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Robert Carlyle/Dr Nicholas Rush Thunk/Appreciation thread

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    In honor of my 1000th post here... What? I'm dedicated.

    Last edited by Egle01; 28 April 2010, 12:45 PM.


      I so badly want to look up any and every RC movie I can find on Best Buy and charge it to my card. But this past Christmas lol, I'm already paying off a least a cool grand already.

      ...It'd be worth it still lol.

      I'd be running there now going on a shopping spree...if I had the money. I've had to make $8 stretch for almost a month and a half now.

      ...I'm really hoping I get released to go back to work for this Monday.
      Please, no one take offense if I do, and you guys rarely see me for a whole week. It's going to be tough going from sitting around doing nothing to going back to a full 8 hour work days again.
      Last edited by Eri8321317; 28 April 2010, 02:03 PM.


        From my experience the easiest way to get the DVDs is to look on the Amazon page, they have quite a lot of movies. And sometimes it is worthwhile to look after 1 or 2 weeks again (I don't know why, but I got DVDs there, They don't had 2 weeks ago). If you don't get it on Amazon USA try GB or any other region, you can have access to. The other question is your DVD player. If you're living in Louisiana you should have R1. Look in your manual from your player whether you can change the region at any time. If you don't own a region free player, you should think to buy one, when you have more money. Anyway they're not very expensive, at least in Germany, and as far as I know electronic articles are less expenxive in America than in Europe.

        Like you I'm still on my way to get everything I can put my hands on, it's like hunting, at the end of the chase you hold your prize in your hands, and enjoy the viewing!


          @Artemis: Is something that says "All" the same as "Free"? If so, then it appears that my Portable DVD player will play any DVDs with the Region Labels "All" and "Region 1" It seems the DVD/Surround Sound System in my room will only play "Region 1" If that is the case, then maybe sometime down the road, I will invest in a "Free" Region DVD player (just place it on top of the one I have now lol). I might need to check sometime soon to see if the two movies I have of his (Face & The Full Monty) play on my DVD player in my room. I had a couple of DVDs that were released for Gorillaz, but one I cannot get it to go to any chapters or features, and the other. The other one is in need of a replacement. I think I either wore it out too much, or it's a tad old. Odd though, how one of their Live DVDs work and the other doesn't.

          And I have been looking on Amazon and Best Buy alike. Best Buy has a few movies of his that I haven't seen listed on Amazon, and vice versa. For example, I've only been able to find "Hamish Macbeth" 1-3 season set on Amazon, and not on Best Buy. I was just asking about 'Go Now' cause I've only been able to find results of a VHS, and not a DVD version. I was hoping maybe someone has seen one somewhere heh. I do still have my VCR, but that is almost past its prime too. Actually, further on down the road, I'll either have to buy one of those systems, that can convert VHS to DVDs, or go to my dad's and try to figure out how to work his (I think he said he had one). Be useful for all those home videos we still have.

          I'm one of those people, who likes to hold onto as many memories or things of the such.

          And I know exactly what you mean with your last statement heh. I will admit, I will get hooked on certain things, and almost become obsessed, in a sense. Like, I can't stop. I'll try and get almost everything I can of my current obsession. I've been that way my whole life. A huge goal would be to meet him one day. I've only been lucky enough to meet a few anime voice actors/actresses, won my folks their chance to meet Aerosmith (even though I couldn't), and was almost close to meeting Dane Cook (got to meet two fellow comedians instead). So, my luck in actually meeting celebs have been...50/50 lol. I'd be an honor to meet Mr. Carlyle one day. Heck, to just get a picture with him, or a picture I don't care. But because of my love for Damon Albarn (Blur/Gorillaz, etc), is how I got to buying "Face" and discovering my love for Robert.

          Which is funny. Because I distinctly remember seeing the Oasis music video Robert was featured in. I saw it early in the morning, before we were set off on a Florida family trip. (I used to get overly excited for trips, and could never sleep the night before. So I'd stay up watching music videos on VH1). And, I remember I meant to find out who Robert was (I didn't know who he was at the time), but when I went on the trip, I forgot in the midst of enjoying the vacation. I had to have been like, 14 at the time too.

