of Brothers (end of 'Currahee') (3)
          -Odo cures the Link - ST-DS9 (1)
          - Peter Grodin dies - Stargate Atlantis (3)
          - Thomas J. gets stung by bees and dies - My Girl (2)
          I tell you Teal'c, hockey is the coolest game on Earth!

          Did you not say it is played on ice, O'Neill?


            1st - When Kate Todd gets shot and killed - NCIS (50)
            2nd - When The Doctor regenerates (all Doctors) - Doctor Who (50)
            3rd - When Sam has to shoot Martouf - Stargate SG-1 (Divide and Conquer) (50)
            4th - Rory, as the Last Centurion, watching over Amy for nearly two thousand years, Doctor Who (50)
            5th - Radar informing the rest of the 4077th about Lt. Col. Blake's death - M*A*S*H (50)
            6th - Idris/TARDIS says "I love you" to the Doctor - The Doctor's Wife, Doctor Who (50)
            7th - Tony hearing Gibbs saying "Jenny" multiple times over the phone before he finds out she's dead - NCIS (50)
            8th - When Janet Frasier dies, SG1 (50)
            9th - When Beckett arrives at Castle's apartment and kisses him - Castle (50)
            10th - "You are always here to me. And I always listen to "Goodbye Sweetie", The Name of the Doctor, Doctor Who (50)
            11th - Lt Tasha Yar's Memorial speech, ST:TNG 'Skin of Evil' (50)
            12th - The last few minutes of Blake's 7 (50)
            13th - The Doctor shows Vincent Van Gogh how much he is loved, Vincent & the Doctor, Doctor Who (50)
            14th - When Jacob and Selmak die, SG-1 (50)
            15th - Delenn's final goodbye to Sheridan - Babylon 5 (50)
            16th - When Loki finds out his true heritage - Thor (50)
            17th - "I'm a leaf on the wind" When Wash was impaled - Serenity (50)
            18th - When Ned Stark gets beheaded - Game of Thrones (50)
            19th - Alex goes into The Railway Arms & leaves Gene alone - Ashes to Ashes (50)
            20th - Data's Farewell to Lal- ST:TNG The Offspring (50)
            21st - Ducky clutching his chest and collapsing on the beach - NCIS (50)
            22nd - Fred's death - Angel (50)
            23rd - Aeryn Sun's funeral - Farscape, Die Me Dichotomy (50)
            24th - Everyone's reaction (esp.Wilson's) while Amber is dying- House MD (50)
            25th - Discovering the identity of Superhoodie, Misfits (50)
            26th - Kirk´s reaction when Spock died - Star Trek II: Wrath of Khan (50)
            27th - Amy Pond's farewell, "Raggedy man, Goodbye", The Angels Take Manhattan - Doctor Who (50)
            28th - Tara's death - BtVS (50)
            29th - Jackson Gibbs' funeral - NCIS (50)
            30th- Tesla becoming a vampire again - Sanctuary (50)
            31st - Clara Oswald & Danny Pink, Death in Heaven, Doctor Who (50)
            32nd - When Neal dies - Once Upon a Time (50)
            33rd - Tesla gaining magnetism after losing being a vampire - Sanctuary (50)
            34th - The Last 5 minutes of 'The Message' - Firefly (50)
            35th - Loki's "death" on Svartalfheim, then we see he's cheated death again - Thor: The Dark World (50)
            36th - The Tribute Parade - The Hunger Games (50)
            37th - The Tenth Doctor removes Donna's memories, -Doctor Who (50)
            38th - James Watson's death - Sanctuary (50)
            39th - Loki lets go of Gungnir and falls into the abyss. - Thor (50)
            40th - George Kirk's death - Star Trek 2009 (50)
            41st - Frigga's funeral - Thor: The Dark World (50)
            42nd - Phil Coulson's 'death' - The Avengers (50)
            43rd - The Doctor and Rose say goodbye on Badwolf Bay. - Doctor Who (50)
            44th - When Carson Beckett dies - Stargate Atlantis (50)
            45th - Dr. Weir gets left behind on Asuras to save her team - Stargate Atlantis (50)

            - Sophia comes out of the barn as a walker after weeks of searching- Walking Dead (48)
            - Wolverine touches Rogue to transfer his regenerative abilities to heal her but she's unresponsive . - X-Men (49)
            - Stargate (movie) - When they finally get the Gate working (26)
            - The Red Wedding - Game of Thrones (20)
            - Scully's reaction to Mulder's "death." "This is NOT happening!" - X-Files (10)
            - The lawyer Alan Birch dies, Dr. Jeremey Geiger has an emotional breakdown - Chicago Hope (8)
            - Magneto moving the satellite dish - X-Men: First Class (3)
            - An old Timothy Latimer sees The Doctor and Martha at a Rememberance Day Ceremony. - Doctor Who (1)
            -When the planes take off to deliver Easy Company to their D-Day drop zones--Band of Brothers (end of 'Currahee') (3)
            -Odo cures the Link - ST-DS9 (1)
            - Peter Grodin dies - Stargate Atlantis (4)
            - Thomas J. gets stung by bees and dies - My Girl (2)
            I tell you Teal'c, hockey is the coolest game on Earth!

            Did you not say it is played on ice, O'Neill?


