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How come Michael looks so different? (Contains SPOILERS for the character Michael)

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    How come Michael looks so different? (Contains SPOILERS for the character Michael)

    So does anyone maybe know, or has theories about, why it is that Michael looks so much different as a human than as a Wraith? Or so different when he turns back from human?
    We see in "Misbegotten"
    That the other Wraith all have human skin, too but mostly whiteish long hair and when they change back, they look like this but Michael looks like that. Even though when human Michael sees himself as a Wraith in the mirror, it looks to me like it's pretty much a natural minty green skin color

    I do understand that in "Michael" they
    might have dyed and cut his hair to make him look really human. But I doubt he has been able to do much research when he was back on his Queen's ship, to keep himself from turning to his normal wraithy shape.(Also why would he?). He does that later because he feels rejected by everyone, I know but to that point, it always confuses me that he never regains his full wraithy shape even after the treatment stopped.
    Last edited by DarkenLycht; 02 February 2017, 03:13 AM.

    I always just presumed that it was when he reverted to human form he was simply just the better test subject, so good in fact that he never truly reverted back to wraith form and that explains his rather odd complexion, it could be seen as him having a weaker iratus bug gene than the rest. He was essentially the perfect specimen for the experiment, also they did it to him twice, so even the first time round he could have been recovering gradually (it seemed that way), but the second time round completely stopped him returning to wraith form.


      That thought I had too, but then again, we do not know or at least it does not seem like they would have tested the virus before Michael in that form. So they really could not know which Wraith to pick to make it work so well.
      The picture I linked to is from before they restarted his treatment though, from the beginning of "Misbegotten", only a bit before he gets an injection again.
      I always assumed they too treated the Wraith on the planet for some time as well, with some better knowledge on how to use the doses, since Michael had been an example for how it does not work.

