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The Doctor's Wife (3204)

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    The Doctor's Wife (3204)

    Visit the Episode GuideDOCTOR WHO - SERIES 32
    EPISODE NUMBER - 3204 (604)
    The Doctor is lured outside the universe by an entity that steals his TARDIS, putting the TARDIS matrix into the body of a human woman and tormenting Amy and Rory.

    Last edited by Darren; 17 May 2011, 01:29 PM.

    Omg What an awesome episode!!!
    Nice to see the old Tardis again, and is that what the Tardis looks like on the inside? All those tunnels?
    Nice to see ther relationship between the Tardis and the Doctor
    But this episode kinda stumps the theory of River being the Tardis, or does it? From what I can tell, I dont think River is the Tardis now, I think this episode derailed that theory.
    Wonder what the Tardis meant when she said 'The only water in the forest is the River'
    I liked this episode because it really showed the Doctors relationship with his Tardis, and also how much he loves it. Also nice to see that the Tardis wanted the Doctor to steal it

    Quotes of the episode:
    The Tardis talking about the Doctor calling her sexy
    Fish fingers

    Next weeks episode looks awesome
    Looks like we will be seeing eye patch lady again
    Last edited by Teddybrown; 14 May 2011, 10:31 AM.


      Wow. Wow. Wowee wow.

      Okay, new favourite episode, right there!
      And now it's time for one last bow, like all your other selves. Eleven's hour is over now... the clock is striking Twelve's.
      Stargate Ragnarok | | AO3 | Lakeside | My Fallout 3 Mods | Poppy Appeal | Help For Heroes | Combat Stress


        One of the very best episodes. Will post a further review when I'm over it.

        'The only water in the forest is the River' . . .
        I write articles/features/reviews for I'm With now. Check out our stuff if you get a minute!

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          Don't really have time to post now, but that was awesome and this in the You Know You're a Whovian When thread seems now hilarious in retrospect:

          Originally posted by pbellosom View Post
          When you declare the Doctor/TARDIS as your OTP


            Originally posted by pbellosom View Post
            Don't really have time to post now, but that was awesome and this in the You Know You're a Whovian When thread seems now hilarious in retrospect:
            I knew it was called the Doctor's Wife before viewing and I actually did consider one of the possibilities to be the TARDIS, although I didn't think they would give her a human body - thought it would be a different kind of metaphor - but so brilliant
            I write articles/features/reviews for I'm With now. Check out our stuff if you get a minute!

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              Originally posted by Admiral Mappalazarou View Post
              I knew it was called the Doctor's Wife before viewing and I actually did consider one of the possibilities to be the TARDIS, although I didn't think they would give her a human body - thought it would be a different kind of metaphor - but so brilliant
              It was brilliant. As the Doctor said the TARDIS's soul disappeared, I annoyed all my house mates by loudly proclaiming "Well played Gaiman, well played." The whole episode was amazing, the only real complaints I have are that a) They've got rid of the swimming pool? and b) The scene that Gaiman said they had to cut with the Zero Room sounds like it would've been awesome even if it would've blown the whole season's budget.

              I've not read the Times article that Moffat was complaining about, but I don't see how they could possibly not understand the episode, part of it's beauty was in it's simplicity.

              It was great to see the old console room back, I do like the new one but this just reminded me how awesome Nine and Ten's really was. I prefer it. Also good that we've got cannon confirmation that the TARDIS is deliberately taking the Doctor off course when he's needed.

              I guess all the theories about River being the TARDIS are blown out of the water though, can't see them doing the same basic story twice in a season.


                "Did you wish really, really hard?" Ha!

                And the TARDIS deciding her name is Sexy, I loved that. I loved the idea that the TARDIS chose the Doctor just as he chose her, that she's fond of him and I especially love the "I always took you where you needed to go" line.

                The idea that a junkyard is also a graveyard, especially when Idris talks so sadly about seeing the corpses of her sisters, is beautifully sad.

                Oh, wow. Neil Gaiman must be allowed to write whatever he wants, whenever he wants. I honestly didn't think there could be a better Who writer than Moffat, but this...I'm going to watch this one again as soon as Confidential has finished.
                And now it's time for one last bow, like all your other selves. Eleven's hour is over now... the clock is striking Twelve's.
                Stargate Ragnarok | | AO3 | Lakeside | My Fallout 3 Mods | Poppy Appeal | Help For Heroes | Combat Stress


                  It was pretty amazing to see how The Doctor reacted when The TARDIS called The Doctor her thief.... especally when The Doctor kept saying that he stole her to begin with.....


