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All relationships poll

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    All relationships poll

    Hi everyone! I need your help. I'm going to make a file. He includes all relationships you can find on the show. Hm...ok, not all! I can't assemble all of them, because they're too much...there is 111 couples, I found 111 couples! So, i have made a big list! Here she is:

    Nikola/Abby : Niby/Abesla

    Nikola/Adam : Wosla

    Nikola/Afina : Afiola/Nifina

    Nikola/Ashley : Assla/Ashola/TesAsh

    Nikola/BigFoot : BigTesla

    Nikola/Charlotte : ChaTes

    Nikola/Craig : Niig/Niddison

    Nikola/Dana : Tescomb

    Nikola/Declan : Mactes/TesRaé

    Nikola/Gregory : Grela

    Nikola/Helen : Teslen

    Nikola/Henry : Niss

    Nikola/James : WatTes/Jamesla

    Nikola/John : Tesuitt

    Nikola/Nigel : Nigesla

    Nikola/Ranna : Sesla/ Tesha

    Nikola/Will : Niklman/Zimola

    Helen/Abby : Corilen

    Helen/Adam : Helam

    Helen/Afina : Helina

    Helen/Ashley : AshHel/Magley

    Helen /BigFoot : Biggnus

    Helen/Charlotte : Helotte/Chalen

    Helen/Craig :Addnus/Maeg

    Helen/Dana : Dalen

    Helen/Declan : Hellan

    Helen/Gregory : Helgory/Magnel

    Helen/Henry : Helry/Folen

    Helen /James : Jamen/Watsen

    Helen/John : Magnitt/Magnett

    Helen/Kate : Helander

    Helen/Nigel : Helel/Grifen

    Helen/Ranna : Ralen/Machel

    Helen/Sally : HelSa

    Helen/Will : Willen

    Will/Abby : Abzi

    Will/Adam : Worman

    Will/Afina : Afimmerman

    Will/Ashley : Ashill

    Will/BigFoot : Zimoot

    Will/Craig : Widdison/WiAdd

    Will/Dana : WhiZim

    Will/Declan : WiRaé

    Will/Erika : Erill

    Will/Gavin : GaZim

    Will/Henry : HenWi

    Will/James : Wimes

    Will/John : Drill

    Will/Kalî : KaWill

    Will/Kate : ZimmerFree

    Will/Ranna : RaZim/Seill

    Henry/Abby : Canry

    Henry/Ashley : Fash/Ryley

    Henry/BigFoot : BigFoss

    Henry/Craig : Addisoss

    Henry/Erika : Forika

    Henry/John : HeJohn

    Henry/Kate : Fate

    Henry/Ranna : RanFoss

    Kate/Abby : Katigan

    Kate/Ashley : Ashate

    Kate/BigFoot : Kaoot/Anderoot

    Kate/Dana : Dalander/CombKate

    Kate/Declan : Teclan/KatRaé

    Kate/Garris : kais/Freelis

    Kate/Gregory : Gregate

    Kate/James : Jaate

    Kate/John : KaDruitt

    Kate/Nikola : Niate/Kaola

    Kate/Ranna : SeneKa

    Declan/Adam : Wolan

    Declan /Afina : Anaf/ Raéna

    Declan/Ashley : Ashlan/Declley

    Declan/BigFoot : Biclan/Decloot

    Declan/Craig : Addisan/Deson

    Declan/Dana : DaRaé/Whilan

    Declan/Henry : Feclan/MacRry

    Declan/James : WatRaé

    Declan/John : JohRaé/Macuitt

    Declan/Ranna : Raan/Reclan

    Ashley/Adam : Adley

    Ashley/Dana : DaAsh/Whitley

    Ashley/James : Ashton

    Ashley/John : Druiley/Ashlohn

    Ranna/Afina : AfRa/Chalna

    Ranna/Dana : WhitSen

    Ranna/Craig : Addichal

    Ranna/Gregory : Magnna

    Adam/Afina : AfiWor

    Adam/Fallon : Fallam

    Adam/Gregory : Dagory

    Adam/James : Watam

    Adam/John : Adaohn/Adduitt

    Adam/Nigel : Adel

    Adam/Ranna : Raorth

    John/BigFoot : BigDruitt

    John/Craig : Additt

    John/Dana : Daitt/Johna

    John/Gregory : Joory

    John/James : Jamitt/Jomes

    John/Nigel : Nigohn

    John /Ranna : Rahn

    BigFoot/Craig : BiAddi

    BigFoot/Steve : Gigeve/Stoot

    Craig/Abby : Abison/Coriaig

    Craig/Cassidy : Addisi/Caddison

    Craig/Erika : Craika

    Erika/Abby : EriAbby

    Kate/Nigel : FreelGri

    Nigel/Jeanette : Nigette

    Nikola/Dr Coates : Teslates

    So, i will ask you to...not choose x) No, but i will ask you to give them, all of them, a note on 20. It's for my poll.
    And, can you choose 2 couples you like, than explain why you like them? And 2 couples you don't like, and explain why you don't like them? Thank you very much! I need 8 persons.
    Sorry for my bad english, i'm french You can ask me if you don't understand.



      I ship quite a few of these. Nice list, by the way. I didn't think of half of these! XD
      "For All Eternity"
      The Five | Multi-shpper
      SamxJack | JohnxHelen
      Currently watching: Stargate SG1 Season3. Currently reading: Broken Wings by L Stoddard Hancock.
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