              1st - When Kate Todd gets shot and killed - NCIS (50)
              2nd - When The Doctor regenerates (all Doctors) - Doctor Who (50)
              3rd - When Sam has to shoot Martouf - Stargate SG-1 (Divide and Conquer) (50)
              4th - Rory, as the Last Centurion, watching over Amy for nearly two thousand years, Doctor Who (50)
              5th - Radar informing the rest of the 4077th about Lt. Col. Blake's death - M*A*S*H (50)
              6th - Idris/TARDIS says "I love you" to the Doctor - The Doctor's Wife, Doctor Who (50)
              7th - Tony hearing Gibbs saying "Jenny" multiple times over the phone before he finds out she's dead - NCIS (50)
              8th - When Janet Frasier dies, SG1 (50)
              9th - When Beckett arrives at Castle's apartment and kisses him - Castle (50)
              10th - "You are always here to me. And I always listen to "Goodbye Sweetie", The Name of the Doctor, Doctor Who (50)
              11th - Lt Tasha Yar's Memorial speech, ST:TNG 'Skin of Evil' (50)
              12th - The last few minutes of Blake's 7 (50)
              13th - The Doctor shows Vincent Van Gogh how much he is loved, Vincent & the Doctor, Doctor Who (50)
              14th - When Jacob and Selmak die, SG-1 (50)
              15th - Delenn's final goodbye to Sheridan - Babylon 5 (50)
              16th - When Loki finds out his true heritage - Thor (50)
              17th - "I'm a leaf on the wind" When Wash was impaled - Serenity (50)
              18th - When Ned Stark gets beheaded - Game of Thrones (50)
              19th - Alex goes into The Railway Arms & leaves Gene alone - Ashes to Ashes (50)
              20th - Data's Farewell to Lal- ST:TNG The Offspring (50)
              21st - Ducky clutching his chest and collapsing on the beach - NCIS (50)
              22nd - Fred's death - Angel (50)
              23rd - Aeryn Sun's funeral - Farscape, Die Me Dichotomy (50)
              24th - Everyone's reaction (esp.Wilson's) while Amber is dying- House MD (50)
              25th - Discovering the identity of Superhoodie, Misfits (50)
              26th - Kirk´s reaction when Spock died - Star Trek II: Wrath of Khan (50)
              27th - Amy Pond's farewell, "Raggedy man, Goodbye", The Angels Take Manhattan - Doctor Who (50)
              28th - Tara's death - BtVS (50)
              29th - Jackson Gibbs' funeral - NCIS (50)
              30th- Tesla becoming a vampire again - Sanctuary (50)
              31st - Clara Oswald & Danny Pink, Death in Heaven, Doctor Who (50)
              32nd - When Neal dies - Once Upon a Time (50)
              33rd - Tesla gaining magnetism after losing being a vampire - Sanctuary (50)
              34th - The Last 5 minutes of 'The Message' - Firefly (50)
              35th - Loki's "death" on Svartalfheim, then we see he's cheated death again - Thor: The Dark World (50)
              36th - The Tribute Parade - The Hunger Games (50)
              37th - The Tenth Doctor removes Donna's memories, -Doctor Who (50)
              38th - James Watson's death - Sanctuary (50)
              39th - Loki lets go of Gungnir and falls into the abyss. - Thor (50)
              40th - George Kirk's death - Star Trek 2009 (50)
              41st - Frigga's funeral - Thor: The Dark World (50)
              42nd - Phil Coulson's 'death' - The Avengers (50)
              43rd - The Doctor and Rose say goodbye on Badwolf Bay. - Doctor Who (50)
              44th - When Carson Beckett dies - Stargate Atlantis (50)
              45th - Dr. Weir gets left behind on Asuras to save her team - Stargate Atlantis (50)

              - Sophia comes out of the barn as a walker after weeks of searching- Walking Dead (48)
              - Wolverine touches Rogue to transfer his regenerative abilities to heal her but she's unresponsive . - X-Men (49)
              - Stargate (movie) - When they finally get the Gate working (26)
              - The Red Wedding - Game of Thrones (20)
              - Scully's reaction to Mulder's "death." "This is NOT happening!" - X-Files (10)
              - The lawyer Alan Birch dies, Dr. Jeremey Geiger has an emotional breakdown - Chicago Hope (8)
              - Magneto moving the satellite dish - X-Men: First Class (3)
              - An old Timothy Latimer sees The Doctor and Martha at a Rememberance Day Ceremony. - Doctor Who (1)
              -When the planes take off to deliver Easy Company to their D-Day drop zones--Band of Brothers (end of 'Currahee') (3)
              -Odo cures the Link - ST-DS9 (1)
              - Peter Grodin dies - Stargate Atlantis (5)
              - Thomas J. gets stung by bees and dies - My Girl (2)
              Sig by (x)


                1st - When Kate Todd gets shot and killed - NCIS (50)
                2nd - When The Doctor regenerates (all Doctors) - Doctor Who (50)
                3rd - When Sam has to shoot Martouf - Stargate SG-1 (Divide and Conquer) (50)
                4th - Rory, as the Last Centurion, watching over Amy for nearly two thousand years, Doctor Who (50)
                5th - Radar informing the rest of the 4077th about Lt. Col. Blake's death - M*A*S*H (50)
                6th - Idris/TARDIS says "I love you" to the Doctor - The Doctor's Wife, Doctor Who (50)
                7th - Tony hearing Gibbs saying "Jenny" multiple times over the phone before he finds out she's dead - NCIS (50)
                8th - When Janet Frasier dies, SG1 (50)
                9th - When Beckett arrives at Castle's apartment and kisses him - Castle (50)
                10th - "You are always here to me. And I always listen to "Goodbye Sweetie", The Name of the Doctor, Doctor Who (50)
                11th - Lt Tasha Yar's Memorial speech, ST:TNG 'Skin of Evil' (50)
                12th - The last few minutes of Blake's 7 (50)
                13th - The Doctor shows Vincent Van Gogh how much he is loved, Vincent & the Doctor, Doctor Who (50)
                14th - When Jacob and Selmak die, SG-1 (50)
                15th - Delenn's final goodbye to Sheridan - Babylon 5 (50)
                16th - When Loki finds out his true heritage - Thor (50)
                17th - "I'm a leaf on the wind" When Wash was impaled - Serenity (50)
                18th - When Ned Stark gets beheaded - Game of Thrones (50)
                19th - Alex goes into The Railway Arms & leaves Gene alone - Ashes to Ashes (50)
                20th - Data's Farewell to Lal- ST:TNG The Offspring (50)
                21st - Ducky clutching his chest and collapsing on the beach - NCIS (50)
                22nd - Fred's death - Angel (50)
                23rd - Aeryn Sun's funeral - Farscape, Die Me Dichotomy (50)
                24th - Everyone's reaction (esp.Wilson's) while Amber is dying- House MD (50)
                25th - Discovering the identity of Superhoodie, Misfits (50)
                26th - Kirk´s reaction when Spock died - Star Trek II: Wrath of Khan (50)
                27th - Amy Pond's farewell, "Raggedy man, Goodbye", The Angels Take Manhattan - Doctor Who (50)
                28th - Tara's death - BtVS (50)
                29th - Jackson Gibbs' funeral - NCIS (50)
                30th- Tesla becoming a vampire again - Sanctuary (50)
                31st - Clara Oswald & Danny Pink, Death in Heaven, Doctor Who (50)
                32nd - When Neal dies - Once Upon a Time (50)
                33rd - Tesla gaining magnetism after losing being a vampire - Sanctuary (50)
                34th - The Last 5 minutes of 'The Message' - Firefly (50)
                35th - Loki's "death" on Svartalfheim, then we see he's cheated death again - Thor: The Dark World (50)
                36th - The Tribute Parade - The Hunger Games (50)
                37th - The Tenth Doctor removes Donna's memories, -Doctor Who (50)
                38th - James Watson's death - Sanctuary (50)
                39th - Loki lets go of Gungnir and falls into the abyss. - Thor (50)
                40th - George Kirk's death - Star Trek 2009 (50)
                41st - Frigga's funeral - Thor: The Dark World (50)
                42nd - Phil Coulson's 'death' - The Avengers (50)
                43rd - The Doctor and Rose say goodbye on Badwolf Bay. - Doctor Who (50)
                44th - When Carson Beckett dies - Stargate Atlantis (50)
                45th - Dr. Weir gets left behind on Asuras to save her team - Stargate Atlantis (50)

