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Greatest Ship Tournament

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    Round 49

    Millenium Falcon - Star Wars
    The TARDIS - Doctor Who


      Round 49

      Shadow Battlecrab
      The TARDIS - Doctor Who
      Doze Out...

      I used to eat a lot of natural foods until I learned that most people die of natural causes.



        Cylon Basestar - Battlestar Galactica TNS – 5
        Millenium Falcon - Star Wars – 4
        Moya – Farscape – 1
        Serenity - Firefly/Serenity – 1
        Shadow Battlecrab - Babylon 5 – 7
        The TARDIS - Doctor Who – 7
        White Star - Babylon 5 – 3


        Shadow Battlecrab vs The TARDIS

        Not an easy choice, on the one hand I have the best ship we have, it can cross time space, dimensions and can look like anything it wants to, on the other hand I have a ship from a show I know very little about and don’t really enjoy.

        Sadly, this one has to go to the ship that I feel really makes an impact on the audience, and were this one round ago I would have argued this, but from what little I’ve seen, and from what I got from one post this round, I have to make this one vote.

        My Vote
        The TARDIS to GO
        Equality is not a concept. It's not something we should be striving for. It's a necessity. Equality is like gravity. We need it to stand on this earth as men and women. And the misogyny that is in every culture is not a true part of the human condition. It is life out of balance, and that imbalance is sucking something out of the soul of every man and woman who is confronted with it.
        - Joss Whedon - Equality Now


          Shadow Battlecrab To Go!


            TIE BREAKER

            My Vote:
            The TARDIS is out
            Doze Out...

            I used to eat a lot of natural foods until I learned that most people die of natural causes.


              Round 49 Tiebreaker
              Shadow Battlecrab to go.

              Millenium Falcon for the win!


                Tie Breaker

                Shadow Battlecrab to go!


                  Tie Breaker

                  Shadow Battlecrab to go!


                    By the way; did I mention, it also travels in time?
                    - The Doctor

                    The TARDIS might not be bristling with weapons, but it's incredibly advanced, with the ability to travel anywhere in space and time; however the process of travel in this particular TARDIS is fairly random, as being enigmatically semi-sentient the TARDIS likes to sniff out trouble and land you in a convenient spot for an adventure. Unpredictable and adventure-seeking pretty much sums up the nature of this TARDIS.

                    It was jet black. A shade of black so deep your eye just kinda slides off it. And it shimmered when you looked at it. A spider big as death and twice as ugly. And when it flies past, it's like you hear a scream in your mind.
                    - Lt. Warren Keffer

                    So what's the Battlecrab got that the TARDIS doesn't? It might not be as large in scope range-wise or as versatile as the TARDIS, and can't travel in time, but it's armed, imposing, and as scary as a ship can be. The Shadows' practice of using living beings as slaved mind-controlled CPUs for these ships is creepy enough. Everything about the Battlecrab radiates a chilling, but perversely awe-inspiring, aura of sheer insidious presence. Enough said.


                    The TARDIS to GO - It's iconic, and massively versatile, but IMO it's far outclassed by the other ships in the tourny
                    Last edited by Wraith Scientist; 26 February 2007, 11:23 AM.


                      Shadow Battlecrab to go!


                        Tardis to go


                          My Vote
                          The TARDIS to GO
                          VISIT AND JOIN


                            Tie Breaker

                            The TARDIS

                            I like them both even though I'm fairly new to Doctor Who, but the Shadow battlecrab has the more emotional impact on me. Wraith Scientist said it well.
                            IMO always implied.


                              Tie Breaker

                              Shadow Battlecrab to go

                              Originally posted by LoneStar1836 View Post
                              I like them both even though I'm fairly new to Doctor Who, but the Shadow battlecrab has the more emotional impact on me. Wraith Scientist said it well.
                              This is where I'm on the opposite - having watched all the older seasons of Doctor Who (20 something!) and it being my introduction to fandom. It has a HUGE emotional impact for me. From what I've seen of the new show, the Tardis just doesn't have the same presence. So I can understand viewers of the new series only not understanding the impact it has.

                              And I think great is subjective as are most of these tourneys and Big firepower doesn't really impress me unless it's comparing 2 ships I don't know anything about and they both are battle ships.

                              So while the Shadow is a great ship, in no way would I vote for it over the Tardis.

                              To see the complete animated picture timeline of the comet landing -

                              From the wonderful XKCD site


                                The TARDIS to go.

                                It's a tough one but, for me, in the end the Shadow Ships are just so imposing and enigmatic. One of my all time favourite ships. Plus, i love their "scream". Just like the Nazgul in LotR but... much more terrifying.

                                The center of Khlysty surrounds me