                    Someone on another forum has just pointed out that it's now cannon that you can switch genders during regeneration


                      Anyone else get a shiver after the Doctor fixed the Ood and suddenly got an outburst of old Time Lord distress signals?

                      'If you are recieving this message - Please help me - Send a signal to the High Council of the Time Lords on Gallifrey. Tell them that I am still alive!'
                      I write articles/features/reviews for I'm With now. Check out our stuff if you get a minute!

                      Click on sig to check out my fanfic gallery too!


                        Utterly fantastic and brilliant episode penned by Neil Gaiman and great performances from all the cast but ESPECIALLY from Matt Smith and guest star Suranne Jones!

                        Inspired writing to put the TARDIS within a walking, talking person and see the Doctor get to have a two-way conversation! Its always awesome stuff when more history gets added to this legendary shows near 50-year mythology! Loved it!

                        THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                        K-9, CLASS and much more...


                          Well, it's finally happened, somebody finally wrote a "TARDIS as a living person" episode. The concept isnt new to the franchise (Compassion from the BBC Books), but many had pegged The TARDIS as being a prime candiate for the human upgrade sooner or later. The communion between Idris and The Doctor was top-notch tomfoolerly, amalgamating seriousness and odd ball banter, and House's psychological warfare on Amy and Rory was terrifying. I only wish more had been made and seen of House's patchwork family members, I wish more had been explored of the TARDIS Junkyard, I wish there had been an extra hour attached to their weird oddysey, but I'll take what I can get.

                          The cryptic warning about River got me thinking...does it relate to the present or the future...or/and the past? River's currently in a "forest" (the library datacore), perhaps the TARDIS knows how to get her out of one?


                            The episode had the dirty, grimy steampunkish flavour of Underworld which I loved, we finally met the TARDIS AND we FINALLY saw the inside of the TARDIS! Neil finally did what many fans wanted to have for a long time now, a story that really deals with the TARDIS. I just loved it how the doctor bickered and fought with the TARDIS and I loved it that it was actually the TARDIS who stole the doctor, because she was bored and wanted to explore the universe LOL. I also loved how the House chased Amy and Rory around the TARDIS like rats and screwed around with their heads. It was like a big lazy predator bored out of his mind and then it got its ass kicked by the TARDIS ^_^

                            BTW I totally love the TARDIS as a person now. She is as wonderfully crazy as the doctor and how funny was it, that the TARDIS thinks that RORY and not Amy is the pretty one LOL also wasn't it great to see the older TARDIS control room? :hugs TARDIS of Nine and Ten:

                            Doctor: Amy this is my TARDIS and she is a woman :smiles:
                            Amy: Doctor, did you wish reeeally hard?
                            Doctor : Shuddup,I am not like that.
                            Amy: Hello I am!
                            Doctor: Oooooh....still shut up.

                            Wasn't it wonderful that after 700 years of being together the TARDIS was finally able to say hello though the ending was a bit heartbreaking and I totally understood why the doctor - for the first time in this incarnation - cried. Oh last but not least - I think that the comment from the TARDIS - the one about the water in the forest is about River.

                            Lovely job Neil :claps hands: Looks like there is still a good writer in you, now can you please stop writing rubbish and writer another "Underworld" or "American Gods"? Thank you.

                            So final verdict: great stand alone story but I think this story would have been even better if it had been a two parter. There was so much potential in it, for example the three companions of the House and the junk yard
                            He's like fire, ice and rage. He's like the night, and the storm in the heart of the sun.
                            He's ancient and forever. He burns at the centre of time and he can see the turn of the universe.
                            And he's wonderful.


                              I'm totally stunned by that episode. Absolutely amazing. I admit I cried at the Doctor & the TARDIS having to say hello/goodbye. Suranne Jones was absolutely wonderful as the personification of the TARDIS.

                              I totally agree with Sealurk - Neil Gaiman should be allowed to write episodes for Doctor Who whenever he wants.

                              I did laugh at the end though when it transpires that the Doctor makes Amy & Rory have bunk beds. I wonder who gets the top.

