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'Intervention' (201) General Discussion

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    Originally posted by the fifth man View Post
    I watched this again this evening, this time with my wife. She really enjoyed it, and I thought it was even better the second time around.
    it was definitely alot better the second time around. two things i noticed... 1) there seems to be a ship or something of that nature buried in all that magic lighting in the nebula-type thing that TJ sees out the window at the end. 2) i think Ginn the little ginger chick that capped crazy bald guy is actually a spy from earth or possibly Tok'ra. Something about her just doesn't rub me right as LA.


      Originally posted by themeatcleaver View Post
      it was definitely alot better the second time around. two things i noticed... 1) there seems to be a ship or something of that nature buried in all that magic lighting in the nebula-type thing that TJ sees out the window at the end. 2) i think Ginn the little ginger chick that capped crazy bald guy is actually a spy from earth or possibly Tok'ra. Something about her just doesn't rub me right as LA.
      I wondered about her too, with that nod from Telford after she shot Dannic and the way she was looking at Varro when he was brought into the room where the LA were locked up. Maybe the LA is more factionalised (is that a word? It's early...) than we were led to believe, and it would make them more interesting as antagonists. I'm really looking forward to seeing how their story plays out.


        I loved it.... it was new and had still the same feel from season one! Great Choice with the Mumford & Sons Song at the end (although I am kinda of a fan of them so) I love TJ even more after this episode!...yeah the new actors kinda were not that good introduced, I hope they reintroduce them better. I love that.... actor who played the runner in SG:A. I always forget his name in SG:U. Hope he sticks around.


          Originally posted by Briangate78 View Post
          Are you sure you were not watching Wrestling by accident? SGU was on at 9pm not 10pm.
          I am pretty sure I was watching stargate universe and not wrestling(I hate wrestling)

          I am not trolling I'm infact giving my own honest opinion. Just have a read of my posts,I changed my views when the show finally changed but again it's going back to the horrendous,life like episode. The finishing was also what ticked me off,what's with the soft rock again,my patience is growing thin, I don't know how much more I can tolerate. It lacks intelligence and depth.Doing drama is okay,but think brad wright the others need to go back to the drawing board.

          Btw If SGU is trying to be character centric then,it's doing a pretty bad job.The characters behaviors seems artificial,not *lifelike*as people would say. I think it's because of 4 crappy main characters(Chole,Scott,TJ and that civi lady!)

          To make matters worse,the season premier rating weren't quite surprising.


            Originally posted by Pharaoh Atem View Post
            egle wins the thread
            Thank you. Where's my gold star?


              Originally posted by Shai Hulud View Post
              FWIW they do get kudos for using a Mumford & Sons song at the end of the episode. Cracking band, awesome album & fantastic to watch live.
              I guess i will get lambasted here, as i cannot even remember hearing that bands name let alone the song before..

              I think that a discussion with the captured LA will take place in Aftermath. It kinda has the title for it, doesn't it?
              It seems all SGU's ep names have a hint to what they are about in them..

              That seems like a cop out to me. I want to see how they deal with Young/ Telford leadership issues. They are both of equal military authority. Or how Greer and Telford clash now that he isn't brainwashed
              Especially since (as someone else mentioned) Telford was initially supposed to be the leader on destiny once the gate got working..

              Were Rush and the others still welded behind the door of the Hydroponics Lab when Young and the others returned? I can't remember.
              Nope. When young comes through, and he asks who saved the day, scott flicks his head over to the gate control console where rush is..

              We already have

              I totally agree Jel. I am looking forward to how that will unfold. My guess is that Young is "In Command" which O'Neill has confirmed. O'Nell said to Young that "If you are not up to the task, I will get someone else who can". For that I believe Telford will be Youngs #1. For Now!! I do believe that the way Young's character is portrayed that the good Telford would make a better leader. Greer? My guess is Telford will understand that his brainwashing/attitude caused the problems between the two and Telford will let bygones be bygones.
              That brings up an interesting plotline.. Oneil tells young to shape the heck up or telford is now in charge...


                So here are my thoughts about "Intervention...

                I decided not to read spoilers this season and it turns out to be a good decision. I admit I've seen both Syfy and MGM trailer but this episode still managed to suprise me. Solution of Incursion cliffhangers were solid and even if I think that they could deal with Greer & Scott one later to keep us excited, I can live with this all-in-one-minute solution.

                I loved that part where Young hears about TJ and kicks Baldy's ass. I didn't see this coming and it shows us nicely how he's broken after all this Lucian Allinance stuff. Hopefully more of this coming in next episodes. What I also liked throughout the episode was mini-war of LA guys. Producers weren't babbling when they said that SGU's Lucians won't be those SG1 "yes sir" red shirts so now each member has his mind (well, at least some of them) and does what he thinks is right thing.