                - Sophia comes out of the barn as a walker after weeks of searching- Walking Dead (48)
                - Wolverine touches Rogue to transfer his regenerative abilities to heal her but she's unresponsive . - X-Men (49)
                - Stargate (movie) - When they finally get the Gate working (26)
                - The Red Wedding - Game of Thrones (20)
                - Scully's reaction to Mulder's "death." "This is NOT happening!" - X-Files (10)
                - The lawyer Alan Birch dies, Dr. Jeremey Geiger has an emotional breakdown - Chicago Hope (8)
                - Magneto moving the satellite dish - X-Men: First Class (3)
                - An old Timothy Latimer sees The Doctor and Martha at a Rememberance Day Ceremony. - Doctor Who (1)
                -When the planes take off to deliver Easy Company to their D-Day drop zones--Band of Brothers (end of 'Currahee') (3)
                -Odo cures the Link - ST-DS9 (1)
                - Peter Grodin dies - Stargate Atlantis (6)
                - Thomas J. gets stung by bees and dies - My Girl (2)
                I tell you Teal'c, hockey is the coolest game on Earth!

                Did you not say it is played on ice, O'Neill?


                  1st - When Kate Todd gets shot and killed - NCIS (50)
                  2nd - When The Doctor regenerates (all Doctors) - Doctor Who (50)
                  3rd - When Sam has to shoot Martouf - Stargate SG-1 (Divide and Conquer) (50)
                  4th - Rory, as the Last Centurion, watching over Amy for nearly two thousand years, Doctor Who (50)
                  5th - Radar informing the rest of the 4077th about Lt. Col. Blake's death - M*A*S*H (50)
                  6th - Idris/TARDIS says "I love you" to the Doctor - The Doctor's Wife, Doctor Who (50)
                  7th - Tony hearing Gibbs saying "Jenny" multiple times over the phone before he finds out she's dead - NCIS (50)
                  8th - When Janet Frasier dies, SG1 (50)
                  9th - When Beckett arrives at Castle's apartment and kisses him - Castle (50)
                  10th - "You are always here to me. And I always listen to "Goodbye Sweetie", The Name of the Doctor, Doctor Who (50)
                  11th - Lt Tasha Yar's Memorial speech, ST:TNG 'Skin of Evil' (50)
                  12th - The last few minutes of Blake's 7 (50)
                  13th - The Doctor shows Vincent Van Gogh how much he is loved, Vincent & the Doctor, Doctor Who (50)
                  14th - When Jacob and Selmak die, SG-1 (50)
                  15th - Delenn's final goodbye to Sheridan - Babylon 5 (50)
                  16th - When Loki finds out his true heritage - Thor (50)
                  17th - "I'm a leaf on the wind" When Wash was impaled - Serenity (50)
                  18th - When Ned Stark gets beheaded - Game of Thrones (50)
                  19th - Alex goes into The Railway Arms & leaves Gene alone - Ashes to Ashes (50)
                  20th - Data's Farewell to Lal- ST:TNG The Offspring (50)
                  21st - Ducky clutching his chest and collapsing on the beach - NCIS (50)
                  22nd - Fred's death - Angel (50)
                  23rd - Aeryn Sun's funeral - Farscape, Die Me Dichotomy (50)
                  24th - Everyone's reaction (esp.Wilson's) while Amber is dying- House MD (50)
                  25th - Discovering the identity of Superhoodie, Misfits (50)
                  26th - Kirk´s reaction when Spock died - Star Trek II: Wrath of Khan (50)
                  27th - Amy Pond's farewell, "Raggedy man, Goodbye", The Angels Take Manhattan - Doctor Who (50)
                  28th - Tara's death - BtVS (50)
                  29th - Jackson Gibbs' funeral - NCIS (50)
                  30th- Tesla becoming a vampire again - Sanctuary (50)
                  31st - Clara Oswald & Danny Pink, Death in Heaven, Doctor Who (50)
                  32nd - When Neal dies - Once Upon a Time (50)
                  33rd - Tesla gaining magnetism after losing being a vampire - Sanctuary (50)
                  34th - The Last 5 minutes of 'The Message' - Firefly (50)
                  35th - Loki's "death" on Svartalfheim, then we see he's cheated death again - Thor: The Dark World (50)
                  36th - The Tribute Parade - The Hunger Games (50)
                  37th - The Tenth Doctor removes Donna's memories, -Doctor Who (50)
                  38th - James Watson's death - Sanctuary (50)
                  39th - Loki lets go of Gungnir and falls into the abyss. - Thor (50)
                  40th - George Kirk's death - Star Trek 2009 (50)
                  41st - Frigga's funeral - Thor: The Dark World (50)
                  42nd - Phil Coulson's 'death' - The Avengers (50)
                  43rd - The Doctor and Rose say goodbye on Badwolf Bay. - Doctor Who (50)
                  44th - When Carson Beckett dies - Stargate Atlantis (50)
                  45th - Dr. Weir gets left behind on Asuras to save her team - Stargate Atlantis (50)

