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'Darkness' (104) General Discussion

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    Well it seems like everything I've wanted to say has already been said. Particularly great reads were Jper's and jelgate's discussion. Overall I thought this was a solid episode with heaps more characterization than we've seen in the past three, and that's certainly a plus.

    I do have to echo a grunt at the whole thing with that horribly intentional camera angle schtick on James near the end of the episode. That bugged the holy hell out of me. For one thing, the nature of the scene itself just seemed out-of-place and irrelevant, and while that's not necessarily atrocious, the way the camera made sure to soak up her considerable breasts in virtually every single shot was nauseating. As my girlfriend put it while we were watching, 'don't forget the boobs! Make sure you get the BOOBS in that next shot!' And I have to agree. It was one thing for the Chloe shower scene, that wasn't so bad and while the awkwardness was there between her and Eli, I didn't really care. But that... what the hell.

    So it seems like all I'm doing is griping, so I'll reiterate that I did like the episode. It's just that everything's been said already, heh. I actually adored all the Kino scenes, especially the one with... was it Volker? The one who was comparing Rush to musicians? That had me cracking up. I feel it might be too early to be giving all the secondary cast such hits, though. We still don't know much about our primaries, and it seemed like they mopped all the glory up in that. But maybe that was intentional, it was a fun spotlight regardless.

    Great last few minutes as always. The writers seem to be enjoying this sort of stride -- the last act is the best in all four episodes thusfar, IMO. Oh, and Rush continues to impress, as well as Young. I don't get all the Colonel Young hate I've seen going around, I really don't. I like him.

    'Darkness': ***
    If you've seen a Jeff O'Connor or a JeffZero or a Jeff Zero or a JeffZeroConnor elsewhere on the net, there's a considerable chance it's me.


      Hi all.

      I am actually beginning to like SGU more and more and can see the producers may be trying something new and different with this series. The format is obviously very different from SG-SG1 and Atlantis. No army leader figure leading an away team every week to some exotic new place to explore, or space fire fight etc.

      Granted it may be missing a bit of space shoot out action scenes, but I like the way in between of a major life-and-death crisis, you see a glimpse of the individual character, into their inner worlds, like when Colonel Young decided to visit his wife on Earth.



        okeydokey. Young, Rush, Eli and Chloe are so far my most favorite characters on board the destiny. And Volker (?) whats his name was funny to, with his mozart stuff . I literally HATE telford, he is just a pain in the ass, he thinks he can screw things up on the destiny although he is not even on board. he is driving me nuts. Cannot wait for next week conclusion! ahhhhhh so great to have stargate back.


          Originally posted by amconway View Post
          This is my problem. I think this is the weakest aspect of the concept. The SGC is the most elite, top-secret program they have, and I find it very difficult to believe that most of the military personel were ever allowed in, let alone off-world.
          Given the size and scope of the stargate program and how it has grown over the past 12 years, its easy for me to see that they are not the elite of the elite. But then remember that SG-1 episode where they were training that young team? Did that young team seem like the best of the best, most elite?


            Originally posted by SGFerrit View Post
            The more people post stuff like this, the more I'm starting to dislike the old shows.
            I look at it this way, there are always going to be people that don't like the changes and try to claim it isn't Stargate. But I feel that Stargate is whatever the Producers, writers, directors and actors choose to show us.


              Originally posted by knowles2 View Post
              May be they run out of the elites.
              They have got the SGC to man and run, they Got Atlantis, probably pegasus Alpha site an may be a beta site to, several mining bases, Milky way bases.

              I pretty sure they were scrapping the barrel of people who are trained well eneough to serve at the SGC.
              Its certainly a plausible explanation, I guess. But again, even the worst of the best of the best should still be pretty good. And, its unlikely they would have grouped all the misfits into one assignment.

              If as some claim, this show is supposed to be more "intelligent", then I'd like it to live up to that.

              "This is the true story... of a group of strangers... picked to live in a spaceship... work together and have their lives kino'd... to find out what happens... when people stop being polite... and start getting real...The Real Universe."


