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The Meaning of Trenzalore - (Time of the Doctor Spoilers)

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    The Meaning of Trenzalore - (Time of the Doctor Spoilers)

    Doctor Who has had a lot of 'timey whimey' explanations for their bigger stories. I think that Moffat's entire intention of all his stories is to take the long way around with retconning RTD's destruction of Gallifrey at the start of the 2005 reboot.

    If I've observed any kind of pattern in Season 5-7, it's be that the past and future can be changed in your own timeline - as long as you resolve any local paradoxes:
    • War Doctor regenerating to forget what just happened
    • Tesselator robot taking the Doctor's place, despite it being a fixed point with witnesses
    • The Doctor giving Rory the screwdriver so that he can get it off him in another scene, as well as many other quick course corrections in that same episode

    Moffatt also likes to tell his stories out of order, which I think is one of the best parts about his writing - even if it's a bit fantastical at times.

    "The Doctor has a secret that he will take to the grave. It is discovered".

    We've now seen his secret (the time-tunnel corpse) and the containing TARDIS grave. If this is another 'out of order' arc, then we have seen 'the end' in the season 7 finale Name of the Doctor and I think we saw 'the beginning' of the next story in the Christmas Special Time of the Doctor. I think that the "middle" part of the story is yet to come, and that we're going to see that paradox resolved in Season 8/9. I also think it will tie in with Clara's departure and Gallifrey's return.

    Clara admitted in Time of the Doctor that she fancied him, loved him and that that may have been the main reason she chose to follow him. Clara seems genuinely more interested in the man himself than any of the adventures they go on together - he is her companion. I think that this is either going to end with her sacrifice out of love to him (cause who hasn't been driven to do that in recent times?) or she'll simply walk out Martha Jones style.

    The latter is quite likely if the Doctor truly doesn't know how to fly the TARDIS right now. If that's the case, then Moffatt is a true time travelling psychopath/genius. Capaldi's stern eyes in Day of the Doctor are a glimpse at the middle of the story - confidently flying the TARDIS to save Gallifrey. Capaldi not knowing how to fly his own ship due to being 'rebooted' - if that pans out then I sense a very tough time for Clara next season; guiding an infantile old incarnation of the Doctor, re-teaching him who he needs to become in order to carry out his purpose.

    He'll figure out how to fly it. Temporary amnesia, or something to that effect. A brain fart maybe. I don't see that lasting more than the first episode.
    Check out my blog/forum!

    Sci Fi TV shows I have watched all of: Star Trek (all shows), Battlestar Galactica (All shows) Firefly, V (old and new) Caprica, SG1, Stargate Atlantis, Stargate Universe, Fringe, Farscape, Lexx, Babylon 5

    Currently watching: The Walking Dead, Falling Skies, Dr Who, Supernatural, Revolution, Red Dwarf, Under the Dome, Sleepy Hollow, Andromeda


      I'm pretty sure it's happened before.


        From memory, the first episodes after a regeneration:
        3 to 4, he was a bit odd (although 4 was a bit odd generally. My favourite Doctor!).
        4 to 5, he had problems and needed a special room in the TARDIS to help him.
        5 to 6 – if you haven't watched it do so.
        6 to 7 his memory went a bit wonky.
        7 to 8 he forgot who he was.
        It is normal for the Doctor's memory to go astray after a regeneration.