                  - Sophia comes out of the barn as a walker after weeks of searching- Walking Dead (48)
                  - Wolverine touches Rogue to transfer his regenerative abilities to heal her but she's unresponsive . - X-Men (49)
                  - Stargate (movie) - When they finally get the Gate working (26)
                  - The Red Wedding - Game of Thrones (20)
                  - Scully's reaction to Mulder's "death." "This is NOT happening!" - X-Files (10)
                  - The lawyer Alan Birch dies, Dr. Jeremey Geiger has an emotional breakdown - Chicago Hope (8)
                  - Magneto moving the satellite dish - X-Men: First Class (3)
                  - An old Timothy Latimer sees The Doctor and Martha at a Rememberance Day Ceremony. - Doctor Who (1)
                  -When the planes take off to deliver Easy Company to their D-Day drop zones--Band of Brothers (end of 'Currahee') (3)
                  -Odo cures the Link - ST-DS9 (1)
                  - Peter Grodin dies - Stargate Atlantis (7)
                  - Thomas J. gets stung by bees and dies - My Girl (2)
                  Sig by (x)


                    1st - When Kate Todd gets shot and killed - NCIS (50)
                    2nd - When The Doctor regenerates (all Doctors) - Doctor Who (50)
                    3rd - When Sam has to shoot Martouf - Stargate SG-1 (Divide and Conquer) (50)
                    4th - Rory, as the Last Centurion, watching over Amy for nearly two thousand years, Doctor Who (50)
                    5th - Radar informing the rest of the 4077th about Lt. Col. Blake's death - M*A*S*H (50)
                    6th - Idris/TARDIS says "I love you" to the Doctor - The Doctor's Wife, Doctor Who (50)
                    7th - Tony hearing Gibbs saying "Jenny" multiple times over the phone before he finds out she's dead - NCIS (50)
                    8th - When Janet Frasier dies, SG1 (50)
                    9th - When Beckett arrives at Castle's apartment and kisses him - Castle (50)
                    10th - "You are always here to me. And I always listen to "Goodbye Sweetie", The Name of the Doctor, Doctor Who (50)
                    11th - Lt Tasha Yar's Memorial speech, ST:TNG 'Skin of Evil' (50)
                    12th - The last few minutes of Blake's 7 (50)
                    13th - The Doctor shows Vincent Van Gogh how much he is loved, Vincent & the Doctor, Doctor Who (50)
                    14th - When Jacob and Selmak die, SG-1 (50)
                    15th - Delenn's final goodbye to Sheridan - Babylon 5 (50)
                    16th - When Loki finds out his true heritage - Thor (50)
                    17th - "I'm a leaf on the wind" When Wash was impaled - Serenity (50)
                    18th - When Ned Stark gets beheaded - Game of Thrones (50)
                    19th - Alex goes into The Railway Arms & leaves Gene alone - Ashes to Ashes (50)
                    20th - Data's Farewell to Lal- ST:TNG The Offspring (50)
                    21st - Ducky clutching his chest and collapsing on the beach - NCIS (50)
                    22nd - Fred's death - Angel (50)
                    23rd - Aeryn Sun's funeral - Farscape, Die Me Dichotomy (50)
                    24th - Everyone's reaction (esp.Wilson's) while Amber is dying- House MD (50)
                    25th - Discovering the identity of Superhoodie, Misfits (50)
                    26th - Kirk´s reaction when Spock died - Star Trek II: Wrath of Khan (50)
                    27th - Amy Pond's farewell, "Raggedy man, Goodbye", The Angels Take Manhattan - Doctor Who (50)
                    28th - Tara's death - BtVS (50)
                    29th - Jackson Gibbs' funeral - NCIS (50)
                    30th- Tesla becoming a vampire again - Sanctuary (50)
                    31st - Clara Oswald & Danny Pink, Death in Heaven, Doctor Who (50)
                    32nd - When Neal dies - Once Upon a Time (50)
                    33rd - Tesla gaining magnetism after losing being a vampire - Sanctuary (50)
                    34th - The Last 5 minutes of 'The Message' - Firefly (50)
                    35th - Loki's "death" on Svartalfheim, then we see he's cheated death again - Thor: The Dark World (50)
                    36th - The Tribute Parade - The Hunger Games (50)
                    37th - The Tenth Doctor removes Donna's memories, -Doctor Who (50)
                    38th - James Watson's death - Sanctuary (50)
                    39th - Loki lets go of Gungnir and falls into the abyss. - Thor (50)
                    40th - George Kirk's death - Star Trek 2009 (50)
                    41st - Frigga's funeral - Thor: The Dark World (50)
                    42nd - Phil Coulson's 'death' - The Avengers (50)
                    43rd - The Doctor and Rose say goodbye on Badwolf Bay. - Doctor Who (50)
                    44th - When Carson Beckett dies - Stargate Atlantis (50)
                    45th - Dr. Weir gets left behind on Asuras to save her team - Stargate Atlantis (50)

                    - Sophia comes out of the barn as a walker after weeks of searching- Walking Dead (48)
                    - Wolverine touches Rogue to transfer his regenerative abilities to heal her but she's unresponsive . - X-Men (49)
                    - Stargate (movie) - When they finally get the Gate working (26)
                    - The Red Wedding - Game of Thrones (20)
                    - Scully's reaction to Mulder's "death." "This is NOT happening!" - X-Files (10)
                    - The lawyer Alan Birch dies, Dr. Jeremey Geiger has an emotional breakdown - Chicago Hope (8)
                    - Magneto moving the satellite dish - X-Men: First Class (3)
                    - An old Timothy Latimer sees The Doctor and Martha at a Rememberance Day Ceremony. - Doctor Who (1)
                    -When the planes take off to deliver Easy Company to their D-Day drop zones--Band of Brothers (end of 'Currahee') (3)
                    -Odo cures the Link - ST-DS9 (1)
                    - Peter Grodin dies - Stargate Atlantis (8)
                    - Thomas J. gets stung by bees and dies - My Girl (2)
                    I tell you Teal'c, hockey is the coolest game on Earth!

