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Wraith Worshippers Anonymous - The Chill-Out Hive (Role Playing Thread)

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    *DS wanders in with Tommy and Rhys in tow. All three drop onto a comfy recliner*

    DS: It feels like ages since we were here.

    Rhys: Well, it's never too late for a bit of snuggling on the good old CO hive. *purrs into DS's ear*

    Tommy: *looks around* Oh my, is that... dust on the potted plants?!

    DS: No way! This needs to be rectified right now! We'll put the potted plants to use again, for old times' sake. Volunteers?

    Tommy and Rhys:


      holds up an offering of chocolate sauce, honey and wipped cream to start making an amends for their very long absence
      then dons a french maids outfit and attacks the potted plants with a large feather duster


        *Lucién walks in* oh that are the potted plants mom and dad told me about, I just wonder if I....

        *Gabriel comes after him* no dear, no *he smiles* but where are your manners, son? Say hi to everyone here *he waves a hand* hello ladies

        Lucién: oh, yes sorry...hi everyone


          *glomps BJ and sends Rocky and Astor her way*

          DS: Hi Lucién! *waves*

          Tommy: I wouldn't try to peek behind one of those *points to potted plants* You never know what disturbing sight you might discover. For example, nekkid Rhys.

          Rhys: I am not disturbing, I am gorgeous, no matter what I wear.

          DS: Is that also applicable when you're wearing a tutu?

          Rhys: *growls* Worshipper! You are behaving quite inappropriate!

          DS: Pfff... catch me! *runs off*

          Rhys: Humans, what are they like? *chases after DS, still growling*

          Tommy: *to Lucién* I think you will eventually get used to it that everyone behaves a bit... odd on the CO hive.


            *Lucién grins * well, my mother is a wraith-vampire-hybrid who has got angel wings and lives with 16 guys and her crew on a hive ship, I am thinking that I am used to odd things. Also my dad is a vampire angel. so yes, that is odd, too isn't it? Or well, just look at me, I am odd as well, so no problem, Tommy
            Last edited by DarkenLycht; 22 May 2013, 10:44 AM.


              Tommy: Odd indeed! But odd is good, you'll fit right in.

              *In the background, squealing and giggling can be heard. Then the sound of a worshipper being tackle-glomped by her Wraith, followed by the rustle of potted plants*


                Lucién: oh that's nice to know *he plays with a streak of his ravenblack hair* what are you doing to have fun, I mean apart from makeing pottet plants rustle?

                *Poet walks in, wearing a neckholder top this time so her wings can be seen* Hey Ladies, and lovely guys


                  Tommy: Hiya, Poet! *to Lucién* Oh, there are various things to keep yourself occupied with around here. Besides the potted plants, we also have holodecks with a huge amount of pre-programmed entertainment scenarios. If you like to go skiing, for example, that's the place to go. A treasure hunt in the jungle, a romantic beach setting, name it, we have a holodeck programme. And there's also the spa, of course. Plenty of things to do.


                    Lucién: Ok then I want to have my own stage to play some rock on, I know mom loves rock music and I like to sing and make some beautiful noise

                    Poet: hi Tommy, I think we have a little rock star here *smiles and looks at her son* he also plays violin


                      Tommy: That's cool! I'm not a very musical person myself but I love to dance. We still a stage here, from the last breakdancing comeptition, I think. It's over there. I fyou want to have a go...?

                      *DS and Rhys return from their trip to the plants, both looking somewhat ruffled*

                      Rhys: There's going to be live music? Shall I go and get my bagpipes then?

                      DS: Not yet, honey. You know I love your bagpipes playing, but it's not to everybody's taste.


                        Poet: did you say bagpiepes, oh please, go and get them I love those as much as e-guitars

                        *Lucién walks in again, wearing a long leather skirt which is cut open on both sides and a dark red satin backfree top* oh indeed mom loves those as much as she loves males waering kilts or skirts *he smiles*


                          Rhys: Okay so! *runs off to fetch his bagpipes*

                          Tommy: Oh dear, I'd better get my earplugs.

                          DS: Cool dress, Lucién!


                            Lucién: thanks, DS *he smiles* How about Rhys playing on backpipes set on fire? Mom liket that much when she saw it on a video

                            Poet: oh yes the guys from Rapalje did a nice job with that

                            Lucién: I'll go and get my black violin and set the bow on fire, that should look nice as well *runs off to get the instrument*