          Oh well. I'm probably rambling. You guys rather me talk about Rush. This is, his thunk thread, after all heh.


            Originally posted by BFH_Bushy_Tush View Post
            I know!! I mean, I know it's terrible that I'm attracted to a guy who is older than my parents, but just LOOK at him!!

            Age is nothing but a number hun. He's actually a little bit younger than both my folks. It makes me laugh, that my mom is now attracted to younger guys, yet I've always been attracted to older men.

            But Robert is like wine-gets better with age. Even though, we all can't lie. He was pretty smoking fine back in his 20s-30s too.


              Originally posted by Eri8321317 View Post
              @Artemis: Is something that says "All" the same as "Free"? If so, then it appears that my Portable DVD player will play any DVDs with the Region Labels "All" and "Region 1" It seems the DVD/Surround Sound System in my room will only play "Region 1" If that is the case, then maybe sometime down the road, I will invest in a "Free" Region DVD player (just place it on top of the one I have now lol). I might need to check sometime soon to see if the two movies I have of his (Face & The Full Monty) play on my DVD player in my room. I had a couple of DVDs that were released for Gorillaz, but one I cannot get it to go to any chapters or features, and the other. The other one is in need of a replacement. I think I either wore it out too much, or it's a tad old. Odd though, how one of their Live DVDs work and the other doesn't.
              I think "All" is the same as "Free" (don't argue with me about correct English words, I'm not a native, it is possible that I use sometimes the wrong vocable), as far as your DVD player is labeled as it. The region code is on both, the DVD player as well as the DVDs. If your DVD player can change the codes, that's the best. You change it just from one region to another. Some have also region 0, means no-region. That works with my old player, so I don't have to change the code if I change the DVD, but if I want I can change it.

              Originally posted by Eri8321317 View Post
              And I have been looking on Amazon and Best Buy alike. Best Buy has a few movies of his that I haven't seen listed on Amazon, and vice versa. For example, I've only been able to find "Hamish Macbeth" 1-3 season set on Amazon, and not on Best Buy. I was just asking about 'Go Now' cause I've only been able to find results of a VHS, and not a DVD version. I was hoping maybe someone has seen one somewhere heh. I do still have my VCR, but that is almost past its prime too. Actually, further on down the road, I'll either have to buy one of those systems, that can convert VHS to DVDs, or go to my dad's and try to figure out how to work his (I think he said he had one). Be useful for all those home videos we still have.
              If you can change the region on your DVD player, give Amazon UK a chance. You get a lot of films there, especially when those are British productions.

              Originally posted by Eri8321317 View Post
              I'm one of those people, who likes to hold onto as many memories or things of the such.

              And I know exactly what you mean with your last statement heh. I will admit, I will get hooked on certain things, and almost become obsessed, in a sense. Like, I can't stop. I'll try and get almost everything I can of my current obsession. I've been that way my whole life. A huge goal would be to meet him one day. I've only been lucky enough to meet a few anime voice actors/actresses, won my folks their chance to meet Aerosmith (even though I couldn't), and was almost close to meeting Dane Cook (got to meet two fellow comedians instead). So, my luck in actually meeting celebs have been...50/50 lol. I'd be an honor to meet Mr. Carlyle one day. Heck, to just get a picture with him, or a picture I don't care. But because of my love for Damon Albarn (Blur/Gorillaz, etc), is how I got to buying "Face" and discovering my love for Robert.

              Which is funny. Because I distinctly remember seeing the Oasis music video Robert was featured in. I saw it early in the morning, before we were set off on a Florida family trip. (I used to get overly excited for trips, and could never sleep the night before. So I'd stay up watching music videos on VH1). And, I remember I meant to find out who Robert was (I didn't know who he was at the time), but when I went on the trip, I forgot in the midst of enjoying the vacation. I had to have been like, 14 at the time too.

