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Robert Carlyle/Dr Nicholas Rush Thunk/Appreciation thread

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    What???????????? OK, this is news to me. What do I do about them????


      Originally posted by NancyP View Post
      What???????????? OK, this is news to me. What do I do about them????
      Sorry, hit the wrong reply. What's this about porn bots???


        Originally posted by RhineGold View Post
        I just care a lot about glasses because I wear them and so does my husband and a lot of our friends and family, and they really are rare to see in fiction for some reason. Sorry for the huge missive or if this has been discussed before.
        That's interesting. Kind of like acknowledging the person he was then and the person he's become. He cares more than he wanted to.

        I wear glasses, too, and can't wear contacts. I wish I could but they can't match my 'script perfectly. I'd rather see to the best of my ability so I chose the glasses.

        One of my unanswered questions was whether Rumple's contacts were purely aesthetic or if they were actually made to his prescription. If he has to wear them for 14 - 18 hours a day, it would be nice if he could see...


          What really bugs me about glasses in tv-shows and movies is that they usually use flat window glass, which gives off extremely unnatural-looking reflections. This bugged me particularly with Daniel Jackson, especially in the early seasons, not so much with Rush. You can use curved glass without refracting light as long as the glass is the same thickness all over rather than concave or convex.


            Originally posted by NancyP View Post
            Sorry, hit the wrong reply. What's this about porn bots???
            They're fake profile pages of beautiful women who are suddenly following me, people I've never heard of. The pic is the first clue. The link below usually is the address to go further and if it says, "nakedpics, webcams, hottotalk, etc and their alleged history of tweets is so random that it makes no sense. Also if they also tweet about screaming for something, that's a clue. What you do is next to the "Follow" link is another link. Click on that and then click on "Report so and so for spam" and it blocks them also from you. I was confused at first what it was but I quickly figured it out. Mostly because we'd get that on Yahoo game chats which helped me to recognize it. Very annoying.


              Originally posted by NancyP View Post
              That's interesting. Kind of like acknowledging the person he was then and the person he's become. He cares more than he wanted to.

              I wear glasses, too, and can't wear contacts. I wish I could but they can't match my 'script perfectly. I'd rather see to the best of my ability so I chose the glasses.

              One of my unanswered questions was whether Rumple's contacts were purely aesthetic or if they were actually made to his prescription. If he has to wear them for 14 - 18 hours a day, it would be nice if he could see...
              Does he wear contacts IRL? If not, the Rumpel contacts are probably see-through? I've never seen him wear glasses, ever, so I figured he had good eyesight.

              I can't wear contacts, either. I have a small dent in my right eye (that limits my depth perception in that eye)so the contact can't adhere properly to it, so I will always wear glasses. I can't see far away, but I take my glasses off a lot when I'm writing or reading, unless I'm watching TV in the background. I think I could function on a ship like Destiny without my glasses, so I'm assuming Rush's vision is somewhat like mine? Maybe better than mine.

              (I can kind of drive without my glasses - they broke once when I was driving and I didn't wreck and still got home safely. I was like Rush trying to read, holding my glasses with one hand because one arm fell off, lol.)


                Originally posted by RhineGold View Post
                Okay, so my husband and I were talking about this, and I'm curious about other people's thoughts and input:

                How badly do you think Rush needs his glasses?

                Evidence he needs them to see:
                -He wears them the whole time in the Earth/Icarus flashbacks in 'Air'
                -He puts them on as soon as he wakes up in 'Human'
                -He uses them a few times to look at monitors/things he's never seen before like the Nakai ship
                -He needed them to look at the bomb in 'Malice'

                Evidence he doesn't need them:
                -Well, once they're broken, he makes absolutely no priority to fix them.
                -Once they're fixed, he never really even wears them, before or after getting them back.
                -He doesn't have them in Mandy's simulation, even though he is wearing his lost wristwatch and the black ring he wears on his right hand (which the Nakai took from him, along with his wedding ring).

                I feel like they gave Rush glasses initially to make the viewer connect him with movie/early Daniel Jackson, so we'd be surprised when the long, floppy-haired scientist with glasses ended up being ruthless and badass.

                Did they just do away with them because RC doesn't like wearing glasses? (I can't think of a single other thing he's worn glasses in, but then again, outside of Star Gate and Harry Potter, I can't think of a lot of fictional, live-action characters who wear glasses at all).

                Personally, I need my glasses in order to be able to see well enough to lipread. If I can't see your lip, I have no clue as to what you're saying. So I'm blind as a bat, as well as deaf without my glasses. If I can't remember where I put my glasses down, I can't see them and have to pay my kids $5 to find it. Personally, I think they're deliberately moving it to make money off of me. The sneaky brats!


