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Jolinars Short Stories

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    Jolinars Short Stories

    This Is Where I will Be Posting My Short Stories Set In An Alternate Reality But Very Similar To This One. They Are Set At The Current Time As Stargate SG-1. The Ship Classes Mentioned Here Are Of My Own Design And I Will Be Posting Specifications For Them Soon.



    Sir, this is the 5th incoming wormhole in the last hour & a half

    Ok, I'm here 2 hours early, when did you get here?

    I... haven't left yet

    Carter, didn't I ORDER you to get a life?


    A fools paradise is a wise mans prison

    Never judge a book by it's cover

    One mans ceiling is another mans floor with sissors?

    The voyage of Klytia

    Part one

    Colonel Carter smiled as her eyes fell upon the brand new BC-404.
    “It’s finally finished” she said excitedly.
    “Yep” said General O’neill, “want to take a look around?”
    “I’d love to sir!” she replied with a grin
    “So…what took it so long to get finished?” asked O’neill
    “Oh, it took longer than expected to install the Ancient hyperdrive,” Carter replied “and we had to get syler and his boys down here to do some checks on the secondary systems.” Carter explained.
    O’neill and Carter finally stepped out of the elevator and looked again at the BC-404.
    “She’s a beautiful ship colonel.”
    “Yes sir” carter replied. “She has many advantages over the old BC-401. We’ve replaced most of the old Asguard technology with Ancient technology from Atlantis, and, as you can see from the sheer size of the hanger, she can carry a considerably large fleet of F-402’s.”
    “Will she be a match for the Ori, colonel?” the General asked.
    “Well, with the new Ancient and Tollan weapons as well as the new rail cannons and upgraded missiles new out of area 51 as well as Felgers completed energy weapon she’ll be quite dangerous. And of course with the new Ancient shielding and the Asguard’s new alloy formula used on the hull she should hold together.”
    “So lots of space guns hey?”
    “Yes Sir” said Carter smiling
    The two Air force officers took a step toward the BC-404 and were immediately beamed aboard.
    “What’s the status of Britains new BC-401?” enquired the colonel as they walked through the corridors to the bridge.
    “The ‘Okeanos’ is en-route to Atlantis to reinforce the Klymene.”
    The ‘Okeanos’?” Carter asked surprised. “They finally thought of a name then.”
    They walked onto the empty bridge and took seats.
    “But hopefully by the end of next year we should have another one of these to replace the Klymene.” O’neill stated.
    “Next year sir?” Carter asked.
    “Yes…next year. The president has just confirmed that Britain and Russia are both building their own ships. Russia currently has a BC-404 in production and we’ve just gave Britain plans for the BC-404. As well as that Japan is working with area 51 to develop our secondary systems and Australia is giving us recourses for our ships.” O’neill said.
    “So we should have a considerably sized fleet of BC-404’s and BC-401’s in a few years then.” Carter declared.
    “And BC-405’s.” O’neill added
    “BC-405’s?” Carter asked.
    “Yes, the president has just ordered construction of a smaller escort type ship for the BC-404’s”
    “Oh…ok then…I’ll have to look into that when we get back.” Carter stated.
    O’neill leaned over a control interface and ordered into a loudspeaker for the ship to be airlocked and all crew to report to their station and prepare for takeoff.
    “You never told me who the commander of this ship is going to be sir.” Carter stated
    “You’re looking at him” O’neill replied with a grin.
    “Congratulations sir!”
    A voice came through the speakers declaring that the ship was airtight and fully operational and that the crew were at their stations. With this general O’neill rose to his feet just as seven crew members came through the door. They saluted him and then they took their positions.
    “I’m afraid there’s a problem sir” colonel Carter said with a smile.
    “What’s that colonel?”
    “The name of the ship sir” Carter replied
    “Oh! I almost forgot. The president went with Daniels suggestion, the ship is named; Klytia.” O’neill said. “Speaking of which, where is Daniel?”
    “He’s with Teal’c trying to convince the people of P3X-989 that the Ori are not gods. It’s not going to well.” Carter told him.
    “I’ll bet!” the general stated.
    “Ready for take off” the pilot called out.
    “Take her away captain” O’neill said. “Where are we going anyway?” he asked Carter as the ship rumbled to life.
    “We’re going to the Ida galaxy.” Carter told him. “We need Thor and his boys to activate the Asguard technology onboard.”
    “Why?” asked the general “we didn’t have any trouble with the 401’s”
    “I know sir” Carter told him, “But we’ve installed updated versions of the old technology that Thor brought us a few days ago.”
    By now the ship had rose out of its underground construction yard in the Nevada desert. If anybody had been inside the classified area they would have seen a giant ship rise out of the ground and fly up into space. But fortunately the USAF special security force did their job well.
    The pilot was reporting the altitude to General O’neill. They finally left the atmosphere.
    “Artificial gravity, Inirtial Dampeners and life support are functioning at one hundred percent sir. We are in a low orbit of Earth. And the Invisibility cloak Is functioning at the predicted eighty percent efficiency” Called out Captain Manson.
    “I could get used to this” said General O’neill comfortably.
    “Shall I set a course for Othala sir?” Asked Captain Manson.
    “Yes!” O’neill said. “Set a course”
    “Powering up Hyperdrive engine.”
    O’neill and Carter felt the ship move around them as they moved into position. It seamed impossible that the huge vessel could move but the six sub-light engines and the inertial dampeners made it possible. With, of course, a little help from the Asgard.
    “Lets go” O’neill said quietly. Captain Manson made a last few calculations and they were away.
    “We’ve only managed to get the Ancient hyperdrive working at seventy percent sir, but it’s still way more efficient than the old Asguard hyperdrive. The Asguard should be able to scan it and Increase its efficiency up to ten percent. Then they can make their own version and hopefully improve it up to one hundred percent.”
    O’neill smiled. “Finally they’re borrowing technology from us”
    Carter laughed “yes sir” “We should be there soon sir.”
    Incredibly only a few hours after leaving Earth the Klytia Dropped out of hyperspace.
    “Oh boy” Said General O’neill as he looked out across space.