                I'm too busy playing Civilization IV (xD) to jump into the argument now, so I'll just post my review as a stand-in for some rational argument

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                  I don't get all the Colonel Young hate I've seen going around, I really don't. I like him.
                  I have issues with his leadership, but I don't dislike him at all. Is there really a lot of hate out there? My problem is that he's ignoring the part of command that requires keeping morale from going into the toilet in difficult situations. I get that he's a gruff and somewhat caustic, dour guy, but he's got to know that situations like this require some rallying of the troops.

                  Don't get me wrong, I totally understand his point of view. I feel the same way. These people are in the SGC, he shouldn't have to hold their hands, and on their part, there's absolutely no excuse for the formation of pre-mutiny groups to threaten crew members, but he's done nothing to keep the weaker crew members functioning.

                  He either needs to start doing that, or someone else does, and right now Scott doesn't have enough respect.


                    Originally posted by ijacen View Post
                    Chloe in the shower taught me that she looks at herself as vulnerable and alone, constantly calling out to Eli most of the time for comfort and friendship. It also showed me that Eli and Chloe are creating close bond with each other as they are both young and are civilians. Meaning that they aren't always in the loop, so to speak.

                    With Lisa Park's comment/rant on earthquakes I assumed that she was using this as a sort of shield to protect herself from breaking down. Just like with Eli using jokes or random comments as a means to get over the stress, Park rambles on like some people would when they become nervous. If you did manage to pay attention to her facial expressions you can defiantly see the transition of her being excited that she could survive but then becomes more stressed as she began to comment on the geological conditions that they might face.

                    Col. Young visiting his wife served as an insightful view on their relationship. With Young knowing that he would very well die out there with Emily not knowing the full truth of what happened, we know that he loves her enough to tell her the truth and to explain why he had to go. Emily then rejected Young's message with her saying that she's moving on and that Young wouldn't of said goodbye in Telford's body if he knew he was coming back. Plus there was nothing he could do instead of report the problem to his superiors.

                    We already know that Lt. Scott has a religious background. Although it may be deemed hypocritical for him to being promiscuous and all but who ever said that someone can't be like that while sustaining a religious belief. Sure, maybe in conservative times it would be rejected but this is the 21st Century. We have more relaxed views when it comes to sexuality and faith. Western society doesn't demonize people for these actions. Also, they're stuck on a ship with no way to get back home, it's not surprising that someone fell back on their faith as a means to support themselves throughout the harsh times.
                    I'm gonna requote this for truth. While I felt the Young's wife scene may have dragged on a bit, I found a lot to understand and like about this.

                    Everyone posting is safe and comfortable in their homes. They know where their next meal is coming from. They know they want suffocate.

                    If we ripped you out of your comfy life and put you up there, the fear would begin to eat away at you, too. You don't know if you're going home, supplies are limited, and if you are a coffer drinker or a smoker then you're really screwed. Also, no showers and wearing the same clothes day in and day out? The smell would eventually add more stress to your life. In this light, I can understand the characters, and liked the Kino scenes (and I'm generally an action-loving guy). We find out how people are dealing with their own fear.

                    What these first episodes are doing, is setting the characters up so they can develop down the line. I'm hoping they don't stay this way forever, as then it would just be BSG all over again, and I hated that show. I predict SGU will be about normal people, actually overcoming their fear and rising to the occasion, showing mankind at it's best.

                    But first, they have to show us they are afraid and that they are human.

                    I can see myself partially as Rush. I know things better than a lot of people, and prefer to work alone if everyone else is not smart enough to keep up with me. I can see where he's coming from, although at first I thought he may have been overdoing it, until I realized he was going through a withdrawal and lack of sleep. He's really worried about their situation and doing his best... he just lacks the people skills. He feels explaining things would take up precious time he needs to fix the problem. Young is right, though, that he needs to learn to report and explain what he's doing, and what's going on. Perhaps he'll start doing that know.

                    I also see myself in Eli as the everyday nerd. Part of me would very much like to be in his place, despite the fact that I may not live long. Being a scientist with a strong logical bent, I feel I would be able to adjust well to the situation; ie, no denial or letting despair creep in. (I'm someone who would volunteer for a one-way trip to Mars if NASA offered).

                    And I can see myself in Volker and the scientist's place. I acknowledge I may not be able to come up with possible solutions. My real fear is not being able to think of something, or being useless. And I can see myself backing out when being yelled at.