                  Originally posted by maneth View Post
                  What really bugs me about glasses in tv-shows and movies is that they usually use flat window glass, which gives off extremely unnatural-looking reflections. This bugged me particularly with Daniel Jackson, especially in the early seasons, not so much with Rush. You can use curved glass without refracting light as long as the glass is the same thickness all over rather than concave or convex.
                  I feel like Rush's glasses were a lot thicker/more normal than we normally see on TV. When I had my senior portraits done in high school, they had my dad take the lenses out of my sunglasses because they couldn't get good photos of my eyes with the glare. I never really thought about how that would translate to film, but I guess it's similar? But SGU was shot in HD, so I guess they could use better quality glasses?


                    Originally posted by sacredclay View Post
                    Personally, I need my glasses in order to be able to see well enough to lipread. If I can't see your lip, I have no clue as to what you're saying. So I'm blind as a bat, as well as deaf without my glasses. If I can't remember where I put my glasses down, I can't see them and have to pay my kids $5 to find it. Personally, I think they're deliberately moving it to make money off of me. The sneaky brats!
                    lol, your kids are devious! (they learned from the best?) I can see how you'd need them, especially! Once, I put my glasses down and I just could not find them anywhere. It was crappy. It turned out I'd set them on the arm of the sofa and the cat took them, of all things. But I could still look okay because I can see decently right in front of my face without them. My brother wears reading glasses and my sister is considered legally blind without her corrective lenses. We have all kinds of eyes in my family, I guess.


                      Originally posted by sacredclay View Post
                      They're fake profile pages of beautiful women who are suddenly following me, people I've never heard of. The pic is the first clue. The link below usually is the address to go further and if it says, "nakedpics, webcams, hottotalk, etc and their alleged history of tweets is so random that it makes no sense. Also if they also tweet about screaming for something, that's a clue. What you do is next to the "Follow" link is another link. Click on that and then click on "Report so and so for spam" and it blocks them also from you. I was confused at first what it was but I quickly figured it out. Mostly because we'd get that on Yahoo game chats which helped me to recognize it. Very annoying.
                      Is this on Twitter? I don't see anyone following me who isn't supposed to be doing so... Very confusing.


                        Originally posted by NancyP View Post
                        Is this on Twitter? I don't see anyone following me who isn't supposed to be doing so... Very confusing.
                        Ooh! Just found two that don't belong there. That had to be recent! I blocked them and thanks so much for telling me!


                          Originally posted by Mrs. Rush View Post
                          Looking forward to those episodes! RC hinted at them in his tweets, about filming and such.
                          Sounds like its going to be interesting!
                          Rumple/Gold (they're one person to me) centered episodes always tend to be very emotional and sad. I had a box of tissues set in place on the couch between Aurora and me for "Skin Deep." This poor guy just can't catch a break! Maybe that's why I love him so much... I always go for the underdog.

                          Everyone he loved left him and he just kept getting more and more solitary. Every time he cares, he gets hurt. Gotta wonder about his childhood... I'm betting it wasn't a happy one. I *never* thought he was evil or a villain. Rumple's a trickster. He acquires wealth for security. His "stuff" is all he has left. That's the counselor in me speaking.

                          I'll admit that I was willing to give SG-U a chance when I heard about because it was Stargate and the quality was always very good and because Robert was cast as the lead. How could it be bad? When SG-U first came on, Dr. Rush was the only one I trusted. Not because of his motives - although if I had no hold to Earth, I'd want to explore, too - but because he was the only one who knew what he was doing. He was the most intelligent and experienced person there. I also liked Eli and Camille.

                          A 14 - 18 hour day, 2 hours for Rumple make-up and it takes 20 minutes just to lace up Rumple's boots. Yikes!


                            Originally posted by NancyP View Post
                            Rumple/Gold (they're one person to me) centered episodes always tend to be very emotional and sad. I had a box of tissues set in place on the couch between Aurora and me for "Skin Deep." This poor guy just can't catch a break! Maybe that's why I love him so much... I always go for the underdog.

                            Everyone he loved left him and he just kept getting more and more solitary. Every time he cares, he gets hurt. Gotta wonder about his childhood... I'm betting it wasn't a happy one. I *never* thought he was evil or a villain. Rumple's a trickster. He acquires wealth for security. His "stuff" is all he has left. That's the counselor in me speaking.
                            Well, it looks like we're going to find out more about exactly what happened to his son, so I'm sure I will be crying all over the place. His life is very sad, and it seems like every step he took to better it only made it worse. As a trickster, he seems determined not to get emotionally involved with people (but that doesn't work, either - look at Belle!). I agree that he is neither good nor bad. He just gives people what they want, but the price of magic you haven't earned will almost always come back to bite you. That's not him doing it - that's just the way it is. I've also thought a lot about how he seems to hoard things - he can't keep people, so he keeps their memories. And when you think about it, that's actually really sad.

