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Robert Carlyle/Dr Nicholas Rush Thunk/Appreciation thread

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    Well Eli just kind of gets bossed around so I'm sure Young had him do something
    Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


      Originally posted by EllieVee View Post
      My reaction was a shrieky 'Omigod! Robert Carlyle!' followed by a 'Oh, I have to watch it now' cos I hadn't actually intended to.
      LOL! Mine too. My second reaction was "Make a thunk thread!!!" I'd seen everything he'd been in since I first saw him in Trainspotting and Hamish and realised that psycho and that sweet copper were the same incredible actor, and I'd been a Stargate fan since the first ep of SG1, so to have my two biggest fandoms come together was just... utterly mindblowingly awesome.


        That's very cool, Lehala. trying to think of the perfect combination for me, but I think it was SG and RC and I just didn't know it until recently.

        Eli hasn't done anything useful (on screen) in several episodes. He continues to be hilarious at times, though. At least, his whole "What about the aliens?" bits were pretty funny in Faith.


          morning all SGU night for me - Divided this week
          Sig by me my LJ - the place to find some of my artwork and fics - My Stargate vids


            You'll love Divided, bandcat!


              I watched the 51st State last night, that was fun. And I'm watching The World is Not Enough right now. Oh, Renard, you make such a nice Bond villain. I'm sorry that pesky 007 kept foiling your plans... and that you had to be in the same movie as Denise Richard's "nuclear physicist".

              How much longer till Human?


                Long time til Friday, longer time til Friday week, even longer for Egle and bandcat.


                  Originally posted by yessika View Post
                  Actually, I am liking Eli more because he seems to be separating himself (gradually) from both Young and Rush, I really just want Eli to stand on his on two feet
                  We're still doing Spoilers for "Divided" and "Faith" correct? So...

                  Interesting, because I'm getting more and more annoyed with Eli. He's been an absolute jerk in the last few episodes. And what kind of person accepts deliberately marooning someone to die - an outright murder attempt - and just turns a blind eye and accepts it as ok? He knew, he had to know - that was obvious. And yet he continues to do whatever Young tells him to do with no regard for the consequences. Rush may have made a power-play - though it was one that put someone other than Rush himself in power - but that's not an excuse for murdering him. Nothing is. Eli's complicit in that and everything that happens afterwards.

                  And referring to his fellow scientistis and civilians as "these people" in such a nasty tone of voice in "Divided" what was that? They had some pretty good reasons to be scared and angry towards Young and the military and Eli knows that better than anyone else. The way he spoke to Chloe in that conversation - if I were her, I'd have been furious.

                  He wastes everyone's time with his silly movie references - you can see how annoyed they all were in "Faith." It's not funny any more.

                  And all that spying on people - doesn't it even occur to him that that is wrong?!

                  Basically, unless something radically changes, Eli's dropping into my most-disliked character position.

                  I don't like Young, furious with what he did to Rush, but he has his moments. Or maybe it's just that I get a chuckle out of his utterly failed attempts to try to understand Rush, which he just can't do for the life of him. But some of those ridiculously paranoid accusations of his are so over-the-top that they're actually funny in a weird sort of way.


                    Originally posted by yessika View Post
                    Actually, I am liking Eli more because he seems to be separating himself (gradually) from both Young and Rush, I really just want Eli to stand on his on two feet
                    Cheer for Greer!! That's all I'm gonna say


                      Icons from Space.

                      To be continued.


                        Oh my Luciana, those are lovely "Space" icons. Mind if I snatch a few? Pretty please? I'll share Rush's lap with you LOL! xp


                          Originally posted by Luciana View Post
                          Icons from Space.
                          Beautiful! Do you use a lot a of color correction? Cuz those are gorgeous.


                            Eri Steal them all...I made them for sharing reasons.

                            rim Photoshop it's called selective coloring and I hardly make anything without using it.

                            Thank you btw. Glad you like.


                              Originally posted by Luciana View Post
                              rim Photoshop it's called selective coloring and I hardly make anything without using it.
                              oops. sorry, I use corel painter all the and it's called color correction in that. I need to spend more time in photoshop.


                                No need to be sorry.

                                I work in PS for years now. never tried anything else. ^_^