                    Did you not say it is played on ice, O'Neill?


                      1st - When Kate Todd gets shot and killed - NCIS (50)
                      2nd - When The Doctor regenerates (all Doctors) - Doctor Who (50)
                      3rd - When Sam has to shoot Martouf - Stargate SG-1 (Divide and Conquer) (50)
                      4th - Rory, as the Last Centurion, watching over Amy for nearly two thousand years, Doctor Who (50)
                      5th - Radar informing the rest of the 4077th about Lt. Col. Blake's death - M*A*S*H (50)
                      6th - Idris/TARDIS says "I love you" to the Doctor - The Doctor's Wife, Doctor Who (50)
                      7th - Tony hearing Gibbs saying "Jenny" multiple times over the phone before he finds out she's dead - NCIS (50)
                      8th - When Janet Frasier dies, SG1 (50)
                      9th - When Beckett arrives at Castle's apartment and kisses him - Castle (50)
                      10th - "You are always here to me. And I always listen to "Goodbye Sweetie", The Name of the Doctor, Doctor Who (50)
                      11th - Lt Tasha Yar's Memorial speech, ST:TNG 'Skin of Evil' (50)
                      12th - The last few minutes of Blake's 7 (50)
                      13th - The Doctor shows Vincent Van Gogh how much he is loved, Vincent & the Doctor, Doctor Who (50)
                      14th - When Jacob and Selmak die, SG-1 (50)
                      15th - Delenn's final goodbye to Sheridan - Babylon 5 (50)
                      16th - When Loki finds out his true heritage - Thor (50)
                      17th - "I'm a leaf on the wind" When Wash was impaled - Serenity (50)
                      18th - When Ned Stark gets beheaded - Game of Thrones (50)
                      19th - Alex goes into The Railway Arms & leaves Gene alone - Ashes to Ashes (50)
                      20th - Data's Farewell to Lal- ST:TNG The Offspring (50)
                      21st - Ducky clutching his chest and collapsing on the beach - NCIS (50)
                      22nd - Fred's death - Angel (50)
                      23rd - Aeryn Sun's funeral - Farscape, Die Me Dichotomy (50)
                      24th - Everyone's reaction (esp.Wilson's) while Amber is dying- House MD (50)
                      25th - Discovering the identity of Superhoodie, Misfits (50)
                      26th - Kirk´s reaction when Spock died - Star Trek II: Wrath of Khan (50)
                      27th - Amy Pond's farewell, "Raggedy man, Goodbye", The Angels Take Manhattan - Doctor Who (50)
                      28th - Tara's death - BtVS (50)
                      29th - Jackson Gibbs' funeral - NCIS (50)
                      30th- Tesla becoming a vampire again - Sanctuary (50)
                      31st - Clara Oswald & Danny Pink, Death in Heaven, Doctor Who (50)
                      32nd - When Neal dies - Once Upon a Time (50)
                      33rd - Tesla gaining magnetism after losing being a vampire - Sanctuary (50)
                      34th - The Last 5 minutes of 'The Message' - Firefly (50)
                      35th - Loki's "death" on Svartalfheim, then we see he's cheated death again - Thor: The Dark World (50)
                      36th - The Tribute Parade - The Hunger Games (50)
                      37th - The Tenth Doctor removes Donna's memories, -Doctor Who (50)
                      38th - James Watson's death - Sanctuary (50)
                      39th - Loki lets go of Gungnir and falls into the abyss. - Thor (50)
                      40th - George Kirk's death - Star Trek 2009 (50)
                      41st - Frigga's funeral - Thor: The Dark World (50)
                      42nd - Phil Coulson's 'death' - The Avengers (50)
                      43rd - The Doctor and Rose say goodbye on Badwolf Bay. - Doctor Who (50)
                      44th - When Carson Beckett dies - Stargate Atlantis (50)
                      45th - Dr. Weir gets left behind on Asuras to save her team - Stargate Atlantis (50)

                      - Sophia comes out of the barn as a walker after weeks of searching- Walking Dead (48)
                      - Wolverine touches Rogue to transfer his regenerative abilities to heal her but she's unresponsive . - X-Men (49)
                      - Stargate (movie) - When they finally get the Gate working (26)
                      - The Red Wedding - Game of Thrones (20)
                      - Scully's reaction to Mulder's "death." "This is NOT happening!" - X-Files (10)
                      - The lawyer Alan Birch dies, Dr. Jeremey Geiger has an emotional breakdown - Chicago Hope (8)
                      - Magneto moving the satellite dish - X-Men: First Class (3)
                      - An old Timothy Latimer sees The Doctor and Martha at a Rememberance Day Ceremony. - Doctor Who (1)
                      -When the planes take off to deliver Easy Company to their D-Day drop zones--Band of Brothers (end of 'Currahee') (3)
                      -Odo cures the Link - ST-DS9 (2)
                      - Peter Grodin dies - Stargate Atlantis (8)
                      - Thomas J. gets stung by bees and dies - My Girl (2)


