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Stargate:Phoenix free rpg game

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    Stargate:Phoenix free rpg game

    I am planning to create a Stargatehoenix virtual series .
    It's going to be a game set in the Phoenix galaxy and will set a team of soldiers and scientist who find their way in to this dwarf milky way galaxy.
    I am planning to relies it in seasons first season with 13 episodes.
    The series is going to be created in rpg maker xp software.
    Each game is going to be 2-3 hours long. One game one episode.
    The story will centre around a team of two scientist and two soldiers who find their way in the Phoenix galaxie. The phoenix galaxy is a galaxy that rotate around the milky way galaxy and is a dwarf galaxy(very small galaxy).
    An expedition find a address that lead them directly there. But soon as they get there they are attacked by an unknown enemy who seem only goal is to stop them for returning home.
    Big secrets are hiding in this place. The team tries to reach earth but they need to dial from the same gate they came because only gates connected in between galaxies are the earth gate and the gate on the world they first came.
    Soon after they are on the run from the unknown force , a big dark creatures who tri to kill them and ends up stranded in the 60 worlds.
    I have already created successful games in this style (see:
    Help is also needed especially in the character design ,graphic design and spelling and grammar checks(my English is not perfect)
    Please send me your opinion about the series or an idea how can you help.

    Well, I can help you on English, but I don't like the idea of using rpg maker to make the game. I would write my own source code if I were you and you seem a bit ambitious with thirteen three hour games. A suggestion is code an html /JavaScript (because it is so easy to input pictures) game and make it legend of yore style (try it on iOS Android or Google Chrome) escape the dungeon and get to the Star-Gate game. I am learning some html coding and I suggest you look at some of the tutorials I have found. Good luck, I'll try and code a demo version of number one in the series soon- prepare to be underwhelmed

    and to make your story more logical you should have SGU style stargates that can only connect with nearby stargates.

