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    To wait or not to wait?

    I was going to buy season two of SGU on blu-ray this month, but I've just learned that it's been discontinued.
    Should I wait until they release a blu-ray set or should I just go with the DVD?

    It's annoying because I have the first season on blu-ray and really wanted to get the second on blu-ray also.

    I want to support the show too because I figure buying the dvd can help in the sales which can only be a good thing for the show.

    I don't expect a season 2 Bluray to be released, but I wouldn't be surprised if there was a complete series one in the works. If you've already bought season one separately though, I'd just buy the DVD.


      No BD, no buy. Sorry Stargate, but if your distributor are going to be a bunch of cheap buggers and release only sub-standard quality after releasing Season 1 on BD, they can go to hell.
      "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life


        With so many options out there (Amazon, iTunes, Netflix, SyFy HD) for hi-def viewings of the show I see no reason in settling for the DVD. I'm another one of the no Blu-ray no buy kind of people. Especially when the first season was released on Blu-ray and they were both broadcast in HD.

        However if you don't mind waiting, I'm sure there will eventually be one. Maybe not on it's own but rather the entire series. If Atlantis got it for sure SGU will get it.
        Originally posted by dacooker
        The ships named Destiny for a reason....three years my friend, three years....


          Originally posted by DigiFluid View Post
          No BD, no buy. Sorry Stargate, but if your distributor are going to be a bunch of cheap buggers and release only sub-standard quality after releasing Season 1 on BD, they can go to hell.
          I agree, i am waiting for BD the complete franchise......


            For me...

            After watching season 1 in standard def because my cable company is to cheap to buy SyFy HD and then season 2 in 720p on Netflix...

            There is absolutely no way I would buy a DVD of SGU. The difference was absolutely astounding.

            The only way I'll buy the series is if it's a Blue Ray box set of both seasons.

            Blue Ray


              I bought the Blue Ray of season 1 and don't even have a player! I display the BR with a note that reads "if I only had a BR Player" hoping my family will take the hint, but alas one whole Christmas and a birthday have passed to no avail! Too bad they know about my ITunes!
              Last edited by jeri; 26 July 2011, 03:32 PM. Reason: spelling!


                Originally posted by jeri View Post
                I bought the Blue Ray of season 1 and don't even have a player! I display the BR with a note that reads "if I only had a BR Player" hoping my family will take the hint, but alas one whole Christmas and a birthday have passed to no avail! Too bad they know about my ITunes!
                Maybe this Christmas.


                  I must say that this attitude suprises me a little (even if I totally understand it)

                  DVD sales are the one area where fans on an individual level can really show thier support for a product. If you don't buy into the DVD set (which for those of you with BR/BD players I can totally understand) the chances of a BR release drop off. I would suspect that the very reason there is no BR release is entirely based on the sales of S1 (in all formats) and if S2 tanks in sales, the chances of a "complete set" on BR or DVD format drop off as well. No one really want's to be "goldmined" by the studio's/destributors, but in alot of ways, they pretty much have the fans by the proverbial "short and curlies"
                  A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                  The truth isn't the truth


                    I didn't mention that I did buy the regular DVD as well, but I really want a BR player too. Just didn't want to admit what a silly fangirl I am!


                      Originally posted by jeri View Post
                      I didn't mention that I did buy the regular DVD as well, but I really want a BR player too. Just didn't want to admit what a silly fangirl I am!

                      There is nothing wrong with being a fan, AT ALL.
                      A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                      The truth isn't the truth


                        I suppose this is one of those times I'm just as glad to be so slow with new technology - no BluRay player at our house, so the DVDs suit me just fine. But I totally understand everyone's frustration!
                        Goodbye and Good Travels, Destiny!


                          Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post

                          There is nothing wrong with being a fan, AT ALL.
                          Thanks G1976, I just wonder about my sanity at times!


                            I have to wait... untill my order arrives from the us, they had to reship it! I could not wait, a because I have no bluray player b because I am impatient!


                              I have no Blu-Ray player either. And where I am (Estonia), I know of at least two households that don't have a Blu-Ray player anywhere, bust most have DVD players. I can't recall any household in my social sphere that actually has a Blu-Ray player, even in a computer.

                              The difference between DVD and Blu-Ray is in coloration and lighting, which is better with Blu-Ray.

                              If you can afford a Blu-Ray player _and_ a large wide-screen television, then you can afford a DVD box set and then later on a Blu-Ray box set. In such as situation, the "No Blu-Ray, No Buy" meme is not good, because you need to show your support to MGM about SGU, that it would be worthwhile for them to publish Season 2 in Blu-Ray.

                              For example, buy a Season 2 DVD box set, ask for a receipt (cheque), hand-write on it that you want a Blu-Ray release and then snailmail it to MGM/Spyglass.

                              Anyways, if you buy a DVD box set now, you can surely wait for the Blu-Ray release and buy it then. Once you have the latter, you can donate the former to friends and family or even your local library, if in good condition and depending on policy (some only accept new items in shrinkwrap condition, more humble ones might accept used, if items are in good condition).

                              Donating to libraries and troops away from home are actually very good ideas, which were used to campaign and help gain momentum to get financing for a Farscape miniseries to wrap up a major storyline. I mean, Ben Browder and Claudia Black wouldn't have been in SG-1 were they in the first place not in Farscape (which incidentally was cancelled by skiffy, too).
                              • I'm a fan of this awesome Trek webcomic: (archived)
                              • Eesti on ilus, ja troppide parteide poliitikud pole enam Raudse Leedi valitsuses.
                              • I chose the Gate avatar, because it was difficult to choose between SGU character pictures of someone who I thought I was like, and someone who I was fond of. :>