                    Although I didn't really like the "Chloe-scared-of-the-dark" parts, as I kinda hate seeing weak women. I think I kinda understand it on an intellectual level, but I can't really empathize with it.

                    Last note, regarding the ship... I believe it used Aerobraking as an energy saving maneuver. I believe the programming saw the power was dropping too fast, shut things off to make it to a place where it could recharge. I think it's coasting while doing some sort of solar power recharge. I don't think it will fly through the sun, but it may fly fairly close, and it may get hot inside the ship. (The episode was originally called "Fire" but it was 20 minutes over limit, so they split it into two episodes.)

                    Overall, decent episode. I want to see more of the series, before I start passing overall judgment on it.


                      I take it the ship has decided to scoop some fuel from the sun?

                      The only issues I have with the show are the use of the stones to visit family with accompanying emotional piano gets on my nerves and it needs more point to the episodes (crisis or problem to solve) as it can get a little slow otherwise.


                        The Young SG team was given a mission where the entire SGC had been compromised. i.e. They were taken far out of mission protocols too see how they would react.

                        Had they failed the assignment they would not have made it onto an SG team.

                        They proved themselves to be among the best of the best trained soldiers, only thing they lacked was true experience.

                        Scott should have went through something similar

                        And did I hear James mention she is Airforce Special forces if nothing else should would be very well trained in survival.


                          I have to say I didn't hate this episode: it dragged a bit, I was a bit fed up with Rush ( we get it, you're the only one intelligent enough to be able to see the impending doom, move on...), the messages home seemed more confessional than exactly last goodbyes to loved ones, and the creative or not uses of kino were a bit juvenile, but hey, some of the characters are juvenile...
                          and, at the end, the jumping from the proverbial frying pan to the fire was a bit predictable.

                          But, hey, maybe it's me: I watch way too much TV and things seem reused.

                          As for character development:uh, lots of characters but not much development. It seems to point all over the place, without making a real connection between the Destiny's passengers' past and their current reactions to what 's happening to them.

                          It was okay: not outstanding, but okay.

                          I know, I complain but I keep watching, so I guess that's my fault
                          Beautiful signature and avatar by Yamiinsane. You're a mind reader!
                          Aristides de Sousa Mendes


                            I wasn't sure about the use of the communication stones at first, thought it was a device that would make things more Earth based than I would have liked given SGU's concept of being 'totally cut off' from Earth. However, I am changing my mind about them, as it seems they could be more trouble than they are worth, confusing the issue with regards to who is in command as far as Telford and Young go. Also there is no doubt there could be room for the abuse of them in the future too, a desperate way out for some, or a way in to find out about any new technology or scientific discoveries to be used for nefarious purposes back in the MW!

                            I like what I've seen so far and this episode did a good job of setting the scene more with regards to the types of people that are trapped on Destiny. What further depravation and fear will do to these people I think will be interesting to watch.


                              Im getting a definate General Hammond vibe off the Colonel. Maybe its cuz hes hurt and cant be on the front line like Cl Oneill was, but i like it. It gives the Fatherly or Motherly leader role that SGA and SG1 both had.

                              Oh and i definately relate to the caffeine withdrawal part. Im sure i would be bats#!* crazy after only 3 hours without coffee or redbull XD

                              Its funny about the batter charger panel thing on destiny, cuz like 30 seconds later there was a commercial for something EXACTLY the same. I was all LOL, stargates real!!! >.>

                              I was alittle afraid for eli when everyone ganged up on him, i woulda had my hand in my pocket on a knife or some other weapon at that point. But its 50/50 i would kill one of them as a message to never try that again, but im crazy XD

                              I liked the sex appeal stuff, im not amish or anything... Naked girls are always good for me.

                              This is alot better than Emancipation or 38 minutes was!

                              Another good episode to SGU!


                                Oh and i definately relate to the caffeine withdrawal part. Im sure i would be bats#!* crazy after only 3 hours without coffee or redbull XD
                                People who don't drink a lot of coffee may think that was an exaggeration, but when you put it with days without sleep, and nicotine withdrawl, I can guarantee you that it isn't. One time I had to go without coffee for several days and it was like a combination of the flu and extreme irritability. Put that together with the nicotine withdrawl, which causes even more extreme irritability, as well as difficulty concentrating, and the lack of sleep, which can actually kill you.... Definitely possible.