                            Originally posted by NancyP View Post
                            I'll admit that I was willing to give SG-U a chance when I heard about because it was Stargate and the quality was always very good and because Robert was cast as the lead. How could it be bad? When SG-U first came on, Dr. Rush was the only one I trusted. Not because of his motives - although if I had no hold to Earth, I'd want to explore, too - but because he was the only one who knew what he was doing. He was the most intelligent and experienced person there. I also liked Eli and Camille.
                            I like Rush best, because he reminds me of myself in a lot of ways. I'm very pragmatic and I don't have a lot of patience for people who are messing up something I'm trying to do (I try to be better about it now, but in the past, I've been just like Rush, to be honest). Rush is always trying to do the best he can. He has other motives, and he doesn't want to go home, but he doesn't want to keep them their against their wills, either. He tries to protect them and give them hope, but the other characters don't agree that he does these things 'the right way' so they clash with him. But I like him. He's Machiavellian, in the actual sense of the word, not the sinister connotation people seem to use a lot these days.

                            Originally posted by NancyP View Post
                            A 14 - 18 hour day, 2 hours for Rumple make-up and it takes 20 minutes just to lace up Rumple's boots. Yikes!
                            I saw that! Can you imagine shoes that take 20 minutes to put on? Goodness. He's said the costume can be really uncomfortable, too, and I can believe that.


                              Originally posted by RhineGold View Post
                              Well, it looks like we're going to find out more about exactly what happened to his son, so I'm sure I will be crying all over the place. His life is very sad, and it seems like every step he took to better it only made it worse. As a trickster, he seems determined not to get emotionally involved with people (but that doesn't work, either - look at Belle!). I agree that he is neither good nor bad. He just gives people what they want, but the price of magic you haven't earned will almost always come back to bite you. That's not him doing it - that's just the way it is. I've also thought a lot about how he seems to hoard things - he can't keep people, so he keeps their memories. And when you think about it, that's actually really sad.

                              I like Rush best, because he reminds me of myself in a lot of ways. I'm very pragmatic and I don't have a lot of patience for people who are messing up something I'm trying to do (I try to be better about it now, but in the past, I've been just like Rush, to be honest). Rush is always trying to do the best he can. He has other motives, and he doesn't want to go home, but he doesn't want to keep them their against their wills, either. He tries to protect them and give them hope, but the other characters don't agree that he does these things 'the right way' so they clash with him. But I like him. He's Machiavellian, in the actual sense of the word, not the sinister connotation people seem to use a lot these days.

                              I saw that! Can you imagine shoes that take 20 minutes to put on? Goodness. He's said the costume can be really uncomfortable, too, and I can believe that.
                              I'm a bit like that, too. I hate to be interrupted so you can imagine how frustrated I am having an adolescent in angst and a puppy!

                              Yeah, I read about the costume and the contacts. Good thing he loves the part so much. Long days, though. And they spend a lot of it waiting.

                              I got to visit the "Bablyon 5" set once. Stephen Furst invited us to watch him direct a scene for the show and the process was absolutely fascinating. Later, we got invited to watch a scene being shot on the "Star Trek Voyager" set - they had to do the scene several times from several angles. It was one of the first episodes with Jeri Ryan as "Seven." It was so interesting to watch. I was so lucky to have those experiences and see what it's like from the actor's POV. Part of me misses those days and part of me are so glad they're over.

                              I've been looking for costume shots for my Rumple doll. Those are incredible costumes. I'm going to have to do something simple because I'm not that good of a seamstress. It will have more of the feel than actual duplicate costumes, I'm afraid. I wonder when the OUAT action figures are going to come out...?


                                That's so awesome! I've always wanted to see how a scene is filmed - I love the behind-the-scenes shots where you can get an idea of how someone is working. I've always been fascinated by directing, but I know I don't know enough about it to be any good at it. But I have a vivid idea of how I want to set a scene, so I can write decently. In Playwriting I, we didn't have to write complex stage directions, so I don't know enough.

                                My husband is pretty much always doing his own thing until I distract him from it, so it's only my cat that bothers me. But when I was working at the newspaper and trying to copyedit or layout my section or write and people were bothering me, I would get so annoyed. I was pretty much the Rush of our newsroom because I'd get mad at people for going on smokebreaks and goofing off when we were in crunchtime. And like Rush, I preferred being the second-in-command (managing editor) to when I was editor-in-chief. But I'm much nicer now, I promise! Getting sick made me calm down a lot, lol.

                                Sewing for dolls is very hard, I think, even harder than regular sewing. There are so many stitches and things I can do when making clothes for myself that when I try and manage on tiny doll clothes, it can be a mess. The kinds of thread I prefer is all wrong for doll clothes, too, and they are so fragile! One day, I'd like to make a Rumpel outfit for one of my dolls. Malachi's wig is short brown mohair but it's kind of spikey and he's the tallest doll we have, lol!

                                I'm hoping they release Barbie-style dolls of all the characters so I can have those (and then their clothes will fit my dolls!)