    Sir, this is the 5th incoming wormhole in the last hour & a half

    Ok, I'm here 2 hours early, when did you get here?

    I... haven't left yet

    Carter, didn't I ORDER you to get a life?


    A fools paradise is a wise mans prison

    Never judge a book by it's cover

    One mans ceiling is another mans floor with sissors?


      Part Two

      “Oh boy” O’neill again.
      He and Carter Looked across space from the bridge of Klytia. I was a shocking sight, they thought. They were looking at a battle field in space. Debris lay everywhere. Parts of vaporised Asgard ships floated in space. The two watched as A pair of Ori battle cruisers tore up an Asgard fleet. O’neill class ships as well as Belisner ships were pounded as they tried hopelessly to drive the Ori off.
      “open a channel to the Asgard flagship.” General O’neill ordered
      The holographic screen in front of the main window came to life with the image of Thor.
      “Whats going on?” Colonel carter asked the supreme commander of the Asgard fleet.
      “The Ori seemed to have found us as a threat to them. They are attempting to destroy us. We have been evacuating Otthala for some time now. I ordered all avalible ships to confront the Ori battlecruisers in an attempt to buy our people time to escape. It is not going well.”
      “I can see that! How has it been going?” O’neill asked.
      “We have lost thirty percent of our initial fleet so far. We rallied seven O’neill class ships and three Beliskner class ships. Fortunately our advanced shielding and evasive capabilities have saved most of the fleet but two of our Beliskner class ships have been destroyed as well as one of our O’neill class vessels. The evacuation of Otthala is forty percent completed. Our orders are to hold off the Ori until the evacuation is complete then withdraw to our new home.”
      “Need a hand?” asked O’neill
      “your assistance would be greatly gratified” thanked Thor
      By now one of the Ori ships had come around to face its new enemy.
      “Sheilds at maximum. All rail cannon batteries, open fire. Fire missiles and we’ll see if Felgers P-18 Works.
      Evasive mauvers and lets try out the Tollan Ion cannons. Have them fire at will.” Immediently the Klytia burst into life with railcannon and P-18 fire. Missiles shot out of the hull and rained down upon the Ori ship but none of it made any difference. Finally O’neill and Carter saw two blue shots from the Ion cannon impact with the ori shild. O’neill sighed. The great cannons that usually destroyed anything in their path. They couldn’t get through the Ori shield.
      “shields at seventy percent!” called out Captian Manson “We’ve lost Sub-Space sensors” as the Klytia took its second hit from the Ori battlecruiser.
      “I want those Drones online now!” shouted out General O’neill.
      “sir” Carter said. “the 402’s.”
      “well the drones are going to take a while so we may as well give them more targets." O'neill said to himself.
      "Major Mitchell! launch the 402's!"
      "Yes sir" said Cameron Mitchell. as he ran out of the room. a few minutes later the loud speakers burst to life with his voice: "All 402 pilots report to the hangar immediately!"
      moments later a fleet of thirty F-402's burst out of the hangar like a swarm of flies. Then immediately turned and headed straight for the Ori Battle cruiser. They came into formation and each spat a missile into the enemy ship's shield, the Ori ship's smaller guns came to life and Ori fighters came hurling out of the hangar.
      "Break formation. Target enemy fighters, evasive maneuvers" called out Mitchell from his F-402 cockpit. Immediately the F-402 fleet broke apart and spread out over space. shooting down the Ori fighters witch, luckily for the pilots, were not shielded. The Ori fighter pilots were not so lucky as each F-402 carried a small modified Goa'uld shield which would defend it. but not for long as the Ori fighter's weapons were very formidable and the Battle cruisers guns were still trying to mow down the fleet.
      "What’s the status of the F-402s?" asked colonel Carter.
      "We've lost four 402's and two are damaged" called out a lutenient who was standing at a control panel
      "I want those drones ready NOW!" shouted General O'neill.
      "We have just lost another of our O'neill class ships" called out Thor over the speaker just as Carter was blined by the huge explosion.
      As if on queue Dr Becket's voice came over the speakers;
      "Drones are ready and operational"
      O'neill got up at once and ran to the chair room. He almost tripped over the naqudria generator that was wired up to it and he sat down. "Shields at fifty percent" called out Captain Manson over the speakers as the Klytia took another hit from the Ori ship and sparks flew over the General.
      General O'neill closed his eyes and thought about firing those drones. After a moment hundreds of small yellow squid like projectiles spurt out of the forward hull of the Klytia. They flew strait at the Ori ship, sometimes breaking off from the main column the destroy the Ori fighters. the drones reached the ship and that was the moment of truth. were the ancients as good as they were hoped to be? Carter held her breath as she watched. the drones passed through the Ori shields with little resistance. they sped fast toward the ship and punctured its hull. there was a fire on the bridge and the ship was falling toward the planet. It was going to crash on Otthalla.
      "Fire Tollan ion cannons" Carter ordered. two bright blue shots fired from above the bridge. the drones completely shut down the Ori ship's systems. the ion cannons hit home and destroyed the Ori ship in a massive explosion. a few remaining drones spread out and destroyed the remaing Ori fighters.
      "call back the F-402's! Casualties?" carter asked
      "We've lost seven F-402's and one is damaged badly. He wont be able to make it back" Captain Manson said.
      "Transport the pilot to the infirmary" Carter ordered "and beam the 402 to the hangar for repairs."
      "Congratulations colonel Carter. We have had no luck with the other Ori battlecruiser. We would appreciate your assistance in dispatching this ship." Thor's said.
      "Right away Thor. you can cancel your evacuation if you like" she said with a smile.
      "Bring us around, divert all available power to the shields. I want this ship between the Ori and the Asgard fleet until we can fire drones again. open fire with all batteries, fire missiles. Divert power from P-18 and Tollan ion cannons to shields." Carter ordered to Captain Manson.
      "I want the drones back A.S.A.P. as soon as they're online I want you to tell O'neill."
      The Klytia swung around, colliding with the remains of the Ori ship and maneuvered to the area between the Ori ship and the Asgard fleet.
      The Ori ship fired upon the Klytia.
      “Shields at Fifty-five percent” said Captain Manson smoothly.
      “Status of the Ori ship?” Carter asked
      “Their shield are at ninety-four percent.”
      “What’s the status of the Drones?”
      “Almost there!” called out a voice over the over speaker
      “The Rings have been activated!” cried Captain Manson
      “Beam a combat team to the rings and get the nearest security team there!” Carter ordered.
      “The enemy Ori troops have been eliminated” Called out the commander of the combat team moments later.
      “Disable the rings” said colonel Carter.
      “I can’t ma’am!” Manson cried out “They must stopping us from disabling them!”
      “Then get another two combat teams there” Carter ordered.
      “Shields at forty percent!” shouted out Captain Manson with a slight hint of fear in his voice.
      “Drones Becket!” Yelled Carter angrily
      “They’re ready!” Becket called.
      “General! The drones are ready to fire!”
      “I heard!” called the general over the speaker.
      “Shields at twenty five percent” called Manson as the Klytia took another hit. “We’ve just lost Life support and back ups are not functioning”