              Oh well. I'm probably rambling. You guys rather me talk about Rush. This is, his thunk thread, after all heh.
              Oh, yes I understand you as well! And you can at any time ramble about Carlyle here as long as you like to, I think But, of course you can also talk about Rush! Whatever you like to ramble about, ramble!


                Well, seems like a good number of his movies are in Region 1, which means they'll play just fine. I think maybe 3 titles I couldn't find in Region 1 at all, and another it seems the title is either very hard to find in Region 1 or it's not available in this Region at this time (which sucks, really wanted to see that particular movie). And I had no luck finding "Go Now" as a DVD whatsoever.


                  Originally posted by Egle01 View Post
                  Oh, come on, you have to try every avatar for at least a day.
                  Ok, you have convinced me but at the rate Luciana makes avatars, I'll never finish

                  Originally posted by Egle01 View Post
                  In honor of my 1000th post here... What? I'm dedicated.

                  Congrats!! and how do I find how many I've made here??

                  Originally posted by Eri8321317 View Post
                  Age is nothing but a number hun. He's actually a little bit younger than both my folks. It makes me laugh, that my mom is now attracted to younger guys, yet I've always been attracted to older men.

                  But Robert is like wine-gets better with age. Even though, we all can't lie. He was pretty smoking fine back in his 20s-30s too.
                  Same here Eri, I've always been attracted to older men and some of them (not including RC) are older than my parents

                  Oh, and have you tried other online stores to find his dvds such as Walmart? It is a wonder what you can find
                  Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


                    Originally posted by ProclarushTaonasAt View Post
                    I know what you mean! You would think that our age group would go after Scott, Greer or Eli, but alas, it is Rush.
                    Oh, I go after Eli as well (who is, btw, almost ten years older than I am), but Rush...*daydreams*

                    "Look, you don't know me. This is when I'm at my best. This is when I shine: impossible deadlines."
                    Dr. Meredith Rodney McKay
                    "That doesn’t matter! You’re hostages! We’re your…we’re your captors! We’re heavily armed! There’s rules! There’s a whole school of etiquette to this!"
                    Dr. Daniel Jackson
                    "My name is Dean Winchester. I'm an Aquarius. I enjoy sunsets, long walks on the beach, and frisky women."
                    Dean Winchester


                      Originally posted by Eri8321317 View Post
                      Age is nothing but a number hun. He's actually a little bit younger than both my folks. It makes me laugh, that my mom is now attracted to younger guys, yet I've always been attracted to older men.

                      But Robert is like wine-gets better with age. Even though, we all can't lie. He was pretty smoking fine back in his 20s-30s too.
                      I don't know. I look at pictures of him when he was younger and he looks a bit *too*...what's the word? I wanna say he looks like he's got hyperthyroidism opposite of my hypothyroidism. He just doesn't look like he's at the right weight for his build when he was younger.

                      "Look, you don't know me. This is when I'm at my best. This is when I shine: impossible deadlines."
                      Dr. Meredith Rodney McKay
                      "That doesn’t matter! You’re hostages! We’re your…we’re your captors! We’re heavily armed! There’s rules! There’s a whole school of etiquette to this!"
                      Dr. Daniel Jackson
                      "My name is Dean Winchester. I'm an Aquarius. I enjoy sunsets, long walks on the beach, and frisky women."
                      Dean Winchester


                        Originally posted by Egle01 View Post
                        Generally speaking, it's Rush/everything for me.
                        *puts up hand and agrees*

                        Originally posted by Egle01 View Post
                        *frowns at work computer for not allowing the images to be shown*

                        Originally posted by rimorob View Post
                        Okay, I've now finished...

                        Gunpowder, Treason and Plot:
                        yeek! James was temperamental panicky thing, wasn't he? But then there were moments where we got to see compassion, and a build up of actually caring about his family. I feel that they portrayed him meaner than history has recorded. They messed around quite a bit with history really. Oh well, good drama.
                        Including the
                        limp and the hand.
                        James was a pretty extraordinary person outside the whole 'Little god on Earth' thing.