                        1st - When Kate Todd gets shot and killed - NCIS (50)
                        2nd - When The Doctor regenerates (all Doctors) - Doctor Who (50)
                        3rd - When Sam has to shoot Martouf - Stargate SG-1 (Divide and Conquer) (50)
                        4th - Rory, as the Last Centurion, watching over Amy for nearly two thousand years, Doctor Who (50)
                        5th - Radar informing the rest of the 4077th about Lt. Col. Blake's death - M*A*S*H (50)
                        6th - Idris/TARDIS says "I love you" to the Doctor - The Doctor's Wife, Doctor Who (50)
                        7th - Tony hearing Gibbs saying "Jenny" multiple times over the phone before he finds out she's dead - NCIS (50)
                        8th - When Janet Frasier dies, SG1 (50)
                        9th - When Beckett arrives at Castle's apartment and kisses him - Castle (50)
                        10th - "You are always here to me. And I always listen to "Goodbye Sweetie", The Name of the Doctor, Doctor Who (50)
                        11th - Lt Tasha Yar's Memorial speech, ST:TNG 'Skin of Evil' (50)
                        12th - The last few minutes of Blake's 7 (50)
                        13th - The Doctor shows Vincent Van Gogh how much he is loved, Vincent & the Doctor, Doctor Who (50)
                        14th - When Jacob and Selmak die, SG-1 (50)
                        15th - Delenn's final goodbye to Sheridan - Babylon 5 (50)
                        16th - When Loki finds out his true heritage - Thor (50)
                        17th - "I'm a leaf on the wind" When Wash was impaled - Serenity (50)
                        18th - When Ned Stark gets beheaded - Game of Thrones (50)
                        19th - Alex goes into The Railway Arms & leaves Gene alone - Ashes to Ashes (50)
                        20th - Data's Farewell to Lal- ST:TNG The Offspring (50)
                        21st - Ducky clutching his chest and collapsing on the beach - NCIS (50)
                        22nd - Fred's death - Angel (50)
                        23rd - Aeryn Sun's funeral - Farscape, Die Me Dichotomy (50)
                        24th - Everyone's reaction (esp.Wilson's) while Amber is dying- House MD (50)
                        25th - Discovering the identity of Superhoodie, Misfits (50)
                        26th - Kirk´s reaction when Spock died - Star Trek II: Wrath of Khan (50)
                        27th - Amy Pond's farewell, "Raggedy man, Goodbye", The Angels Take Manhattan - Doctor Who (50)
                        28th - Tara's death - BtVS (50)
                        29th - Jackson Gibbs' funeral - NCIS (50)
                        30th- Tesla becoming a vampire again - Sanctuary (50)
                        31st - Clara Oswald & Danny Pink, Death in Heaven, Doctor Who (50)
                        32nd - When Neal dies - Once Upon a Time (50)
                        33rd - Tesla gaining magnetism after losing being a vampire - Sanctuary (50)
                        34th - The Last 5 minutes of 'The Message' - Firefly (50)
                        35th - Loki's "death" on Svartalfheim, then we see he's cheated death again - Thor: The Dark World (50)
                        36th - The Tribute Parade - The Hunger Games (50)
                        37th - The Tenth Doctor removes Donna's memories, -Doctor Who (50)
                        38th - James Watson's death - Sanctuary (50)
                        39th - Loki lets go of Gungnir and falls into the abyss. - Thor (50)
                        40th - George Kirk's death - Star Trek 2009 (50)
                        41st - Frigga's funeral - Thor: The Dark World (50)
                        42nd - Phil Coulson's 'death' - The Avengers (50)
                        43rd - The Doctor and Rose say goodbye on Badwolf Bay. - Doctor Who (50)
                        44th - When Carson Beckett dies - Stargate Atlantis (50)
                        45th - Dr. Weir gets left behind on Asuras to save her team - Stargate Atlantis (50)

                        - Sophia comes out of the barn as a walker after weeks of searching- Walking Dead (48)
                        - Wolverine touches Rogue to transfer his regenerative abilities to heal her but she's unresponsive . - X-Men (49)
                        - Stargate (movie) - When they finally get the Gate working (26)
                        - The Red Wedding - Game of Thrones (20)
                        - Scully's reaction to Mulder's "death." "This is NOT happening!" - X-Files (10)
                        - The lawyer Alan Birch dies, Dr. Jeremey Geiger has an emotional breakdown - Chicago Hope (8)
                        - Magneto moving the satellite dish - X-Men: First Class (3)
                        - An old Timothy Latimer sees The Doctor and Martha at a Rememberance Day Ceremony. - Doctor Who (1)
                        -When the planes take off to deliver Easy Company to their D-Day drop zones--Band of Brothers (end of 'Currahee') (3)
                        -Odo cures the Link - ST-DS9 (3)
                        - Peter Grodin dies - Stargate Atlantis (8)
                        - Thomas J. gets stung by bees and dies - My Girl (2)


                          1st - When Kate Todd gets shot and killed - NCIS (50)
                          2nd - When The Doctor regenerates (all Doctors) - Doctor Who (50)
                          3rd - When Sam has to shoot Martouf - Stargate SG-1 (Divide and Conquer) (50)
                          4th - Rory, as the Last Centurion, watching over Amy for nearly two thousand years, Doctor Who (50)
                          5th - Radar informing the rest of the 4077th about Lt. Col. Blake's death - M*A*S*H (50)
                          6th - Idris/TARDIS says "I love you" to the Doctor - The Doctor's Wife, Doctor Who (50)
                          7th - Tony hearing Gibbs saying "Jenny" multiple times over the phone before he finds out she's dead - NCIS (50)
                          8th - When Janet Frasier dies, SG1 (50)
                          9th - When Beckett arrives at Castle's apartment and kisses him - Castle (50)
                          10th - "You are always here to me. And I always listen to "Goodbye Sweetie", The Name of the Doctor, Doctor Who (50)
                          11th - Lt Tasha Yar's Memorial speech, ST:TNG 'Skin of Evil' (50)
                          12th - The last few minutes of Blake's 7 (50)
                          13th - The Doctor shows Vincent Van Gogh how much he is loved, Vincent & the Doctor, Doctor Who (50)
                          14th - When Jacob and Selmak die, SG-1 (50)
                          15th - Delenn's final goodbye to Sheridan - Babylon 5 (50)
                          16th - When Loki finds out his true heritage - Thor (50)
                          17th - "I'm a leaf on the wind" When Wash was impaled - Serenity (50)
                          18th - When Ned Stark gets beheaded - Game of Thrones (50)
                          19th - Alex goes into The Railway Arms & leaves Gene alone - Ashes to Ashes (50)
                          20th - Data's Farewell to Lal- ST:TNG The Offspring (50)
                          21st - Ducky clutching his chest and collapsing on the beach - NCIS (50)
                          22nd - Fred's death - Angel (50)
                          23rd - Aeryn Sun's funeral - Farscape, Die Me Dichotomy (50)
                          24th - Everyone's reaction (esp.Wilson's) while Amber is dying- House MD (50)
                          25th - Discovering the identity of Superhoodie, Misfits (50)
                          26th - Kirk´s reaction when Spock died - Star Trek II: Wrath of Khan (50)
                          27th - Amy Pond's farewell, "Raggedy man, Goodbye", The Angels Take Manhattan - Doctor Who (50)
                          28th - Tara's death - BtVS (50)
                          29th - Jackson Gibbs' funeral - NCIS (50)
                          30th- Tesla becoming a vampire again - Sanctuary (50)
                          31st - Clara Oswald & Danny Pink, Death in Heaven, Doctor Who (50)
                          32nd - When Neal dies - Once Upon a Time (50)
                          33rd - Tesla gaining magnetism after losing being a vampire - Sanctuary (50)
                          34th - The Last 5 minutes of 'The Message' - Firefly (50)
                          35th - Loki's "death" on Svartalfheim, then we see he's cheated death again - Thor: The Dark World (50)
                          36th - The Tribute Parade - The Hunger Games (50)
                          37th - The Tenth Doctor removes Donna's memories, -Doctor Who (50)
                          38th - James Watson's death - Sanctuary (50)
                          39th - Loki lets go of Gungnir and falls into the abyss. - Thor (50)
                          40th - George Kirk's death - Star Trek 2009 (50)
                          41st - Frigga's funeral - Thor: The Dark World (50)
                          42nd - Phil Coulson's 'death' - The Avengers (50)
                          43rd - The Doctor and Rose say goodbye on Badwolf Bay. - Doctor Who (50)
                          44th - When Carson Beckett dies - Stargate Atlantis (50)
                          45th - Dr. Weir gets left behind on Asuras to save her team - Stargate Atlantis (50)

