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One Riot, One Ranger (205)

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    I'm wondering if it has something to do with what Aaron did at the end of S1. I still don't think the nanites are AI per se, so not controlling him.


      Remember what Rachel said about the nanites. How Aaron describes his experiences to her makes her state that nothing he described is in the nanite's programming. They just weren't built for that.

      So what is going on?

      Overall Revolution is a show I feel nothing for and I enjoy. It's not a I love to hate it or I hate to love it.

      I just see good potentnial within it and then I see the potential squandered. I'm tired of Miles, I really enjoy Neville's scenes.

      I need to cut ties with the show, but I just started paying for TV again after cutting the cable back in December. My new roommate wanted to watch sports shows. So as long as we have DVR I'm up for paying for it.

      There are some good story threads, but then it feels like an obvious distraction when we have to go off and deal with something else instead of the elephant in the room concerning Aaron's experiences.


        Well technically nothing was in their programming to make them go all reproducing the way they did causing the worldwide black out. So that they are once again going past programming should not be surprising to Rachel.


          Originally posted by garhkal View Post
          Well technically nothing was in their programming to make them go all reproducing the way they did causing the worldwide black out. So that they are once again going past programming should not be surprising to Rachel.
          No that was exactly that they were programmed to do. The team knew they project was being reworked to have that effect hence them building the necklaces as what's his face knew how to use the necklaces and whatnot.


            That whole thing is kind of confusing, in the pilot they made it seem like Rachel and Ben knew that the blackout would happen no matter what. Then later on they said that it wasn't supposed to happen, that it was never supposed to spread worldwide the way it did(but that there was always a possibility of something going wrong and the blackout happening). That makes it seem that the pendants were built as a precaution. Rachel and Ben knew that their work was being used as a weapon, but it was only supposed to affect Afghanistan(or something like that, which I thought was really weird), but I might just be misremembering things or forgetting something.
            In the season finale, I know Aaron mentioned that it looked like the nanites' program had be intentionally rewritten/altered.
            Last edited by VampyreWraith; 01 November 2013, 09:07 AM.


              From what i gathered from all the flash backs, initially it was supposed to be a power generation project, but they found it had unintended consequence of power suppression. That's when the mil came in and wanted to weaponize it. Then they were supposed to just be able to use it to target a specific location.. Not the entire world.

