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Face Off (213)

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    I am sure Monroe would be "thrilled" to have a trailer at his yard But I don`t think it is the safest place either. Everybody knows he is a friend with a Grimm and I am sure the news about Nick being his roommate will spread pretty soon.

    I think he should maybe get rid of the trailer and buy some place where to put it. That house he met Renard could be good. It is obviously a very deserted place.

    As for Nick hiding the key in his desk - I didn`t think it was that bad idea. He had no reason to suspect Renard or anyone else there, it is a police station and it is his desk. I know, I know, reckless, he should wear it around his neck as his aunt did (and I have a feeling he will carry it now) but it wasn`t such a bad idea with the limited options he had. Also, ha can `t be sure that it won`t be taken from him anyway - if he was overpowered, lost consiousness, he could lose the key anyway. So unless he puts it into a safety deposit box in a bank, there realli is no safe place for it.

    I loved Nick in this episode, btw. Angry Nick, sexy Nick But seriously, he seems to be very edgy and angry and not even Monroe was able to stop him. I noticed that even his voice was a little deeper when he was in his Grimm mode.
    I feel sorry for Hank and Monroe already, if he should be like this more often, then to stop him from doing a stupid or dangerous stuff could be impossible.

    "No dictator, no invader, can hold an imprisoned population by the force of arms forever. There is no greater power in the universe than the need for freedom. Against that power governments, and tyrants, and armies can not stand." - G´Kar, Babylon 5


      Nope, no way to get rid of the trailer! There I'm standing for and I can be veeery big and large *angry look to all who want to destroy Aunt Marie's Trailer*. Maybe they could hide it in the basement of the SpiceShop? Or Monroe and Nick could carmouflage it as an arbor?
      I seriously don't think Nick will get rid of the trailer, he still loves Marie too much to lose one of the last pieces that bounds him to her, and the trailer was hers. So, they have to destroy it before Nick would give it away, my opinion.
      The cabin in the woods? Maybe he should ask Monroe if he could live there, could be inheritaged after ... well, we both saw that cutted scene . And after Nick's reaction when he remembered that place I don't think he want to go there anymore. My, he looked so sad when he found that Hummel-figure! So guilty and uncomfortable! I really wanted to give him a hug in that situation. He went through a lot so far and the more he struggled with his own emotions, the darker it turned out for him. I'm really wondering how much BabyGrimm Nick from season 1 would have been affected by that purification-potion. I doubt it would have the same effect that it has now.

      Original eBook:Der Spuk im Rosenhaus
      Sig & Avi by Josi
      LJ, FanFic-Blog(the longest lasting German SG-fanfic series), Profile at, Profile at,Profile at deviantART (Sorry, fanfics mostly in German)
      I'm on Twitter and on Facebook Tumblr and AO3


        Well said. I didn´t really notice his face but now when you mentioned it, you are right. It is as full circle and he looked painfully aware of who he was before and who he is now. He was VERY grimm (and Grimm) the whole episode. I wouldn´t want to cross his path in his state of mind and Monroe was very brave to stand up to him. Not that he should be afraid of Nick or to think that Nick would harm him but it is always difficult to stand up against your friend and tell him to stop. I think Nick will need Monroe more than ever in the events that will probably follow.

        I don´t want him to ditch the trailer. I still have the vision of him leaving Portland (only for a while!) with the trailer attached to his car. It was just an idea and that he should definitely move it.

        I am so glad I have a fellow fan at work. We were like "squee" all day, repeating every quote and talking about theories. I can´t wait next Saturday

        "No dictator, no invader, can hold an imprisoned population by the force of arms forever. There is no greater power in the universe than the need for freedom. Against that power governments, and tyrants, and armies can not stand." - G´Kar, Babylon 5


          Originally posted by Klenotka View Post
          As for Nick hiding the key in his desk - I didn`t think it was that bad idea. He had no reason to suspect Renard or anyone else there, it is a police station and it is his desk. I know, I know, reckless, he should wear it around his neck as his aunt did (and I have a feeling he will carry it now) but it wasn`t such a bad idea with the limited options he had. Also, ha can `t be sure that it won`t be taken from him anyway - if he was overpowered, lost consiousness, he could lose the key anyway. So unless he puts it into a safety deposit box in a bank, there realli is no safe place for it.

          I loved Nick in this episode, btw. Angry Nick, sexy Nick But seriously, he seems to be very edgy and angry and not even Monroe was able to stop him. I noticed that even his voice was a little deeper when he was in his Grimm mode.
          I feel sorry for Hank and Monroe already, if he should be like this more often, then to stop him from doing a stupid or dangerous stuff could be impossible.
          I was a little disappointed in Nick for hiding the key in the desk. Mainly because he knew people were looking for it so why didn't he just keep it on his person instead? It would have made more sense to me..

          As for angry Nick - LOVED THAT IN THIS EP!!!! Although, I'll be glad when they start losing the dark circles under his eyes

          One other part I forgot to mention that I liked - I loved it when Nick, Monroe and Rosalee were in the spice shop and Nick asks, "Does anything NOT end in death?" and Monroe and Rosalee are like, "no, not really," lol..

          Coming January 2017


            I am at my 4th rewatch
            Grimm returns October 24

            Signature and Avatar by Hyndara71 - Thank you very much
            Profile Picture by BM-Shipper


              still wondering why Monroe would like to drink something made out of tussilago farfara
              Grimm returns October 24

              Signature and Avatar by Hyndara71 - Thank you very much
              Profile Picture by BM-Shipper


                I do not see him getting rite of the trailer, its to much a major part of the show (it was at comic con after all ). He does need to move it though and woods would be great for it (just not near that house).

                Now that I've rewatched the episode, I do wonder how a human (like a normal one, not a serial killer or something) would be effected by the potion. Nick definitely isn't the innocent guy that was in season 1 (which I like).