                Now lets talk more about the TJ stuff. First thought that appeared in my mind when I first saw TJ in the cabin was: "Oh great, another boring filler dream sequence...bad idea" but at least there was Dr. Caine, who's interesting character and I hope to see more of him. It was pretty obvious that the baby's gonna die and I was a bit annoyed. But as the episode progressed I totally changed my opinion and eventually liked events on the Faith planet more than on our "Rust Bucket". This was the first time in SG franchise when the show used some mystical element WITHOUT explanation. Whoa! It almost reminded me of Battlestar...and yes, that's a compliment. I couln't find similar episode in SG-1/SGA. Even after Meridian I just knew Daniel wasn't dead, he was just some higher being and that was all. But now? What the frak happened? Was TJ really on this Faith planet and all of this happened, or was it just some dream? But what is this nebula thing then? I love how the producers decided to let us make our own conclusions this time. And because Alaina is such a great actress, I almost cried when I saw both smile and tears in her face at the end. This barely happens to me while watching SG.

                Other characters didn't let me down too and Rush saving the day with his "necessary sacrifice" line proved that he's one of the best characters on SG. Period! It was awesome to watch those LA guys saying: "Don't worry guys, he's bluffing" and know that Nick is really gonna do it. Speaking of new LA characters, they didn't get that much space in Intervention, but I like both Ginn and Simeon, whose conversation with Telford was interesting. Am I the only one who sees upcoming troubles for Telford?

                But what I can't forget is music. Come on people. Someone has to tell Joel at least to upload some of SGU's pieces on his website. Intervention's score added some tension and I loved some parts that reminded me music from Air, 'cause I just adore that one. I also can't forget to thank Mark Savela and his team for awesome VFX.

                Overall it was an enjoyable episode and definitely one of the better ones. I would be happier if they didn't solve almost everything at the beginning of the episode but I get that they just needed to have those character more involved. So yep, nice premiere. Now just please let's do something about the ratings. I'm not American so I can't but a lot of you can do it and this show deserves it. This episode is the evidence of it.

                They are coming...Smurfs!


                  I like this show, but now as the writers can use randomly the "obelisk aliens". They saved Carmen (and probably Chloe), but then why did they let others die? How can the writers deal with such powers? They were not able to handle even the Ori on philosophical / religious level, but now we have an even more powerful alien race, who are playing mind games with the crew. That move is simply bad.

                  I know it sounds disguting, but what happened with the body of Carmen? A baby can't disapper from TJ's body... Because if she has been teleportated, then the doctors should know it. If she died then nobody will believe TJ's dream. I don't know why we needed this solution, because the death of the baby could be a dramatic plot. But now they choosed an unbelievable solution.

                  There were also such plotholes in the story that episode is only 5/10 from me.
                  "I was hoping for another day. Looks like we just got a whole lot more than that. Let's not waste it."

                  "Never underestimate your audience. They're generally sensitive, intelligent people who respond positively to quality entertainment."

                  "Individual science fiction stories may seem as trivial as ever to the blinder critics and philosophers of today, but the core of science fiction, its essence, has become crucial to our salvation, if we are to be saved at all."


                    They weren't the ones that saved Chloe. Chloe's healing is obviously foreshadowing something that began with ability to read the blues' language, if not necessarily understand the meaning.


                      Originally posted by Platschu View Post
                      There were also such plotholes in the story that episode is only 5/10 from me.
                      What kind of plotholes?


                        i will say this i did love the look on Colonel Young's Face when he was looking back at the Lucian Alliance Forces. I would've said something like "we will be back so don't get comfy"


                          DVRd this so just watched it last night. Holy smokes, that was a good episode! Probably my favorite so far. I hope season 2 continues like this.


                            I mean too many random event happened in the story, so it is not believable. LA hasn't killed at least Young, then they let the crew go (which is also a death sentence), then they let even Varro's team go. So Rush got the perfect opportunity for negotiation. That is .... Not bad, but not enough good or interesting for a season opener. But I still have faith in this show.
                            "I was hoping for another day. Looks like we just got a whole lot more than that. Let's not waste it."

                            "Never underestimate your audience. They're generally sensitive, intelligent people who respond positively to quality entertainment."

                            "Individual science fiction stories may seem as trivial as ever to the blinder critics and philosophers of today, but the core of science fiction, its essence, has become crucial to our salvation, if we are to be saved at all."


                              Originally posted by Platschu View Post
                              I mean too many random event happened in the story, so it is not believable. LA hasn't killed at least Young, then they let the crew go (which is also a death sentence), then they let even Varro's team go. So Rush got the perfect opportunity for negotiation. That is .... Not bad, but not enough good or interesting for a season opener. But I still have faith in this show.
                              I get that it's how you feel about this episode, but they're not plotholes.


                                Originally posted by morbosfist View Post
                                They weren't the ones that saved Chloe. Chloe's healing is obviously foreshadowing something that began with ability to read the blues' language, if not necessarily understand the meaning.
                                I also agree that Chloe's abilities that is slowing coming out is from her encounter with "The Blues" who I suspect will make another appearance or two in season 2. I am not sure why we are not seeing any effects with Rush but he did say that he was able to block a lot of The Blues mind probes. If the effects is having to do with something injected or manupulated in their dna then a possible reason that Rush has not shown any affects might be a suggestion made by someone else in another post. It was said that the Bug Venom that was used to put Rush under during is tracker removal operation might have countered The Blues manipulation.