      Simultaneously an identical column of drones shot out of the hull again and headed for the Ori ship. They glided through the shields and penetrated the hull. The ship was on fire for a moment before disappearing in a ball of flame.
      “What took us so long to fire again?” asked O’neill over the intercom.
      “I don’t know sir” Carter answered. “I’ll have a look at it when we get back to Earth”
      “We Owe You Our Thanks” said Thor.
      “No problem” Said O’neill. “How about doing what we came here to do?”
      “Of course” Thor said. “If you come into orbit we can repair your ship”
      “Bring us into a low orbit Manson” O’neill ordered
      “Yes Sir.”
      “Have you reversed the evacuation?” Carter asked
      “Thirty-Five percent of the evacuated fleet is yet to return” Thor replied
      the Klytia pulled into a low orbit and several small Asgard ships began repairing the Klytia.
      “The Sub-Space Communications of the Klytia are Fully operational and the Shields are at maximum. We have perfected the invisibility cloak to one hundred percent and we’ve increased the Hyperdrive to eighty percent. As a thank you gift I am also repairing your damaged F-402’s and replacing the ones destroyed in battle. The Asgard high council has ordered that I also replace the Goa’uld shields In your F-402’s with Asgard shields. They are not as efficient as our modern Shields because of the lack of space but they are considerably stronger than the Goa’uld shields. Also we have scanned your Drone supply and have created enough to replace all used in battle. And we have, of course, activated all the necessary technology” Thor declared.
      “Thanks Thor, Always happy to help” Said O’neill with a smile.
      “Set a course for Earth Captain Manson.”



      Sir, this is the 5th incoming wormhole in the last hour & a half

      Ok, I'm here 2 hours early, when did you get here?

      I... haven't left yet

      Carter, didn't I ORDER you to get a life?


      A fools paradise is a wise mans prison

      Never judge a book by it's cover

      One mans ceiling is another mans floor with sissors?