                        Human Trafficking:
                        Okay, I know Sergei is a horrible person, but damn is he sexy and charismatic. I'm bummed that he got shot, I wanted to see some conversations after he got caught. I thought it was a really good miniseries, and I was shocked at how easy it is to enslave people here in the US.
                        I got
                        very upset when Sergei died.

                        Once Upon a Time in the Midlands:
                        RC looked incredibly sexy, and I really liked the first half; but Jimmy was a pretty unlikeable character by the end. Nice hair, though.

                        I'm continuing to work my way through the RC list, I'm saving Hamish and Summer for last.
                        Midlands is the one film I won't watch again. Couldn't stand Shirley Henderson in it.

                        Originally posted by Daro View Post
                        Yes, I agree. One pairing I'm not fond of is Rush/clothing. They're together in like, every episode! Something should be done about this at some point. I'm just saying.
                        What about Rush/clothing in Human, though?

                        Originally posted by Egle01 View Post
                        Rush shower scene!

                        *sigh* I feel much better now. Btw, awesome av.
                        Slowly working through set up kino visions to write the shower scene. It's coming ...

                        Originally posted by BFH_Bushy_Tush View Post
                        Yeah. That's one of the arguments the money pinchers use to cancel shows. They're not making money because people are illegally copying and downloading it.
                        Which is an argument for a whole other thread. Just please don't talk about illegal downloads on the forum.

                        Originally posted by Artemis-Neith View Post
                        From my experience the easiest way to get the DVDs is to look on the Amazon page, they have quite a lot of movies. And sometimes it is worthwhile to look after 1 or 2 weeks again (I don't know why, but I got DVDs there, They don't had 2 weeks ago). If you don't get it on Amazon USA try GB or any other region, you can have access to. The other question is your DVD player. If you're living in Louisiana you should have R1. Look in your manual from your player whether you can change the region at any time. If you don't own a region free player, you should think to buy one, when you have more money. Anyway they're not very expensive, at least in Germany, and as far as I know electronic articles are less expenxive in America than in Europe.

                        Like you I'm still on my way to get everything I can put my hands on, it's like hunting, at the end of the chase you hold your prize in your hands, and enjoy the viewing!
                        I mentioned previously to LadyP that what we need is a compiled list of RC films and what extras are available where and on what versions. There are some DVDs I have that don't have the same extras as ones LadyP has because they are different from region to region.

                        Originally posted by Eri8321317 View Post
                        Well, seems like a good number of his movies are in Region 1, which means they'll play just fine. I think maybe 3 titles I couldn't find in Region 1 at all, and another it seems the title is either very hard to find in Region 1 or it's not available in this Region at this time (which sucks, really wanted to see that particular movie). And I had no luck finding "Go Now" as a DVD whatsoever.
                        Ebay, available in region 4. That's where I got mine from.


                          Originally posted by yessika View Post
                          Congrats!! and how do I find how many I've made here??
                          Thank you!

                          You can see either from subscriptions or go to SGU Characters & Relationships folder. Then look for this thread, the middle column is for Replies/Views. Click on Replies: [some number]. Right now you have 496 posts.

                          Tell me if you got it or do I need to cap it.

                          Originally posted by EllieVee View Post
                          *frowns at work computer for not allowing the images to be shown*
                          It's three images of Rush in the chair.

                          What about Rush/clothing in Human, though?
                          Ridiculously hot.

                          Slowly working through set up kino visions to write the shower scene. It's coming ...


                            Thanks Egle, I've got it
                            Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


                              Originally posted by yessika View Post
                              Thanks Egle, I've got it
                              Forgot to mention an easier way of doing that. Just hover your mouse over the chveron icon and that tells you only your post count.


                                Originally posted by Egle01 View Post
                                Forgot to mention an easier way of doing that. Just hover your mouse over the chveron icon and that tells you only your post count.
                                Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr

