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america the gone

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    america the gone

    this is just something I just threw together last night and finished today, hope you find it interesting.

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    it is just an average day, just like any other day, then out of nowhere a flash that spread around the world, every power system every where goes off line, batteries generators, even candle and camp fires go out, all at the exact same time, for days the power was out, no matter what was done, there was no power, millions around the world died, all attempts to restore power failed , then just as suddenly as the power went out , it came back on line, every thing was normal, there was no loss of data or communication, except with america, the american continent was gone, that is to say the united states was gone, canada was still there, and mexico was still there, but the forty eight contiguous states were gone, even the virgin islands were gone, but the rest of the world was fine, well aside from the massive loss of water from the oceans of
    the world, and the massive disruption to the worlds weather patterns, and the economic and political upheaval, that it caused, but no other land masses were gone, just america.

    time passed and for more than one hundred years people struggled with the loss, but eventually they came together and reformed the united nations, and eventually the with the expenditure of massive resources they were able to build a wall around the area where america was , allowing the water to evaporate and utilize massive pumps to re fill the worlds oceans, and it allowed the worlds weather patterns to once again to become stable and weather patterns returned to normal.

    once the water had ben pumped out of the america size hole. at the very bottom was found an unknown installation buried deep under america, it was massive, its size was the length and width of america, an exploratory mission was sent down to find out what this was.

    the team that went in found technology that was thousands of centuries ahead of their time, they managed to find the main control center and there was a language that was like nothing ever found on earth. once the doors were opened and the team walked in to the control room , internal sensors detected their life form as to not being their race and that triggered a security protocol alarms went off and the beam that caused the blackout once again was triggered, needless to say the team got out of there as quickly as possible, since power was out they had to use hand cranks to raise the platform they went down on, but they did return to the top of the crater and they managed to get away, but stayed close enough to see what would happen, after they watched for days and nothing happened, just the beam emitting from the crater, then one day, the
    beam was gone and there was no crater any more, america was back, and once again the power came back on.

    the research team approached the wall carefully and climbed up on it, there was an eerie fog bank every where, and a massive cold breeze blew off the land mass. the team called for backup and dozens of teams and were sent out to them, with protective suits and hazardous materials gear they approached what was the texas gulf coast, the eerie fog still hung around, infer red satellites detected no heat at all, just a bone chilling cold, and radiation higher than normal, but within tolerances of the suits.

    as time passed the land mass began to warm up and the fog began to lift, what they found was horrific, every thing was dead, not just the people , but the trees animals, even the bacteria in the soil was dead, it was as if the whole land mass was exposed to some kind of radiation. every thing was just so eerie, bodies were strewn every where, cars and vehicles were in the strangest of places. upon closer examination of the bodies, the cause of death was found, it really wasn't all that difficult, exposure to the vacuum of space, from what could be determined , the entire american land mass was teleported out into space killing everything, but the big question why?

    the wall served as a containment barrier for two purposes now, not just to keep water out, but to keep people out, the cosmic galactic radiation was still high, and spending days there without a protective suit and protected food and water would kill any one within days.

    the now no longer necessary water pipes were still useful they were used to get down to the complex and explore it . two massive teams were pulled together, one would examine the complex, the others would spread out and collect information from all of the cameras and recording devices they could, from movie and tv cameras to security and personal cameras even traffic cameras and baby monitors. the other teams were sent down to explore the massive complex and begin translating the alien language.

    it took many years and countless trips to the restricted zone, the team sent to the surface got a great deal of information about what happened after the land mas was taken, but it just caused even more questions, it seems when it got to where it went, there was nothing there but a field of asteroids, no planet no ships nothing but rocks and space.

    the other team managed to translate some of the alien language, but it still took a few dozen more years before the alien language was fully translated and what they found out was almost unbelievable, heartbreakingly sad and at the same time would make your blood boil.

    it turns out that the complex was to be the first step of a colonization plan, they had planned to use the primate beasts, the ones that seemed to be the dominant life form on the planet, though there seemed to be another one making their way up the evolutionary ladder, and they were more intelligent than the others, as slave labor, they decided to release a virus that would kill the more intelligent ones and keep the lesser ones, don't want the slaves being too smart they might not like being slaves, so the virus was released, but before the colonization could begin a war broke out and the base was used as a research station for an experimental transportation device, in an attempt to create a massive hyper fold that would allow not only the forces to be instantly transported behind the enemy lines but the base and supplies as well, just imagine it you have an enemy base that you know nothing about in the middle of your country or planet and have them launch a sneak attack that could cause a devastating strike that it would over whelm your defenses from the inside, it would be like a massive sneak attack from the inside by your own people.

    the experiment only needed a signal from the main base to begin, but, it seems the enemy had its own super weapon, because the signal never came, from what they were able to figure out , it looks like the enemy destroyed the planet before the experiment could be completed and only the ones in this complex remained. the best guess, that any one could come up with is that the signal was given by random chance, the alien computers did indeed receive the signal, but millions of years later, some piece of debris must have triggered the signal and america was just gone.

    the remaining aliens stayed in their complex for a long time, but in the end they had to attempt to make a mew life on this planet and slowly they began to reach the surface , they found that the virus that they created was working , but on the wrong ones, a mistake in the sequencing allowed the smarter primates to survive while killing off the other ones, so slowly they began to disburse across the planet passing them selves off as gods, daemons, devils, oracles, soothsayers or just hiding in places no people would ever go.

    the end