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Robert Carlyle/Dr Nicholas Rush Thunk/Appreciation thread

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    Originally posted by jeri View Post
    As I said before: "funny how life does that". I'm sorry you had a bad day, some teachers are fools I'm afraid. They think they are preparing you for the "real world" (really they are just miserable themselves) The 'real world" is what we make it, so we should treat everyone with courtesy and kindness.
    So Say We All, Jeri!!! And some teachers think they're God's gift to their field. You need someone who will take time and explain things.


      My neighbor is now in a battle with her daughter's teacher about taking time off to go to rabbit shows. She is a huge 4Her at 16 years old. And she has the Grand National Buck champion, which frankly is a very big deal. She's been doing rabbits and goats since she was 5 and this teacher thinks it's playtime! Becca has been offered $2000 for her prize buck, and she wants to go to Stanford. She's probably learning more from 4H than that guys class. She is an Honors student too. Why pick on a kid like this?


        Originally posted by teyla-nick94 View Post
        Yesterday was a good day but was the worst day ever!! How can they do that to us?! Four Mathlessons! That was the worst day ever! And that )/"=&!?$)/&)"=$(&""§$ teacher didn't stop with his stuff! Not one single time!! My friend and I looked at each other and we were thinkin the same thing: "Why are we even here? Why didn't we stay at home?"
        Now I feel really old. As much as I hated maths my definition of worst day ever is slightly different....

        Anyway, today I was at a stable where they had (among other horses) two Shetland ponies. I coudn't take a pic, but they looked like this

        the kind where you have to wait untill it moves to tell where's front and back. They were so cute, and one's name could be translated as Huggles, and the other one's name was Bobby


          Originally posted by jeri View Post
          My neighbor is now in a battle with her daughter's teacher about taking time off to go to rabbit shows. She is a huge 4Her at 16 years old. And she has the Grand National Buck champion, which frankly is a very big deal. She's been doing rabbits and goats since she was 5 and this teacher thinks it's playtime! Becca has been offered $2000 for her prize buck, and she wants to go to Stanford. She's probably learning more from 4H than that guys class. She is an Honors student too. Why pick on a kid like this?
          That's insane. We've pulled Aurora out of school a couple of times for specific travel purposes and the teachers were usually cool about it. We took her to Philadelphia when I had a conference in Vermont the month she was studying about Ben Franklin and Betsy Ross - we ended up taking her all around historic Philadelphia, including the Betsy Ross house and Franklin's grave. She got more out of US history from that trip than she ever could have just reading about it. That teacher is wrong.


            Originally posted by Cairistiona View Post
            Now I feel really old. As much as I hated maths my definition of worst day ever is slightly different....

            Anyway, today I was at a stable where they had (among other horses) two Shetland ponies. I coudn't take a pic, but they looked like this


            the kind where you have to wait untill it moves to tell where's front and back. They were so cute, and one's name could be translated as Huggles, and the other one's name was Bobby
            Too too cute Ooooh, I love the ponies
            I would like to have one of it but my garden is too small
            by AresLover452 ^^


              Originally posted by mi_guard View Post
              I have no problems with zombie Bobby, I have problem with Durza Bobby
              I think it was Egle who had the problem with zombie Bobby. But I prefer the pic in spoiler tags, too.


                Originally posted by Duval View Post
                Too too cute Ooooh, I love the ponies
                I would like to have one of it but my garden is too small
                Yes, they are cute and small and very HUNGRY


                  Originally posted by Cairistiona View Post
                  Yes, they are cute and small and very HUNGRY
                  They need a lot of energy, for their days so difficult
                  by AresLover452 ^^


                    Haha! Just like goats, they have such hectic schedules. Eat, sleep, walk around, repeat.


                      Originally posted by jeri View Post
                      Haha! Just like goats, they have such hectic schedules. Eat, sleep, walk around, repeat.
                      As my cats, eat, sleep, eat, sleep, play, caress, sleep, eat....
                      A life very hard
                      by AresLover452 ^^


                        Originally posted by Duval View Post
                        As my cats, eat, sleep, eat, sleep, play, caress, sleep, eat....
                        A life very hard
                        We humans are stupid! We are being manipulated by these creatures! We feed them, play with them and cater to their every whim, we are their slaves.


                          Originally posted by jeri View Post
                          We humans are stupid! We are being manipulated by these creatures! We feed them, play with them and cater to their every whim, we are their slaves.

                          Oh yes and these naughty animals are not always affectionate, they always take all the bed and think that houses belongs to them
                          by AresLover452 ^^


                            Originally posted by Duval View Post

                            Oh yes and these naughty animals are not always affectionate, they always take all the bed and think that houses belongs to them
                            And still, we adore them. I will make a pet out of this fellow, he looks like he could use a hug in this photo.


                              Originally posted by jeri View Post
                              And still, we adore them. I will make a pet out of this fellow, he looks like he could use a hug in this photo.

                              Too cute Ooooooooooooh, I too want him as small pet
                              And it's true, he seems to need a hug and a bath also, he needs that we take care of him
                              by AresLover452 ^^


                                by AresLover452 ^^