                          - Sophia comes out of the barn as a walker after weeks of searching- Walking Dead (48)
                          - Wolverine touches Rogue to transfer his regenerative abilities to heal her but she's unresponsive . - X-Men (49)
                          - Stargate (movie) - When they finally get the Gate working (26)
                          - The Red Wedding - Game of Thrones (20)
                          - Scully's reaction to Mulder's "death." "This is NOT happening!" - X-Files (10)
                          - The lawyer Alan Birch dies, Dr. Jeremey Geiger has an emotional breakdown - Chicago Hope (8)
                          -Odo cures the Link - ST-DS9 (4)
                          - Magneto moving the satellite dish - X-Men: First Class (3)
                          - An old Timothy Latimer sees The Doctor and Martha at a Rememberance Day Ceremony. - Doctor Who (1)
                          -When the planes take off to deliver Easy Company to their D-Day drop zones--Band of Brothers (end of 'Currahee') (3)
                          - Peter Grodin dies - Stargate Atlantis (8)
                          - Thomas J. gets stung by bees and dies - My Girl (2)


                            1st - When Kate Todd gets shot and killed - NCIS (50)
                            2nd - When The Doctor regenerates (all Doctors) - Doctor Who (50)
                            3rd - When Sam has to shoot Martouf - Stargate SG-1 (Divide and Conquer) (50)
                            4th - Rory, as the Last Centurion, watching over Amy for nearly two thousand years, Doctor Who (50)
                            5th - Radar informing the rest of the 4077th about Lt. Col. Blake's death - M*A*S*H (50)
                            6th - Idris/TARDIS says "I love you" to the Doctor - The Doctor's Wife, Doctor Who (50)
                            7th - Tony hearing Gibbs saying "Jenny" multiple times over the phone before he finds out she's dead - NCIS (50)
                            8th - When Janet Frasier dies, SG1 (50)
                            9th - When Beckett arrives at Castle's apartment and kisses him - Castle (50)
                            10th - "You are always here to me. And I always listen to "Goodbye Sweetie", The Name of the Doctor, Doctor Who (50)
                            11th - Lt Tasha Yar's Memorial speech, ST:TNG 'Skin of Evil' (50)
                            12th - The last few minutes of Blake's 7 (50)
                            13th - The Doctor shows Vincent Van Gogh how much he is loved, Vincent & the Doctor, Doctor Who (50)
                            14th - When Jacob and Selmak die, SG-1 (50)
                            15th - Delenn's final goodbye to Sheridan - Babylon 5 (50)
                            16th - When Loki finds out his true heritage - Thor (50)
                            17th - "I'm a leaf on the wind" When Wash was impaled - Serenity (50)
                            18th - When Ned Stark gets beheaded - Game of Thrones (50)
                            19th - Alex goes into The Railway Arms & leaves Gene alone - Ashes to Ashes (50)
                            20th - Data's Farewell to Lal- ST:TNG The Offspring (50)
                            21st - Ducky clutching his chest and collapsing on the beach - NCIS (50)
                            22nd - Fred's death - Angel (50)
                            23rd - Aeryn Sun's funeral - Farscape, Die Me Dichotomy (50)
                            24th - Everyone's reaction (esp.Wilson's) while Amber is dying- House MD (50)
                            25th - Discovering the identity of Superhoodie, Misfits (50)
                            26th - Kirk´s reaction when Spock died - Star Trek II: Wrath of Khan (50)
                            27th - Amy Pond's farewell, "Raggedy man, Goodbye", The Angels Take Manhattan - Doctor Who (50)
                            28th - Tara's death - BtVS (50)
                            29th - Jackson Gibbs' funeral - NCIS (50)
                            30th- Tesla becoming a vampire again - Sanctuary (50)
                            31st - Clara Oswald & Danny Pink, Death in Heaven, Doctor Who (50)
                            32nd - When Neal dies - Once Upon a Time (50)
                            33rd - Tesla gaining magnetism after losing being a vampire - Sanctuary (50)
                            34th - The Last 5 minutes of 'The Message' - Firefly (50)
                            35th - Loki's "death" on Svartalfheim, then we see he's cheated death again - Thor: The Dark World (50)
                            36th - The Tribute Parade - The Hunger Games (50)
                            37th - The Tenth Doctor removes Donna's memories, -Doctor Who (50)
                            38th - James Watson's death - Sanctuary (50)
                            39th - Loki lets go of Gungnir and falls into the abyss. - Thor (50)
                            40th - George Kirk's death - Star Trek 2009 (50)
                            41st - Frigga's funeral - Thor: The Dark World (50)
                            42nd - Phil Coulson's 'death' - The Avengers (50)
                            43rd - The Doctor and Rose say goodbye on Badwolf Bay. - Doctor Who (50)
                            44th - When Carson Beckett dies - Stargate Atlantis (50)
                            45th - Dr. Weir gets left behind on Asuras to save her team - Stargate Atlantis (50)

                            - Sophia comes out of the barn as a walker after weeks of searching- Walking Dead (48)
                            - Wolverine touches Rogue to transfer his regenerative abilities to heal her but she's unresponsive . - X-Men (49)
                            - Stargate (movie) - When they finally get the Gate working (26)
                            - The Red Wedding - Game of Thrones (20)
                            - Scully's reaction to Mulder's "death." "This is NOT happening!" - X-Files (10)
                            - The lawyer Alan Birch dies, Dr. Jeremey Geiger has an emotional breakdown - Chicago Hope (8)
                            -Odo cures the Link - ST-DS9 (5)
                            - Magneto moving the satellite dish - X-Men: First Class (3)
                            - An old Timothy Latimer sees The Doctor and Martha at a Rememberance Day Ceremony. - Doctor Who (1)
                            -When the planes take off to deliver Easy Company to their D-Day drop zones--Band of Brothers (end of 'Currahee') (3)
                            - Peter Grodin dies - Stargate Atlantis (8)
                            - Thomas J. gets stung by bees and dies - My Girl (2)


                              Dr Green dies on ER


                                1st - When Kate Todd gets shot and killed - NCIS (50)
                                2nd - When The Doctor regenerates (all Doctors) - Doctor Who (50)
                                3rd - When Sam has to shoot Martouf - Stargate SG-1 (Divide and Conquer) (50)
                                4th - Rory, as the Last Centurion, watching over Amy for nearly two thousand years, Doctor Who (50)
                                5th - Radar informing the rest of the 4077th about Lt. Col. Blake's death - M*A*S*H (50)
                                6th - Idris/TARDIS says "I love you" to the Doctor - The Doctor's Wife, Doctor Who (50)
                                7th - Tony hearing Gibbs saying "Jenny" multiple times over the phone before he finds out she's dead - NCIS (50)
                                8th - When Janet Frasier dies, SG1 (50)
                                9th - When Beckett arrives at Castle's apartment and kisses him - Castle (50)
                                10th - "You are always here to me. And I always listen to "Goodbye Sweetie", The Name of the Doctor, Doctor Who (50)
                                11th - Lt Tasha Yar's Memorial speech, ST:TNG 'Skin of Evil' (50)
                                12th - The last few minutes of Blake's 7 (50)
                                13th - The Doctor shows Vincent Van Gogh how much he is loved, Vincent & the Doctor, Doctor Who (50)
                                14th - When Jacob and Selmak die, SG-1 (50)
                                15th - Delenn's final goodbye to Sheridan - Babylon 5 (50)
                                16th - When Loki finds out his true heritage - Thor (50)
                                17th - "I'm a leaf on the wind" When Wash was impaled - Serenity (50)
                                18th - When Ned Stark gets beheaded - Game of Thrones (50)
                                19th - Alex goes into The Railway Arms & leaves Gene alone - Ashes to Ashes (50)
                                20th - Data's Farewell to Lal- ST:TNG The Offspring (50)
                                21st - Ducky clutching his chest and collapsing on the beach - NCIS (50)
                                22nd - Fred's death - Angel (50)
                                23rd - Aeryn Sun's funeral - Farscape, Die Me Dichotomy (50)
                                24th - Everyone's reaction (esp.Wilson's) while Amber is dying- House MD (50)
                                25th - Discovering the identity of Superhoodie, Misfits (50)
                                26th - Kirk´s reaction when Spock died - Star Trek II: Wrath of Khan (50)
                                27th - Amy Pond's farewell, "Raggedy man, Goodbye", The Angels Take Manhattan - Doctor Who (50)
                                28th - Tara's death - BtVS (50)
                                29th - Jackson Gibbs' funeral - NCIS (50)
                                30th- Tesla becoming a vampire again - Sanctuary (50)
                                31st - Clara Oswald & Danny Pink, Death in Heaven, Doctor Who (50)
                                32nd - When Neal dies - Once Upon a Time (50)
                                33rd - Tesla gaining magnetism after losing being a vampire - Sanctuary (50)
                                34th - The Last 5 minutes of 'The Message' - Firefly (50)
                                35th - Loki's "death" on Svartalfheim, then we see he's cheated death again - Thor: The Dark World (50)
                                36th - The Tribute Parade - The Hunger Games (50)
                                37th - The Tenth Doctor removes Donna's memories, -Doctor Who (50)
                                38th - James Watson's death - Sanctuary (50)
                                39th - Loki lets go of Gungnir and falls into the abyss. - Thor (50)
                                40th - George Kirk's death - Star Trek 2009 (50)
                                41st - Frigga's funeral - Thor: The Dark World (50)
                                42nd - Phil Coulson's 'death' - The Avengers (50)
                                43rd - The Doctor and Rose say goodbye on Badwolf Bay. - Doctor Who (50)
                                44th - When Carson Beckett dies - Stargate Atlantis (50)
                                45th - Dr. Weir gets left behind on Asuras to save her team - Stargate Atlantis (50)

                                - Sophia comes out of the barn as a walker after weeks of searching- Walking Dead (48)
                                - Wolverine touches Rogue to transfer his regenerative abilities to heal her but she's unresponsive . - X-Men (49)
                                - Stargate (movie) - When they finally get the Gate working (26)
                                - The Red Wedding - Game of Thrones (20)
                                - Scully's reaction to Mulder's "death." "This is NOT happening!" - X-Files (10)
                                - The lawyer Alan Birch dies, Dr. Jeremey Geiger has an emotional breakdown - Chicago Hope (8)
                                -Odo cures the Link - ST-DS9 (6)
                                - Magneto moving the satellite dish - X-Men: First Class (3)
                                - An old Timothy Latimer sees The Doctor and Martha at a Rememberance Day Ceremony. - Doctor Who (1)
                                -When the planes take off to deliver Easy Company to their D-Day drop zones--Band of Brothers (end of 'Currahee') (3)
                                - Peter Grodin dies - Stargate Atlantis (8)
                                - Thomas J. gets stung by bees and dies - My Girl (2)
                                -Dr Greene dies on ER (0)

